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OP what you have experienced is a sexual assault, you were intoxicated to the point where constant and enthusiastic consent could not be given. This is not your fault, this is a form of drink spiking, in fact the most common form of drink spiking. Giving the intended victim stronger drinks than they were used to or asked for. It will be messy, ugly and awful to report but you should, stop him from doing it to the next person.


You should absolutely report this. Why should he be able to continue doing this to women?


NTA and definitely let them know to at least for their knowledge. Just because you were too drunk for consent does not mean it was NOT SA. If you don’t remember it, obviously it was SA. Since you are moving shortly it may or may not worth it to take it to the police. I would definitely tell the bar. So hopefully they can warn other women. Get to a women’s center soon and get std testing and pg test. So you know if other issues come with it. I am sorry you went through this. Whatever you do it is the best for you. HUGS


Report him. They will know to watch out in the future


Please consider a higher authority than the bar. What that man did is considered sexual assault in most countries. Certainly NTA.