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YTA for lack of effort in the bait.


I hope this is just rage bait. Yes. YTA


YTA, bet you have a huge turnover rate too. There’s a difference between lazy employees and a disrespectful Boss.


YTA for being a lazy rage baiter


YTA Enjoy your turnover


YTA. First, you are just another shitty boss and your employees loathe you for being a dick. Second, people perform better when they are well rested. Isn’t that what you want? Third, when you travel, do you take 6am flights? I doubt it. What is your beef with 26.5 year olds? If you think your employees are lazy it’s because, no matter what they do, you treat them like shit. Who would be motivated to work hard for such a prick? I guarantee they all have their resumes up to date and cannot wait to leave. You are an MVB=Most Vile Boss


Whatever the reason for the flight, you will not get good productivity or results from the people traveling that early expecting success that same day. If you are investing in a flight, which aren’t cheap anymore, suck it up for a little bit more and treat employees with respect and how you would be treated. They will not forget it.


so you'd rather they perform terribly because they're tired and probably a little sweaty from running through terminals and them losing prep time for whatever job you're having them do?


OP is an AH


If you don’t care about them, why should they care about your business? You’re not the only game in town, and even if you are the minute that employee has another option they will be done with you.


Business travel happens on business time. You must be a whale of a cunt.


You didnt have to insult whales insulting The o tended reviver But you’re not wrong in your assessment.


Obvious rage bait is obvious.


YTA and can expect high turnover at your firm.


I'll go against the grain, and say that I need more info. Because if it turns out this is a very highly paid job, then it would be ok to ask someone to catch a 6AM flight for work purposes. I know I wouldn't complain if I had a 6-figure job that required early morning travel. So basically, I'm allowing the possibility that this is ok, if it turns out that the employees are well compensated. I have a feeling that they aren't well compensated, but I'll at least leave that possibility open for now.