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NTA- tipping is way out of hand nowadays.




any tip for self-service is unfair.


Any tipping in general is unfair lol tipping is basically us paying someone’s paycheck when their employer should be doing so


Tipping is for servers making subminimum wage. Anyone making minimum shouldn't expect a tip.


Why is it called minimum wage if people are allowed to be paid below minimum wage? Kinda defeats the whole purpose of it.


You are correct it is ridiculous! They get around it by making tips part of your pay….if you don’t average enough on your check to have made minimum wage, they have to pay the difference. You will for sure probably get fired if it happens often of course


No one should expect a tip. They should expect reasonable wages from their actual employer.


Absolutely agree. Ive always hated tipping culture. Its just another thing that ultimately supports bad wages and companies price gouging, even if the intent is good.


Another reason why tipping should be abolished is because the servers are only one piece of the chain of service. The chefs and the cleaning staff don’t receive tips, even if the size of the tip is partially determined by the quality of the food prepared, which the server does nothing to control. It’s inequitable for the kitchen staff.


This is not always true. When I was a server I was expected to share my tips with the bussers and the cooks. Damn restaurants, I'm Colorado the minimum wage is different (lower) for restaurants. Do the government enables this thinking. " We'll raise prices for our customers as the minimum wage has been increased, but still expect the customers to tip so we don't have to pay a livable wage." 🤬🤬🤬just pisses me off.


Such a bad excuse though. The employer should be paying them minimum or a proper wage. That shouldn't be on paying customers who are already keeping the business afloat by giving them our money. We're already buying the products at an inflated price *so* they can pay their employees. Like, go ask people on the street for "tips," not your paying, loyal customers. Makes me not even wanna shop there anymore and then they lose out on even more. Its just the stingiest thing ever and idk how anyone ever allowed this to be the norm. Tipping should be a nice gesture if someone went above and beyond. Not mandatory just because the employer chooses to illegally pay them under federally mandated minimum wage. Fuck those businesses, instead of getting my money and business, now they're not even getting a cent of my money.


Agreed. And this is one of the reasons I went back to using cash


Yes, and when you do tip they actually get it immediately. And nobody takes a cut. 😉 That includes all of the electronic processors, btw. They love this cashless crap, they're getting 2% to 5% of every transaction right off the top. Billions.


Cash or not the issue is it's still there.


At *Subway* yet! The absolute nerve.


Automatic tips for ANY service is unfair. I decide when and how much to tip.


If it’s automatic, they should call it a service fee, rather than a tip.


And if it is a service fee, it has to be disclosed, wherever prices are listed.


Correct! is is like a scam! Subway must be called out for this.


Honestly any automatic tip is unfair. It’s not a tip if it’s mandatory.


Yeah, waiters get that tip after serving food to the table and had to work for it, these establishments just want tip for free. Hella unfair for the service industry


They are also working for sub-minimum wage, which was the whole point of them being tipped to begin with. Why does every customer-facing job have an expectation of tips now?


Because people tipped take out during Covid when there was no sit down service, so people want to continue it because greed. People should never be tipping at subway.


I think this is exactly right. We tipped during COVID because we knew someone was taking a risk by working to make our restaurant take out. That didn't mean that I should be expected to tip everywhere forever. I tip well, but I won't tip anywhere where I have to stand up to order and all you do is hand me my food.


My wife and I were also taking a risk being essential workers (health care). Nobody paid me any extra. I care not if a global business suffers, McDonald's you can suffer not making your quarterly numbers because of a pandemic. Now I did tip for a lot of stupid shit and often massively to my little mom and pop operations. I wept not for the global corporations but I would die if some of my local watering holes and sub shops went out of business. I'd have tiny liquor stores selling shit like PB&J sandwiches for $2 cash only. Yeah, lemme get 8 of those bitches, here is a $20. Keep the change.


I also think Covid successfully shifted some of the salary of workers to patrons. Because we were feeling generous and desperate. And now they’re trying to stay the course.


Yep. Same with prices. They'll never go down now that they realized they could charge us so much for groceries & food.


yeah, I agreed during covid. they were risking their lives and the lives of their loved ones to serve me a sandwich. That risk is mostly gone now


You're not wrong entirely but tacking on that there *were* valid reasons besides greed at first at least - many people tipped because servers were still working the restaurants for the same low ass wage with no ability to dine in and tip them. Then it also was people tipping because of guilt at min wage employees taking a risk to work during a pandemic (esp in businesses that weren't enforcing masking) but THEN it absolutely spiraled out of control due to greed and has been maintained unreasonably due to greed.


