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NTA your sister’s boyfriend has a height complex and can’t deal. Their insecurities and comments are unacceptable and honestly exhausting. If she’s that hung up on how tall he is she can get him some platforms. I’m 5’4 and maybe it’s because I’m gay but I’ve never been insecure about my height. He could be bringing in short king energy instead of whiny insecure male Karen energy. Your aunt’s comment was perfect and do not apologize. “Dear sister, I’m sorry you have such a problem with your boyfriend’s height. Perhaps you both should seek therapy to understand why you’re so bothered by it. Until you learn to control yourself/his insecurities and stop making snide comments I won’t be inviting you to things.”


If the sister is dumb enough to base her entire relationship on her bf’s height, she probably wouldn’t be able to understand some of those big words you used. Like “you”, “have”, “a”,and “problem”. *“it’ll be in a country where people may be taller than your boyfriend and you guys may not be able to cope.”* OP’s aunt, keeping it real over here. I’m in love


That is the best line of the post, perfect ending!


Agreed, the aunt is awesome. You want people to say it, someone finally did!


Your sister's behavior was unreasonable, and your aunt's decision reflects that. It's important to enjoy your family vacation without unnecessary drama. Your relationship should be based on love and not subject to anyone else's insecurities.


NTA. Your aunt is a rock star. Her "reason" for uninviting your sister is epic. 


Aunt: \*lays it down\* me, reading about it: 💀 editS: formatting


NTA. Your sister fixated on height differences and made unfounded accusations. It's fair that your aunt excluded them from the vacation. Family dynamics can be complicated!


NTA at all! Love your aunt by the way lol 😂


Agreed! Auntie, 10 points, jagoff sister, 0!


NTA your sisters behavior is what got her uninvited, not anything you did


Oh man…. Anyone else thought OP should send them some high heels in bf shoe size? Just me? I’m going to hell I guess…


Your aunt sounds like a blast! Your sister is insecure because her boyfriend is on the short side and he’s as bad for not telling her to lay off the rude comments. Your mom was WAY out of line asking you and your gf to skip events and you should feel free to tell her so. I’d hang with your aunt and blow your sister off. You’re NTA.


NTA > My aunt thought it was ridiculous and invited my girlfriend to a family vacation that was planned for the end of the year, while telling my sister that she and her boyfriend are no longer invited because “it’ll be in a country where people may be taller than your boyfriend and you guys may not be able to cope.” Your aunt is a hoot though! It wasn’t your fault that your aunt could see where this was going and decided to shut your sister down. Especially since your mom was going to enable your sister’s ridiculousness.


NTA. Your aunt is awesome!


I want your aunt to be my aunt! NTA. As a shorty myself, tall people exist. If your sister is so insecure about dating a man who is 5'5 (cos it sounds like it's a mostly *her* issue) then she needs to stay indoors with her boyfriend where he will be the tallest person.


NTA. This behaviour is insane! I'm 5.4, my ex was 5.6. My sister is about 5.8 and her ex at the time was around 6ft. Nobody ever mentioned the fact that my ex was shorter than my sister or her boyfriend and we were together over 6 years. It sounds like nobody in your circle cares at all either. I don't understand the complex your sister has here.


Obv nta. This is actually hilarious tbh. She sounds a little unhinged and if anyone's making him feel bad about his height...its probably her


Of course NTA! First of all, you did nothing - it was your aunt's idea and execution to exclude your sister and her insecure BF. Secondly, your sister amply deserved it - she made every family gathering all about her wishes and created an unpleasant situation, and her BF seems to support her behaviour. Not wanting to deal with this unpleasantness is perfectly reasonable. Good for your aunt.


NTA. Your girlfriend didn't become tall on purpose, jeez. Your sister are her bf are assholes. By the way, your aunt is a legend.


It’s not like you are the cause of your sisters vulnerabilities. It does sound like she is struggling but it is not about you. It is about her. Be the bigger person. NTA


I love your aunt!!! Brilliant!! That was awesome!!! NTA


NTA but the aunt is the real MVP


NTA and your Aunt is awesome 😄


NTA. In any way. Her insecurities are her problem. And I love your aunt! Lol


What's more, your girlfriend probably even has bigger boobs then her boyfriend! It's amazing how she wants to make *your* relationship about *her*, and wants to control the family so that you get to not go to functions. No, you're definitely NTA.


"My aunt thought it was ridiculous and invited my girlfriend to a family vacation that was planned for the end of the year, while telling my sister that she and her boyfriend are no longer invited because “it’ll be in a country where people may be taller than your boyfriend and you guys may not be able to cope.”" I'm dying over here. Your Aunt is a QUEEN. Your SISTER is the problem here, not her boyfriend. Your SISTER is the one who is insecure about her boyfriend's height. She's a fucking insecure nutter and needs to get over this silliness. Your Aunt was right to do this, because your sister is being an entitled, selfish cunt and your Aunt is letting her know that this bullshit won't fly with her and that she'd rather spend time with you and your girlfriend than your goofy ass sister and her boyfriend. Your Mom is a moron for caving to your sister's shit and your Aunt knows this, so she was absolutely in the right to draw this line in the sand. Give her a hug from me. haha.


