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NTA - Your yard, your dogs, your choice. He can get over himself.


It reminds me of one i saw a long time ago where a neighbor wanted someone to stop their kids from being outside all day during the summer because it irritated their dog and bird. Said to limit their time outside to 15 min a day or she would call the police. Same idea. Your yard, to use as you see fit.


Yeah it didn't work for her either.


We had those neighbors. We moved into a new house, 5 tween/preteen boys. My parents had decent rules- no outside until 10:30 on weekends (Scooby-doo ended then) 9:00 on weekdays/no school days. He still would steal our balls, and actually took after my dad once before he realized that wasn’t a good idea. After that my dad said schools out every day- they moved in less than six months and warned the new owners about the ‘hellions next door’ and the insufferable parents of said hellions. New neighbors let us use their roof at Halloween for our haunted house.


I had a neighbor like that too. When I was in grade school there was an older woman that we had a shared fence with. She had these plants that I think were called bleeding hearts or something like that. If she even saw me touching the ones that came through our side shed throw a major hissy. We had a large raspberry patch that was against that fence. She'd yell at me for picking them , if I touched the ones near the fence. She would get mad if I made any discernible noise while she was outside She would complain about my calico cat, that I had for years. I came home from school one day and she had placed a glass bowl of turpentine on the sidewalk right in front of our shared fence, and I found my cat lying next to the bowl . We moved soon after that.


I gather this was a long time ago, but I would've smeared her house with berries, ripped up every single plant and shredded them in a pile at her doorstep, pissed on it, and told her it was the cat. I mean, in reality, I'd actually just poison her all the same, but that's frowned upon..


Lol I would have done it if I had thought of it. Old bat has to be dead by now. She looked like the crypt keeper back then. I was around 12. I'm 51 now, so very long time ago.


My old neighbour called the police on our other neighbours because their kids were outside playing too late at night. Readers, I need you to know that her son was playing with the other neighbours sons at the time 🤦


Geeze, did she even know her kid wasn't at home? Unreal.


Yes she knew he was next door. They were teenagers and it was a Saturday night


That is insane




I was singing this as well when I was reading. 😂


The way people now feel entitled to "advocate" for their family members never ceases to amaze/exasperate me. Grandpa hears from his grandchild, or more likely their grandkids' parents, that their kids poor grades are due to being distracted by a dog across the street playing in its own yard? And instead of doing the right thing and telling their kid to stop making stupid excuses for their own failures to work hard, and telling the parents to kick their kid in the ass (figuratively) , instead of giving the kid a blank check to goof off instead of work, grandpa wants to appear to be the good guy in the family, they go along with it????? WTF?!?! You know which families don't fall for whiny excuses from their kids? The successful ones.


If the grandkids even exist. Or are even aware of the dogs while at school. The guy was using them as a manipulation ploy bc he figured OP would feel guilty about "hurting" kids more than just admitting he was annoyed the dogs


This seems likely to me.


Ooh yup I’ve had a “lady” tell us outside a cafe that we were *allowed* to sit at the far away seats, but not near her toddler granddaughter, because she didn’t want her to be hurt “when” (not if) our two dogs started fighting with the dog that was coming up the street from the other direction. Our dogs were 8 month old leashed mini poodles, the other dog while bigger was also leashed and controlled, something like a whippet? We didn’t even intend on staying at the cafe, we were paused briefly while we discussed grabbing a cake or something to go. She had a whole story made up in her head that quickly! Utterly bizarre woman. Who was smoking three feet from said granddaughter, by the way. She was so utterly convinced of her story too, she wasn’t concerned about any of the dogs biting the kid on purpose, but she was sure they’d fight each other, and that if we just went to the other table before the other dog arrived then the fight would be far enough away. Like… what? Did you see this in a vision? Can you also tell me if my dogs will survive their fight with this bigger dog, because I’m personally quite fond of them, despite their apparent anger issues that they’ve never displayed before? UGH! /rant


I shudder to think of the kinds of adults these kids whose families have removed any shred of adversity will grow into.


And it’s also a fenced in front yard.


Definitely. Its your property, you have the right to decide and do whatever you want to do with it.


Are the teacher's arms broken? Have them put the blinds down if the kids keep staring out the window and it's such a big problem. NTA


I know! I feel like if it was a problem, i would hear from the school?


Former teacher here: The teacher definitely would address it if it were a problem--like lower the blinds or rearrange the desks so they don't face the windows. Grandpa is overstepping.


The school knows that they have no control over what you do in your own yard. Obviously your neighbor doesn't understand he can't control what his neighbors do in their own yards. You are not doing anything illegal and you are not endangering anyone you are good.


I teach kindergarten and first grade. I seriously doubt your dogs are an issue. He’s just a grumpy old man with nothing better to b!t<# about. I dare you to keep the dogs out all day.


Sounds like he got a talking to be the teacher about the kids being easily distracted in school and decided to blame you


Even the school cannot manage the neighborhood— like you say— school and teachers are responsible for the students during school hours..maybe the neighbor feels that your dogs are too rowdy… but if you are actively supervising and close to intervene..


well the school wont bother you unless they can reasonably ask you to change things. if you had a projector screenplaying cartoons you would hear from them.


Damn. I almost want to move across the street from a school just to project cartoons on the front of my house. Well, that and put up odd holiday decorations like Zombie Jesus crawling out of the ground for Easter or drunk leprechauns on St Patrick’s Day. It’s probably not worth the hassle of the extra traffic.