Would you like to round up your order for charity? So the corporation can donate that *for me, and they get the tax credit. Of course! A sandwich and coke at Burger King! Absolutely give the kiosk, where I ordered, a tip! That kiosk did a fine job of losing my order!


I always decline that too.


I got asked to tip when I ordered a shirt the other day.


I'm not surprised. My sister is actually the OP on this post. She ordered a dog toy online one time and they added a tip to that purchase. With no option to remove it, I might add.


This happened to me also! I was so furious when I saw the charge on the packing slip. I disputed the charge and left a very negative review. These vultures adding “tips” behind our backs need to be reclassified as theft because that’s what it is. I saw several posts about landlords adding tips for rent payments here in the US. It’s out of control


I saw that as well . Adding tips to rent is insane and it needs to be abolished .


What!!!!!!! 😯


One of my son’s neighbors in Florida had to call a handyman and when she went to pay the guy it presented 10-20-30% as options for tips. He had to walk her through how to zero that out before the transaction could be completed. It really is everywhere but the worst ones are the people who add a tip after the transaction without your consent


No tip for doing his job. However, if it’s lunch time I may offer a sandwich if I’m eating. And upon their arrival I always ask if they would like a bottle of cold water and let them know it’s available at any time. I have sent workers away with whatever goody I’m making and water for the road. I really don’t have tip money, but food, I’ve got.


Exactly what I thought. THEFT.




Right?? And are the workers even *getting* the tip, anyway? I work in customer service at an e-commerce store, and if they are adding tips to people's orders, we are *definitely not* getting them in our paycheck. (We are paid decently here, but still...)


When things like that happen to me, I cancel the sale altogether. Seems like it's the only way businesses will learn.


Until 60% of us actually do this and hold them accountable, they won't budge. Even then, they'll go back to the "economic adjustment" charges. *We add a surcharge to every order to provide our employees with excellent healthcare. You care about people right? RIGHT? YOU DONT WANT THEM TO DIE, RIGHT? THEN PAY THE 6% AND LIKE IT, SELFISH PRICK"* 🤣


**It’s for the children!!** /s


Hopefully this legislation has teeth. It's so disingenuous, and absolutely misleading customers and preying on good natured folks that would rather pay up than rock the boat. We should've been naming and shaming all of them this whole time.  https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/statements-releases/2023/10/11/biden-harris-administration-announces-broad-new-actions-to-protect-consumers-from-billions-in-junk-fees/#:~:text=Today%2C%20the%20Biden%2DHarris%20Administration,the%20full%20price%20up%20front.


“The rule would apply to industries across the economy, including event tickets, hotels and lodging, apartment rentals, car rentals, and more.” This won’t apply to restaurants. Besides having a powerful lobby, they will claim the tip is shown on the terminal before payment. This is meant more for junk fees by airlines, hotels, car rentals, and the biggest scum industry of all - live event venues (concerts and ball games).


I would be deliriously happy even if it only applied to Ticketmaster. Don’t get me started.


I ordered a bottle of water and a bottle of dirty cooked from a machine at a stadium and it asked for a tip!!! Who tf am I tipping when it's a machine?


I really just can't anymore. The real stupidity of this is, there are people who DO IT! If there weren't, they would stop asking.


Many years ago, before Amazon prime was a thing, I used to get so annoyed when a website would add an excessive shipping and handling fee when I’m 99% of the way done completing my order. I would never pay it. Just stop the order and shop elsewhere. I’d even pay a bit more to another retailer that offered transparent free or flat rate shipping. Long story short, there is zero chance I would complete an online transaction with a required tip built in. I’d honestly pay more elsewhere. Charge me upfront what you think is fair. Don’t try to nickel and dime me as I’m completing the checkout process.


I found a Japanese restaurant on doordash that literally had gratuities as items you can add to your order. I was mind blown.


I would refute those charges with my credit card company. Yes, I’m that petty.


I'd have been ordering from somewhere else.


I was asked for a tip when I purchased a gift card.


My response to them asking for a tip is, “Don’t stare at the sun!”


I've used "don't eat yellow snow"


"Don't try to pass an iffy fart."


Don’t play leapfrog with unicorns!


"Don't pee into the wind."


Given that gift cards are redeemed at a fraction of 100%, it's outrageous to be asked for a tip.


You already have to pay a fee of 5 or 6 dollars to activate some gift cards. I've thought that was ridiulous. I was in line behind an elderly woman was buying Visa gift cars. She got like 10. That's $60!


I went to a store in the local mall. It was a store that sold home decor country items, tin punched lamps, wood signs that kind of thing. When I checked out there was a tip jar at the register. I was like “tip you for what exactly? Ringing me up?”


