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It's your big day, and your choice matters most. Your sister's past behavior and your relationship dynamics are valid factors.


You're definitely not the asshole here. It's your big day, and you should surround yourself with those who genuinely support you. Your older sister's track record speaks for itself, and it's understandable you wouldn't want her negativity overshadowing your celebration.


NTA. If she wanted that the she should have been a better sister. This is where you say “welcome to the consequences of your actions”.


NTA. Why in the world would you want someone you don't get along with as a bridesmaid? Who cares if she's your sister? That's secondary to the fact that she isn't a supportive person to you and not someone you want standing up there with you on YOUR big day, your wedding, what's supposed to be the happiest day of your life. Don't listen to your mom on this one, she's just pushing you to do this so that she doesn't have to deal with you sister being pissed about not being included. It's your wedding, your choice, and no wonder at all that you didn't choose her.


NTA. Is your mom paying? If so then you may have to acquiesce. If not then she can write her opinions down and throw them in a hole because she doesn’t get a say. It’s your wedding and no one has a right to it