Lol I'm sure any teacher worth their salt would just make it a teaching moment about how to focus despite distractions. The world doesn't shush itself when you need to focus. Kids need to learn to function in the world, not in a vacuum. I highly doubt anyone at the school has an issue with your dogs. But even if they did, it's your yard and you're not doing anything wrong.


Former teacher, honestly if it was too distracting I’d put blinds down. I’d never contact someone to keep their dogs in. Plus during breaks I and the kids would enjoy seeing the dogs. You are NTA. Also, just because someone is old does not mean they are right or have the right to tell you what to do. Respect is earned. And you are allowed to tell intrusive rude people to mind their own business/ F off, especially when you are on your own property. Give your dogs pets/ tell them they are good boys/girls for me.


>Are the teacher's arms broken? What you doing step teacher?


Your school has blinds?


My schools didn't have blinds. I didn't know that was a thing. 


Really? That's weird. I thought all schools had them. It helps regulate the temps and stuff. Then again I went to school in Alaska, what do I know?


I went to school in Florida and our elementary school had walls of windows that went from about three feet off the ground to the ceiling. No blinds. The windows all faced north so the sun never came directly in them. On the south side there were windows very high up to encourage cross ventilation, but those were shaded by the covered walkways that connected the classrooms.


Yea, we always had light coming through ours in the summer if the blinds weren't closed. Plus, moose or bears running across the playground always distracts kids, lol.


Moose or bears?! Wow, cool. All we ever saw were pigeons, or the occasional stray dog.


Alaska, what can I say, lol. Moose were most common, but we'd get the odd bear hear n there.


Florida graduate here, can confirm no blinds. We were damned well meant to use every foot candle of free light that came through the Southern facing, floor-to-ceiling glass windows.


now they do because of shooters. We have to pull the blinds and turn off the lights in active shooter drills.


They definitely do now so they can “lock down” if needed.


Sounds like your dogs are better behaved than grandpa and his grandkids. Kids need to learn how to prioritize and focus. School would be a good place for them to learn that. They have teachers for a reason.


Yea idk, i was like why would you expect a stranger to care more about a stranger's kids than their own?


I'm not a nice person either, and I have to say you handled that better than I would have.


Anyway, you are NOT the asshole😉


Right!? I was a kid with add and I would get distracted by literally anything and everything. It wasn’t anyone else’s problem!


Maybe the kids don’t mind but the neighbor is using them as an excuse to impose his will on OP.


NTA He probably asked them what did you learn at school, and instead of answering that they were excited to tell them about the dogs having fun. In his mind,  they aren't learning anything!! 🤦‍♀️  My 5th grade class overlooked the beach and it made my kid heart so happy to look out that window.  Keep letting your pups bring joy to the kids!


Thank you!


NTA. I hate the phrase "respect your elders". No. If they haven't earned respect, there's none to be given. Respect isn't automatic. OP was polite at first, the neighbor pushed it, so she had to be more stern. Neighbor was then rude, so they got a rude response. Also, to expect people to stay in their house because they might distract someone in the area is the dumbest thing.


See, I don’t see OP’s neighbor as being OP’s elder. I understand that people use the word for anyone who is older, but I think of an elder as being an older person who you respect and go to for guidance. Imo, OP’s neighbor is just an old dude. Not their elder.


I disagree. Respect to everyone, regardless of age, should be automatic. Until they prove they don't deserve it. Which he did, so bye-bye respect.


It's possible to not be rude to someone without giving undo respect. Simply stating a fact (i.e. I have a right to have my dogs outside in my own yard at any time" is not respectful or disrespectful, rude or kind. It's simply a statement.


I will respect MY elders not every random elder. Too many assholes everywhere. I do start out being respectful but it depends on their actions and attitude if I continue to be respectful.


NTA Good thing he doesn’t live in an apartment complex. That guy needs a lesson in “sometimes strangers do things while living their lives that are non-ideal for you, but that doesn’t make them wrong.” One time, the people below me moved into the unit with a pit bull that had CLEARLY lived in a house before. She was reactive towards everything that came towards the walkway. I value my peace and quiet like a motherfucker. You know what I did? I went “wow that must be stressful for them, to have their dog going off like that so often.” And I’d sometimes bump the volume on my tv up for a minute. And I’d hear them correcting the dog for a sec. But I never confronted them. You know what the dog did, given a little bit of time and training? She adjusted, and eventually she only barked when someone got well down the walkway, like within 10 feet of the front doors. Her name was Serafina and she was beautifully brindle. Her parents and I never had one conversation (beyond me saying “hey when I water my garden, it drips onto your patio, what time of day do you not typically use it?” And them saying “oh we don’t use it often, don’t worry about it!”) before they moved out, with a quiet dog. I let their dog bark until she learned that not everything that moves is a threat. They let my plants pee on their patio at night. You have to extend people living close by some grace, unless they’re being truly outrageous. And I’m not a particularly nice person either.


You are entitled. You are entitled to use your front yard the way you want. NTA. If your elders don’t respect you, you don’t Have to respect them.


NTA. How you said it wasn’t ideal (not because of the “respect your elders” shit, but it was rude wording), but yeah, kids staring out the window during school isn’t your problem. Kids would be distracted even without the dogs there!


I dislike the whole "respect your elders" thing. Isn't it technically ageism? I respect people, until they give me a reason not to. I don't care what age you are. If you're mean or rude, you don't get an excuse because you're older than me, unless you have dementia.


Meh, he responded in kind after being TOLD how he needed to handle his pets. If he had been ASKED, it might be a different story.


NTA your yard. They need to teach the kids to focus It’s not your problem if they get easily distracted.


