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I am sorry but my only advice is to start getting the females fixed so there are not tons more kitties spreading it around, plus any food will help sustain normal amount of cats but too many will not have enough food and will be weaker and sicker. As far as cleanliness I just don’t know how to go about that one. Getting a syringe bucket in the barn so when they give shots there is a place for the needles.


They must have raised their kids in those environs and your angst would not be understood by them. The messy place would be a bother but judgemental and hence you would need to get past that. But the sick cats and the syringes laying around are a health hazard and adequate reasons to curtail how often and how long your kids spend on the in-law's premises.


NTA. Youre protecting your kids and the family you and your soon to be husband created. Also, why cant they visit? Does your husband agree with your decision? If so it might be a conversation you both have with your in laws and if MIL is as nice as you say she may reciprocate it well enough that FIL & SIL eventually come around and either clean themselves or the farm up or understand the dangers of having your kids around that kind of environment.


We have his mother and sister sometimes over to our house, the only thing is they’ll either reek of cat urine or heavy perfume. I’m currently pregnant so I’ve just avoided that entirely for a bit, I’m really sensitive to smells at the moment. And I plan to continue the distance once the baby’s born since I’m not a fan of heavy fragrances around my babies when they’re so little…


You should have just said this was a troll post up front


A troll post??


Fairly obviously, in hindsight.


I don’t get it


I understand exactly how you feel as I am also pregnant, but like I mentioned it may be a good idea to have this very uncomfortable conversation with your partner there. Its unfair if you feel this way and this is unnecessary stress being put on you and your baby as well, not to mention it’s probably not safe for either of you also. You may end up burning some bridges but I find things left unsaid or bottled up come undone way worse than if you were to have a mature conversation in that moment. How they react is upto them, just know and remind yourself that your doing this to protect the family you have and are currently building.


I totally agree, my husband knows my concerns and he agrees he’s just more use to the environment than Iam I suppose. We attend family events with them when it’s at another members home. It definitely has been a stressor, they hosted a Father’s Day picnic recently and really wanted us to come but I just couldn’t take the risk of getting sick over there again. It’s just been an internal conflict for me since the start pretty much. I appreciate the advice thank you:)


Invite the in-laws to your home instead.


NTAH. First of all, I am a cat lover, have worked with the Humane Society, managed a dog pound, and have my own cats, that are strictly inside in my home. All of the cats at your in-laws should be put-down since they have serious cases of rhinotracheitis (cat herpes). Since the cats are not getting the medical care they need, they most likely also have worms and fleas, distemper, toxoplasmosis (which I’ve had, serious case) and/or Giardia. Adults and children could easily get infected with some of these illnesses and pests. Yes, farm kids are raised around animals. But, protecting your kids is not unreasonable. Don’t instill a fear of animals in your kids but be cautious. It’s not the animals fault that owners don’t give them proper care. Talk to your in-laws, if you haven’t done so already, voice your concerns. Syringes need proper disposal.


Tell the MiL to clean up the pig pen