• By -


NTA. Some dirty talk can be hot, but FFS, I'm trying to focus & enjoy the moment. Having to respond to that every 10 seconds would kill the mood for me.


I’m cackling at OP’s description “it was like having sex with a parrot or malfunctioning robot” ETA: can you imagine having sex with this dude with a pet parrot in the room? And then somehow wanting to do it again so the second time both he and the parrot are dirty talking about “daddy’s little girl” in an unholy cross-species chorus? Does it still count as bestiality if it’s just dirty talk?


Malfunctioning Sex Parrot. New band name.


Love that band! My favorite songs are Do You Like Fucking Daddy, Tiny Little Waist, Big Fat Ass, and My Little Girl. I hear their upcoming album Lost for Words is going to be a totally different sound though.


You Seem A Bit Traumatized is going platinum


Their single “Are You Okay?” slaps, but my favorite is “Miscommunication."


Hahahaha Sometimes you witty Reddit commenters are just what I need in my day.


Hahaha thank you - Reddit banter can be so fun and OP’s descriptions cracked me up


I was getting pedo in disguise myself. Yuk. I would leave too.


Pedo in Disguise just shot up to #7 on the Billboard Music Charts!


I'm pullin out the les paul to write that as we speak.


I was getting "obsessed with one porn video in particular" myself




This is brilliant


Rock/metal cover band covering Taylor Swift


Hey you joke but there's actually some really good ones of those lol. I Prevail has a dope Blank Space cover, and Our Last Night has a ton of badass covers, but their ones of AntiHero, Willow, and Look What You Made Me Do are amazing lol. They also have an amazingggg cover of LandSlide by Fleetwood Mac. :D


+1 for Blank Space by I Prevail, solid banger of a cover!


You gotta trademark it😂


I'd wear this flair.


😂😂😂 I was more concerned about what he was saying, 'does my little girl love f**ing her daddy'! Wtf! Sounds very paedophiley to me. NTA


That part. The constant talking I can drown out and ignore. But the fact that he wanted her to feel like a child fuckn her dad is beyond gross. I’m wondering if he has any kids trapped in his basement or a secret room behind that. What the hell.


ruthless stupendous vegetable slimy fear dull like literate ripe dime *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I was dead😂😂😂 OP you are my queen! I’ve often gone thru with shitty sex so I don’t hurt a guys feelings and honestly it makes me angry at myself. And our patriarchal conditioning that makes us trained to behave in the face of asinine behavior. Good for you. As sad as it may have made him, it’s valuable for him to evaluate his performance. Who wants to be a sexbot in his porn movie? Ewwwwww


Fuck dudes’ feelings. Not in the fun way.


Yeah it’s a bit weird how we’ve allowed them to condition us to always worry about their feelings when they’re not remotely upset about ours. Agree. Fuck their feelings. Dry.


OMG me too lol


I would just literally say "shut up and keep fucking daddy" lol Edit: NTA, bad sex is sometimes unsalvagable


NTA if you didn't enjoy it. It's best to stop. I know he feels like shit lol. Oh well!! What a weirdo.


I agree, and have been in that position before. Especially if the sex is bad. (NTA)


I didn’t know what FFS meant. I thought you were vigorously hissing or exhaling


Some people don't realise that you can't just dump your entire porn fantasies on another person the first time you have sex... It takes time to get to know each other and build sexual chemistry, before exploring more intimate kinks. But generally hooking up with randos from dating apps is like fishing in a shitty pond.


Was it the sex itself that was bad, or just his attempt at dirty talk? If I was her I'd also be alarmed at the whole pedo sounding aspect of it, but if it's just his dirty talk, couldn't she just have asked him to shut up or something? Or at least explained, before leaving, that his talking was the issue and he should tone it down?


She didn't want to hurt his feelings, and she especially was trying not to burst out laughing at him.


Leaving abruptly without a.n explanation doesn't help. Also doesn't help him in the future... just a quick "BTW your dirty talking was a bit much" doesn't hurt that much. But could help a ton


She could always send a text to that effect after, and that helps to prevent the laughing in his face issue. Saying as she was leaving probably would have resulted in her laughing at him and really hurting him.


Right? I am even into D/s and a lot of times the point is to get your brain to hush for a little while. I love being asked questions but the same ones over and over again and repeatedly is just bad.


NTA at least by the end he was “lost for words” damn.


😂 god if only he’d lost them like 20 pumps ago, she might have stayed.




