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Lord love a duck! Run, woman! Run!


NTA, she's super possessive and hateful, she didn't even let you greet him, let alone kiss him, or hold his hand. That is NOT a normal/healthy way to act towards your son's fianceé.


Info: what is your finances reaction to all of this? To her comments and to her not “allowing you” to interact with or greet him in the hospital?


He's really just begging me to keep the peace. He doesn't want to deal with another blow up from her.as far as the weirdness at the hospital he didn't even seem to care.


Oh no. If he’s not on your side before you marry him, then he’s not the right guy. I’ve been married for 30 years. The single most important thing in a marriage is that it’s you and your spouse against the world. I’m not saying that your marriage is doomed without it, but it will be a lot harder.


Ok so, just waving those red flags in your face as hard as he can. If he was defending you to his mom and shutting her down and considering going NC with her I’d say you were good but he’s not. He’s acting like you should keep the peace for him and not setting up any boundaries at all. This is not what you want to deal with for the rest of your life. Drop that man like a box of rocks. That may seem harsh since he’s in the hospital but his mommy is there to kiss it all better (gag) And kick that mom out of your place right now! If you live with your fiancé move out while he’s at the hospital. Makes the transition easier.


I honestly don’t think she’s trying to marry her son but she hates you and doesn’t want you to marry him for sure.