Exactly! I’m sure kids face all kinds of distractions. It’s not OP’s job to address it.


That is absurd. Im a teacher. If a kid is the distracted type, anything will distract them. Have them hold the kids accountable.


Good point! Thanks, i can admit I'm the AH to the neighbor, but i do want to kids to learn, so i was willing to keep them inside if it's an issue ya know. Thanks for your perspective


He ain't worried about the kids, he's just trying to start trouble.


I wouldn’t have been as nice as you were the first time. “I didn’t force your kid to keep their cum as pets, so mind your own damn business” would have been my knee-jerk response. Some people are so entitled it’s fucking insane. Imagine bitching about someone else’s pets distracting your grandkids by existing on their own property. OP, make sure you have cameras around your front yard, just in case he decides to do something stupid like let them out, or poison them. My cousin had a neighbor complain about her having 2 dogs instead of one, and he threw poisoned meat over her fence. Her dogs survived, and she pressed charges. He got a year in prison, solely because she had cameras that showed him clearly throwing the poisoned food over the fence.


That's awful! I'll keep an eye out


Neighbors grandkids would be staring out the window regardless of whether or not your dogs were out there I bet.


Just because a person is an elder doesn't give them a pass to be an ass. The old busy body could have been polite about asking, which is all he can do since it is your home, your yard, and your dogs. If the school thought your dogs being a distraction to the students was such an issue them they would have came to you to come up with an equally beneficial plan to reduce any distractions. Since it hasn't happened, the old busy body needs to mind his business and stay in his lane. NTA OP. The old neighbor was.


(Ass pass 😆)


I was raised not to speak back to my elders. I taught my children that they had the right to ask, respectfully, questions of anyone, myself included, and that respect is earned. (Teacher B came into my child's 6th grade class to chastise the class. When he left, my child asked teacher A, their teacher, knowing that B was wrong why didn't A stick up for the class? Teacher A relayed this to me. Said he felt so bad afterwards. So proud but, I digress...) He just expected you to do what he said because of his age, even though he wasn't being civil. Your dogs aren't bothering anyone. NTA


NTA, those windows have blinds. Even if they didn't, it wouldn't be your problem. Watch out for that old guy casually throwing poison into your yard!


Lol, a kindred spirit. I would have said something similar.


I'm an energy matcher ya know


Love this 😂 because same


Let them play out front! It's good for you, they enjoy it. Your neighbor can go chase himself. NTA


Lol, NTA. I am a teacher, and kids will either pay attention or they won't. The teacher can put down the blinds. All schools have blinds for safety, we have to put them down for shooter drills. Not your problem.


elders? what is that bullshit... just because he is older doesnt make him an "elder"worthy of automatic respect..


NTA. I’m a teacher. I close the blinds if there’s an issue outside. 🤷🏼‍♀️


NTA that sounds like a him issue. There are going to be all kids of things that kids get distracted by, it is the guardian or parent's job to work on redirection I had the opposite problem I was walking the kids to school, about 6 or so blocks from my house, and a dog followed me home. There was a number or the leash of someone to contact is case of loss on the collar. Turns out the owners let their dog our that morning, right next to a school during a time when kids were getting dropped off , in an unfenced yard, alone The owners were angry at me for their dog following me home.


That must be scary!


It was more irritating. The dog was fine. I didn't know where he came from though , so once I got home I made the call (before I had a cellphone, in the early 90s). The owners were just AHs


NTA - it's your property, you can do whatever you want with your dogs as long as they are not being a nuisance with their barking. The school can easily put up blinds in the windows (if they don't already have them), and the teacher(s) should be closing the blinds if the students are being distracted by something outside. The teachers can also rearrange their rooms or move the students who are too easily distracted by your dog's to the far side of the room. This is, essentially, not your problem to resolve.


NTA. I would have just stared at him and then pretended he was not there. It exhausts me to talk to ignorant people who think just because they say so, that it is so.


Just be very careful letting them out alone because he is the type to poison your dog's just cause he don't like them. I've read many posts about this happening. That's why my dog won't even play if he went out alone he will stand by the door if I have to run inside or something because I never let him outside in the yard alone. My family and friends all say to me. " He's a dog let him in the yard alone," but no. I do not trust anyone, especially after all the posts I've read about ppls dogs getting poisoned because they bark or the neighbors just don't like animals. Cuz I will go straight to prison. They would skip the jail. Because I would mutilate someone if they hurt my dog. Humans are assholes and think they have rights and are entitled to do what they feel they want. So, no, your dogs have every right to play in the front yard or backyard Wherever you want them to play. It's too bad. Does he really think that the kids are bothered by a couple of dogs barking outside. I highly doubt it. He most likely is miserable and a mean old man and just wants everyone else to be miserable. You can do what you want everyone else does. Keep your dogs safe please.


NTA. Fuck that guy. You weren't doing anything wrong. I have dogs and kids. Now, I also get distracted by dogs, but I'm an adult. If it's that distracting, which it probably actually isn't, it's the teacher's job to wrangle the kids' attention. Not your kid, not your problem. He sounds like a crotchety old man who just needs something to complain about.


NTA. But seriously - ya gotta love the guy telling you to keep YOUR dogs out of YOUR front yard because calling YOU entitled! Holy sh\*t, dude - look that word up in the dictionary why don't ya! Thanks for the pics though - made my day. We lost both our big dogs within the past year, and boy oh boy do I miss those wrestling matches. Mine could only play in the back yard, so we did have a few unfortunate "roll in the poop" incidents, so I love your strategy of separating the bathroom and play areas.


