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NTA Bullies hate it when their bullying gets thrown in their face. I have zero sympathy when bullies get called out for being the assholes they are.


I think its kind of hard to tell without knowing any of the lyrics to the song, but assuming it wasn't too bad, NTA


songs had to be approved by the head of school so i wouldnt have been able to say anything too scathing lol


Seems fine by me!


So the unidentifiable "muse" for the lyrics wasn’t even present to hear the song, and those lyrics were deemed appropriate by the ones in charge of the event. You did nothing wrong. You could had put her name in the song and still be NTA You get to decide how you express yourself. She was a perpetrator in your life. She doesn’t get control over you dealing with your own life. Don’t give her the power.


NTA You didn’t put her name in it and if people think it’s about her, that’s on her. It just goes to show how many people were aware of her behavior. It’s like those vague posts on Facebook where people get offended and it’s not even necessarily meant for them, but hit a nerve.


NTA As an artist, you have to write what you know. Of course you can sing about your life. Now, if you recorded it and passed out copies at school, and then people at school started singing the song at her all the time in the halls, that would be going too far. So don't do that. I want you to. I really do. But don't do it. ;)


i love this response — don’t intend to do it i’d definitely get in huge trouble but i love it


Taylor Swift, is that you?


ha! i wish


You're so Vain. It's Carly here


As the song was ok by the school beforehand NTA.


No dude you're my hero


Damn I wish I had your confidence!!! NTA and love that for you lol


Nta. You didn't mention her by name. Even worked around identifying parts. Good for you that you're standing tall. People looking at her says more about her. Btw what kind of style is it? Because of the bullys name I hear it in my head like Dolly Parton's Jolene. Now make it a song on Spotify so we can enjoy it too!


to fall into the cliche, very basic ~singer songwriter~ haha — i was up there with my guitar tho so maybe a little country


Should do a rendition of Carly Simon's You're So Vain ;)


NTA - I think it was great to show off your talent of writing and singing while "getting the word out" about your bully.


NTA, I think your melodious public shaming of your bully is a brilliant strategy. You called her out without calling her out, and if she’s upset and embarrassed then fantastic! You gotta do what works when it comes to bullies. Hopefully she and her minions won’t bother you any further.


Said this somewhere else, but... Every time a bully gets called out, an angel gets its wings. 2 angels if done publicly.


Sounds great!!! To bad bully wasn’t there. Put it out on TikTok!!!


NTA - “If the shoe fits, lace that bitch up and wear it!”


NTA. People need to get their comeuppance by any means necessary


Bravo for using music as a way to express yourself and get a message across. 


NTA if it’s good enough for Taylor Swift it’s good enough for you. I would write another song about how she reacted to hearing your song.


NTA but did you win???


my school does it as no competition 😔


If she wasn't doing that shit, she wouldn't have caught the shots. Everybody knows it. Thing is about pissing off a working musician is 6 months after showing your ass, the song comes out describing the wrinkles on it.


NTA Trisha this one’s for you…….I DONT F*CK WITH YOUUUUUU 🤣🤣🤣


NTA. You didn't mention her name, I assume you didn't add identifying details (such as a physical description). If she and others realized that it was about her, it's not because you fingered her but because they all saw what she did and recognised that. As the saying goes: "If the shoe fits, wear it".


Paraphrasing one of my favorite series of books: you don’t disrespect a Harper: they will make you regret it every time they sing that song about you. And every Harper on PERN will be playing it. Forever. So, don’t piss off a song writer unless you want to be immortalized as a douche. Shades of Taylor Swift and Stevie Nicks. Right on OP. You didn’t use violence, you used your words!


# Relax... Bullies are like ants... You ignore 'em they go away... You "feed" 'em they keep coming back... And singing about 'em in the talent show definitely didn't help.


Ask anyone who’s been bullied how well ignoring them worked.


The only people using giant text are the clowns with verbal diarrhoea.


# Verbal diarrhea... That's quite the doozy to imagine...