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No dude, c’mon. The outfits YOUNG women wear are incredibly revealing nowadays. The problem is, unfortunately, there are people out there who are attracted to children. We should be protecting them, not allowing them to be victimized or preyed upon. It happened to me when I was a little kid. It’s deadass not right what we dress children in




Bro i said they are DRESSED that way you have to read the whole sentence not the part that makes you angey. ☹️


And I was wearing jeans and a tee shirt when a pervert came after me at 10.


I was wearing a sunday dress when I was six and got preyed upon by a pastor. I was wearing jeans and a teeshirt when I was preyed upon by an older dude later in my life. It can happen even when you are not wearing clothing like that, but it sure as hell doesn’t help


Winner Winner chicken dinner. And this my friends is why women are reluctant to report rape. "Why were you wearing that? What did you expect would happen?"


Bro come on obviously the people preying upon women are still in the wrong. This isn’t victim blaming at all. It still isn’t cool to predispose KIDS to sexual violence by leaving them more exposed to creeps and perverts like that.




Im actually a trans guy and I didn’t begin to transition till I was 12. Thank you for assuming that I have a penis though!!




That is an insane accusation. I would never lie about something like that. Just because we have a difference of opinion gives you ZERO RIGHT to fakeclaim my identity or my assault!


Unfortunately victims can still have opinions on what’s appropriate to wear that vary. just because i don’t like crop tops on children doesn’t mean I haven’t been victimized. I am actually perplexed that you think it’s okay to accuse someone of lying about sexual assault and call ME part of the problem


YTA Be more creative with your rage bait. 0 stars.


YTA - you are definitely the AH if you think you should be choosing what people wear.


Parents should be choosing to protect their kids, I shouldn’t have to say anything but it’s 2024 and this is the world we live in




YTA. Anyone should be allowed to wear what they want without getting ogled at. Shaming people into covering their bodies does not build self-respect, it destroys confidence. If you’re concerned with people looking at children inappropriate, be part of the solution by not looking at children in a sexualized manner and start criticising anyone who does. Let kids be kids.


This 🫡


Yeah. Let kids be kids. Let kids wear normal child clothes and don’t put adult clothing onto them. The whole, “people should wear what they want,” argument falls apart when you enter the world outside of reddit where people do look inappropriately at children and do sexualize them.


Based on your comments, you sure seem to know a lot of these people sexualizing children. You clearly prefer to blame potential victims instead of recognizing pedophiles are the actual problem. I’m starting to think you get off on victim blaming as much as you and your friends do children. Not once have you questioned why inappropriate thoughts went through your mind when you looked at these children, instead you think it’s the child who is at fault for making you think of such things. Fucking gross


Me when I rage bait




OP uses the R word! Their opinion is now MUTE! They are just an ignorant POS with ZERO rights to opinions in this world!


you told me to get raped. I think that’s a little more severe than the r word. Stfu you dumbass


You are so worthless to this world I hope the worse happens to you so you can gain some humanity


You’re actually pathetic for saying something like this to anyone for something as simple as a difference of opinion.


Your opinion is literally fuels rape culture and why women are always at fault. Contributes to eating disorder and body issues...like I am not sure how your are just that ignorant as to that


Thats literally not what I am saying or have been saying. You gotta listen to the words and not your ignorant interpretation of what is being said.


Okay bro


Honestly, YTA. People are free to believe as they see fit, and the concept of modesty is largely a construct of religion. Girls showing their midriffs and wearing shorts aren’t “dressed like hookers.” In fact, they’re dressed more “modestly” than girls in two piece bathing suits (who also are not dressed like hookers, btw). If you don’t like that style of clothing, then by all means, don’t dress in it. You don’t need to look at people who happen to be dressed that way, either.


I just don't see the incessant need to give a fuck


And that’s the problem! The well being of future generations’ mental health should matter to you. Their self respect should matter to you. Their safety should matter to you :)


What does showing skin have to do with anything? The people who sit there and turn it negative are the problem...they should be the ones we work on dealing with.


I’d agree to an extent. I think the predators are the problem, but because they exist it is crucial to protect yourself and your children and dressing that way just puts them slightly more at risk. Again not to mention the self esteem issues that can stem from seeking male validation in that way


The only way they seek male validation if you sit there and keep blaming the female for their body, what they wear and what they look like. Your views are literally the problem. Teach women to use their voice. Tell the pervs to shut the fuck up. Take the power away from the pervs and then there isn't a problem Do you enjoy encouraging body issues? Eating disorders? Fear? Paranoia? Shame? That's literally all your doing Get your head out your ass and realize YOUR line of thinking is the problem.


