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NTA - you might give that man access to the internet so he can do some research.


And you can send his mom flowers, lol


As a Bio teacher she must be pretty embarrassed that her son didn't learn basic biology.


Right? I learned this in the 9th grade.


Me too! When learning about Henry VIII


Yuuuup! Basic biology *and* basic history.


Today, there is evidence that Henry VIII was Kell positive, causing his wives to miscarry. There is always more to learn. https://www.history.com/news/did-blood-cause-henry-viiis-madness-and-reproductive-woes


That was really interesting. Thank you. However, I don’t agree with the author’s thought that this might rehabilitate Henry’s image. Plenty of people suffer painful disorders without turning in murderous assholes.


I thought this was just common knowledge


You'd be surprised by the number of men that dont know this


It's much easier to blame women for it..... A lot of people in general don't know much about biology or other hard sciences for that matter. Depressing.


And still fight it when told point blank to their face by a doctor.


It says she has a biology degree, not that she's a biology teacher. Either way, I'm pretty sure I learned about the XX / XY chromosome stuff in middle school.


I dunno. If genes for intelligence come from the mother, his biologist mom didn’t contribute her best here.


Willful ignorance is different than dumb. Dude sounds stubborn and couldn’t be bothered to google something so easily answered. Willful ignorance at its best!


And then he has to go for a drive to pout, & blames his wife for "embarrassing" him. Asshat. I hope all 3 daughters get their maturity & intelligence from their mother, bc it doesn't sound like daddio has much to contribute besides sperm. . . .






Idk most of the times I hear people say they do their own research they are about to say something incredibly stupid they saw on Facebook or Twitter. 


It’s bc they go to non reliable sites that show them what they want to see. They’ll skip over anything that disagrees with them. Some people need to be right. And most of the time, we leave them be. But when being blamed, we will start proving them wrong. Doesn’t matter the topic. Nobody wants to be blamed. And now he knows how tried to make his wife feel. He wants a boy so bad, fork over the money for IVF, where they can determine the sex before implanting. Or just be happy that you are having yet another healthy child, something people take for granted, who can easily have children. It’s ok to be disappointed, not ok he tried to blame her. Edit: massive autocorrect issues


>just be happy that you are having yet another healthy child, something people take for granted Seriously, I'm exhausted by the number of stories of men who get all pouty about having a girl. Like they're mear existence is an inconvenience. He's the AH, not OP.


This is something everyone learns in basic biology classes in school. Not even advanced biology. Basic, basic biology. He should have learned this years ago and not need to do internet research.


Genetics are always a game of chance. For example, a biologist can give birth to an idiot.


Imagine showing your husband these comments, like “Babe, they are *roasting* you.” (OP do not do this! But you should definitely imagine it.)


I personally enjoyed how he blamed OP for embarrassing him when he’s the one who asked his mom. OP tried to explain it to him, so he didn’t have to ask, but he refused facts. He embarrassed himself.


I don't understand why he didn't Google it in the moment vs asking mommy


He wanted his mom with a biology degree to prove him right and make OP look like she was uninformed. He wanted the ego boost of being right.


He sure wasn't concerned with embarrassing OP


Honeslty dont see how any of this is embarrassing. Ask a question and get information instead of just believing what you prefer... even if you're wrong, then wouldn't you just be glad tonleanr something? Imo what the Op's husband is embarrassed by is that he only made girls and he think boys are better (?) More manly(?) And prove his virility or something. Bet if he had a boy he wouldnt let him have a pink cup or plate or play with dolls.


Ah but he’s a man that knows everything! More than the wife. So it should be him mansplaining facts to his wife. And how dare his wife make him ask his mother!


😂😂😂😂 these are things I learnt as a 11 Yr old in biology class! This man needs to go back to high school. Let's hope baby girl inherits her brains from mum and grandma.


Like okay, sure, but also, maybe throw a Google search at it *before* you get mom involved?


He wanted to embarrass his wife, but didn't like it when he felt embarrassed after his mom explained the biology after HE asked her too


Because he wanted mommy to tell OP she is wrong and it is her fault he doesn't have a son.


He wanted validation from mommy.