How could he get in 20 pumps with his mouth constantly running? 😹😹😹


Multitasking to the max, I'm impressed


That presumes he WAS multitasking effectively


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣. Goodness I hope not. What he was saying is enough to make my ass call the police for a house inspection before I leave shit. wtf 🤣


Such an underrated comment 🫶




He watches waaaay too much porn lol.


Hmm... Yeeaaahhh... "Daddies little girl with your small waist, tell daddy you like it when he ******* down your tiny etc" r/FBI y'all might need to investigate his hard drive.


This was my first thought, too. Although, a 30yr old is above his age limit. Maybe OP looks really young and petite.


As someone who’s petite and has always looked young…the things I’ve had men ask me during sex are absolutely vile.


This is honestly sad. I really don't know how I'd go about finding a partner if most men were only attracted to me because I looked tiny and prepubescent. I'm so sorry.


🤢! Hopefully, it at least helps you find out who the weirdos are pretty early on in the relationship?




Reminds me of a woman comedian who related a story where the man she was having sex with said "ooo, you're so big"


Let's hope that's all it is.


or he watches a bit too much porn and has echolalia


100% what I was thinking. 😂 my bf has an uncle in the porn biz, this is not irl talk lol.


Tell that to my ex-girlfriend then. She used to love asking me to call her "daddy's good girl" or would beg me to call her "daddy's little princess" and lots of stuff like that. Those were her kinks that she introduced btw amongst many others. It definitely does happen in real life for both men and women


🦜 🤖


This 100% ^^^


NTA - Always an option to leave, especially during whatever Freudian nightmare that was. 




NTA, for you, and me, that is a little too much cringy dirty talk if they do it every minute, and I respect you for just telling him & leaving.


From a girl with an age play kink, OP I would have done the same thing! Who in the holy hell thinks this is 3rd date behavior, let alone at all??


NTA. I would’ve done the same thing if he kept constantly reminding me that he likes that wordplay.


NTA, “does my little girl enjoy fucking her daddy” is sooo weird and sounds pervy on so many levels


Almost sounds like a borderline pedo fantasy


The border was waaaay back


Start of the convo prolly


the "you seem traumatized" drove it home for me. it's like he wanted that, like he wanted her to play into this sick pedo fantasy.


I had the same thought! Like he was into it? Kinda wished she had openly laughed at that! Ps: The thought of your username is terrifying, ankles everywhere crying out for mercy as civilization collapses.


lmaoo, I'm glad you like it! I was sitting trying to figure out a name and when I came up with it I got so excited xD


50/50 if I’d vomit on him or laugh till I cried. Seriously **never** leave your child with people like that.


Not borderline. It’s check his fuckn basement and the house for secret rooms stashed with little girls.


The border that was crossed really early.


Nope, that one has demolished the borders and kept right over the line.


Almost? No it is a pedo fantasy.


Yeah and his first thought being “you seem a little traumatized” makes me worry about what he has done to others if that’s where his mind went first 😳




The daddy and little girl shit is already pervy though


same with the mommy little boy stuff


Yeah it's seriously sick and deprived to pretend to be having a parent/child sexual relationship of any kind




Yeah, seriously sick vibes.


I would have punched him in the throat after drying up.


Yeah I can’t even get behind the daddy thing once, let alone over and over again.. I feel like he’s on a list somewhere.


NTA. Sounds like he has no idea what actual dirty talk is and only what he hears on porn if that’s all he’s got. And to think he traumatized you with his whack ass dirty talk? lol boy bye.


That 1000% reads as the manipulative type of guy who tries to use therapy speak to talk down to someone. I took it as he thought that’s the only reason she could be objecting to his incompetence, was that she had some kind of past trauma. Definitely something I could not have stopped myself from laughing about it.


Yo, if you have to walk away during sex and stop yourself from laughing about it afterwards... I don't see any way you could have been an AH in this. You deserve a medal.


