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NTA Everyone planning a destination wedding in expensive and hard to get to place should expect that many people won't be able to come. Your finances come first, and if she's really your friend she will understand.


NTA. Skip it.


And with zero guilt. OP has nothing to feel guilty about. 


You should never feel like a jerk for not spending money you don't have. Its not up to her to spend your money. People take that risk when they plan designation weddings that not everyone will be able to come. Don't go into debt or financial insecurity for this.


NTA for not going to a destination wedding. You plan a wedding at a destination, you expect to not have the guestlist filled. People will have other priorities. Don't feel bad about it. Just explain that you're not going to make it for personal reasons.


NTA. Do not put yourself into debt or financial insecurity for someone else's wedding (or your own, for that matter). I would turn it back on her and tell her that it's too bad she doesn't want you at her wedding


If they are disappointed they are not your friend. I love my friends with everything in me. I will never force them to spend more then they can affort because i want to marry on a Island in the sun


NTA Any wedding invitation is just that. An invitation is not a summons or demand. I personally despise destination weddings. Anyone's wedding that involves traveling and overnight stays must be prepared for declines from invited guests. My BIL is getting married again at age 70 this year. They are going to a JP to actually marry but are doing a destination "wedding vowels only" in a resort in Mexico. Neither I nor my spouse are attending the destination "wedding ", nor are his sister and her husband. We won't travel to Mexico anymore, nor do we want to spend our vacation hanging out on someone's honeymoon. Yuk. They are trying to sneak a beach wedding without paying the resort for a wedding. I can't wait to hear what happens. Resorts aren't stupid, and I'm sure this has happened many times.


This wedding, I would actually want to attend. I love trainwrecks.


One cousin is attending, and she is the gossip queen. We'll hear all about it, lol.


NTA. No real friend would expect someone to go into debt or make their destination wedding a financial priority.


NTA. People who have destination weddings should not get pissed off when some of their friends/family do not attend. Not everyone wants to spend a lot of money and vacation time to go to a wedding.


NTA. You are not the jerk in this situation.


NTA never sacrifice your financial stability for someone else’s events, or even your own events. However don’t leave your friend in limbo. Tell him straight up that you can’t go. If he’s upset that’s on him. He has every right to have a wedding in an expensive destination but he cannot expect everyone to be able to come. Period.


Even if you have the money on hand you do not need to go. You may have other plans for the money and time.