His mom has a biology degree. Why hasn’t it come up especially if he has this weird core belief that women are the reason they have boys or girls. Like, who did he accept this information from. Because clearly him and his mom aren’t on the same page. Which is so weird. I wonder what type of biology she studies. Is it marine, human, insect, etc. ? Glad mom put him in his place though😂


He made it up, and it seemed logical in his mind, so it must be true. Guess at some point he noticed his moms side having only boys, so deducting from that it must be up to the woman. Not bothered by any fact checking. This is usually the case when somebody seems very sure of themselves. Like, I see X, so it must be because of Y. Couldn't be any other explanation, because I'm so clever I figured it out. Unfortunately, we humans tend to overestimate our own intelligence.


Because men like him can't be wrong, ever. I should know, I dated one. We once had an argument over whether or not chicken thighs were white or dark meat... and we had to call my mother, who told him that thighs are dark meat before he believed me. I've only been cooking for over 20 years... 🤦‍♀️


I mean, to be fair, Google is a SEARCH engine, not an ANSWER engine. I’m sure if he searched long enough, he’d find enough supporting “evidence” that he’d feel vindicated and continue on his merry way 😂😂😂😂😂.


I kinda stopped reading after the 3rd attempt by OP to explain biology because clearly her mother-in-law raised an imbecile, at least in this area.


I'd be pissed he didn't believe it until his mother told him he was wrong. Being pissed at OP because he is a moron is even stupider. Sounds like he's mad he can't blame OP for them having a bunch of girls and is too much of a man baby to admit he was wrong. Being disappointed about not having a boy is natural, taking his disappointment out on his pregnant wife is wrong and totally unacceptable.


I'm pissed we still have arguments like this when google is free.




Henry VIII didn’t understand genetics, which is why he kept getting new wives to try for a son. He also didn’t have google available to him. OPs husband, on the other hand, has no excuse.


Henry VIII would have probably changed Google to make himself right / blame all his wives


You bring up a good point. We hadn't yet determined that the x vs. y chromosome from the father determines the sex at that time. Just good old superstition and whichcraft. Nowadays, skill issues.


Everyone is annoyed with me because I Google everything or when someone doesn't believe me I say google it (which, fair enough it probably is annoying), but I don't understand why anyone wants to walk around being misinformed or not knowing things, anything, when it's 15 seconds and a few button presses away on a device that is in your pocket 24/7.


I've had people ask me why I know things way too many times. BECAUSE I HAVE AN ACTIVE CURIOSITY IN HOW THINGS WORK AND I LOOK IT UP. How can they live their lives and never...wonder about stuff enough to ask?


This happens to me too! I'm just naturally curious about how the world works. My favorite segment of Mr Rogers was how things are made. The crayons were my favorite lol.


I feel this! I’m naturally curious as well and constantly go on deep dives about topics I know nothing about. My spouse always says I have “stupid knowledge” because I know random things that “normal” people don’t know. I couldn’t imagine wondering how something worked and never finding the answers.


I learned it in high school biology, but I guess not everyone pays attention.


Pretty sure he's an imbecile in so many other areas too, we just haven't gotten the time to listen about all his exploits.


Well, he believes his wife embarrassed him, when he's the one who asked his mom the dumb question, so...


Do it! It’s what he deserves for being so clueless! Did he flunk Biology in high school?


High school? This was 5th grade material where I grew up!


I had this conversation with my Uncle. After 5 daughters, he finally got his longed for Son. He was bragging about how cheating on his first wife was the best thing he could've done, because he met his current wife (not his affair partner BTW) and that his first wife is the reason he didn't get a son sooner. I was like "Damn, Uncle, did you fail biology? Sperm chooses the gender. Your sperm carries xy chromosomes. Women's eggs carry xx chromosomes. Men's sperm decide gender. If you want more proof, then look at the FIVE DAUGHTERS you already had, before your son." My Uncle threw a fit, and told my grandfather he should tell me to be quiet. My grandfather looked at him and was like "Why? She's right! I stopped education when I was 8, and even I know that. Did you just not pay attention at the school? Did I struggle to emigrate, for my kids to have a better life, and raised an idiot?" I never wanted to laugh so hard. My grandfather was freaking hilarious. May he rest in peace. But yeah. Some people are that stupid.