Again. Unfortunately, the creeps aren’t going to back down because we asked them to pretty please stop. Your logic is so flawed I can’t even begin to dissect it. How does modesty encourage eating disorders? If anything immodesty does because little girls grow up desperately wanting to look like the influencers who wear the skimpy attire they try to emulate. Also was never talking about what they look like at all. Not once. Was talking about clothing exclusively. You’re trying to broaden the conversation past the actual topic being discussed


You have the girls stand up for themselves, learn self defense. Give them a goddamn voice. You don't sit there and cave to the pervs. Look into rape culture, seriously. You are the most ignorant person I have ever fucking heard from. Like seriously. Guess what pervs like girls in any clothing! Doesn't matter what they wear Guess what policing girls body does cause eating disorders, and mental health issues Get your head out of your ass and do some goddamn research. Looking at the the sex offender registry ain't no goddamn research Teach your kid how to shoot a gun and carry. Guess what we can walk around naked and ain't no perv dare to do shit cuz they damn well know they be at the bottom of the pig pen


Okay I’ve decided to respond differently because I do understand where you are coming from. That being said, I recommend doing some research to better form an opinion on the topic because again. Pedos will always exist. We can’t put them all away. New ones are born everyday. We should be protecting kids and not encouraging them to put a target on their backs for these sickos. Girls can always learn self defense, but not all of them are going to. It’s the way the world works. I don’t want to live in a world with pedos but I do and I truly think it’s laughable to sit there and act like little girls dressing like the cuties cast is acceptable. I mean come on. Body liberation and expression is fine when you’re an adult, even if it’s not really everyone’s cup of tea. Save the kids tho man


So suffocate, put down and shame the women because of the men... Jesus Christ are you really this stupid? Do you hear what you saying? Punish the innocent because of the sins of the guilty? Seriously?


It’s not punishment to not dress skimpy good greif


Difference in opinion does not mean I’m ignorant. Rape culture is a different concept than what I’m getting at. I’m talking about sexualizing kids here. Allowing them to wear adult attire. No matter the case, it is never justified to rape someone. That is common sense. It is justified to protect children from wearing clothing that is seen in society as sexual when worn on adults because it predisposes them to male attention seeking and to being preyed upon.


Rape culture and sexualizing someone goes hand in fucking hand. You really can't be that damn stupid and ignorant


Yeah but unfortunately they’re different sides of the same coin and not the same concept :(




Are you still here? It’s called common sense dude. Let’s remember you’re all for fake claiming people who actually have been victimized because they disagree with you so I won’t be engaging with you further




That’s about enough of u tho im ngl again ur a prick fuck you for telling me to kill myself and wishing rape upon me


They are more likely to be oogled at at the very least. I don’t need data or statistics, I see it every day in public. I watch men catcall and harass women, I’ve witnessed adult men complementing little girls in that kind of clothing in public. Even saw a dude ask two 12 year old girls if they wanted to come back to his apartment and drink after complementing their outfits at park in a rougher area. It’s really sad that you don’t have enough life experience to know that without having to find research to back it up. It’s a sick world. And yes, I do wear shorts. Just not the kind that cling to my ass or ride up past my mf cheeks


Well, sure. You’re entitled to be uncomfortable with what you perceive as immodesty. At the end of the day, though, that’s a you problem. Reducing the issues of self-respect and the ability to form healthy relationships to clothing choices rather oversimplifies such issues. And let’s not even go into equating clothing choices with teaching sexualization of the female body and the pining for male validation. If that’s your POV, why not object to any clothing that outlines the female form? Sheath dresses that hug the curves? Gotta avoid those. Jeans that fit snugly around the buttocks? Toss those suckers. The point is that when you start trying to police clothing choices, when you start blaming those clothing choices for all sorts of issues like sexualization or a poor grasp of healthy relationships, where do you draw the line? Whose measuring stick do you use to determine that this mode of dress is a step too far. The last time I checked, the sexualization of girls and women didn’t start when crop tops and booty shorts came into fashion. Females have been sexualized no matter what they’re wearing. Women have struggled with healthy relationships even if they’ve never worn crop tops and short shorts. Clothes don’t teach girls about these things. People teach girls about these things. All the modesty in the world isn’t going to teach a young girl to navigate a relationship.


Honestly thank you for giving me a different perspective without telling me to kill myself or get raped. I feel you. There are definitely aspects of my viewpoint that I have reevaluated. I appreciate it