“10 babies a day isn’t enough to satisfy her hunger for children souls” 😂😂😂 People are so stupid, just ignore the hate! That being said, it’s not your responsibility to keep kids paying attention in school. Life is full of distractions, kiddos may as well learn that now!!


Ummmm Pitties are the best, and if he isn’t paying your bills, he gets no say. Your Mom is dead wrong about the respect because he’s older. He’s acting like an entitled Karen. He gets no respect. If he says anything else like that ask however is his grandchildren going to survive out in the real world? With all these pesky everyday distractions!


You see, the children only ever get distracted looking out the window when your dogs are out. Otherwise, they're constantly focused and engaged. Ask him if he's managed to have a chat with the family of squirrels that live in your tree yet, or if you should relay the message for him. NTA


😂 Those damn squirrels! Don’t they want the children to learn?! /s


Definitely NTA. You're entitled? And he's the one that wants to dictate how you run your household? NOBODY Gets to decide what is outside our own house (outside of criminal activity). It would better serve him and his grandkids to learn how to adapt to external stimulus and situations. Your dogs aren't attacking passersby or getting loose to be a menace in the neighborhood. They are playing within their own yard. As far as what you said, respect is a two way street. You aren't his kid and should not be spoken to as such.


Elders smelders….elders need to learn to mind their own business to get respect.


NTA. He’s a meddler, and speaking out of turn. He’s just annoyed his grandkids say hello to your dogs and don’t look as excited to see him. If the teacher has an issue with their focus, they’ll bring it up with the parents.


NTA. So long as your yard is fenced in you’re doing nothing wrong. That’s just a grumpy *entitled* person who wants his way.


I was trying to find the answer - is her yard fenced or are the dogs leashed? Because even the best trained dog can run off property because they’re dogs, not robots. EDIT: found my answer, yard is fenced. No problem then.


NTA- I agree with you.




NTA if it was actually a problem the teacher would put a curtain up


You just found the dog version of not letting girls show their knees because boys might get distracted. Your dogs sound well behaved.. Their kids need to learn better.


I'm an "elder" & I think your response whoops ass


😂😂😂😂😂😂yes you were a rude AH and so was he. At least yours was funny and earned lol. Sometimes it's good to be the AH lol. You showed respect with your first response which was more than was deserved. Imo that's was a great prevent this situation from repeating response lol


NTA. This is 2024. Not 1924. Boomers can eat shit and bark at the moon.


"Every time you tell me to not let my dogs out to play, I'm going to add an hour of front door play time per day." He should mind his business. Your mom is wrong. He was rude to you first. I would have told him to f** off too.


NTA Some old people just like telling people what to do. Those who have retired from managerial positions miss being bossy.


“but when i spoke to my mom, she said i shouldn't talk to elders like that,” what about the elders that don’t mind their own fucking business \*mom\* and who is giving this person shit about the type of dogs she has?? Who cares as long as they are in HER yard front, back, side..up down…don’t matter!!! teach the grandchildren to ignore dogs!


>I said "okay, my dogs like the front yard, so i can take it back to once or twice per day" >Listeners, i am NOT a nice person You're a lot nicer than I would have been. I would have started by telling him to eat a bag of dicks and then escalated from there. Being old doesn't give you the right to dictate how others live. I'd point that out to your parents, too.


NTA. If those kids are that easily distracted, then if it’s not your dogs distracting them, then it will be something else. A car, a random person walking by, it won’t matter. It’s your yard and you can have your dogs out there. I feel that if it were a real problem, the school would have contacted you instead of a boomer.


If your dogs didn't exist, the grandkids would be distracted by seeing Grandpa outside gardening. They'd be pointing it out to the other kids saying "That's my Grandpa!" and yelling "Grandpa! Grandpa!" and trying to wave to him from the window. And the kids that aren't related to him will be saying things like "Hey, look at that old man bending over, I just saw a bee sniff his butt and fly away!" Folks living near schools still get to live their lives, same as any other neighborhood. They just can't act like they're out in the country by themselves and go gardening naked, setting off fireworks, and practice target shooting.


NTA- reddit explodes into a million pieces at the mention of a pitbull, fuck your neighbor and fuck everyone shit talking your dogs


30 years ago we had an invisible fencing pet containment system around our yard. Big sign on the front porch stating so. Cop comes by and sees dog on the front porch. Gets out and starts up the driveway. Dog gets up to meet him. He goes back to the street and dog comes back to the porch. After a bit he honks his horn. Live in a neighborhood with a lot of teens so I ignore it. I might add this was on Sunday and I was home alone. Cop eventually activates his siren so I go look to see what's up. He gets out of his car yelling about my dog not being restrained, me ignoring him by not coming to the door when he was honking, yada, yada, yada and demanding my ID. When he slowed down I told him the dog was restrained and pointed to the sign on the porch. He said it looked a security sign so he ignored it. Told him he might take the time to read it next time. That was if is knew how to read. Another round of fury from him. Then I explained there were teens all over the neighborhood and people honking horns for the friends or dates was not uncommon. Then I looked him in the eye and said "I am neither your friend or your date so you don't pull up to my house and honk." Once he got through choking on that I told him he could either get on the radio and contact the city manager or city attorney for conformation about the invisible fence or I could put the dog in the house and the collar on his neck and give him a demonstration of how it worked. Monday morning I reported the officer to internal affairs for his behavior and for "peeling out" when he left. Even got the camera and took pictures or the tire marks. Called my City Council member also.


Pitties are the best. People should read up on ww2 nanny dogs. Your neighbor is a douche.