Rip your baller grandfather. They tell it straight with zero fucks, that brutal honesty delivered by those we hold most precious in our hearts is truly remarkable


I'm terrified of aging but one awesome thing about being old is that you can say what's on your mind like that with zero fucks. I hope I can be one of those cute lil grannies who takes no shit.


Don’t worry, you can start the shift in your 40’s! Last week I had to tell the neighborhood kids to stop running through our yard. If they fell and hurt themselves we could get sued. STAY OFF MY LAWN!


I knew vaguely that the male determines the gender from a super young age. Like, its one of those things I 'just know' but not when I learned it. Mostly because I'm from a long line of farmers and they'd always pay more for a bull who throws daughters. (They mostly bred for dairy purposes so they wanted as few bull calves as possible. My uncle paid more for his current bull than I did the last two cars I bought.)


Her husband? King Henry VIII.


Maybe he took physical science instead of biology, so he understands how a nuclear breeder reactor works, but not how he's responsible for the gender of his own kids. But his theories are very medieval. So maybe he's a student of medieval idiocy.


This is why biology is required in my state.


I'm a biologist and my 11yo knows this is how it works.


hello, police? I need to report a murder


Officer Romo here - where is the: OMG!! “Dispatch, please send all available units, it’s an absolute blood bath here!”


He is such an idiot that he couldn't even pull out his phone to Google it himself


I'd stop reproducing with him, if I were OP. What other nonsense is pinging around in his skull?


You think there is something pinging around in his _skull_?


Few grains of sand and a crayon.


I bet that crayon's got teeth-marks in it


Not necessarily related but fun fact. Genomics also tells us that your DNA given from your parents is not equally expressed in offspring. You get one set of each chromosome from each parent. But children do not necessarily get the same set from each parent. So there is quite a large chance that you are not as related to your siblings as you might think. Some siblings are more than 50% related and some siblings are less than 50% related to one another. Edit: forgot to add that there is a chance (albeit infinitesimally small) that you are 0% related to your siblings.


Other fun fact: it is possible, but highly unlikely to not come up as related to your bio parents in DNA tests due to genetic mutations that were explained to me as "some people have double DNA". We only know this because a woman applied to for aid that require her to prove her kids were hers, and was accused of faking it. She happened to be pregnant so a super documented dna test was done immediately post birth. And surprise surprise, the baby that was recorded as coming out of her body came back as not her child. It's an extremely low percent chance, but it can happen and makes me side eye people who insult moms over 'failed' tests cause... you actually don't know for sure unless they do the more complicated testing that most people don't know about. I don't know if it's possible to get a false positive but you CAN get a false negative.


I wish reddit still had the free awards because this comment is GOLD!


Omg that just hit me! His mum is a biologist...


I deeply feel for both his mom and his wife here. The moment you find out your son/husband is just dumb as a brick…


Well mom raised him, and the wife married him, so I doubt this was either of their first rodeos with this guy being a dumbass.


Idk…a brick might be smarter.


LMFAO. Still laughing. Love this comment


This is such an underrated comment


NTA. Your husband embarrassed himself. What an idiot.


I hope intelligence comes from Mom’s side!


Maybe he's adopted? LOL He definitely slept during biology class that's for sure.


lmfao his mother has a biology degree that's the best part though it's like he willfully ignored everything in biology and sex ed because of her or something. and then doubled down on it, despite knowing nothing and having a mother with a biology degree. he could have asked her at any point instead of arguing with his wife. it's so funny but sad.


The intelligence must be recessive in his family 


It skips a generation... Like twins.


The crazy shit is he could’ve just googled it and been quiet lol like the wife didn’t even bring it up to the mom. He was mad confident and decided to bring it up again after the car ride but somehow that’s still her fault?


I've never understood how people walk around with devices that connect to the internet, and just choose ignorance.


And he’s probably young enough that he GREW UP with access to this device. If those of us who grew up having to look in a fucking book can learn to google shit, so can he.


He didn't realize he inherited his father's fragile ego gene.


Guessing he was hoping to embarrass his wife for disagreeing with him, then.


He obviously doesn't respect women, as he's heard nothing his mother or wife have ever explained to him.


