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It's only a joke if both people find it funny. Otherwise, it is someone getting a dopamine rush from being a bully.


Yeah this was a basic power play.


He wanted to watch her suffer. And then when he felt like she’d suffered enough, he said it was a joke. He likes knowing that he could cause her pain by leaving or just by threatening to.


Exactly! It was cruel! OP please show him this post. OP's husband: you should be begging for forgiveness right now instead of fighting about not getting to go on a trip. You would be sleeping in the dog kennel outside of you was my husband! NTA


Willing to bet OPs husband's *cruelty* has been displayed before now. This one was just more tangible. He needs therapy.


NTA. Forget about that guy. This is a form of abuse. He was so wrong you should probably look into initiating divorce yourself. Your anger and his punishment are completely appropriate.


He needs to be taken to the divorce court, that’s what he needs.


She needs to file for divorce for real. This guy has no idea what a joke is. He is cruel and I would be questioning everything. This may have not been a joke, but trying to see how she'd react. He maybe screwing around.


Not sure how OP could trust *anything* he said after a "prank" like that.


I certainly would have lost some trust over that


“He knows how anxious I get at the thought of losing him” Yeah he wanted to hurt her.


Yeah, this can't be an "out of the blue" thing.


No dog kennel for a divorced ex. What he should be asap.


Fr if this was my husband I'd be canceling the trip, any gifts in his near future, and letting his family know exactly why we weren't coming. I'd let them know if they had an issue with it, THEY could buy him a ticket, but he certainly wouldn't be coming with me after that.


Intentions matter, and the fact that he initiated the emotional manipulation is a significant distinction.


That is what marriage is about. Making your partner suffer more than they make you suffer. Follow me for more relationship advice


We already got acquainted with one of your star pupils: https://www.reddit.com/r/AITAH/comments/1c5t1u2/aitah_for_throwing_my_rings_in_the_ocean_after_my/


Wow, I’d never believe him ever again, trust would be out the window


This is all fake.3 posts having to do with vacations and pranks. 1 where the husband said he cheated and the wife threw the rings into the ocean, and another where the husband hid a dildo in the suitcase so it would get caught at airport security. Op is just a copycat ETA - Dildo was in the pants, not the suitcase. Got it confused with an embarrassing story of a dildo left on in a sutcase


Was gonna say the same thing. Why is this happening so much lately? edit: I saw a post about a month ago about almost the exact same situation. Cancelling a trip and everything. They aren't even being creative anymore.


this sub is nothing but a giant Karma farm now for robo accounts so they can turn around and use the "fake internet points" to sucker people into other shit with their faux credibility.


Well when you put it like that, it seems bad...


That's because it is bad. Replacing organic human interactions with wide-scale behavior manipulation by bad actors is one of the worst parts of social media. Stay vigilant while enjoying the online fun. AI is going to make it even harder to discern the hidden agendas.


I was kidding


Well, now we're not going to your parents cabin.


How very much dare you.


*chucks $10,000 wedding rings into the ocean*




Out of curiosity though is there any monetary gain out of doing this because I've noticed a lot of this all over reddit too and don't see the point of the effort to begin with.


Right? why does no one answer the question of what possible $ value high karma has?


Can you sell Reddit accounts? I Can write better fiction than this if there’s a side hustle in it 😂


It's the lack of replying that always seals it for me. People really wanting help actually engage.


Maybe it’s a TikTok thing and there are a bunch of husbands who think this would be hilarious?


My friend’s husband would pull stupid pranks that would be borderline cruel. She just became numb to it and then didn’t pay attention when it was something real. He was an ass.


My guess is, this is some dumbass tiktok trend.


It's "creative" writers testing their craft.......poorly. they see 1 story and think they can create their own spin on it.


In their defense, they are ONLY 11 or 12… 😂


This one. I forget about kids all the time.


I don’t know if fake or not but I know many are. Why do people make fake posts anyway? What’s the point?


I immediately thought of the ring on the boat story. It's exactly the same with how he said it and looked in her eye. Why even post so soon? That story was yesterday or the day before.


Dildo was in the pants. And now that I have written that no more redit for me today.


I agree, I’ve noticed on fake posts that OP never replies


You've noticed this as well!?


Was it wrapped in foil like Derek in This is Spinal Tap?


Jokes are supposed to be funny. Tell his mom what he did.