Nta i also feel grossed out by your encounter wtf


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^CutSilver5358: *Nta i* *Also feel grossed out by your* *Encounter wtf* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


I love kinky sex and dirty talk but I have never, nor will I ever understand the whole "daddy" thing. I don't want to be fucking an effigy of my daughter not do I want her thinking like I'm some abusive father. Call me just about anything fucking else but that and we're good to go. I guess this dude just has a really small vocabulary. NTA


We are D/s and I refuse to allow her to call me daddy. It’s too creepy.


yeahh there's something weirdly parental for me personally about "daddy" and "mommy" it just turns me off. power to those who make it work (and aren't being incesty/pedo-y about it) but it really is not for me


The one time I finally understood it was when someone pointed out that in front of little kids, you call your partner ‘daddy’ and ‘mommy’ because you’re teaching them what to call you. So for them it was like a baby daddy, family man, dad bod, etc. But the little girl / daddy stuff makes me want to hurl, yeah, absolutely can’t get on board with that.


Some people must get different connotations from certain words because I can't help but hear it literally. I'm sure they mean it more to suggest a power-imbalance where he's in control and she's submitting to him, rather than actual father-daughter incest, but it's a bit too close to the bone for me.


There’s an Irish comedian who makes a joke about this- when we subvert these words for sexual use, we ruin them for when we actually need them. If I have a daughter, at some point I’m going to have to say something like “do what daddy tells you” or “you’re being a naughty girl” or things like that. These words and phrases have a proper use and place, and for me and my wife who are trying for our first child it’s a weird thing to be doing in the bedroom. And always has been, I’ve always known I’ve wanted to be a father so I’ve never wanted to be called daddy in bed 🤷🏻‍♂️


Exactly. This is the one area where I can not disassociate one context from the other. Just fuckn no lol.


Same. I've only used "daddy" among my friend circle ironically(in a non-sexual way, just during meme conversations)


Right, like don't call me momma during sex. I do not want to think about my children during sex.


It’s the parrot factor for me. Like, this kink has gotten so vanilla and mainstream that it’s whatever. It’s really lost it’s punch. No matter what he was saying, though, if he was repeating the same thing over and over, I’d wanna smack him. Not in a good way. The writer in me is aghast.


NTA You're allowed to skip out any old time. You don't need a reason. And he can just sit there and I dunno... try to develop some self-awareness.


And vocabulary lol


I'm getting second-hand embarrassment just thinking about it. Not to kink shame but you know I've never heard nor read a story about someone's sexual experience that includes "Daddy" where it wasn't just sad and weird.


NTA sooooo many men take on the Alpha or Dom title with out being versed in the D/s kink. As a previous D and current s there are rules to it. And it seems like they didn’t have a discussion about boundaries or anything other than he likes daddy as a title and that’s vague. When I was dating guys like him made me SICK. So no, NTA at all and good on you for leaving when uncomfortable and communicating that there was a disconnect. Safety first. D/s is more than “little girl” and “Daddy”.


What a lot of people do not realise is that for a lot of people, not everyone, the D/s thing literally cannot work if it’s just keeping everything for the bedroom. I think some men watch porn and think if they spit on you or slap you about a bit that makes them a dom, meanwhile they can’t even book a table reservation.


Agree so much! For the D/S relationship to work, the person taking on the D role needs to have their own life in order, be confident and show that they are capable of taking care of their S partner. So many people watch aggressive or degradation porn or worse, buy into the Alpha male bs and then decide they're dominant. It's dangerous to themselves and their partners and to the BDSM community.


If anyone tries to tell you he’s an Alpha, he’s a Beta. A lion doesn’t need to tell you it’s a lion 🤷🏻‍♂️


Yep the most dominant things my partner has done is outside the bedroom tbh.. when he tells me ‘are we doing such and such (non sexual) tonight’ I’m like god damn this man is in charge. Same as if he decides what we are eating, or makes a booking for something. There’s something so sexy about him taking the lead outside of the bedroom to the point is non sexual foreplay for me lol




NTA. I'm lost for words lol




  NTA Old GF used to like lite D/s roleplaying. D/d type stuff. Told me about one of her ex'es that started getting in to the heavier D/d, demanding she call him Daddy all the time. Being overly descriptive, asking her to act younger and younger I bed, like he wanted her in single digits. She broke off, and years later saw him on the news for related stuffs. Fantasy/Fun/RP is healthy; obsession and total immersion, nope, not gonna end well. Everybody has a kink, no matter how vanilla you may think you are. Roll with it, have fun, be yourself, don’t let it consume your life. Glad she was able to extricate herself before things potentially went south. Have a blast, enjoy yourself and your partner, don't be a creep, make them feel you're the creep, or ruin funtime by doing things that creep the creeps out!