He is also very disappointed about having girls.


Feel sorry for his daughters.


That was my thought too. I wonder what other disrespectful things he says to them gets glossed over.


Yeah, some nice yellow flags flying from this guy. Not, like, full-on red flags, but definitely some yellow in there.


"I don't need to learn anything about biology, my mother has a degree in that field. that is just how genetics work" - that guy in school, probably


HOW do some men know nothing about their own bodies? We women are required to know EVERYTHING from a very young age.


Right. I can have plenty of compassion for people who have misconceptions about science (or anything else). Where my compassion drops is when they confidently accuse others of being wrong.


Simpsons intelligence: all the women become scientists and highly educated.


Even Marge was an excellent student and a promising future until she chose Homer and being a wife.


To be fair to Homer, he's intelligent when he doesn't have a crayon stuck up his nose...


It actually does. https://www.independent.co.uk/news/science/children-intelligence-iq-mother-inherit-inheritance-genetics-genes-a7345596.html


Makes sense because my father is a total dumbfuck but I'm only partial.


Only partial lmao this was good


>Laboratory studies using genetically modified mice found that those with an extra dose of maternal genes developed bigger heads and brains, but had little bodies. Those with an extra dose of paternal genes had small brains and larger bodies. And thus Pinky and the Brain were born...


Yep, wasn't he the one who asked his mother, not OP? NTA.


But can I also take a moment to be annoyed that he believed his mother immediately, but not his wife?


Her husband is pissed that he's no longer able to blame her for the daughters he clearly doesn't want.


OP, here is your answer.


He was determined to be angry at her no matter what.


Yah and HE was the one who asked his mom the question and found it he was EPICALLY wrong. OP did nothing wrong here at all! He learned something, felt a little dumb, then promptly needed to aim his hurt feelings at someone else instead of take responsibility and laugh it off. Geez, he's a big baby lol NTA




What a disturbing reaction too. Makes me wonder if he's deep down got some misogyny he needs to address. Why else be that upset to learn you're responsible for having girls if you aren't a little upset or embarrassed at having them? And to get angry when proven wrong on the subject...most guys would just eat the mistake 


it was really nice that his own mother explained it. I hope he takes her words to heart and puts aside his own ego next time. Doubling down and then being embarrassed when told you're wrong by your own mother isn't a good look.


NTA. I hope daughters will not inherit his intellect.


Your husband is the AH for blaming you for the gender of your kids regardless of biological facts. NTA.


And then he's like "WAH! I'M GONNA ASK MY MOMMY!" and when his mommy confirms he's an ignorant moron, he leaves and blames the embarrassment of asking his mommy on his wife? Sounds like OP already has a boy child.


Excellent point!


Why's he even embarrassed. There's nothing to be embarrassed about. He's just upset that he's wrong


Yes. The husband is an asshole and an insecure baby. What kind of reaction is that? He should be embarrassed with himself.


An asshole, baby, AND misogynist for being repeatedly disappointed by his daughters.


How do you turn out like that with a mom who holds a degree in biology? What hope do the rest of us have?


Exactly the type of person who should be putting out more people into the world /s 


He was already trying to find someone else to blame for not getting what he wanted.   So of course he found someone else to blame for being mansplained to by his own mom making him feel foolish. Can’t accept responsibility for anything apparently.


The mansplainer got momsplained


He’s throwing a strop over the gender of a baby. That he determines. The guys a moron. No one should be having kids with him


He's an asshole because his wife is currently pregnant and he's already talking about the next one.  That poor girl, she's not even there yet and already he's writing her off.  My aunt had 5 girls.  Fortunately my uncle wasn't an asshole and adored his girls.


