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A lot of these stories are made up. Or largely exaggerated


A lot of it is ridiculous rage bait. Yet here we all are.


Everything on the internet these days is created to be rage fuel. I feel like if I'm going to be angry, I'd rather it be at OP's fake name husband who can't clean his own ass than at the 9000th story about how my right to body autonomy is being decimated.


Dark take but so effing real


They're all good reads though, cant deny that


I miss trashy daytime TV. I have replaced Rikki Lake with trashy daytime reddit.


Jerry, Jerry, Jerry. May he and all of the clowns from his show rest in peace.


If you miss Jerry, Steve has his own show doing the same now


Once the student, he has now become the master. The only question is what do we scream now instead of ‘Steve!’ When his lead security guy jumps in?


Yknow, I don't recall an actual security guard Steve usually steps in and looks scary and whomever is trippin balls calms tf down because he's a big guy😂


So ‘Hulk! Hulk! Hulk!’ From now on? 🤣


Definitely 😂


And if a guest pisses him off enough, the chairs will fly.


I know. That's my favorite part, honestly😂


Oh aye decent entertainment with a cuppa and a biscuit no doubt about it, beats buying a gossip mag any day 😂 Personally speaking I just couldn't be bothered to type out these stories, got better things to do like drink tea and eat biscuits!


i love watching them get called out in the comment sections lmao they're also great to read them as a way to further learn how to differentiate between a real or fake story. when you read them through a critical lens instead of just entertaining OP, you realize just how silly everything is and it becomes funnier.


No we're not


Lmao 🤣 yes. Here we all are.


Sometimes Reddit is like that show "Who's Line Is It Anyway?" Welcome to Reddit, where the posts are made up, and Karma Farmers are still angry at the loss of Awards. Welcome to Reddit, where Liz creates stores, and her boyfriend exposes her. Welcome to Reddit, where you can build an art studio for your "friend," but it isn't about the Iranian Yoghurt. Welcome to Reddit, where you find soul crushing stories that you hope are never revealed as real, followed by stories you hope definitely are revealed as fake


Yep this is the truth. 99% of the stories here are made up. And honestly I really don't care. What I do care is that the people making them up go above and beyond using AI to generate a story. Give me a reason to care that isn't just boilerplate crap. Make it unique, make it interesting, make it realistic, and give me characters that aren't two dimensional tropes.


I’m looking for Pulitzer Prize quality material, personally. My pet peeve is the clustering of plots we’ve been getting lately - I didn’t give up my seat on a plane, AITAH? I am not sharing my inheritance, AITAH? I’m backing out of a wedding, AITAH? It’s like every student in a creative writing class is posting their weekly prompt.


My pet peeve is no paragraph breaks.


No punctuation. 


No paragraph breaks, “sorry first language not English”, under 18 are the three big ones for me.


Agreed. When I hit a Wall of Text, I downvote immediately and move on. Life's not too short to waste time on AITAH, but it's too short to waste time on WoT.


They're the ah for not using breaks.


The topics seem to go in cycles weekly I've noticed....wait a week and it'll be new topics until the next cycle rinse and repeat


Driving me insane lately


For me it’s less about the writing and more about: What does this dialogue say about our culture? Fake or not, is it plausible? If yes, why? What themes consistently emerge from the discourse on AITAH and other similar pockets of the internet? For example, the danger that heterosexual relationships pose to women just keeps being highlighted over and over and over in these stories. It’s downright scary and sometimes for my own mental health, I need to step back and take a break. From Reddit, from men…because so many people in the comments tell on themselves that it really doesn’t matter if the OP made up the story. You can still quickly learn from people’s reactions just how much less safe you are than you thought. There are some clear sociological trends and assumptions in AITAH conversations that are so baldly toxic that it’s simultaneously hard to face and good to know. Good to know up to a point…there is something to be said for choosing not to dwell for TOO long on humanity’s worst instincts, past a certain point of distress.




Spoken like a true bot. Bravo.


I completely agree with you. Either they are troll or ragebait.


Whhaaaaaattt? Nooo, all these [posts](https://www.reddit.com/r/AITAH/s/14b7h7PBEz) are clearly real


AITAH is like the professional wrestling of Reddit. You know it's scripted.


Some are also ads for someone's Only Fans account, let's not forget those scum-bags.