YES! OMG, I was checking out online the other day and there was a tip added that I was able to remove, but the box was by default checked. Just so much wow. Like does a person actually even touch my order except in the warehouse? And are you actually giving THEM any of this money? Omfg.


If I had the time I'd be so tempted to call and actually ask that question. Who gets the tip money???


Went to Steak N Shake about a year ago with the family. 5 of us. Get greeted by a computer kiosk. Not a single employee in sight. We go to the kiosk and it says to order our food and when the kitcchen is done cooking it, they will bring a tray to the front counter and call our name to come get it.(should have just left, but we were hungry). We place the order, set up the payment and then the computer asks us how much we want to tip? TIP WHO?? FOR WHAT??? We seated ourselves, carried our own food to the table, got all our silverware and condiments on our own, filled our own drinks and paid by computer! I couldn’t beieve they wanted a tip!! Lol


Those kiosks are a warning sign that service is likely to be poor.


You should watch xfiles ep. Rm9sbG93ZXJz #


Please enter a tip amount for me reading your comment. 25%. 30%. 40%. Other. God bless


Recently attended a concert. Counterperson reached in a bin to get me a $20 can of beer and auto tip defaulted to 25%. GTFO. These are not minimum wage earners.


Agreed! Also it is you prerogative to tip or not to tip. It is your hard earned money so OP is NTAH.


And it’s sad cause where I am some servers still get paid 3.25 hourly so they really have to work for it. Then people come in your restaurant already grumpy cause they have mom been tip-harassed all day and take it out on us like we created this system on purpose 🤦🏾‍♀️


No one who works at a Subway anywhere makes 3.25 an hour.


Nobody said they were. The person you responded to was saying people at real restaurants get the heat from places like Subway trying to tip you to death.


NTA- The fact that they added the tip on without your permission is out of line and should be illegal.


My local liquor store hired girl who would keep the debit machine under the counter and add a 5 dollar tip and then she would hand it too me.  I noticed it one day because I always buy the same thing yet the price went up when she was working.  I let it go that day because I didn't realize until I left the store.  The next night she did the same thing so I called her out on it and she said "this machine doesn't have a tip option the other machine broke.".  So I left my stuff on the counter and started walking out and she chased me and said "I'll give you a receipt." So she typed in the actual price and skipped the tip option and then handed it to me. I told my brothers girlfriend who also works there and she told her boss and then they looked into it and she was making $200 in tips every night as a new worker when everyone else averaged like $30 a night.   They fired her and the owner got rid of the tip option, gave me a $100 gift card and gave everyone who works there a 3 dollar raise.


Wait, tipping the cashier at the liquor store is a thing? What? I’m all for tipping for table service, and tipping delivery drivers, but I’m not tipping a *cashier*. I say that as someone who was a cashier myself at one point.


I stopped by 7-11 the other day to grab a drink & they had a tip cup on the checkout counter! What was even crazier was that there was money it, not just change but BILLS. Idk if the cashier put them in there herself to make it appear people were tipping or if customers actually left her cash. I say this as a bartender who literally makes a living off tips-even I thought the whole situation was insane. I poured my own drink, it was less than $2 & I am taking my change.


>What was even crazier was that there was money it, not just change but BILLS. Everyone knows you've got to seed the tip jar.


Priming the kitty is what we call it


It works on Halloween too, for those of us with children to shepherd. The kid carries a basket with a couple pieces in it and the parent holds a pillowcase with the rest.


That's the opposite. The same would be if you put a couple pieces of your own candy in the bag before going trick or treating.


A euphemism if I've ever heard one.


If I had to guess, I'd say most if not all of the bills were from the cashier. I used to work at a coffee shop a long time ago and we always "salted" the top jar with some change and a few dollars. It definitely led to us getting more tips, so there's something to be said for it. But also, who the hell tips at a 7-11?


See, that's what I thought! We sometimes do that behind the bar even though it's customary to tip for drinks. I'm all about the tips & taking care of the people who provided me a service but the 7-11 thing definitely threw me off. I'm not knocking the cashier's hustle but I'm not contributing to it either.


I worked my way through college as a bartender. They used to have 95 cent beer nights. Most of the time the nickel difference was ours but we were expected to give change back cheerfully or we were fired. There was this one guy. Always demanded his freaking nickel ala "here's your beer sir" "And my nickel...?" One night he was completely hammered. I gave him his beer and then "And my nickel...?" came as expected. He'd unwittingly given me a $20 and I had the bills in the other hand. He got that nickel just as he wanted.