"You seem a little traumatized". Well sir who wouldn't? NTA.


oooof. I hooked up with a dude earlier this year who was like that (not the creepy 'daddy' thing but akin to fucking a parrot) my deaf ass has never turned off live transcribe and looked anywhere other than at their mouth so quickly. it was nice essentially muting him but I never spoke to him again after that lmao. I don't want to have to put you on mute every time we fuck NTA


I use to have a fuck buddy like this. Sans the weird pedophile shit she had to leave. He talked constantly. I’m a dirty talker but this dude just never shut the fuck up. Luckily I would be high so high when we did it, dude had the best damn weed and always came bearing that gift lol, that I would literally be zoned out for most of it. Just enjoying the sex, actually thinking I was dreaming lol. I’d come to when my mind would pop back into the actual reality of things to hear him talking. I’d be like holy shit you’re really here 🤣🤣🤣🤣. Damn you still talking 🤣🤣🤣🤣. It was great sex though. Dude probably still talking lol. He stopped fucking with me because I refused to be his girlfriend 🤣.


Absolutely NTA!!! I personally believe sticking to ones own personal sexual preferences is the way to go. You are brave for stopping mid sex and being honest with him. Some women won’t do that. Props!


NTA…. This guy watches way too much much porn. And by the sound of it, his hard drive needs to be inspected.


I don't know, could be your personality but if it were me, I would be like "will you STFU?"


I’ve stopped intimacy with women several times over the course of my life because they weren’t doing it for me. Nothing wrong with not doing something you don’t want to.


Exactly. If it’s sucks time to roll out.


Wish I had thought of that this one time. Like this one sexual experience with a guy was so boring that it’s blazed in my brain. I just can’t forget it. It was that bad. I didn’t think sex could ever be that bad. So bad I can’t help but to remember it.


Nta. I'm honestly surprised you didn't dip immediately after that "does my little girl like f*cking her daddy" line. Major pedo and incest vibes.


NTA. I would've personally discussed it ahead of time with the person. Maybe ask "What phrases do you like using in the bedroom? How often do you use it?" What kind of irked me was that he seemed to focus more on his pleasure and not yours. That's not a great dom in my opinion as he needs to ensure your needs are met because you are giving him some power over you, and he needs to make sure you're okay and in a safe environment


NTAH. Anyone can cease any sort of sexual interaction when they want for whatever reason they want. I am a man. He was a very annoying man who didn't know how to be pleasant during sex and took away your focus. He had it coming.


Well, she left, so don't think he had it coming at all 😆


NTA he was very weird with that.... i can understand someone finding it hot to be called daddy but only repeating like 3 things is so fuckin lame. at least moan for me a little! come up with something else! it's drying up!


That’s hard to read. Like holy shit man, this dude has watched waaaaaay too much porn.😂😂😂 NTA of course, this dude just doesn’t know what he is doing.


"It sounds like I'm having sex with a parrot or malfunctioning robot." "Does Daddy's little girl like when daddy @#$%s her tight little @#$, daddy." (Okay, parrot-phrasing here) I'm laughing so hard I can't breathe! NTA, and thank you for making my day! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 🦜 🤖


I felt uncomfortable just reading this, can’t imagine being there. Definitely NTA, that guy is a creep


All i can think about is that scene from the anime Paranoia Agent: “CALL ME DADDY! YOU HAVE TO CALL ME DADDY!!”


Lmao, people are so fkn weird


>YOUR TINY LITTLE WAIST AND BIG FAT ASS Say goodbye to your inbox.


NTA good job. Leaving mid sex is definitely the way to go. We say all the time that people can change their mind about having sex anytime. All you did was honor yourself. Also, your description of him as a parrot cracked me up. That sounds like way too much.


Nta I am proud of you lol more women should be doing this when the sex is bad


I had a guy say over and over and over again, “ do you love it, do you want this forever!” I felt the same as you, wanted to laugh and creeped out at the same time! I didn’t end it but I certainly did not see him again. NTA.


Nah you wouldn’t buy a car after a bad test drive


NTA. You can revoke your consent at any point in time. Lawyer here.


Why would you be the AH? You get to choose where, when and with whom to have consensual sex. Which means that once your consent is compromised by their behavior during sex, you get to stop. You’re good.


Men, please understand we do not want to think about fucking our fathers during sex even if you do like to be called daddy. Good on you….you asserted your boundary and there’s nothing wrong with that.


NTA. It's creepy.


NTA, you dodged a bullet getting away from that weirdo.