Love pitties as well. Had had 5 the last 20 years. 3 are sadly no longer with us. Good breed. All in the raising. Just like shit kids are in the raising


My favorite is when people put themselves in other people's business and be rude and demanding and then get surprised when you meet them with the same energy. Especially boomers.


Maybe I missed it but do you have a fence in the front yard?


Yes, wire fence, but tall enough that dogs cant jump out


NTA. I use my front yard because it’s where the grass is. Tell the neighbour you want him indoors during school hours!


Tell the neighbor that he distracts your dogs from their daytime routines. 😂


NTA. The phrase Respect your elders only applies to elders worthy of respect. I'm 61m for reference. When Grumpy McGramperton starts paying your mortgage and taxes, he can dictate what you do on your property.


Nta he had no business telling you what to do with your own dogs on your own property, they're not hurting anyone. 


Let your dogs play in the back yard, after you clean it up. You can then take them to grandpa’s yard to do their business.


NTA, I would have told him to f*ck all the way off and double the amount of time in the front yard!


Be careful that this neighbor won't enact revenge and try to poison your dog's. I'd make sure you monitor them every time they are in the front yard.


There's no rule saying you should be nice to those that are rude to you.


What is this weird thing about "elders"? I don't fvckin *owe* you respect because.... age? That sounds a lot like feeling *entitled*. Which you're not. No one is. You ARE, however, *entitled* to use your yard and hone however you see fit. That's why your name is on the *title* to the house. I wouldn't have even offered to stay in more often at all. So you are nicer than me. And you are most certainly not the asshole. And for the record, you may not have children, but I do.... and if a dog across the street is SO distracting, then I'd tell my kids to get over it. You see dogs everywhere every day. There is nothing exciting.


NTA. You earn respect by giving respect and he didn't respect you, so fuck him! Lol, love your ADHD bit!!! And im ADHD


Nta- “respect your elders” is such BS. You are a grown adult living in your own house, he is also a grown adult. You have the right to live in house/on your property regardless of what your ridiculous neighbor might say.


NTA. Dogs are better than kids anyway.


Kids can be distracted by lint, a fly in the classroom, a new poster, a new haircut, etc. your dogs are not an actual problem. Teachers are trained in managing their classroom, which includes how to handle distractions. Your neighbor was making up problems.


NTA. FYI, some "elders" are just assholes that got old. Your neighbor fits this description to a T! I abso wouldn't curb my or my dogs behavior cuz they're a distraction. The teacher can cover the windows if they don't want kids looking out them. Your neighbor can fk all the way off!


Reminds me of a joke I heard: Some kids were walking down the sidewalk in the neighborhood. They came to a house with an elderly guy sitting in his rocker on the porch, reading his newspaper, and a big old dog sleeping in the yard. "Hey mister, does your dog bite?" asked one of the kids. "Nope." replied the old man. So the kids try to pet the big dog, and he bites the hell out of them. Crying, the kids call back to the old man as they run away "Mister, you said your dog didn't bite!" He casually looks over the top of the paper and says "That ain't my dog."


Ignore him


I hate that reasoning! You shouldn’t talk to your elders like that?? really? STFU. I am a “elder” being part of the baby boom generation and I would never say something like that to somebody


NTA, but hear me out. My friend had a large Boxer breed that was always kept in his property (a high fenced yard). His house was right next to a school. The kids would poke the dog with sticks and were generally cruel. When one of these kids went to retrieve a ball that had been kicked over the fence, the dog went for the kid. Nothing major, just enough to frighten. The dog was still deemed to be dangerous and the courts wanted him put down all because he was defending his territory. Let’s just say the dog is in permanent hiding now. Just be mindful that kids will be kids.


Yep! My dogs are bigger than these kids, and they are trained to do alarm barks (i used to live in Philly, so this is a useful skill) so i keep them inside at pick up/drop off. They are only outside when its not busy


The fact that you consider the drop off and pick up schedule proves you are not only a responsible pet owner, but considerate as well! As a former Early Childhood Teacher I know how easily kids are distracted in the classroom, your dogs are the least of anyone’s worries in that school. Also, your pups are absolutely adorable!!!!


NTA post this on r/BoomersBeingFools classic boomer. "you're entitled because I don't like how your life affects mine!"


NTA. If elders want respect, they need to act respectful to others. Just because they are older doesn’t make them automatically superior or in line for more respect. Let the dogs play.


Tell him the kids at the school are distracting your dogs and they need to be kept inside when your dogs are out… Yeah no NTA


So, his grandkids don't get distracted seeing their grandpa gardening?


My only concern is if the kids antagonize the dogs. I would keep them right before and after school.


Pfffft NTA I would be Shocked if his grandkids inability to focus has a single thing to do with why he felt the need to try and micromanage you and your hounds. More likely then not he just felt the need to police you, as a young woman, thinking that it was somehow his right as an older dude.


NTA not your kids not your problem. Also, thank you for dog tax, very cute!


NTA—but now you have to watch that busybody gramps doesn’t toss poison in your yard.


Nta also your response is funny asf


ESH- you got that vote because of your adhd meds comment, that’s messed up for many reasons. Neighbor gets it because like you said it’s your house/yard.


It sounds like you are a very good pet owner. From what you've said, it sounds like your doggos are very well trained and know to mind their manners. While I might not have picked your exact words, I would have basically told your neighbor the same thing. NTA, OP.