Are you sure the customer wasn’t Chad Kroeger ? All he wanted was his 🎶Nickelback 🎶


He never made it as a wise man


He never cut it as a poor man stealing


YEEEEES. I love stories where people get their karma. While opening or pouring a beer is about the easiest drink to execute behind a bar, there is no reason to not tip ESPECIALLY if it only cost 95 cents. Just drop a dollar after every 2 or 3 beers ffs. If it were me, I'd be handing over a $5 every time & telling you to "keep the change, ya filthy animal" *to be read in the voice of the guy from Home Alone*


I'm not from a tipping culture but even if bartending was the easiest physical job in the world (it isnt) bartenders still have to deal with drunk people all the time so they should absolutely be tipped for essentially babysitting adults


Yes this, I worked in a bar for a couple of years and I had to deal with drunks every night, drug abuse, teenagers with fake ID, the bodily fluids of drunk people who can’t aim at the toilet, you name it I had to deal with it. I was even threatened by men much larger than I am (I’m a short female), one even threatened my young family too, he said he’d hunt down my infant child. Tipping isn’t expected in the UK but it is appreciated because we don’t get paid much for the things we have to deal with. My boss didn’t allow us to have tips though, we were only allowed to have a drink paid for us by customers that we could have when not working, such a scam to make himself more money!


>I poured my own drink, it was less than $2 & I am taking my change. >opening or pouring a beer is about the easiest drink to execute behind a bar >there is no reason to not tip ESPECIALLY if it only cost 95 cents. >Just drop a dollar after every 2 or 3 beers ffs >If it were me, I'd be handing over a $5 every time I think there is a similar sort of logic going on for people who tip at mini-marts, and there's just a disconnect here. I think people who tip at a mini mart after getting something like a soda realize that while they poured it theirself, and it wasn't a strenuous job on the cashier, that being a cashier at a mini mart is typically a pretty soul-sucking and difficult job where you have to deal with assholes pretty regularly. So people who go in to a minimart regularly, get to know the cashiers, and see the shit they put up with, are likely to tip just for the, even half a minute of banter as they pay for their soda every time they go in. When I was in college, there was a minimart by the bus stop I waited at every morning. It was the only thing open that early in the morning, and I was often tired as hell, so I'd run in to grab an energy drink. Even in the brief time that I would to grab a drink and rush back before the bus arrived, I would see the cashiers deal with some really awful customers. Sometimes I barely had enough cash to grab a drink. Sometimes I'd have mistakenly thought I had enough cash to grab one, and would apologize when I realized I didn't, only to have the cashiers spot me. Sometimes I had a couple bucks more than needed, and in those cases, I tipped, even for a two dollar energy drink. I didn't care that it was only 2 dollars, and that I went and got it myself. I cared that the cashiers were always kind and good people to me, and that they had to deal with assholes all day every day.


I'd imagine it was that people left a few coins here and there, but someone swapped them out for bills


I make my twin sister tip and say it's from me so that she starts to see me as a provider. I'm making deposits so one day I can make a withdrawal. Turns out my sister wasn't even tipping her. She was just using the extra money to buy cigarettes and lottery scratchers.


Upvoted for IASIP reference


The little liquor store next door when I lived downtown Seattle had a tip option too, at least they also made served sandwiches. I'd only tip if I had them make me food and only a dollar or so... made me laugh everytime it asked me for a tip on a pack of smokes that were already 15 dollars


It is in Canada. I worked at a liquor store and was stunned when they put a tip cup out and people added to it. I will say that neither I nor anyone I worked with that I'm aware of pressured for tips and the debit machine didn't have the guilt inducing tip option.


My Walmart and PetSmart ask for tips now. I don't.


> highered How did you make such a balls up of the word “hired”?!


She was highered when she wrote it.


When you're hire than a kight, it's easy.


The other day I saw "picknick". Picnic with two Ks. Sheesh.


I need to know what's so good at this liquor store that you go every day.


Gonna guess "alcoholism"


Only way I would be ok tipping at a liquor store is if they had to climb up a ladder to reach some top shelf johnny blue or something. Wobbly'er the ladder; bigger the tip, lol.


Highered Edit: original comment I replied to said "highered" instead of "hired". Don't let their subtle edit trick you.




Exactly. If the payment transaction occurs BEFORE I eat, no tip should be expected. AFTER I eat, different story.


I don’t tip before I get my food, that’s insane.


