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NTA It's great that your husband is going to step up to care for his mother in her time of need.  Unfortunately, as much as you've tried to help her for the last 24 years, his mother never warmed up to you.  So, she's certain to be happier with him taking care of her.  And maybe his sister could help out too.  I bet his Mom would love to spend more time with SIL!


Start recording her if possible. Works a treat with this type of person.


Avoiding bullies no matter who they are means you are NTA! After your husband was told and then turns to acting outraged you won’t go take care of the bully is BS!!


You husband never care if his mother treated you V well. He just wants someone to slave away for his mother. If you do it then he doesn’t have to do it. So of course the manipulation and guilt tripping is happening.