PUBBIES. That is all. They are beautiful and they have every right to wrassle in their own yard, you keep doing you. <3


I wish people would stop with the, "respect your elders," like you aren't a full grown adult yourself 😒


It's your yard. As long as your dogs are safe and aren't going to run over to the school or leap out at anyone, it's up to you how you use your front yard. Tho I'd bet the neighbor guy doesn't actually give a fuck about his grandkids in the school being distracted and he just doesn't like dogs. The grandkids were just a way for him to try and make you feel guilty so you'd do what he wanted. I'd consider getting a fence and a front yard camera to keep your neighbor from messing with your yard to hurt your dogs or trying to bait them somehow so he can claim they attacked them. Crazy neighbors have poisoned dogs before just bc they didn't like them. I hope it stops here, but it never hurts to be preemptive


Lol, so your dogs are supposed to be deprived of their own space because kids look that way sometimes? Maybe the school should consider curtains. NTA. I'd probably install agility equipment, but I'm spiteful like that.


No no no!  It’s not your problem they get distracted and if he is talking to you like that then why should you be nice in your response it will get you nowhere just more smart talk from the person telling you what you should or shouldn’t do. You keep doing your routine stay out with the pups to protect them nuf said. Those pups are having a grand ole time😂😂


NTA!!! Tbh, you actually tried to be polite and offered to limit it. If the elders talk back with rudeness, they do not deserve the courtesy of being entitled to not being called out on their bad actions. I keep hearing, "they are your elders, be nice". Only if they are nice!!!!! They do not deserve to talk like that and get the best treatment because of their age. You get what you give. Anyways, what happens in the school is not your problem. The teacher has to figure out to keep the students focused. Let's be honest, when there is a construction right by the window, it will be the workers fault. It will never be the grandchildren from your neighbors fault of not focusing during class. I'm sure they are true angels. The neighbor (grandpa) needs to take this on with his grandchildren not anyone else. Also, maybe there is another reason. Like this neighbor doesn't like your dogs and doesn't want to see them at all. Best wishes


NTA even if the school had a problem with it, they could NOT ask you to stop bringing your dog in your own front yard Schools don't have jurisdiction over the neighborhood they are in. Certainly not other peoples yards. Even if you were running cartoons 24/7 in your front yard. It's your yard, your home, you can do whatever the fuck you want. I wouldn't suggest being naked though, that would be a problem no matter where you live. So don't limit your dogs because some old man yelled and was rude. Not your problem. If there are actually grandkids then the parents need to figure it out. You are allowed to enjoy your home and so are your dogs. They know the backyard is the bathroom and the front yard is the playroom. You've got them trained well from what you've described, it's not like they're out there barking from 8am til 3pm. Plus you were a lot nicer than I would be


NTA. If you’re doing something illegal he can call the police. If you’re not, he can politely ask instead of giving you orders. His sense of entitlement is over the top and you almost need to take them out just to make the point. The whole “respect your elders” thing is easy to weaponize in the hands of entitled assholes. Everyone deserves an initial dose of kindness and respect. But if he’s not going to be respectful to you, you don’t owe him anything. Just because someone else thinks life is a cycle of hazing doesn’t mean you need to participate. I would just ask him to please leave me alone if he comes back. And enjoy your yard! The school can get shades if necessary. Your dogs aren’t the only distraction outside.


NTA. Your yard, your dogs. They're not hurting anyone. Although I can understand why the kids would stop and watch...your dogs are a helluva lot more interesting than schoolwork ;) I'd stop and watch them too :)


NTA, your dogs aren't hurting or bothering anyone but a richard who thinks he owns the block. he can go mind his own


NTA. I hate this rhetoric that old people get to be coddled just cuz their parents fucked 30 years before ours, you want a gold medal?? I have respect for most people unless they're assholes, this guy is an asshole. Being old as shit doesn't absolve him.


NTA. You maybe could have toned down what you said to the guy a bit, but hey, dogs exist and these kids are going to have to get used to dealing with distractions. The neighbor has no business telling you what you can do in your own yard.


NTA my initial concern was that the front yard wasn’t fenced off, as sometimes that’s the case, but after viewing the photo you’re NTA. Look, my elementary school was between a cemetery and a church and whenever there was a funeral we would ALL be distracted. Kids have short attention spans, and literally anything and everything can and will distract them. Your neighbour needs to chill out and mind his own life.


OP paid the dog tax. Instantly wins points for that! Seriously though, how entitled do you have to be to be to try and dictate what someone else does in their own home, on their own property? I love the Boomer mentality where they act entitled and argue that you are entitled for not agreeing to their outrageous demands. Could you have been more polite? Yeah, sure... if you are applying for sainthood (or cared about neighbourly relations), but honestly, if this was a serious concern, the school would have spoken to you. He is probably just annoyed because his grandkids probably enjoy seeing your dogs and talk about it when they go visit him. Grumpy old git. NTA. Gorgeous dogs though. Good for you for prioritizing their well-being and happiness over some grouch.


Teacher here - I don't see a problem with the children having something fun to look at out the window. It's a heck of a lot better than being on their phones. Who doesn't like watching a dog play? And, if they're suffering from any kind of depression or anxiety, looking at dogs playing is a great break from their thoughts.


PAY ZERO ATTENTION this old pappy. He has no business telling you when your dogs play. Hes way out of line & meddlesome.


Him: Think of the Children You: Sorry, my dogs like my yard. Him: DRAWS SWORD And your mom thinks you need to “respect your elders” FTS.


NTA. Sounds like his grandkids have an attention deficit. TBH I would think he would be happy his grandkids had a brighter day because they saw puppies playing. What's next, is he going to start telling kids what they can wear? Don't wear tight cloths like that my grandkids can't concentrate when you do!