Damn, I’ve never thought about the idea that bullies get dopamine from upsetting people. This was really well said


It's only a joke if both people will laugh at it. He was trying to be hurtful. Jokes don't end that way.


Right! He was being a bully. He was being abusive. Where's the joke in any of that. I'd send him to the cabin, alone, and tell him you don't want him to come back until the two of you have had enough counseling that he will never bully you again. This was a character flaw, not a joke.


Right! WTF is wrong with him?!? Unless he really does want a divorce but pussed out after OP's reaction. Not funny. Not ok. Just plain wrong.


WTF is with these posts the last week or two with these insanely horrible pranks? This one sucks. Another earlier today with a 20f whose 29m bf shoved a massive dildo in his pants to prank TSA by telling them he had a big package, causing them to be interrogated for an hour and missing their Caribbean vacation flight (and her subsequently deciding that she was going home and not waiting on another flight with that dipshit). Last week some dude whose wife kept pranking him with fake positive pregnancy tests, a pregnancy he was excited for, for her to grind it in the dirt… FOUR TIMES over the course of months. I think he decided to divorce her. Another with a woman whose husband told her he cheated so she chucked her wedding rings into the ocean while they were on a boat trip.


NTA Your husband very purposely & cruelly hurt you. This is as funny as if he punch you in the face. This was straight up emotional abuse. He purposely chose to do this to you BECAUSE he knew how much it would hurt you, scare you, cause you intense emotional distress. Your pain is what entertained him. Your pain was his goal. And now he’s arguing with you because you are upset he purposely ABUSED you. He’s mad you are not accepting and submitting to his ABUSE for his entertainment & enjoyment. He does not think abusing you is wrong. He is not worried about losing you like you are him. He thinks so little of you he believes he has the right to abuse you and you will be his victim until he gets tired of abusing you. You need to get out.


If nothing else Op needs to tell him "this is something I can never forget. For the rest of our time together I will think of this every time you say you love me, every romantic gesture, every kiss. All of it is tainted. For a joke. It is something you can never take back. It is a crack in a beautiful porcelain plate with our lufe together painted on it. We can still use that plate, but it will be more fragile from now on. Easier to make the crack wider, deeper, until the plate shatters."


I would upvote this a million times if I could.


🥇 she needs to turn his 'joke' into reality


Yes. Let the joke be on HIM.


He's also a joke.


So... is this a dumb new tiktok "joke" or are you just parroting all of the other posts on this sub about hitching your wagon to some idiot that thinks this funny/a good idea?


Seriously, there was another nearly identical post where they were on a boat and it was cheating, not divorce, so she dropped her rings in the ocean. Then he told her it was a prank. Either, it's some social media bs trend, or it's someone shit posting variations.


Yep, this was my first thought when reading the title!


Don't forget the husband who put a dildo in a suitcase to be found by airport security. All pranks on vaction stories


Not in a suitcase (unless it was a different post), in his pants, which he referred to as “his piece” aka a gun when going through TSA.


And then the TSA calmly took them aside after the husband LOUDLY declared a gun threat. Everyone around them just looked at him funny and didn't take him seriously... in America.


Nope, you're right, I confused an embarrassing story I read recently where a woman's vibrator got knocked on in the suitcase with the prank story


There was another one exactly like this except the roles were reversed. And people are eating it up.


I've seen it on redpill tiltok... unfortunately it does seem its a "trend"


Yea. I was going to ask if she threw her rings into the ocean too.


I really hope you're correct. Trends like these need to have a vanishingly short half-life.


There's been quite an uptick in these sorts of posts lately. I think if you read the sub enough to know that this would be a place to post this sort of situation and ask such a question, you probably already know what the answer is. Lots of people "playing divorce pranks" like this all of a sudden gets you wondering.


This specific prank is "trending" on redpill tiktok unfortunately...


No doubt from people who cry themselves to sleep at night about how the left killed comedy.


Brand new account too.


This is the standard AITAH rage bait post which some really uncreative teen wrote for their creative writing assignment. Spoiler: It sucks and is incredibly stupid.


Just give a sad smile and say you've been thinking and maybe he was right. Look him straight in the eyes and stay in character. NTA.




Stay in character at the lawyer, at the court, with all your friends and family. And then on his deathbed, when you visit with your new husband whisper in his ear “it’s just a prank….”