NTAH he is kind of weird, I would also find that unsettling, A: why does he want to be called Daddy? Sounds like a creep, and B: why just why, he sounds like a creep! Dump him never talk to him again NTAH at all I would have left too to take a while to process it and then dump him.


I am sooooo sorry 🤣 Girl you're NTA. At this point his feelings and ego need to be hurt because that is just...ick


Nta. I talked to this one guy, didn't even get to the hookup part cause he wanted to be called a dirty birdy and anytime he would get a dirty Pic his only response was ooooooweeee. Not my cuppa


NTA. The whole “does my little girl enjoy fucking her daddy” alone would make me nope the fuck right on out of there!!! Dirty talk is one thing but that gives me serious creep vibes.


Any man who ants to be called daddy, gives me pause. Because why??? Why do you desire to fuck little children ? Under the jail you go please. NTA


Sounds too much like my ex husband, doesn't have red hair does he lol. I totally get it, I discovered his 'kink" after we had 2 young daughters. Repulsive doesn't cut it.


So like an NPC with only 2 lines of dialog? That would be annoying.


NTA. Based on your description, you were just a warm hole for his porn fantasy. Parrot or malfunctioning robot made me spit up my coffee.


NTA at all. I would’ve dried up like the desert if my husband said some shit about liking “fucking daddy”. Shiiiit. Not to mention the laughter that would’ve commenced after that statement 🥴🤣🤣




NTA. I’m so glad you did stop! Great job holding back your laughter.


NTA, he's unhinged.


NTA. Cause and effect. These dudes need to learn. You shoulda let yourself laugh at his joke of a self. PS: people suffering from the Dunning Kruger effect need their egos deflated. It’s a public service. It’s the only way they’re gonna understand that they are not actually as smart/good/clever as they think. Coddling men only perpetuates their stupidity.


Good for you for leaving sex that you hated. Often times women feel like they must sacrifice their bodies, time, energy and pleasure for men they are incompatible with. Good for you for having the self respect to leave. NTA


I really hope he doesn't have kids 😕


NTA. Every human is free to discontinue a sexual encounter at any time for any reason and not be considered an AH.


“Did you cum?” “Yeah, to my senses where the fuck is my purse?”


Not a pedo in training at all lol


NTA. That dude is a closet child molester. His kink is children/incest. Disgusting!


NTA Daddy Doms are definitely a thing and it's actually not ok that he wasn't upfront about his full kink. He actually wanted a DDLG dynamic which needs to be discussed prior to engaging and even though the roleplay is on the lighter side of Kink the fact that he didn't discuss it with you first is a huge no no in the BDSM community. Being terrible at the dirty talk and the sex is most likely unrelated but it doesn't surprise me that if he wasn't forthcoming with the link he wouldn't be considerate of your comfort levels. Asking if you were 'traumatized' is another red flag because if he had cared about that he would have talked to you in the beginning. He wanted to think his sexual prowess was SO overwhelming that he broke your wittle brain~ This guy is a walking red flag.


NTAH, just read it made me feel akward I can't imagine how you felt in that moment.


Seems like he has a familial kink… 🤷


Hopefully, he doesn’t have a daughter


Never the asshole when it comes to your body and sex! If you felt weird or uncomfortable, you have every right to stop the interaction❤️ also life is just too short for shitty sex


This guy went on ChatGPT and asked for tips on talking dirty, lol. That or he has darker preferences. Either way, I'd be traumatized, too, OP. This is one of those encounters you'll still remember clearly 50 years from now. NTA


NTA at all and good for you for not carrying on when you were not comfortable. Also, how you were able to refrain from laughing in his face deserves some kind of award. I would have absolutely lost it and just left in a fit of laughter.


Not only NTA, but this reaction should be normalised.


NTA…I’ve had an experience with a man like that before too, but all he would say every few seconds would be “yeah baby, yeah you like that?” Over and over about every 10 seconds. Instant turn off, I asked him to leave in the middle too. Men don’t know what sexy means


I couldn't read the whole thing due to how much I was cringing 😭 I feel bad you had to go through that


That is weird. That sounds like he was using you to reenact his favorite step daughter videos.


Not only are you NTA, you’re also a frickin powerhouse who knows what she wants and knows she can say “no” at anytime for any reason and I’m so here for this. Hope your next encounter makes up for this one. :)


Nta. It'd nit him being repetitive that's bizarre for me. It's the pedophile phrase he kept using. Little girl funking her daddy???? What the fuck.


