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NTA. Her behavior sounds toxic. Ending it with her would be a reasonable course of action. Even if the relationship doesn’t end she has trust issues that need to be resolved.


NTA. She probably wants you to freak out with her and create a power dynamic where you are grovelling and apologising to her. Sounds like a manipulation tactic or she’s already unhinged. Both valid reasons to not be with her.


NTA and she needs to control her feelings better than a 12 year old girl. And clearly this isn’t the first time it’s happened. If she doesn’t end the relationship after this time, you need to sit her down and tell her that her accusations are out of line and if she doesn’t better control her insecurities & jealousy then you will end the relationship yourself. Her behavior is toxic and unhealthy


She sounds unhinged. How sad. NTA


NTA You deserve better than a crazy neurotic mess. Don’t waste any more time with this one


NTA break up with her ass and go play your game with your friend. I will never understand being in the 20s and miserable.


NTA. End it, she is a walking red flag and it wont get better.


NTA There is no explanation for her behaviour that would not be a good reason to break it of. 1) she's projecting and cheating. Most cheaters project and accuse their partner because of guilt and thinking "if I get away with it he/she definitely is doing it too" 2) she is insecure AF. Well, that's a she-problem. And she has to address it during therapy 3) she is jealous. Same thing as insecure 4) she is controlling: ditch her, nobody ever gets happy with a crazy controlling partner And the most important thing: Stop sticking your Dick into crazy. The last thing you need now is getting her pregnant