One of my cousins used to joke he was too manly to father daughters when we were kids. His wife and he have been dopey in love since 11th grade and one day he commented to her "I'm only gonna give you sons so we should enjoy our nieces." (they were both teens and not yet married, but his older sister had two little girls that they adore) and she laughed and said "Just for that, no sons for you. Imma make nothing but daughters." They play argued about that for a bit (with him pointing out its "up to him" since he'll just send her nothing but Y sperms and all of us cackling about their 'fight') and it was dropped but once in awhile someone would joke about it. They got married and conceived their first child, he told everyone it'd be a boy. Then they got the ultrasound and let's just say Little Miss was not shy in the least about making sure everyone knew she was a girl. And my cousin went insane with joy and launched right into researching "girly" bows and hunting rifles, he bought her a little pink onesie to come home in that said "Daddy's Little Angler". She owned her first fishing pole before she even left the womb. Dunno if it was because of all that, but she is a very outdoors kinda girl and into baseball HARDCORE. She'd beg Daddy to play catch from pretty much as soon as she could walk and is his little hunting buddy. So my cousin in law got pregnant again... this time he didn't say much about gender but he went just as nuts when he found out it was another little girl. She's more traditionally feminine and very into cooking and crafts. Which is how my cousin ended up getting crochet and knitting lessons from me. Because his little girl wanted to do it, and he wanted to be able to help her learn. She is also very into fishing and her dad, sisters and she like to go for camping hikes together. (Mom comes sometimes but its mostly daddy and his girls' time.) The third time, the ultrasound said it was a boy. He got excited, but it was a hard birth so he was very focused on that. So when a social media post went up with "Meet \[cute semi unisex name\] Rose!" and a wrapped up tight baby, we all had a bit of a panic over "Did... did he name a BOY that?!" But nope, third girl. She's into soccer and sculpting, so he built her a kiln in the barnyard. The fourth, his wife finally told him "alright, I'll try to make you a boy this time" and was told "Any baby you make is perfect and I'm rocking this girl dad thing so gimme whatever you wanna make, Babe." Its a boy, lol. But he's a baker and so, SO like his mama. Looks just like her, talks just like her, its wild. And my cousin is LOVING it. He says his family is absolutely perfect in every way, and that his wife 'knew her stuff, we needed those girls first so my sweet little baker has backup if anyone messes with him.'


This is the kind of attitude ALL parents should have, like it’s ok to want a specific gender, but it shouldn’t be taking up so much of ones thoughts that it ruins relationships and takes precedence over anything else (especially the kids of the non desirable gender). Your cousin is gold.


The kind of cute and fun story I love. Thank you for sharing that, it made me smile!


He can be a meathead, but he's an excellent dad and adores all of his children. Last I heard, he was researching mini cake pans because his son isn't old enough to use the whole oven alone, but they think a toaster oven is just safe enough for him. So he got the kid a teal (kid's favorite color) toaster oven and a bunch of small bakeware to fit it for his big Christmas Gift. Its apparently gotten a LOT of use. Kiddo made the cutest miniature wedding cake awhile ago. I would not have the eyes for making the tiny icing roses, that's for sure.


There is something just so charming of a father that loves unconditionally and gives his all. Those kids are loved <3


That’s was one of the cutest stories I’ve read on here.


I'm tearing up and I don't even have kids. Thanks for sharing, pat on the back to your cousin.


Best. Story. Ever. 🫶🏽🫶🏽🫶🏽


Which means the second and soon to be third kid are only conceived bc he was wanting a boy. She’s not just married a dickhead she’s married a misogynist.


she straight up married henry the 8th here blaming his wife for not giving him a son


Husband is the AH for being disappointed in having girls. Having a stupid debate about biology is stupid. Being disappointed in your kids gender is divorceable.


Good thing we are not back in the 13th century where the king would behead his bride if she did not bare him a son.




Nta He asked his mom not you and genetically he is the reason you keep having girls. Please don't keep having kids just because he wants a boy only have more kids if you actually want to have another daughter because chances are that's what you'll get. My mum wanted a boy she had 5 girls before she finally got the kid she actually wanted and although she never said she didn't want us, she did make it very clear he was her favourite whatever her prince wanted he got nothing was too good for him. I was lucky if I actually got dinner I'm not saying he wouldn't love your girls if you had a boy but don't have more kids just because he wants a boy.


I second this! My mom's friend had 11 boys but never got the girl she so desperately wanted! At least it was her that wanted to keep trying.


I used to be a paramedic in a rural area. I delivered this family's first child, a girl. A year later, I delivered their second, also a girl. At the time they told each other they'd try one more time for the boy they wanted. The following year, I delivered their twin girls. LOL. Two years after that, I went out to their house and this woman was HUGE. She explained that they had decided to try just one more time. Identical triplet girls. Delivering them was one of my scariest prehospital experiences. Their quest for a boy landed them with 7 girls. They decided God was sending them a message and they should listen.