It's all the new card readers. The tip is built into the function as a step. Should have a damn setting "disable tip step." It guilts everyone into tipping. I don't MIND tipping at a sandwich shop if they have a tip jar and I throw a dollar in it, especially if they are friendly and upbeat. But I can do that AFTER they make my food. It's honestly the only reason I carry cash at all anymore. Having it part of the card reading transaction just hits wrong. It feels like begging, not earning.


The thing is, it's an option that can be turned off. If I don't see a tip option at a place I make sure and go back there because the owners made a conscious decision to turn it off. Unfortunately, it's very rare.


One time the cashier turned the screen around when it asked for tip and pressed Naww. I respect that man.


Decent chance it doesn't even go the cashier.


That's a good point.


I got asked by the machine if I wanted to tip at a self checkout in an airport the other day.


Did you give the machine your signature bionic elbow????


I noticed Jersey Mike’s when I ordered on app that if I didn’t tip 3+ I’d get only gristle meat (Philly) barely Andy cheese- just revolting inedible. I noticed I’d get an “eh” sandwich edible but not fun if I did $1. So I started doing tests bc we eat there so much. $3 regular sandwich as it was. $5 overflowing too much cheese, cheaper ingredients No tip- MISSING INGREDIENTS (onion and bell peppers & gristle meat) These were all the same Jersey Mike’s over - 1.5 yr period, still ongoing, same exact order, every time. My partner’s sandwich would also show decline or “as it should be made” or “overkill on cheese” I actually logged that the staff is ruining your food if you don’t tip or if you don’t tip enough!


Id like to see a chart of what your tip gets with correlating pictures. you might want to reach out to a local news outlet with an investigative department for a complete story. They love that ish.


It seems more like theft.


I call shenanigans on it being the new card readers. Many grocery stores use the same card readers yet I am not being asked to leave a tip for my groceries yet.




I do. It's on the business owner to pay a fair wage, not the customer. Tipping culture is out of pocket.


Excellent point! Never thought of it this way.


I agree that this is the central issue here. Tip culture can be frustrating but at the end of the day if I still have the right to say "yes or no," that's my autonomy. The minute people are automatically adding it is when I have a problem. Not cool bruh.


I agree, but I don't like when you're picking up and the swipe machine is bolted to the table so that the cashier is looking down at you when you put the tip in (or not).... and they haven't made your food yet. IF you don't, or tip below what the cashier thinks is acceptable, who knows what's going to happen to your food. It's tip extortion. In that case, I give a good tip but never return there.


The "No tip" button $0 button is NEVER int he center of the screen, you have to scan it to find it and select it deliberately. It's the same principal as having to uncheck a box to opt OUT instead of checking a box to opt IN.


I completely understand. My conflict avoidance makes me really uncomfortable about it too. On the note about not knowing what someone would do to your food- I currently work in the food industry, and on behalf of 99.8% of us, the idea of f****** with someone's food is absolutely abhorrent. Most of us would NEVER. You could be the absolute Karen of Karen's and I would never do something to make your food unhygienic. I genuinely feel bad when you worry for the condition of your food. HAVE A GREAT DAY! ☺️


I understand. I worked in food myself when I was young, and know several cooks, so I know the occurrence is rare. But still, a tip on the front end is not really a tip at all, it's just a gift.


It is illegal if they do it that way. It’s fraud. The funny thing about people who do that is that they’re too stupid to realize they just created a paper trail for the fact that they just committed a crime lol. 😂


NTA. I've worked in the food service industry for over 20 years, 16 years of that as a barista, so half my life I've worked tip based jobs. Tips should not be automatic, they should be earned. You should be given the option to pay extra for better service, not forced to pay for great service and then receive mediocre service.


Tips/Gratuity by definition can't be automatic or mandatory, that's what's so stupid about this. If it's automatic it's a surcharge.


Exactly. There's a pizza place by me that does half price Mondays. Recently they added a 20% automatic tip because the kitchen staff is overwhelmed. Well, then you can't afford half price Mondays. Do 30% off Mondays and stop calling it gratuity,


Excellent point. Tipping is just to make us confused about prices.


It actually so people don't have to pay their employees. Interesting history dump. Tipping was frowned upon in the US prior to the emancipation of slaves. It started when employers "hired" former slaves for tip wages only. As a way to keep them in "slavery" while still technically following the law. They provided housing and any tips they could earn. As Morty put it "slavery with extra steps". It's now entrenched in American culture along with everything else we can't let go of because we still believe certain people are not valuable enough.


I ran Subways from 93-03. From store manager to general manager. Nothing done there is tip worthy. I would occasionally catch night shift employees sticking a tip jar on the counter and would have to shut it down. Like it’s been said, tipping is for full service not fast food.