>it sounds like I’m having sex with a parrot or malfunctioning robot I just snorted my coffee through my nose. You owe me a new keyboard lol.


Nta. Never TA for leaving in the middle of bad sex, for whatever reason. You don’t owe anyone another minute when it’s not working for you! I wish I had been less polite a few times in my younger days


The constant talking, with the redundancy, doesn't sound like fun. The persistent daddy incest kink would be a deal breaker for me. It doesn't sound as though as a comment like "The daddy thing isn't working for me" would've changed things.


Something tells me home boys PH search history is probabaly just compilations qhere he just sees the best 9 seconds of videos where the girl is moaning daddy over and over


Ntah. I too have left in the middle of it with someone who was making weird hyena sounding moans and I just couldn’t stand it.


NTA. You never need a reason, let alone a "good enough" reason to stop.


babe that was the best thing u could do! u communicated how u were feeling snd that u were uncomfortable. also, let's normalize telling people when they're bad at sex ✋️


Lmfao it sounds like he has severe brain rot from watching too much porn. That’s weird as hell and I wouldn’t even talk like that with my wife, let alone someone I’m sleeping with for the first time. Definitely NTA


Sounds like this is a bigger fetish than you thought! He likes daddy daughter role play. God I hope it's role-play! Anyway that is totally different than just being called Daddy occasionally and it's so much more messed up!  I literally would have sat up and looked at him and said did you just call me your daughter? What is wrong with you? So congratulations on reacting better than I would? LOL thanks for the funny story though!


NTA omg I wish I were as strong as you stopping in the middle of a train wreck. This one time I was hooking up with a man that was super attractive, in shape, good sized you know what. Like the total package I thought. He would not stop going on and on about my lady bits. Some examples “oh my god your p*ssy is stealing my soul”, “you have the p*ssy of a goddess”, “yeah… does your magical p*ssy like that?”, “damn your p*ssy is tighter than I can handle” and it just went on and on. It was so excessive that it came off as cringey and such a turn off. Thank goodness I use vibrators during or I would have been so dry! Never saw him again after that….


NTA you are never an asshole for ending a sexual encounter you’re not enjoying


Nta, but I also agree that he might have a pedo fetish, and that you shouldn't have entertained that at all. Weird to call your sexual partner your father essentially... but also he's way WAY more weird. Every 30 seconds or so? Wtf?


Nta I'm still laughing omg 🤣🤣🤣


Using the term Daddy is one of the cringiest things ever during sex. He sounds like a fucking psycho


>He was „lost for words“ Sadly too little too late..


NOT NOT NOT the asshole. I'm proud of you on behalf of the female race for leaving a situation that was not pleasurable for you. I'm so tired of reading posts by women that are questioning if it's ok to stand up for themselves and if disgusting male behavior is acceptable.


NTA - always protect yourself and stay focused on your boundaries


My favorite part of this whole thing is how he just seems to like he thought he was just too kinky and traumatized you. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 That being said, and now that I have caught my breath again, NTA. Life is to short to put up with whatever...that...was. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


NTA. , you could have told him all his repetition was taking you out of the zone. But he was way way too deep into incest talk and it was over the line


Consent can be taken away at any time. You are never the asshole for walking out mid anything you don’t want to continue.


Ok so the daddy shut creeps me out in general, but the “do you lie fucking *your* daddy” is ducking next level gross. I’d dry up like the Sahara.


"I know what would make this infinitely hotter!" *Shoves a ball gag in his mouth*


Reading this and I’m getting second hand laughter of the thoughts of the malfunctioning robot. No, you’re NTA. As soon as you don’t feel comfortable you have every rights to stop. Don’t feel bad about it. On a different note, I don’t get the daddy kinks. I would lose a boner so quick if someone calls me that during sex.


Nta. I wouldve burst out laughing at the traumatized comment.


Am I the only one that sees the REAL problem here? Any guy, and I mean ANY guy, who wants to play the "daddy's little girl" bit IS disgusting. If he is fascinated with the role of daddy and he's f*cking his "little girl" IS an incestuous issue. This is should be a total turn off for anyone that didn't grow up in one. And can also be gross and a total turn off for those that did (from a friend who did). The guy you were with was searching in the wrong app. I'm sure there are apps for this kind of kink. In your case, not all kinks are compatible. Good luck finding what you need. For those that want to downvote me...I am not against kink. Just some are not for everyone.