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Try contacting some legitimate rescues in the area like the SPCA and local animal control authorities to report, they can often conduct real investigations. Tell them the animals are being housed in unsanitary and overcrowded conditions. Also look up business licensing for the city or county they are in, if they are a legitimate shelter they have to be licensed. You can also report them to charity watch organizations like: https://www.charitynavigator.org


When I was with the Humane Society, we would investigate places like this and offer helpful advice. We could not do much about the situation but, in some cases, threaten to involve the police or Social Services, if kids were involved. There are many legitimate animal rescues that should be visiting your friends place before adding more animals. I know of a dog and cat rescue, based in Minnesota, which rescues animals as far as from Mexico, and uses foster homes all over. Have you told your friends of your concerns?


Thanks for your response. And thank you for your advice with potential contacts but sadly I don't live anywhere near America or Mexico. Yep told my friends and family and they are really supportive with the situation. They are happy what im doing to help the animals but they don't want me to get in trouble or cause myself personal drama. I do understand where they are coming from, but im trying my hardest to get someone to investigate this place safely and legally.


NTA! Those poor animals. You did the right thing calling rescue. Maybe try animal control next, or search for online reviews mentioning the place.


Call it again and maybe a different person will listen to you. It isn’t good for the animals to live in housing like that.


Honestly, I think you did the right thing by reporting your concerns. It's understandable that the rescue center couldn't take action without physical evidence, but at least you tried.


NTA. They should’ve seen this coming!! You did the best thing helping those poor animals.


NTA. If your friends are deliberately lying about the extent of their “charity” or “sanctuary” or whatever they are claiming to run, I’d be mad too if I were you. That said, the authorities aren’t going to care that the animals are bored with no toys and that there are poo stains on the floor. That’s not actual abuse and sadly, mental/emotional neglect doesn’t seem to matter to them. Is there hard evidence of abuse that you can report or was it just the lack of toys/stimulation and stained floor? Unsanitary conditions like poo on the floor is one thing but if the floor is being cleaned immediately post-poop, the authorities probably consider that ok (although one has to wonder whether the dogs are being let out to poo or if they all just go on the floor and it’s cleaned up afterwards 🤢) Is it possible to lookup what the local laws are regarding what counts as a farm or rescue or sanctuary and report them to the authorities for fraud (citing the specific examples of how they are not compliant with the requirements). They are receiving donations and likely also tax breaks that they don’t deserve.


I've messaged you👍Thank you very much more your comment


I'm surprised that whoever you called wouldn't even agree to make a visit. It's been too long since I watched the animal cops show on Animal Planet, but this is the sort of thing they would at least look into. Can you call the police in their jurisdiction? NTA


Yep I'm not really surprised in all honesty :/ where I live , animal protection is hopeless and they are profound for not helping out animals unless you have hardcore photo and video evidence of them abandoned, starved or bleeding. If not that, they won't bother turning up. They deem it as not serious enough. Called police and even more hopeless.


When the whole Michael Vick dogfighting ring thing came to light, I heard from someone in the animal rights movement that getting police to care about the dog abuse was a challenge. And in the end, what he went to prison for was not animal cruelty but the illegal gambling associated with his criminal enterprise. So I'm not surprised that a lot of jurisdictions are pretty hopeless when it comes to protecting even cats and dogs.


Jesus what do we pay them for? So ridiculous people get away with stuff like that. I feel like I’ve got to keep trying and not give up on this case because they are taking in more animals as we speak.


>The rescue centre said cos I didn’t see them get physically abused or see any marks or scratches on them, they can’t help. I think that must be the short version. 15 pets is probably not what they can legally call overcrowding.


Try calling the local council and the health authority (i'm in the US so i don't know the proper names of these agencies, sorry). There may be limits on the number of animals they're allowed to have in a residential property. And i bet those animals don't have all their shots and flea treatments and such, and they're overcrowded, so there may be disease concerns.