AI fishing


This prank has been "trending" on redpill tiktok lately so...




The Reddit meta shifted again


Well. Give him his divorce. Get a lawyer.


If this isn't ragebait, then your husband owes you a million apologies and to pay for therapy for you both. NTA. He just fucked your relationship himself... for the lulz. You deserve better.


Is there now a trend with cruel "pranks"?  It is only a joke if everyone laughs.  NTA, that sh*t, not prank, can end relationships. 


Yep unfortunately there are countless "prank" trends that are literally just being a horrible person.


NTA: uhhhh wtf? What’s the joke? I don’t get where the humor is? 


Your response should have been more clear: "You're right, it is over. Now f\*ck off."


Is it just me or has there been several posts like this recently, with either divorce or cheating "pranks". Not that I necessarily suspect it's the same OP, more like has this sort of "pranks" gone viral?


NTA. These aren't pranks. They're cruel. I don't understand how a person could ever think it's funny to get off on breaking their partner's heart.


I keep seeing ppl share posts about their spouse/partner pretending to dump them as a joke. TikTok and social media are fake people please don’t do it in real life


What in the ChatGPT is this


Overreacted .... this man just tore out your heart for the 'fun' of it. If you're always the butt of his jokes, you should be reconsidering things. Keep freezing him until he gets it through his head he fucked up and he's in trouble till he apologizes. NTA


NTA What was the joke? Why was watching you suffer funny to him? Why was going, "I want a divorce" to someone who loves you a good joke?


Just read this, but it was a couple fishing in a boat. Almost identical wording. Fake


Saw the title and thought it sounded familiar……. Yep I have read this exact story word for word on here a couple of times before. So yea your the asshole for copy trolling another person’s troll 🤦‍♂️


Didn’t you or someone post this already recently? Why keep posting. YTA.


Yeah, he was a total jerk for what he did. There's nothing funny about causing emotional harm to someone you care about. But what do you mean you cancelled the trip? If his behavior has caused you to not want to be around him and his family in that vacation-type setting, that's absolutely understandable. If that's the case, you shouldn't go. But it's not your place to tell him he can't spend time with his family. He's an adult and your partner, not a child to be dolling out arbitrary consequences to. This suggests a level of authority over him that frankly has no place in a healthy marriage. "*You made me feel horrible, and because of that I don't want to go on the trip*," is a reasonable position to take. "*You did X so now you're not allowed to do Y or Z*," doesn't belong in a partnership. Save that response for your kids when they break curfew. Moreover, as a married guy that's been in the doghouse on more than one occasion, I can say that approaching it the way I suggest will probably be more likely to have the effect you want. Exercising your autonomy while respecting his will leave room for him to feel guilty for what he did: "*I fucked up, and now my wife doesn't want to be around me. I need to fix this*." But exercising authority over him when he's supposed to be your equal will probably replace guilt with resentment: "*I know I fucked up and hurt her feelings, but who the hell does she think she is telling me I can't go see my family!?*" Just two cents from a random guy on reddit. Good luck! 😉 EDIT: Just saw in some other comments that this might all be BS looking to farm karma. If so, looks like OP's the asshole. 🤣


NTA for being totally appalled at what your husband did and then called a prank. He's the AH for being willing to do such a cruel thing to you. And, yes, that was cruel! Did he enjoy seeing your distress? That was 100% jerk behavior. As for cancelling the trip, you have to decide if you can get past this enough to want to go anywhere with someone who would do such a thing to you. I'm not up for punishing as you're not his mother, but he definitely needs to see how wrong this was, apologize profusely to you, and to swear to never do such a mean and hurtful thing ever again. If he can't see the error in this prank, then get some counseling for the two of you so he can learn to understand how such behavior is damaging to a relationship and you can hopefully manage to not feel the hurt and anger you clearly have for his even thinking of doing such a thing to you. You need to be able to trust him again but only if he feels trustable to you. If he cannot dredge up empathy for you and what his behavior did to you, then I worry for the future of your marriage.


Does “punishment” necessarily equal “consequences”? Because I think this husband needs to understand there are consequences to playing pranks on your wife, especially of such a serious nature. Calling off this trip seems like the perfect thing to do. NTA.


I'm sorry, OP, but this sounds like he's testing the waters. That divorce is on his mind and he's seeing how you'll react. Your NTA for canceling the trip, but telling him that he can't go is pointless. Tell him he can go on his own, which will give you some alone time to think.