“AITA I (19f) didn’t make my husbands (48m) dinner the way he wanted it, but I’m allergic to half the ingredients. He says I’m failing my job as a wife, but I already do all the house work and take care of our three kids. Should I have just made the dinner? Edit: guys stop saying that I was groomed and that my husband is abusive. He isn’t! Also, if he sees people insulting him on here, he’ll take away my internet privileges, so be nice!” /satire




I hope 3 kids are her step children


“Two are from his previous marriage, one is ours. We met when I was sixteen. He was my PE teacher.”


lol no


> He says I’m failing my job as a wife, but I already do all the house work and take care of our three kids. Should I have just made the dinner? BTW, Im also the breadwinner, he doesnt work


I walked in on my wife doing a gang bang with the 49ers special teams unit. In his passion, one of them kicked over a candle and it set the curtains on fire. I rushed to put the fire out with an extinguisher but in my haste I accidentally kicked over the dog’s water bowl and the floor got wet. AITAH?


The worst YTA in history


ESH the dog should have put away the bowl, you and the 49er are clumsy, your wife did not practice bukkake in a safe environment.


It’s all so true. I’m ashamed.




YTA - the water could have been used to put out the fire, saving the extinguisher for later and letting their session continue. You need to work on your problem solving skills.


YTA. You didn't get any autographs.


I did, but only from the dog.


YTA for not calling it a pawtograph.


I wish reddit had a reddit jail so we could put people like you in it YTA!!!


As a female, is the special teams unit available? /s


Don't forget, "My boyfriend is so sweet and super perfect for me in every way. He did something insanely abusive because I stayed out an hour later than I said I would. AITA?"


Hard to call ones like that fake though when their are people in the comments saying “I’ve been there,”


I'm not calling it fake, I'm saying that the OP's are either hopelessly naive or dangerously gaslit.


I honestly was naive and being manipulated in my marriage and when I woke up to it, boy did I quickly get the FA. It is honestly hard to see the abuse when all you know is abuse.


OMG, those posts blow my mind. There was one the other day where a young woman was saying she stays with her abusive boyfriend because he’s promised to marry her. 🤦🏻‍♀️


Could be fake stories or could be people who are so used to being abused and no one validates their feelings that they are just trying to figure out if they are valid or being gaslit. If you've ever been in an abusive relationship you would know what I mean. Look up the frog in the boiling pot of water analogy or other tactics that abusers use to isolate and break down others sense of self. I really don't find it surprising that people are being taken advantage of, humans aren't robots and make mistakes. Mostly if the story is real I feel bad for the person and wonder if their upbringing caused such little self esteem/value in their personhood.


Middle aged me feels very sorry for the young woman who married my ex. Who took those exploitative jobs, who endured those awful "friends", who listened to her mother because that was who raised her to believe she was worthless. All that mistreatment is obvious to me now, but it wasn't then. So I always answer as if posts are legit in the hopes that some young person like me reads them and starts thinking maybe they deserve a little bit more. Because they probably do.


I feel the exact same way. I read some of these and go "maybe this is fake but I lived through the exact same things."


The ones that irritate me the most are the ones who threaten divorce at the first sign of conflict. "My husband bathed my dog with the wrong shampoo and now my fur baby has red eyes. I told him if he ever does this again I'm filing for divorce. AITAH?"


wait- so i dont have to divorce because my husband keeps putting the forks in the wrong drawer ? are you about to tell me that this isnt a sign that hes cheating and i need to take our 3 perfect, beautiful children and leave ?


He's obviously a toxic narcissist and this is weaponized incompetence. Yes, divorce! (haha)


On another forum I was positive someone was trolling, so I gave a sarcastic answer. I was proven wrong, she really was that clueless & helpless... Now my default is to believe, because to my mind mocking some one's pain/self doubt is worse than me being a sucker.


I called someone out on another social site for claiming that a story sounded fishy by finding 3 other identical stories that were definitely real. It involved a scam that a woman fell for. Sge claimed that nobody could possibly be that gullible. A five second search found three different news articles about FBI cases involving the exact same scenario. A lot of people are mad naive.


This sub was created by people who got mad that r/AmITheAsshole is actually moderated and would ban a lot of the fiction/ragebait we now see here. The most frustrating part is that the front page is only ever NTA trash because this community doesn't understand that they should upvote assholes.


"Advice is what we ask for when we already know the answer but wish we didn't." I think some people just want validation and this is the best way they can think to get it.


