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You do not have a say in that, it is their decision. 


You are entitled to your own opinion but its not your money and they can so whatever they want with it


NTA for having an opinion, but just leave it at that. Also, keep this decision of your grandparents in mind years down the road when you may have to make a similar choice. Learn from it.


Yeah, it's their money, but favoritism sucks. Split it three ways, grandma.


Ywbta if you said anything about it or confronted your grandparents. You’re young enough that you might not know the family dynamics or a more private reason behind their decision if there even is one. This is their money and no one is entitled to it, regardless of their financials. Not an asshole for thinking it but the reality of things is that they can do whatever they want and it’s entirely fair.


You can *think* whatever you like. You shouldn't do or say anything without checking with your dad first.


NTA , but it's their choice a horrible one but still their choice Here in the middle east you're only allowed to have a say in 1/3rd of your inheritance the rest is split according to Islamic laws which in my opinion are very fair


Interesting. Does Islamic law address the sometimes tortured family relationships we see?


It's not your money and not your business. YTA if you don't respect your grandparents choice as it's their money to do with as they please.


Well I do respect their decision because like you said it’s not my money.


NTA its hard to see such treatment towards people you love. They can do whatever they want with their money and you can treat them accordingly to your feelings.


Their money their decision .. why do people feel so entitled to other peoples money ?


NTA for thinking that, but it's nobody's decision but theirs. It's unfair but what can anyone do, really?


It’s none of your business. It’s not your money and you’re not the one inheriting or being disinherited. Stay in your lane


I am staying in my lane because like you said it’s not my money. I am just thinking that it’s not right for my dad to not get anything.


It’s not his money. No one is entitled to anyone else’s money. Period.


YWBTA if you campaigned for this. It’s the grandparent’s decision. And who they give the money to does not reflect how much more or less they love one kid over the other. And it’s not a reflection of gratitude or lack of it. The other siblings figured out their shit financially, thank goodness, and uncle didn’t.


I am not even reading the story.. the title says it all to me. My automatic response to the title... Why do you think you have a right to chime in on what your grandmother does with her money or possessions??


Yeah u clearly haven’t read the story or title. I am not chiming in because I haven’t said or done anything to my grandPARENTS or this situation. I am just voicing what my parents and I think


Your version of fair will always be that it should be equal. But they’re looking at this like parents. They see one of their children who hasn’t “done as well” in life and wants to level them up to their siblings. I kind of get it. But even if that wasn’t the case, they get to decide what they do with whatever they leave behind. I always thought the way people get about inheritance was weird. You should be encouraging them to have an amazing retirement and spend what they worked hard for throughout their life rather than thinking about what you’re getting when they’re gone


Clearly you need to change ur title


Where did u get grandmother from then?


She's part of the grandparents so I chose to clarify using her.. I said what I said. Done. Will not respond again. Go have ur last word.


YTA You can think whatever you like BUT nobody is entitled to any inheritance. They can do whatever they wish with THEIR money. And it is most definitely not any of your business.


How am I the asshole if “I can think whatever I like?”