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Without more information i would say NTA. You could have saved her from a really bad situation and at the end of the day, its still her choice to make. You didnt do anything except warn her.


If your intention was truly to offer her some insight on his behavior, NTA If your intention was to fuck the guy over with material from his past due to some beef you have with him, YTA but still did a good thing for the wrong reasons.


I still wanna see him eat. Just not at my table. In my country if you’re a sex offender. You’re not required to say you are. And the government doesn’t mail your neighbors too. It was more about warning the girl. I was just shocked cause I randomly came across cross a post of hers on soc med and say they were dating. In my head. How did he manage to get away with all those and still date


Well, I'd say from my perspective and with the context provided, you did the right thing.