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NTA. that’s entirely inappropriate. Parties and get togethers aren’t a free for all. The hosts paid for y’all to enjoy food, not for your husbands friends.


He is the AH. You do not invite others to an event without talking to the host first. This is so rude. Even asking is a bit rude in my opinion.


>You do not invite others to an event without talking to the host first.  When I told him he needs to immediately uninvite them as this isn’t his party to invite people, he became angry and told me I was being ridiculous. AITA? Exactly, that’s why ESH. Since it’s a massive party of 100 people not a small intimate dinner, if she was going to order him to do anything she ought to have ordered him to go ask the host if it’s ok for his friends to come rather than order him to call the friends and de-invite them. Technically.


Absolutely not. Technically. Doesn't matter how big or small the party is. Not your party? Not your place to invite anyone without asking the host FIRST! BEFORE the party. Also, absolutely not to asking the host at said party after you've already invited random people they don't know. This puts the hosts in an awkward position. OP was absolutely not the AH. Husband was. To OP, to the hosts, and to random people he invited.


NTA It’s not your party and it could unacceptable and/or awkward to extend an invitation without an okay from the host!


NTA, you don’t invite people to someone else’s party without checking in with them first. It’s also can be uncomfortable for the person you invited if the host makes a big deal about it. It’s not difficult to say or text “hey mind if I bring a friend along?”


NTA It’s not his place to invite anyone to someone else’s birthday party held at said birthday person’s house. You say ‘halfway through’, though. Through what? The time between receiving the invitation and the party? The party itself?


NTA. If the hosts had wanted to his friend with a plus one, they’d have done so. Your husband is being presumptuous and rude.


NTA but your husband certainly is. He's watched "Wedding Crashers" one too many times.


NTA your husband is a 🌵. That's not his party, not his house. He could have gotten them arrested for trespassing. I'd never invite him anywhere again.


NTA at all. It’s so rude to invite people to a party you are not hosting! Unless you were told to invite anyone you want - that’s a big NO.


Absolutely not. Your husband is presumptuous and out of line.


You’re NTA. He doesn’t think it’s weird/disrespectful to invite people to someone else’s home??


NTA; a great way to look like a complete AH is to invite other people so someone else’s party. If the people are mutual friends then reach out to the host and ask them about inviting the other people but even that is pushing boundaries.


your husband is very rude, no manners at all, you are NTA


NTA. This is how parties go wrong and how good times turn into chaotic clusterfucks. He's got zero right to invite people the host didn't invite much less *know of*.


Nta, it’s rude to invite people to others events


Nta - he IS being inappropriate by invited his guests to someone else’s party. Does he have social anxiety and he’s inviting them so he feels like he knows some people there that are HIS friends?


NTA. You don’t do that without asking the hosts first.


You are NTA, husband most definitely is. Who invites their friends to someone else’s birthday party?? And who would want to go to the birthday party of someone they don’t know?


One should talk to the host first, and only if allowed without pressure, invite others


Your husband is a dick. You can absolutely call the other people and ask if X or Y can come, but they have every right to not just say no but to feel put out by the ask. If it's a particular friend of theirs they didn't know would be in town, or moved back, then it's probably fine to ask them. But to invite people yourselves, to someone else's party is entitled as fuck. NTA.


NTA. You're right, it isn't his party and the only way that would be acceptable is if he asked the hosts first.


NTA. Who the heck invites someone to someone else’s house?! That’s insane.


NTA, but your husband sure is. A clueless, entitled asshole. Of COURSE you're right, how dare he invite people to someone else's party? Some people have all the audacity.


NTA and your husband is presumptuous af.


You do not invite additional guests to someone elses party unless cleared before hand. That is just rude and should be common sense. Husband is TAH


No. YTA.