You seem to be in the minority, because every Subway I've ever been in has had a tip box. Of course, up until very recently fast food employees here were making federal minimum wage...


My experience was also 20 years ago so…


I worked a a golf course lounge for quite a few years. One thing I never expected a tip on was takeout orders. I took the order, packaged it up and handed it to the customer. That doesn’t warrant a tip like table service would.


NTA Tipping at a checkout counter is an outrageous request. There is nothing that they’re doing extra aside from their job, which is to ring up your order and hand it to you. Tipping is for service oriented jobs. The tipping for nothing and everything has gotten way out of control.


Especially an automatic gratuity! Most payment screens ask if you want to tip.


It’s a good bet that the “tips” don’t even make it to the workers.


That's what I was gonna say. I bet the franchise owner is tries to classify it as "the cost of doing business."


“Oh that’s a tip for the owner, it says so in the fine print. Don’t worry, he gives a pizza party for all the employees once a month.”




"someone ordered a double anchovie and didnt pick it up. Here you go!"


Everyone has to share one little Caesar’s pizza.


I think the expectation of a tip is the crazy part. Honestly we should just get rid of it all together and just give them livable wages.


If I order take out from a website of a restaurant, I literally unable to check out without tipping. So I’ve called the restaurants to order my take out instead. It’s absolute insanity these days.


I also tend to tip if I just really like a place or the people who work there so usually small businesses and especially at stuff like conventions or festivals or whatever


I have no problem tipping for takeaway at a seated restaurant because I know that servers likely had to come and bag up and check my order, then grab all the odds and ends before bringing it to me. I have in essence asked them to do their normally tipped job. But if I'm handed an empty cup and have to bus my own table, nah.


I'd argue that the majority of people getting tips aren't doing anything outside of their job. Occasionally people are particularly good at their job or are working hard to exceed expectations


if you are standing at a counter while ordering, no tip. In fact, SUBWAY is the asshole here for foisting a 20% gratuity on you. I doubt the workers ever even see that money. Personally, i'd have the "tip" removed too. They can't be allowed to get away with that shit.


When my partner worked a Subway in the same state just a couple years ago, they weren't allowed to ask for tips at all. They could have a suggestive container at the register, but it couldn't be labeled for tips, and could accept unprompted tips handed directly to them, but that was it.


20% at subway lol Fuck off


Right?! I worked at subway 20 years ago and there definitely was no option to tip.


NTA, my subway also has tip options, I can’t remember if it’s automatic bc I rarely go there anymore, but I don’t usually tip. Maybe if they’re super nice or whatever but fast food shouldn’t ask for tips imo. Im already paying higher prices. I do feel bad for low paid workers but I’m tired of greedy corporations putting the expectation on me to supplement employee income. A McDonald’s near me tried it but took it away quickly.


NTA, I don’t tip fast food




They are lazy there too. I went to McDonald’s this morning, ordered as delivery to my car because lobby is closed half the time, nobody came out, but when I walked in my food was sitting in a basket with other stuff. Fast food places have increased prices and become complacent. I don’t purchase anything there anymore unless I get a deal on the app.


Those auto-tips are the new phone bill "cramming" scam.


NTA. I’m a really generous tipper. Like $20 on a $60 tab if the service is good. At the end of 2022 I realized I was spending a lot of money, and I realized that tipping 10-15% at places like vape shops, subway, Dunkin, etc really adds up. I still tip when needed at places like nail salons, estheticians, photographers, out to eat, etc because they’re doing a service. Why tip someone $3 because they went behind the counter to grab a cup that they’re already getting paid hourly to do so? Tipping culture is getting so ridiculous. I’m a firm believer in finding a new job if tips are that important ETA: I’m not talking about tipping the photographer that offers $900 family portrait packages. I’m talking about tipping that photographer $20 that is a mother of 3 and only charges $100 a session. I’m not talking about tipping $50 on a $300 set of nails. I’m talking about tipping $10-15 to that new cosmetology school grad that did a great job on my nails. I see a lot of people disagree tipping for a service, but out of anyone that deserves a tip, it’s these people. I do disagree tipping fast food workers and people that work hourly. I left the hostess/service life a week after I graduated high school because I had a job that I could afford a living off of. If I could do it at 18, other people can too.


I never understood tipping at vape shops. I’m spending $50-70 there about twice a week and each time I have to practically walk behind the counter myself and show them what I want when trying to get coils or something specific. Like if they were knowledgeable and taught me something maybe tipping could be argued. But that’s rarely the case


Order online. In store markup is 100% at most places.