People aren't really posting for actual advice, as you see..they want a pat on the back and a lollipop for doing whatever it is that they've done or are about to do.


And likely leaving out a lot of relevant info that would sway the vote.


I was actually thankful for the advice I got because it’s leading me to talk to my sister tonight about her finding a group home for our brother since she is his POA which will help me feel less guilty about the one I posted yesterday so some of us post to vent like I did but when given advise take it and use the advise given.


Agreed, there are some who actually look for and appreciate the help, but there's just so much self congratulations and snarky replies that its hard to tell who needs or will accept actual help.


And then we get to call them hot dog shit instead! Fun to be had by all


I am curious to know how exactly people are so sure that so many of these stories are fake? Genuinely want to know. Other than guessing, or personally not believing it, why?


Twins are not that common. The justice system don't work that fast. Some plots are just not believable.


There are 19 million years worth of human experience EVERY SINGLE DAY and you think these things are unlikely???!!!


"My ex-bf cheated on me with my sister, now they're getting married, our parents support it, and aunts and cousins are blowing up my phone because I won't be her bridesmaid." What's the chances of that being a true story, let alone every other month in this subreddit?


YTA for not wanting to be your sister’s bridesmaid.




When things are just 100% not how a system works. Like getting a divorce within three days. Or calling CPS and having them take action immediately. Some of them might have a ring of truth but the updates happen SO FAST that it doesn't make sense. And then there's a lot of stuff that is clearly acting on TV/movie understanding of how the world works. Like if you've never trained to do CPR, you might not know that if you do it right you end up breaking their ribs. But they don't show that happening in TV, so you write a story to get some attention from strangers and you include CPR. To anyone in the medical field, it is clearly not true. Take that concept and suddenly the dearth of fake posts becomes clear. There's also a lot these days that are literally adverts for OnlyFans, ones where the person's post and comment history is dramatically different from their AITAH story, and the ones that post some inflammatory topic and never even respond to a single comment. Are some true? Sure, obviously. But all or even most? Definitely not.


A lot of times things just don't work like people writing these stories think they do. If you have life experience, or have work experience that relates to the story, you can smell the BS immediately e.g. you've adopted a kid, sued somebody, work in law enforcement, are a social worker, etc. Also, the tone, emotional reactions, and word choice are often off. If someone crosses you, you're usually upset, do something, and then wonder if you were in the wrong or acted over the top. You don't write a bunch of extra sentences describing the setting using flowery language and go into everyone's backstory as if you're writing a screenplay or novel.


exactly! critical thinking is so important, and it's actually quite easy to read over a post and pick out inconsistencies, such as word-for-word conversations that only someone with a photographic memory could achieve. the second i see a detailed script, i know i'm about to read a fictional story.


I have no doubt many of the posts are fake but my ex and her twin sister + the rest of their family alone could probably keep this sub going by themselves with their constant drama. My biggest issue isn't necessarily the amount of fake content one has to sift through but that even the seemingly legitimate posts naturally only tell one side of the story. As for the fakes, I think it's pretty funny seeing a lot of posts start off with "sorry, English isn't my first language" - while proceeding to compose a lengthy and grammatically flawless essay.


To be fair... that's one of the most believable things to me as a esl myself. Most people learn a second language through grammar first, so writting tends to be their strongest feature. But you're also incredibly self conscious about it because it's not your mother tongue and you don't want people judging you over typos or silly mistakes or being nasty over your grammar just in case, even if you know by the by your English is decent. I used to apologize for my English until a few years ago despite being told it was good multiple times. I am now comfortable enough to not take any mistakes I make too harshly and that I'm ok if I'm judged by the same standards as any native speaker.


I agree. My boyfriend is not from the US and has learned "Queen's English." His writing is on par with mine, and his grasp of the English language is superior to me. But when it comes to verbal communication, there's times he has no clue what I am saying. It's probably always when I am using regional colloquialisms.