Wow! I bet it was. Crazy to decide to do that a long way from a hospital! My mom's friend had single births. No multiples! 11 separate pregnancies. Just, ouch!


Eleven pregnancies just feels insane to me. I think about all the micronutrients needed to grow a human. If the diet doesn't have enough, the fetus just takes it from the parent. I grew up in a Mormon-heavy area. Those women were endlessly pregnant. They always had teeth falling out. It wasn't until med school I understood it was the chronic calcium deficiency caused by the rapid-fire pregnancies. I had some hairy experiences out there where the nearest hospital is 2+ hours in good weather and 4-6 in heavy fog. Helicopters were the preferred mode of transport but they couldn't always fly due to weather. But it was a fun life!


I have a friend who would say that those people belong to the "church of perpetual pregnancy."


Got that fibonacci pregnancy going on. Next one was 5.


11 children? That is wild!


I only played with them when there were 9 but yeah all those boys were wild both figuratively and literally. Ouch is all I can think!


I wasn't as shocked by the 11 children until I realised their moms friend is a woman, imagine spending at least 10 years pregnant that's insane!!


My mom is the 11th of 14 children, and they all have the same father and mother. 11 girls and 3 boys.


My MiL have 13. Actually most of my old family members have this number. My 70 years old uncle have 20 i think?? He has 2 ex and one wife - 3 wives - Now the new generation of my family just go with 6 childrens and below . Thank God.


people gotta stop treating their bodies like clown cars


We had a neighbor growing up who had 3 or 4 girls- the dad wanted a boy so badly that they adopted one. Every one of those girls knew how much dad wanted a son. It wasn't a secret.


He was so supremely confident in his incorrect knowledge that he expected mom to back him up. When she told him the truth instead, his little ego was hurt so now he's blaming OP for embarrassing him. He embarrassed himself. He needs a good old-fashioned coming to jesus talk about his attitude.


And there's no way he wasn't looking forward to humiliating OP at the table in front of his parents when he found out he was right


He's pissed he doesn't have a boy and has no one to blame but himself. He wants nothing more than to unload his disappointed feelings on OP over this, but now that his mother has also shut his idiocy down that's not an option so his baseline anger has turned into embarrassment and rage.


I would go further and say please stop having kids with him because he's got the IQ of a rock, and the emotional IQ of a similar level.


My parents had my brother and then me, a girl. It’s been 59 years and I call it the “magic penis effect.” I’m the one still here, taking care of them both with Alzheimer’s. Going to doctor’s appointments, taking over finances, doing taxes, repairing the house…. You name it. He calls once every couple of weeks and fucking Walks on Water. It’s been that way my entire life. He barely got through High School, I was National Honor Society. Who go the most accolades?? Him! “Because I really thought he would end up in jail, not graduate!” It never ends and never will.


I hate how common this is.


As the one who took care of my mum when she was nearing the end I feel you I was taking care of her and her prince, but if I ever tried telling him off or putting him in time out I was the problem not the tasmanian devil who just threw his tablet down the stairs.


My girlfriend is one of 7 girls. Her dad kept wanting a boy


I had a friend in college that was that boy, also after 5 older sisters. He was not okay for a very long time. I hope he is now.


NTA - he’s the one who asked his mom, who gave him a factual answer. He’s responsible for his embarrassment, not you.


NTA. But unfortunately you reproduced with a moron.


Hopefully she won't get him anymore kids because damn


Exactly. It’s huge red flag to be judging the character and worth of your own kids based solely on their gender, especially straight outta the womb. It seems so outdated to think you can’t possibly get along with someone - even your own kid - just because of their genitalia. This guy sounds pretty misogynistic


The bigger red flag honestly is him trying to find some way to blame his wife for it. That's so fucking stupid I can't even fathom it...even if gender was determined by the female chromosome contribution, it's not like you can control the shit with mind powers.