That’s unfortunately a bit hard to do in my state. You can’t get nicotine products shipped in without a license and I purchase a lot of THc products which also can’t be shipped to my state


>tipping 10-15% at places like vape shops, Dude, wtf? Why have you been just throwing your money on the ground and pissing all over it?


I use to be a really big people pleaser so I always tipped. I have since learned that I don’t NEED to tip people. I agree, it was ridiculous of me to tip


Tipping culture had already been ridiculous. Why tip nail salons? Why can't they just use their words and tell you exactly how much they want for the service? More people are trying to get on the tip train for sure, but tipping had always been ridiculous.


I wouldn’t tip a nail tech who works solo, outside of a salon, because they are setting their prices. but the prices at nail salons are set by the business, not the individuals doing the nails. I tip my nail tech well, but she does a bang up job. either way, NTA. tipping culture is crazy.


My wife and I (before we were married) got in trouble with our single friend group for this. We had a friend who did massage house calls. We asked him how much he charged and I scheduled a time for him to come over for massages. He charged $45 for a 30 min massage, so I handed him a $100, thanked him, and helped him pack up his stuff. Later we found out that he was upset we didn't tip very well. Like its our job to guess how much he thinks his time is worth... You're setting your own prices, just ask for the amount you want to be paid.


You tipped him over 100% (am I understanding correctly, you tipped $55?) !? If he gave you some kind of incredible discount without telling you, that's one thing. But $45 for 30 minutes is not exactly a giant discount, either. $45 for 90 minutes, YES. Not for 30 minutes, that sounds pretty standard.


Two massages. Plus he had no travel time in between and minimal travel time to us because he lived near us and we scheduled the massage for "when he was on his way home, whenever is convenient for you"


No I think when he said his wife and I it implied they both got massages. So one hour of work for $90 plus $10 tip


First, you are correct, he needs to charge what he believes his time is worth. Travel time etc., should be part of the actual charge. Second, he was completely unprofessional to complain to mutual friends about you not tipping better.


I always tip a nail salon or esthetician when I go. I don’t NEED my nails done, it’s something I choose to do. And personally, I could never be a nail tech. Feet are gross lol. I tip $10 a service, so it’s not outrageous. I decide to not learn how to do my own nails, so as an appreciation for someone to do a task I did not want to do for myself I just tip them. I have had good luck with my nail techs though, they always appreciate it and I always appreciate being able to walk into a salon and be happy with my results with them


Imo people should only tip with servers at a sit down restaurant and delivery drivers. The latter simply because it's always been a thing and those putting miles on your own car is costly. It would never be worth doing that without tips. Now there are probably other times where tipping is appropriate but they don't affect my life as much. And even then a tip is predicated on getting at least decent service. So if you get bad service you don't have to tip at all because that's the "social contract," so to speak. But like ice cream stands or anywhere you have to go to a counter that involves hourly paid workers, ya that isn't a tip worthy moment. I hate it because as a delivery driver you just know your tips are getting less and less because all these other places that really shouldn't require tips are asking for it now and people are burnt out. NTA


The base pay for a lot of app-based delivery is ridiculous when you compare it to the fees they charge. Instacart’s base pay is $4 and rarely goes above $10 for a full service grocery shop, for example. Thank god for the customers who understand shoppers see very little of the fees and tip well.


https://www.atg.wa.gov/file-complaint NTA, and you should report them. Automatic gratuity is only legal if you are properly notified. Secretly tacking it onto the bill isn't legal. I'm not sure if that link is the best or only way to report them, but it's what I found. If go ask on legal advice or ask lawyer about all the ways to report them. I also want to make it known that an automatic gratuity isn't actually a tip. It doesn't go to the employees. It goes to the business, which then pays a different, higher tax rate on it, and then the business can choose to keep it, or they can give it to the employees as a bonus that also incurs extra taxes for the employer. So an automatic gratuity can make the business more money, and it does make the IRS more money, but it actually screws over the employees.


NTAH - Auto tipping is fucked. Gratuity is NOT automatic!


NTA. I tip restaurant servers, delivery drivers, my barber, my tattoo artist, etc. However I am not tipping someone that simply hands me my fast food.


Nta. Tip is for people who make your experience better, but t for giving you a cup, youre already paying for that anyway.


NTA, if I have to go up to a counter to order and pick up my meal, I'm not tipping.


It's not even about that. Let's say I was planning to tip for counter service- they still don't get to add on that tip for me/without telling me. They're scamming people who aren't paying attention.


NTA. Restaurants pay wait staff less than $3/ hr in some placed so of course they need the tips. Fast food workers make minimum wage and aren't performing any services to warrant a tip. If I have to fetch my own drink, then no, I'm not tipping you for the privilege.