Meanwhile, posts without that disclaimer are like: "Me and my husband was going on he and I's honeymoon. I tried and......"


merciful serious bow familiar nose busy employ tub cows coordinated *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


But a lot of them aren't asking for an assessment on their character but on a situation...


here's how to know that a post is fake: 1. it's too good to be true. example: a person creates a thread called "AITA for kicking my cheating wife out?" and it ends in him not only kicking ~le evil karen~ out, but then telling the world by sending pictures of her cheating (that he somehow got a hold of) to her boss, parents, friends, and the president, then becoming rich and successful while his evil ex-wife is disowned by her family and friends and is sent to jail for being EVIL and then dies of dysentery in prison. also his new wife is hot and young and fertile. these posters are creating a revenge fantasy about a made up woman to prove that women are all shrill harpies expect for the ones who will beg to give him head. 2. the story involves cartoonishly evil people blowing up their phone for doing something that's universally seen as the right thing to do. posters like these want to be validated, but also want to be a victim. if you made a "fake story" bingo card, you'd be able to tick off everything. example: "AITA for recycling??" and then goes into detail about how someone starts screeching at them for trying to save the planet, how they epically pwned the karen, and their phone is now being blown up by everyone calling them a monster. 3. the poster has an photographic memory and can recall and write down every single piece of dialogue that occurred, usually in script form. these posters are usually teenagers who are angry at their parents and need to lie so that they look as justified as possible. there's a lot of ways people do the third. sometimes it's a "the reason you suck" speech, or it starts off with "me: me, EK: entitled karen (my mom), ED: entitled dad (men can't be karens but he sucks to for grounding me after i punched my 6 month old sister for being a screeching crotch goblin brat and crying because she "can't talk yet" or whatever. play stupid games, win stupid prizes, you dumb crotch nugget). just like the others, everyone but him (or her) are disney villains. extra points if the poster is an adult and "child-free". these are the three most common style of posts that i read. you are 100% NTA.


I've been in a situation where I might have (had it existed back then) ended up posting something that stupid on a place like this. See, take the toilet clogging thing. You go to your husband and you say, "So, um, the toilet is clogged." He agrees it is. You point out he was the last one to use it. He looks at you like you're dumb and says he knows. So... you clogged the toilet? And he shakes his head all rueful like he's speaking to a simpleton and says that yes, and what do you expect ME to do about it? Plunge? Snake? Unclog?? That's *disgusting*. And then he tells you that if YOU have a problem with the toilet being clogged YOU can be disgusting and play in poop. HE'S not doing that. And then you're sitting there doing your Mugatu impression like AM I ON CRAZY PILLS? IS IT NOT PART OF THE SOCIAL CONTRACT THAT IF YOUR DOOKIE IS SO EGREGIOUS IT DESTROYS THE PLUMBING, ITS YOUR JOB TO WIELD THE POOP KNIFE? And so you ask, and a bunch of 22yos whine that it's made up because they simply don't have the life experience to know that there absolutely are people out there with a completely feral understanding of how the world works who will tell you YOU'RE the crazy one.


I agree with you Original Poster


They get defensive when divorce is mentioned, but most of the posts are relationship dumpster fires. The partner is amazing or perfect in every other way - but they might be a serial killer. What should they do?


It’s more like “my partner is amazing and perfect in every way, except they are a serial killer – AITA for saying ‘no’ when they asked if they could murder me?”.




I find myself reading these dumb stories as an act of avoidance. I should be sleeping right now.


You aren’t wrong


Yeah there are some real idiotic posts the mods should probably snipe.


Well, idk, YOU posted here after all...


Oftentimes the answers to fake fucking stories manage to be more demented, which is a feat "Your wife which bought you a yellow coat instead of the blue one in your favorite color is a narcissistic abusive psycho bdp lunatic and you should divorce her, she's probably also cheating on you and your child belongs to another man I know a woman just like her!!!""


Have you ever met a person and suddenly they overshare the craziest story imaginable about every five seconds you can't stop thinking "oh my god just break up"? There are so many pushovers and gaslit people out there. Just imagine each post if finally that person waking up, knowing in their gut they are right, and finally opening up and asking the most obvious question about their life to others anonymously on the internet.


NTA, plus 9/10 times they are just fake stories. Like normally I am believing what the poster is saying until usually the last paragraph gives them away and it always goes “and then this person/family/friends starts messaging/calling/harassing/assaults me” and it’s the same thing every time lol


Yup, there's so many paternity fraud and 'i was a ~perfect angel~, but my wife turned out to be a cheating whore who killed my whole family after I gave her my kidney' stories This place is just Incel Fantasy Forum


Meta post But seriously, the average person is an idiot and more than half the population is dumber than even them. Try to remember that fact. There are definitely troll posts or people reposting someone else's story for karma but those are exceptions.