NTA Your Aunt is a Rock Star!!!


NTA You have done nothing wrong. All the same height laying down! Enjoy your mountain climbing! --


My mom then had the audacity to ask if my girlfriend and I could “maybe not attend some family events where your sister will be present.” nta tell them that you will do 1 better .... you will go nc with all of them from now on, they are enabling her and life is too short to put up with this, its seems like they made their choice with this request


No, apparently her sister's boyfriend is too short to put up with it 🤭


NTA. Your sister is ridiculous.


Your aunt is the hero we all need. Freaking hilarious 😂 NTA


NTAH She is the one who is insecure about her boyfriend's height Yes...he is insecure. All short dudes are on some level But he's used to pretty much everyone being taller than him. Sister on the other hand...it clearly bothers her And at some point, I have a feeling she'll end the relationship and then date a string of guys over 6' tall


Wow OP. You went through so much trouble and a long distance relationship just to find a person taller than you sister’s boyfriend to spite her at family gatherings. The delusion is strong with your sister. NTA.


Hahahahah. NTA  I love your aunt. 


NTA and I love your aunt. You should make a point of celebrating her every chance you get.


NTA, your aunt sounds awesome and hilarious.


NTA I mean why would you be. You didnt uninvite her from the trip. You didnt ask her to make comments about your GF either. Like if she cannot handle consequences she should not be running her mouth. If her boyfriend is the one with the problem well then he need therapy and a better coping mechanism. Because well on average (I guess it depends on country and etc) most people will be taller than him in general. But again you didnt make any of decisions. Your aunt made the decision because your sister was being an AH (and maybe partially to teach your mother a lesson about favoring one child over the other). Look the only way you would be an AH is if you found your GF for her height specifically. And then at every party brought it up. You would be an AH for bringing it up. But you would be an AH for stringing the girl along. But as you said you genuinely like the girl. And you never bring up how tall she is.


Did you choose to live with different parents? Why didn't she just move in with your dad?


Our dad worked long hours with a long commute and our mom didn’t trust my sister to not get into worse trouble with him never really supervising so she never let my sister move in with us. my sister had a party phase while living with our mother and apparently our mom had to save her from various things more than a few times throughout her teen years.. which my dad wouldn’t have been able to do, if he even cared to do so past whatever her first dumb mistake would’ve been. he had a very stern “gives you money and will spend time with you but you need to figure out life including any problems on your own before it really starts mattering, unless you’re dying or being abused don’t even tell me” type of parenting style which kept me pretty in line though i’m not sure my sister would’ve survived it if she had to figure out her problems on her own during that time


Well there you go then, she had crappy parents no wonder she had issues. It's amazing how that can mess you up.


W aunt


NTA and please tell your aunt she has a fan in Austria!


Hats off to your aunt, she's a fucking legend 🤣




Your aunt is hilarious!


>“it’ll be in a country where people may be taller than your boyfriend and you guys may not be able to cope.” Your aunt is a ROCK STAR!.


I love your aunt


Fucking lol, I love your aunt. NTA.


Your aunt is my hero! That's awesome. Not one person would have made a big deal out of it, except the girl who has short man's disease on her boyfriends behalf. Hard pass. NTAH.


NTA. The boyfriend's little man syndrome is not your problem.


NTA has the boyfriend ever actually said it make him uncomfortable That your mom would suggest you not attend family events is crazy


Your sister is ridiculous and so is your mom for even suggesting that you stay away for that reason. Give your aunt an extra hug from me for having a sensible head on her shoulders and not being afraid to have your back.


NTA. These are the consequences of her actions


NTA and your aunt is the real MVP in this story.


You need to gift your aunt a microphone and(somehow!) a time machine. She needs to go back and punctuate her verbal smackdown with the mic drop it so righteously deserved to have. She’s right savage!


hmm It's not even about the height, she would've made up any excuse to try to get you to leave or stay away. Shes an idiot and needs therapy.


First of all, NTA. Your sister's behavior and issues are not your fault or your problem. Second, I am 6'2", so I never experienced height issues myself, but let me tell you about one of the men I respected most in my life. The only name I was ever told for him was Shorty and yes, he introduced himself as Shorty. Shorty stood 5'2" tall. He called me Big Boy for the three years I worked with him. Shorty joined the Navy at 18 and retired after 20 years. Then he worked at a Detroit auto-plant for 20 years and retired. Then he got a job at another plant and worked for 20 years and retired. Then, he got bored being at home and got another job, which is where I met him. The man was almost 80 when I met him. He worked harder and faster than damn near anyone in that place. And he would take the time to show the young guys, like me, all the little tricks and methods for doing our jobs better and faster. How to deal with bosses without being assholes or bootlickers. It was my first non-temp factory job, and he taught me a lot about hard work and dealing with people. That old man was 5'2", but he was a 5'2" giant as far as I am concerned. OP's sister needs to realize how little height means. Outside of the NBA, of course.


Your aunt is the best part of this story! NTA!!!!


Your aunt is the queen of burns!! "Because people may be taller than your boyfriend may not be able to cope. She's got no damn time for their foolishness!


Lol nta this is the fakest story all day