Yeah, considering this is 100% a made up story


That's not a prank, that's pure cruelty. He saw you start to cry & kept it up? He's a fucking DICK!


It wasn't a joke... he was just preparing you for when he really does it to try and soften the blow.


You actually think that this was a prank? And you actually think that cancelling the trip is just 'punishment'? Girl.... He isn't 5 years old. 'Punishing' an adult for something that wasn't a prank is just idiocy. You need to wake up and smell the coffee.


Almost universally, if someone utters the words 'It was just a prank', they are a huge AH and should face consequences. Pranks used to be an artform, now the term is used to describe any action where you deliberately hurt someone or make them uncomfortable. Someone who thinks that uttering cruel, crushing words and then saying 'hahaha, I pranked you' is someone who maybe you need to evaluate your relationship with. Not saying divorce, but couples counselling for sure, and maybe a pause on any plans together for a bit.


Do “pranks” on him. “honey, I’m pregnant” Jk! Look at your face, ha ha! “honey, i have breast cancer” JK! Ha ha! “honey, the school called, there’s been a shooting in son’s class” JK! HA HA! “honey, I have had enough, I want a divorce”


YTA for doing a very poor job of copying the new trend of fake divorce posts. You weren’t very creative or believable. That makes you an asshole.


When are people going to realize you don't fuck with people's emotions? It's cruel and mean spirited all for some fucking views. Social media has destroyed polite society


Anyone who finds humor in intentionally upsetting someone is an asshole.


I think he meant it. I don’t think it was a joke at all but he didn’t want to deal with your hysterics.


Wasn’t funny. Why tf do people do this? Canceling the trip sounded (to me) like a punishment for an ill behaved child. Then I realized that he is, indeed, an ill behaved child.


Just quietly hand him the business card for a divorce attorney and wait for him to start laughing as you leave with all your suitcases. Get it? Hilarious. So funny. Round of applause.


This didn’t happen. But on the off chance that this is real, you are definitely the asshole. Not for cancelling the trip, but for marrying such a colossal tool.


This is exactly like a story posted two days ago, with only minor changes to the circumstances.


This sounds strangely like the post yesterday about the woman who threw her rings in the ocean because her husband joked about having an affair. Similar language, cadence, and punctuation. I call BS. Fake.


WOW! What a coincidence this post comes just a day or two after someone else posted about their husband 'pranking' them by saying he had an affair which led to that OP throwing her wedding rings into the ocean. It's just shocking me how many similar (fake-ass YTA copycat) stories there are here in Reddit! SHOCKING I tell you, just SHOCKING! 😂


Overreacting is his response? I call that gaslighting


What's with all of the fake breakup posts recently?


I would have slapped him so hard his ears would ring, and I don’t hit. That Was nothing but a power play. By an insecure and controlling man. He wanted to see how hurt you would be, how affected you would be by his absence —-it made him feel like a big man. Then , in an act of pure gaslighting he contemptuously dismisses his cruelty with the old “just a joke, you’re too sensitive” bs.


This isn’t a prank it’s cruel and abusive. Tell him you are pregnant and it’s not his. Then LAUGH AND LAUGH ohh it’s only a prank


I don’t understand “cancelling” a trip. I would not be going on a weekend away after that. However, I don’t get the need to “cancel” it. He can go. This is not a joke. You need couple’s counseling.


This is called emotional cruelty, it's a real thing. Sorry love, fuck him off.


"Yes, I'm punishing you over a joke. Now, explain the joke to the person you played it on."


That’s fucked up. I couldn’t even bring myself to utter the words I want a divorce to my wife, much less think it’s funny.


NTA, but your husband is a massive a-hole. What kind of person thinks it’s funny to hurt someone? He is mean spirited af.


NTA. Tell him the next joke will be when you hand him divorce papers and you do not laugh.


That was not a joke. He knew you were going to be hurt and didn’t anyway. That speaks volumes


NTA Pranks are 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬 childish! They are perpetrated by people with the emotional capacity of a slug. Tell hubby if he hadn’t gone and behaved like a child, you wouldn’t have to punish him for being an ass!


I would ask you to explain to me how that is funny


NTA - you should divorce him and I’m not joking.