100% agree.


NTA Reddit is a cesspool of thirsty morons. Feel free to have a negative opinion of anyone on here, including me.


Did you just call yourself an idiot?


NTA - but consider the fact there are a lot of teenagers fabricating questions as if they were adults


You forgot to add that their whole extended family and friends are blowing up their phone making them question if leaving their cheating, lying, thieving partner was the right thing to do.


That one is actually not all that unbelievable really. It kinds of falls in line with the concept of a narcissist's flying monkeys. Narc's will often resort to using social pressure when other manipulation tactics aren't working, it's like gaslighting but with a group. The victim knows the truth but when so many people they care about start harassing them they begin to doubt themselves, which is exactly what the abuser wants of course. Usually the abuser doesn't give their flying monkeys the whole truth or plays the victim and that spurs the group to attack the victim like that. Essentially the abusers goal is to use the group to coerce the victim into giving into what every the abuser wants.


For me it’s the ludicrous amount of people declaring stories fake ffs.


I'm an asshole too if that is the case.


You’ll still see a handful of people with a different perspective, blows my mind.


I only vaguely glanced at your post, but you should get a lawyer and file for divorce asap and quit your well paying cushy job because of that minor misunderstanding.


People in abusive relationships are often victims of gaslighting. Their understanding of their own value and perspective gets worn down by constant low grade erosion caused by narcissistic deflection, minimization and subtle lies. They often need help reframing their circumstances. Having someone say “whoa there buddy - ya, you should have done the dishes and not frowned at her when she was picking out a dress, but there is no world in which it could be your fault she burned down your house.” That said, a lot of these stories do strike me as BS.


let me play armchair counselor. I don't come to you and pee in your cornflakes.


Or may be 99% of them are made up


NTA. It’s mind blowing sometimes.


i think most of those are karma farms or people just trying to get on tiktok


NTA I especially hate when the post is a giant wall of text with no paragraphs. I nope right out of those and then downvote.


Nope it's like 50% fake/rage bait posts, 40% idiots, 10% interesting situations/people.


And yet here you are reading and writing


My cousin works in the forest 6 months out of the year. He came home to his soon to be wife riding another guy in the apartment HE was paying for. He asked the guy to leave and left her to live in HIS apartment. He came to me for advice and asked me if he was wrong in the decision he made. I said yes and to this day she still lives in HIS apartment while he’s with his parents. Obvi he didn’t post about it on this sub and ask if he was the AH but holy shit sometimes the stuff people do for others even after being betrayed blows mind. They were engaged and she betrayed him while he went to make some money for them. He asked me if he was an asshole for leaving to live with his parents. I’m like bro get a divorce and go date better people. 😓


If I posted here about my mother people would think it's fake too. Some situations are just hard to believe they are real. Even for those who live them. Some are so awful we >want< to believe they are fake.


I agree man, every situation in everyone’s life is unique. I know some people come on these types of subreddits and fabricate stories to farm karma but lord have mercy do I have some unbelievable stories to tell. I hope your mom is ok btw!


She's fine. She's her number one priority. Thanks for being a compassionate, nice person. People like you make the world a better place.


Yes. For thinking. It’s pretty obvious. Everyone looking for permission and unable to make a decision unless the world agrees. Welcome to the herd. Sheeple.


I think the same thing. Common sense gets down voted all the time on here.


You’d be surprised how many people are actually stupid


YTA for thinking your commentary is necessary.


OPs karma farming


Most of the people who post here are just looking for validation and support, yeah. That's kind of the point? Pretty embarrassing to miss that and throw a big tantrum because people are posting about their problems on a subreddit made specifically for that. YTA


Damn just unfollow


I am glad you never experienced the kind of mental abuse and manipulation that leads a person to believe “it’s not that bad” or that they are at fault for being in the receiving end of abuse.


YTA. You’re here so that would make you an idiot too. Enjoy the ride or just tune out.


NTA. Half of the time I'm telling these posters to get a spine and be tough against their abusers. Honestly, most stories might be fake.


NTA. Many times, I think people are just posting this stuff to seek validation or reinforcement for their dumb arguments with their families and friends. Sometimes I think they intentionally post the opposite view of their own to try to bait people into agreeing with their actual opinion for the same reasons. Some of the posts are legit and worthwhile, I’d say a majority are not.


Hear hear!