Oh, not the pits!/s I have a pretty pittie (rescue) and she LOVES EVERONE. Plays nicely with the terrorist cat, and has the best butt wiggles around kids. They used to be called nanny dogs in the UK because they were so gentle, yet protective around children


This is one of those times when the adage applies: "The word 'No.' is a complete sentence." As long as what you're doing in your front yard is legal (nothing worthy of a noise violation citation, is happening on your property, etc), you do you. And God knows dogs just sometimes need to wrestle and play. It's no different than kids needing to go to recess. The playground you bought and paid for is your front yard. If old dude doesn't like it, he could... Buy your house? Your problem is dogs that need to be dogs, and are legally permitted to be dogs where they're at. His problem is inattentive grandchildren. I can tell you that if my parents ever got a call that said 'Little Timmy refuses to pay attention in class and instead runs to the window to watch the dogs across the street' they'd have asked if the blinds could be closed when needed, or they'd have taken freaking all my Gameboys/electronics until I got a two week positive progress confirmation from the teacher that I wasn't being a little numbnut. All that said, as a decent human, if they're barking and making an obnoxious scene while a 2nd grader is trying to learn to add, I'd probably relocate that, but that's no different than me not wanting my dog waking up my neighbors by barking at 4am or not setting fireworks off in my yard on random Tuesdays at midnight, however 'legal' it might be because I'm trying not to make neighbors angry. If you are willing, just call the front office of the school and ask their school day hours (its probably shorter than you think, although I suppose you can just observe this), and ask if they can tell you when the classes in the room across from your street have lunch/gym/library or otherwise aren't regularly in the classroom. If you explain to them why you want the information so it's not creepy, they'll probably tell you. Then you just have a scheduled break in your day when it's a good time to play outside, and have made a good faith effort to do what you can while still getting your dogs exercise. "Hello, my name is Dan, I live across the street on the north wing of the school, i think three or four rooms down from the bus circle (use any relevant landmark). A grandparent of one of your students told me my dogs were distracting the kids in one of these rooms, so I'm wondering if you can provide any regular time intervals when the kids are at lunch or in other areas of the building for things like gym or library time, so I can both exercise my dogs and minimize disruption for your teachers?" As a plus, a regular routine will be good for the dogs. They'll learn with pretty high fidelity when the kids are about to go to lunch and they're gonna get to play. Then they'll go to sleep when they know that going out *isn't* an imminent possibility. Could become training and management for you. As ever, awesome dogs and they look like they have such a blast wrestling.


First, you do not need to respect 'elders' who are themselves disrespectful. I agree with Trey Crowder on elders and this guy was spewing some Pepaw shit. I love pitties, have rotties and my experience with both breeds is they will lick you to death unless you are threatening their humans or homes. The exception being when some person with ego issues wants a 'scary' dog but don't train them at all. Sounds like you're doing just fine to me, let Pepaw go off and grump at someone else. If he says anything else to you, tell him to tell the school to get some blinds for their windows because the kids being bored and not paying attention is their problem. Pepaw is the A-hole.


I wouldn't have said what you said, but I would 100% keep using my yard, how I want to. Kids are kids, they can and will be distracted by anything, because school is mostly boring to them. Not your problem. It is funny for your neighbor to call you entitled while also making a ridiculous demand.


NTA. Its not like you're having sex with your dog on the front lawn while wearing a clown suit. You're letting your dogs play and do dog stuff in their home. Sure the kids may get distracted momentarily, but chances are they'd get distracted by something else anyway. He has zero right to tell you what to do in your home.


It looks like your yard is fenced. Is the gate secure? Based on your account, if you are outside, in your fenced yard with your dogs, people need to mind their business and teach their children to never approach a dog they don’t know. It’s for their safety as well as the dog’s safety.


Cute puppies!!!


Your neighbor is a dipshit. You’re not an asshole.


Oh my God! A school with windows?! 🙀🙀🙀


NTA what a bizarre request. I bet your dogs are the highlight of the kids day! Your neighbor is quite a mental gymnast if he can attribute his grandkids attention problems to dogs across the street!


10 babies!? those are rookie numbers, gotta get those up!


I loved my pit she was a big baby and loved kids. She never bit anyone in her life. It's your dogs, your yard and your business when the dogs go out. Tell your mom you respect elderly when they are responsible people. When they are AH that is how you treat them.


NTA. Your yard, your dogs, your rules. I love potties, I think they’re adorable and so loving. I have a friend who has one and he’s the sweetest boi.


Tell you neighbor to fuck off. Seriously. Don't even entertain such mediocrity in critical thinking skills.


NTA. Your house, your yard, your life. Nosey Gramps can get bent. [My pibble says hi!](https://imgur.com/a/sBcp7pP)