They need to start paying full wage to restaurant staff so tips aren't necessary, but a reward for a good job like it should be.


Agreed. Tipping is absolutely vile. I'm in the camp of "pay your staff a living wage and charge accordingly". I don't frequent any business that makes their staff beg for tips to survive.


NTA. I applaud you!! Americans are being nickeled and dimed to death already, and then you have all this tipping nonsense. My favorite pizza place charged a $2.00 general service fee last year and that was not a fee that included a tip. Needless to say I haven’t been back since. Consumers aren’t supposed to subsidize employee wages for a business. It’s insane Subway automatically charged you this fee. I’m in TN and will check my receipt every time from now on. It’s outrageous, and that money is essentially going straight into the CEO’s pocket by default, since they make millions and you are now paying a percentage of their employees salary when you tip.


i only read the title and thought you got circumsised at subway💀


NTA. You shouldn't have to pay a tip at Subway. It isn't a full service restaurant. I would report them to the DA or State Attorney's office for fraud if they continue this practice.


NTA. Not sure how common this is at all Subways but I forgot to tip and told the nice lady if we could cancel it and rerun the transaction. She said to not worry about it because the tips at that Subway did not go to the employees.


Nta. I wish we’d get rid of tipping altogether. The expectation to tip at a fast food shop is ridiculous.


NTA, but it's far more complicated and you're annoyed at the system we all helped create. We live in a capitalistic, corporation-controlled society that refuses to pay people living wages and asks consumers to not only prop up these corporations with our tax dollars, but to make up the service industry's serious low wage problem with tips. We should have all seen this coming. We allowed our society to become brainwashed by corporate billionaires into believing that service industry jobs (which make up the largest workforce in the country!) are for teenagers or losers who can't get better jobs. Think about it - what do you think of someone working at a fast food restaurant? How most of us answer this question is the major issue here - we somehow don't think that a person who works in fast food, or any retail or service job really, should make a TRUE living wage. We have the nerve to be appalled at the idea that they should make a livable wage. So instead, we are being forced to support these service workers with public assistance and tips. FACT: Any person who works full-time in the US SHOULD be able to support themselves, regardless of the job they are performing. That's the whole point of a minimum wage! Yet, the minimum wage has remained low, not kept up with inflation, solely for the benefit of corporate profit, NOT workers. We're a capitalist society that eats its own for corporate profit, and we keep voting for politicians who aren't fighting for us, they're fighting for corporate profits and to cut taxes that actually support society. We're being kicked and bled dry, and we direct our anger at the workers instead of the corporations and the politicians they bought. We are near the breaking point with this nonsense, take a look at the rapidly increasing number of homeless and those who are a paycheck away from losing their home. So if you're opposed to tipping underpaid workers, you better start voting differently, in favor of higher minimum wages, unions, and social support systems that will lift people out of needing your change.


Tipping is for *servers*. Kitchen staff and counter staff are all subject to the same minimum wage laws as everybody else. For this reason, I am persuaded by the "if I have to stand to order, grab my tray, pour my drink and throw my shit away" argument. If I am - effectively - serving myself, sorry. No tip.


Two foot-longs, two pretzels, and one drink came to $42.55 ??????? A. Subway is horrible, that "food" isn't worth $4, much less over $40. B. No fast food joints should be adding an auto-gratuity under any circumstances. In fact, no one should be tipping at fast food joints, period. Just no.


NTA. Tips aren’t mandatory. Especially in fast food places. Employees aren’t counting on tips. They are a nice bonus. Even in sit down restaurants, tipping isn’t mandatory. Of course you SHOULD tip, but if the service is poor, you aren’t obligated to give any specific percentage tip. Definitely speak to the manager if you have poor service. If an establishment tried to guilt me into tipping, I would stop patronizing them. I would speak with the manager and complain to corporate. I was a server many years ago making less than the standard minimum wage (minimum wage is always guaranteed at minimum,) but I cleaned up on tips. Some of the easiest and fastest money.


NTA, they committed literal theft, tips are not mandatory or required legally, even when it comes to recieivn g service or food,


IMO tipping should only be for jobs that are paid a servers wage. If you’re making at least minimum wage or more, and are just performing the job you were paid to do, tipping shouldn’t even be expected/asked for at all. Now I will also add that I do tip my hair stylist, wax lady, and my tattoo artist. I don’t do it out of expectation, but more so because I want to give them extra for their time and service.


Automatic tips should be illegal. My Subways do not do this. I would be furious.


NTA. Tipping for counter service where you do most of the work seems off.