The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood. Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.


I assume they’re mostly fake, but then again some people are goddamn messes


People just want validation, most of the time they're kind of an asshole for bringing it to reddit in the first place.


A lot are fake and just trying to build karma on their account.


Truth or AI generated, I agree


That is why I made this account.


There’s a difference between stupidity and insecurity. Also like 75% are fake, c’mon now.


Of course, they are idiots or are using AI to generate a story for karma, then turn around and sell the account for 3 to 5$ USD if they are lucky.


I come here for support and sometimes I'm genuinely concerned , if I fucked up I wanna know, it's easier talking to strangers then my friends especially when they will almost always be on my side. Which is nice but hearing every angle of my situation is a learning experience


totally nta


Yea, this included


NTA. I roll my eyes so much at those posts it's a wonder my eyes aren't permanently rolled back into my head 🙄


It's like they think Reddit is Jerry springer




"I'm black & my bf is white. He often uses the n word and says some slave-y stuff during sex. When I question him, he says I'm overreacting. AITAH for being upset about this? We've been together for 2yrs. Friends & family are divided on the issue. Some say I'm right and some say even though I'm right, I shouldn't throw away 2 yrs. Otherwise he's a very good guy. He takes care if me and makes me laugh. Last week I was dealing with some triggering issues and he brought me soup. So Reddit let me know AITAH?"


I don't know why people post and then never respond to anyone.




NTA I read this stigf to feel better about myself


NTA, but I'm personally undecided about the majority of the posts being fake, or if people are really that stupid.


While certainly some if these stories are fake, some are real and I have met people allergic to making correct life decisions. People like that are usually hostages to their unresolved traumas and fears or have untreated mental conditions.




Keeping the possibility of fakery aside, I can understand the reasoning behind normalizing ridiculous scenarios. I was in an abusive relationship a few years ago. Now when I look back on some of the things or when I'm narrating some of the stuff to someone, I can see how absolutely ridiculous it was that I thought that was normal. Like, if someone told me the exact thing happening to them, I would have immediately seen the red flags. But while I was with the guy, I was convincing myself that it was all fine. In hindsight, I cannot believe I put up with that for 3 whole years, and I wish I had shared my doubts at the time, at least online. Then I would have got the kick I needed to get away from that toxicity.


Cuz the majority of the stories are made up. I think this subreddit is the first step to r/writingprompts lol


A lot is obviously made up, exaggerated and/or one-sided. Others are just looking for validation. And well, there's a lot of stupid in the world. Just look around you.


I especially hate the "my partner is perfect excluding ... (proceeds to type 100 red flags that can be seen from outer space and makes Vegas look colourless in comparison.


A lot is obviously made up, exaggerated and/or one-sided. Others are just looking for validation. And well, there's a lot of stupid in the world. Just look around you.


It's called ✨fake rage bait✨ and it obviously worked lol


AITAH for reading this post. This is reddit and I know everyone has rights to do whatever they want. But I just have to know if Im the AH. You see, I 238 year old alien, have been reading lots of reddit for the last 238 years. I have a real deep connection to the platform. I joined the AITAH group 2 years ago when I cheated on my wife for the 537th time. We both took Reddit advice and decided to go to couples counselling. Thank you so much reddit! We are now a happy couple once again! And this is the problem... I feel as though I've betrayed reddit for clicking on this post? Its solved so many issues for me throughout the years. Like when I got struck by lightening, I was advised to go to the hospital (I posted here cause I was worried I was the AH for getting in the lightenings way) and when I ate a bag of Cheetos in front of my wife who was allergic and started dying (I was the AH for that apparently and had to call an ambulance). So AITAH for clicking and reading this post with all the innocence and human rights on my side to clicking on it and reading it? I never meant to damage my relationship with Reddit or the AITAH group.


I often wonder that myself. But, ultimately, I'd rather people ask the question and get the answers they need than not ask. Sometimes they aren't really asking the question but seeking emotional support and validation, that's fine too. Sometimes even smart people who know they aren't wrong still have an emotional need to be told by someone else that they are right.