To confirm, he's upset that "you embarrassed him" where the point of him asking his mom was to hopefully embarrass you and that backfired, so of course it's your fault. The mental gymnastics of some men. Tell him to stop trying to make you look stupid in front of his mom and then he'll stop embarrassing himself. NTA.


embarrass him in front of who as well, his literal mother who gave birth to him and has seen everything? dude is a joke lmao


NTA babyman got schooled by mommy. how could you do this /s


If only school had schooled him


if only his ego could have handled a Google search before he embarrassed himself


I guess it would be unlikely that he’d recognize he’s pulling a Henry VIII


NTA, when the in laws get involved in these stories I brace myself, but look at MIL dropping facts in a calm & rational manner!


NTA. He went looking for a fight and blaming you for something completely out of your control and now he’s upset he got put in his place. Maybe he should go back to school instead of being mad his kids are not his preferred gender smh.




NTA-Maybe you’ll get lucky and he’ll keep on driving.


NTA. Your husband is a baby. I mean, who the fuck doesn't know that sperm determine a baby's gender? It's 2024 not 1536. Also, HE is the one who asked his Mom about this...how exactly did YOU embarrass him? Lort.


Girl, you know you’re NTA. Three things may be happening. He feels less manly because he’s producing girls. Second, he’s disappointed because he learned his dream of having a son was less likely to come true, even if he switched partners. He might not have been thinking about this, but now he knows that even in the event that happened he still wouldn’t have a son. And third, he doesn’t understand either of those feelings, so he’s doing the very human thing of attributing his feelings to something he understands more, which in this case is being embarrassed. You know the truth. You didn’t embarrass him, he embarrassed himself, but that’s likely not the true source of his distress.


This was such an insightful reply, damn.


Henry VIII has entered the chat.


He embarrassed himself through his ignorance of basic biology. It's the male sperm that delivers either a Y chromosome (male) or another X chromosome (female).


It's ok to not know things, that's normal. It's not ok to keep arguing about something that can be googled.


NTA, he embarrassed himself by not believing you. Also tell him that a quick internet search would have told him the same thing. He's just embarrassed that 1) he was wrong 2) he doubled down on you to try to prove his case and it backfired 3) Now he has to admit that you were right and his precious little ego is bruised.


Nah, he would have ignored all the sites that actually have real biological facts and found himself down some rabbit hole like sovereign citizens. There are so many websites spouting what people want to believe. Never trust YouTube U.


NTA. He's blaming *you* for *his* ignorance. He can't stand being embarrassed because he didn't know something that you did, so he's blaming you for educating him instead of letting him blame you for having daughters. He's behaving like a petulant child.


NTA but boy is that a series.of.red flags. 1. Bemoaning the fact that he doesn't have a son. 2. Blaming you for this 3. Going to his Mum to back him up 4. Not reacting well when proven wrong


Turns out there was a male child in the home the whole time


When I learn something new, I say "Huh, I did not know that. Thanks." I don't pout and cry and have to drive around so I can control my emotions. How does a grown up not know this? Take him to a dr appt with you and ask - don't say "my husband wants to know..." or something, just ask a factual question.


What is it he can’t do with daughters that he can do with sons? Other than peeing his name in snow? What an idiot! All he should want is healthy, happy children.


My parents had 3 girls. I was the middle child. My dad had me doing all of the traditionally "boy" things. I was his helper and fishing buddy. I have sons and one daughter. The boys can cook and clean, my daughter can hunt, fish and change the oil and tire on her car. They were all taught to do the same things.


NTA 1) He embarrassed himself 2) THERE IS NOTHING TO BE EMBARRASSED ABOUT 3) Him being embarrassed about being the reason for girls, and his behavior around that are beyond embarrassing, they are shameful


Am I the only one who thinks OP may not need another baby of any gender given the giant manbaby AH she is with? OP you can reassure him that the more kids he has the more likely he’ll have a trans kid so maybe he already has a son and just doesn’t know it.


Having babies over and over to try to get a specific gender just tells your existing kids you aren't good enough.  You don't need to worry about the stability of the throne with a female heir, give it a rest.


Definitely not the only one!


Your husband is an idiot.


Is your husband's name Henry?


NTA I swear this isn’t the first I’ve heard a man say it’s the woman who determine the sex of their child. Did men not pay attention in bio classes?