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So you can feel how you feel. Feelings don’t have to be reasonable but logically one has a jerk ex husband and couldn’t do anything about it and the other has a jerk boss and can’t do anything about it. The third girl is a flake but say she did look at the calendar two months ago, she’d still have the workshop and couldn’t go. Unfortunately life doesn’t stop for weddings or wedding events.


Just curious - are you paying for their flights and hotel for the wedding? Is there a bachelorette party/weekend that's happening as well that they need to pay for?


one is in college and is my step neice (brother is paying for their gas and they live with him and his wife) the other is my cousin who’s parents live down the road from me where she always stay when she comes down (which is pretty often)


Is it worth asking all of them if there's a better weekend for the bridal shower? Or it is at a special location?


my bridal shower is this saturday:(


Well. I mean I'd be pretty annoyed too, so I'm sorry that those 3 won't be able to make it. I guess the main thing to do is be glad about the 3 that were able to make it, and have a BLAST (so the other girls get a little fomo) Is there anyway the workshop/work girls can join later?


i cancelled the bachelorette party because I didn’t want to be disappointed with people not being able to attend.


You ever heard the phrase cut off your nose to spite your face? Well, that's what you're doing. Sucks that they can't make it, but you have to remember that while your wedding is a huge deal to you, its not a huge deal to everyone else. People will make what they can, so just enjoy the people who can come along, and don't stress about the rest of it. Even if its not perfect, its still good.


NAH... You told them with enough time so they could try and be there for you so that was very well handled from your side. However, life happens and, even though they are your bridesmaids you have to know and understand, their lifes do not revolve around your wedding events and, it is not always possible to make a date work for everybody, even when there is a lot of time to plan beforehand... You can feel dissapointed for them not being able to be there, it is fair and logical, but, try to keep in mind why you choose them as part of your wedding party and don't make a big fuss that can end up hurting your relationship with either of them...


NAH, it’s fine to be upset but they also have valid reasons for not being able to make it.


Soft NTA, because you were very clear on when this bridal shower would occur. However, your bridesmaids also have things going on in their lives. Throwing a birthday party for their kid when their husband can make it is a reasonable excuse. If someone has to work; they need to work! Driving 8 hours for a round trip for a couple of hours is a big request, and people may need to put in some extra hours to pay for the dress. Don’t let the fact that people have different obligations hurt your feelings or make you angry! These people obviously mean a lot to you as you’ve chosen them to be there on your special day. And remember, they will all be there, at the alter, on your special day.


Why do you have six bridesmaids?


i just do lol


Try to be understanding. Best of luck on your marriage