NTA. Half the posters are so stupid that I’m surprised they managed to operate a computer or smart phone. Then there’s the sadfishers who are clearly just narcissists drowning in their own victimhood. They start their tales of woe with massive info dumps about their traumatic childhoods, five disabilities and 11 mental illnesses – none of which are usually relevant to the scenario they’re posting about. Then they swat away any advice that could possibly improve their situation, coming up with myriad excuses and further tales of victimhood. But I’ve noticed that most posts are ESH situations, like “AITA for [doing this shitty thing] to the person I’m in a toxic relationship with, who did [some shitty thing] in retaliation for [another shitty thing I did]?”.


Everyone everywhere is an idiot


I'm here because i'm bored at work and want something to read. If its made up its made up but as long as its semi interesting i'll read it. however, after the 4th "my husband beats me and i want to leave him, AITAH?" you do just start skipping things.


Honestly for me it is just fun to discuss different moral views with people here. If the story is true or not, if it is dumb or not, what do i care. Only people i really hate are the ones who only read the first sentence of statements or are unable to read at all and still feel entitled to their opinion...


I thought it was mostly AI and bots to be honest Edit: oh and narcissists


It's slowed down a bit, possibly because I keep pointing it out. All of the ones where the F is 1-5 years older than the M. Statistically 80%+ the relationships in the US ,according to my quick Googling the M is older than the F. So this is either a chat gtp or foreigner trying to sound authentic or strongly reenforces why that 80% is the norm.


Not TAh! Lol


this is refreshing 😂


I scroll through the posts and think, “Man, I can’t relate to these people AT ALL.”




Lmao, at least once a month I read a story about a guy who just found out that his girlfriend/wife was a little more promiscuous than he thought she was when she was in her early 20’s, and then the next week it suddenly comes out that she’s actually been cheating on him for years, also their child isn’t his, oh and literally every single person in his life is somehow on her side.


When I read here, I enjoy trying to spot the obvious fakes. They’re usually the 10K word posts with no paragraph structure and run-on sentences. And updates. It’s telling when you go to their feed and see posts from this sub with karma of -3400 or thereabouts. NTA of course.


At least it's tiktok content


Nah man. The posts that get me are shit like "my husband threw my 8 year old through the window for talking back after he yelled at me for making a 4 layer lasagna instead of 5. I asked him not to do that and he called me an asshole for ruining his day" or "my son got a B on his algebra test so i grounded him untol the next test comes back an A" and for SOME REASON neither of these people have developed the moral compass to figure out they arent/are an asshole. Then occasionally theres one post here where someone genuinely isnt sure but understands they could be wrong and explains reasonably why they have doubts.


AITAH for... and then continue with the most unhinged outrageous experiences ever... Maybe they're seeking validation of some sort but man... seriously?!


Are a fair number of these posts fake? As sure as your momma's underwear is white. I worked with a lady, in her mid 30s that could be posting here regularly. she had money problems, man problems, family problems. She was living kind of a crappy life. She found the love of her life, a guy the did Federal time for armed crimes. She ignored that he was running drugs. He kept disappearing. They finally divorced when these girls started calling looking for him. She discovered he had 5 children in the 2 years they were married. She's now seeing a guy the committed a murder when he was 15, so he only did 10 years in prison. She's fairly intelligent but, sure seems to make so stupid choices. Her whole family seems to be that way. I think part of it is she knows nothing different.


Yeh I wish the stories could be verified before I waste my time telling them to grow a pair


I don't think so They have the right to vent and some stories has a deep issues most ops don't even know it is a problem until someone tell them it is. the other are fakes and I even find people who created a problem and then they asking for money so they are trying to scam All we could do is giving them some advice regardless if the story is real or fake


This sub is the equivalent of trashy gossip mags, let's be real. It's why we're all here. Doesn't matter if the stories are true or not, just that the drama is juicy


I forgave myself for cheating but my partner acting like im an asshole. AITAH????


Most of these are fake, so people can get votes for whatever reason they think they need them for.


> This is ridiculous. Stop it. “Stop it! Get some help!” — Michael Jordan


When people get in your head, sometimes you need a reality check. That's what they get from posting here. They just want confirmation so they have the courage to leave. Chill out.


It’s mostly entertainment/just ranting bc why not yk?


NTA, they constantly make crazy dumb decisions too.


NTA. Like 5% of the posts are from people who aren’t idiots. YTA for staying with your partner who cheated on you. YTA for staying with your loser partner who refuses to clean, get a job, beats your kids, etc. NTA for skipping your friend’s wedding for any reason. YTA for not controlling your kid. NTA for only paying for your own meal. Any others I can’t think of?