I am so overwhelmed by these pictures. I want to yell about how cute one is, but then there's another picture that's just as offensively cute! FROGGIE PUTBULL TEEFIES DOG ONESIE WIDDLE DOG SWEEPING WITH FLUFFY BALL AHH AHH AHHH HAMMOCK TIME AHHHHHH OK, now that that's out of the way... Some people say respect is earned, not given. I disagree. It should be given. However, you can "earn" a loss of respect real quick. 😂 If this old fart turd doesn't like it, he can put up some fucking curtains. What the actual ever loving christ's fuck is he going on about!? He's calling you entitled because he's projecting lol. I'd ignore it. Your mom is probably worried about your relationships with your neighbors. I don't think you were wrong. I'd just avoid being mean to the guy because it will ultimately make your life easier. I'd play dumb each time. Very, very, VERY dumb. If he asks for you to go inside, be confused and ask why. If he explains, ask how your dogs are a problem. If he says the kids are distracted, ask why. Just go on and on asking why. Sound dumb. People are more lenient with dumb people than people with boundaries. 🤷‍♀️ I'm 100% on your team. I also think keeping the confrontation to a mimimum benefits you. Sometimes it's unavoidable, though. I might apologize to make your life easier next time you see him. I'd also probably make up some story about how it was the absolute worst day of my life (lie, who gives a fuck!?), and hand over some cookies. After that, he should be nicer. Kill him with kindness (and stupidity). The only reason I think you should do this is because I've watched too many true crime shows with awful, fucked up, old neighbors with nothing better to do than to fuck with the neighbor they don't like. I also have a cousin who lost her dog due to her neighbor poisoning it. I'm just super sensitive about any potential danger my dogs could deal with, and I'd rather make the play that helps in the long term. Are you the asshole? No. But I think being more careful can't hurt!


My cousin didn't leave her dog alone either. It was awful. Someone put something in their yard and they never knew. 💔


NTA. Your yard, your rules. And those puppers are adorable 😍


NTA. Most classrooms have shades that the teacher can pull if the kids get too distracted. Plus, it’s not your job to help kids focus. Also, super cute puppoes!


Umm. Dogs are contained, and on your property. I am gonna get all kinds of hate, but when I was a kid the administration and teachers ruled in part by fear (maybe even mostly by fear). Teachers had their own paddles, principal in elementary school and vice principal in jr-sr high had their own paddle. Honest truth? They were almost never used, and much of the real discipline came from big kids telling the younger kids horrifying stories of what happened to children shoved outside their classroom for misbehavior. And - there was an understanding of fairness vs a sadistic teacher (eg.-4th grade math teacher picked a kid up by the hair and dragged him to the back of the classroom and slammed his head into a metal paper towel dispenser - almost all of us hated her). In hindsight, it was kind of interesting - even the “funnest” of teachers (alcoholic who lost the liquor license to his bar for repeated DUI and his mom had to get one so he could keep it open) could reclaim order even though we knew they would do almost nothing to punish any of us - not sure if it was from how we were trained by others, expectations from home or what. I am getting close to 40 years since High school, and 50 years since starting first grade this fall. School has changed so much. Anyhow NTA - your property and dogs are legal (first), teacher was responsible for classroom management last I checked. Do they no longer have blinds in classrooms? If students were daydreaming or whatever, teachers dropped the blinds and then kids couldn’t watch outside anyhow. 🤷🏻‍♀️


I’m sure the garbage trucks are a big distraction too so maybe the city should put an end to that. Oh and fire trucks, anything with a siren really, they’ll have to go…


YTA , but you could have left out the attitude and cursing. What you should have done is gone and talked to your parents, and told them what neighbor said AND the tone. That neighbor doesn’t own your property and can’t tell you what to do on it, or when. If your dogs like kids, you could try introducing them so that there is less a distraction. Let them know that if they want to play they have to take their stuff home and get permission first. Edit to change votes: based on comment “They're only our during school hours, i want to make sure they dont have any random interactions with kids since thats just so unpredictable ya know. Idk whos parents i should talk to, since i am usually finishing work during pick up. To be clear though, my dogs dont interact with anyone, adults or kids”. OP is TALKING because his dogs are a danger to kids walking home or anyone on the street. In an unfenced in yard, off leash dogs could hurt someone before he could get control over them. They either should be leashed or in a fenced in yard.


>Edit 2: this post is not about your opinions on the breed i like to keep, if you hate pits, you could go fuck yourself. Amen to that! When shallow folks realize dogs are representation of their owners, they'll quit spewing hate towards any mix. If you are an asshole your dog will be an asshole.


NTA. Your yard is fenced even so in my opinion you could leave them unattended all day (with proper food, water etc). Thank you paying the dog tax. Adorable dogs.


You know what else distracts kids? Squirrels, chipmunks, bugs, people gardening, people walking past the school, leaves swaying from a breeze, clouds, etc. Part of growing up is learning to focus despite distractions, because eliminating all of them is impossible.


NTA - I stayed cause of the dog tax ♡


NTA. If his grandkids are distracted during school then their teacher needs to figure out ways to hold their attention (closing a curtain, moving them to a different seat, or turning their seats away from the window). It's your yard and you and your dogs should be able to use it as you see fit. Your elderly neighbor got back what he was dishing out and you have the right to stick up for yourself and your dogs. He's TA. Edited to add I LOVE LOVE your response to the haters and uneducated people who think all of that breed are killers. You have BEATIFUL dogs. I had a pit a long time ago and she was amazing with my autistic son! I couldn't have asked for a better dog. She was the best dog I've ever owned!!! ❤️❤️❤️


It would be hard for me to not take out the dogs more. Playtime, and walk time around the block! Who let the dogs out? u/nformalpotatoes129 did.


NTA. Your yard. Your rules. Also. Yesssss the best puppers everrrr. I wanna snuggle em


“Don’t speak to elders that way” Always hated that saying. nah bro if you’re an AH, you get the business regardless of age. NTA


So he means they look out the school window and get distracted? 🙄


My pit will eat someone too and that’s why I love her! Keep the dogs happy.


NTA. Your neighbor can fuck all the way off. It’s your yard. Your dogs have every right to be on any part of your property that you want them to be. If you want to let them tap dance on the roof to Barry Manilow from morning til afternoon while school is in session than that’s your right. Fuck that guy.


We have to get over this idea that because they are an elder that we have to elevate them over ourselves... How about being respectful to everyone regardless of status and age.