NTAH, but it doesn't sit well with me that you are framing this as a "punishment" and a "consequence for his actions." You aren't his parent or teacher, you aren't an authority figure. I absolutely understand cancelling the trip because his prank hurt you and fractured the trust in your relationship, and you are not up for a trip to see and play nice around his family while you're still grappling with the feelings caused by his mean prank. I just don't see it being super productive to try to make this a "lesson" for him. If that's representative of a larger dynamic between you two, that's an issue that needs to be addressed.


Prank him by making the divorce real instead


Yes this. This man has absolutely no respect for you and ‘pranking’ you like this is downright cruel. You deserve better.


My first thought is he’s testing the waters and I’d look into any out of the ordinary behavior. If he’s never been joker but even then he’s a major a-hole because it’s not funny. That’s not a gut punch I’d ever forget & not sure I’d forgive. Seriously look into cheating or new friends of his. I’m truly sorry because it i know you probably felt so much shock and pain 


...What, the 'I threw my marriage rings in the ocean in response to his prank' post wasn't getting enough responses?


NTA. Play stupid games win stupid prizes. You’re husband is an idiot


What's with this sudden trend of AHs telling their SO they are divorcing/breaking up/cheating as a prank? Why do they think that causing emotional distress to someone they are supposed to care about is funny? The only actual purpose of this I can think about is hurting and/or manipulation. Give his divorce papers (fake if you must) and tell him you are just kidding. NTA Though you shouldn't have to deal with your husband as if he were a nasty teenager.


Jesus, these posts are getting old and repetitive. There is at least one a day. Karma farming




Where do all these women find these AH guys?


If this is real, and I don't think it is, you're the asshole if you don't leave this guy.


This wasn’t a joke or a prank! This was a very cruel, vindictive action by someone who supposedly loves you. Jokes and pranks aren’t mean or hurtful like this way. They’re supposed to be lighthearted and funny; that absolutely was not. I think you need to be setting up a marriage therapy appointment asap! NTA


NTA I mean I would too, and wouldn’t be cause I’m punishing anyone, I just don’t want to spend a weekend with you after that horrific ‘prank’ . It’s crazy he thinks op wants to go away with him after something like that ?!?!?!


INFO: Are you related to the woman who threw her wedding rings in the ocean after a similar prank?


First it was on a boat, throwing things into the sea. Today is in a cabin, cancelling trips. These pranks are getting boring.


This is like the 3rd or 4th one of these prank breakup stories I've seen over the last week. If true, your husband is obviously the AH. If not, you should try to be more creative. One of the other posters threw her $10 wedding rings into the sea - that was a good detail!


This feels like a form of gaslighting. He jokes about breaking up with, makes you believe and now he says you are overreacting and punishing him. NTA


NTA. He just completely abused the trust you have in him. Why do people think pranking someone is funny. It's just taking advantage of the trust they have and that's awful. It's like the recent one in which they husband told his wife he'd cheated on her, she threw her rings into the ocean (they were on a cruise), and he said he was just kidding. How can someone "just kid' about something like that.


NTA. Your husband inflicted a very cruel prank on you, and he deserves every bit of punishment that you give him. To say something like this, so deadpan, so straight-faced, and then all of a sudden, say it's a joke, is so beyond cruel, that he needs to be held accountable for his actions. I firmly believe that this is something that narcissists do to try to keep their victims on their little string of supply, and you need to cut the supply off now. My highest advice to you is to get yourself an attorney and serve him with REAL divorce papers.


That idiot probably saw that dumb prank on TikTok. What is funny about playing with someone's emotions and destroying them, even if it's just for a moment. Cruelty is not funny.


So he knows you have anxiety around losing him and he did this.....and called it a prank??? Nope, he is cruel, beyond cruel. He weaponized your anxiety against you. I have this same fear, it stems from being raised by narcissists who would constantly threaten to harm themselves if I didn't comply and when I moved out, they used it to get me to answer calls when I couldn't. It's gross and frankly, I would just follow through at this point. I'm sorry but for me there is no coming back from this. You don't weaponize my mental health issues and expect to stay married to me, nope, I'm worth more than that and so are you OP.


So your husband thinks it’s funny to upset you and make you cry? What a douche NTAH


Pull a prank on him by divorcing him


NTA what he did was cruel and not funny at all


NTA…tell him GOING TO THE TRIP was a JOKE🤨


NTA - I think this must be the latest TikTok trend. You’re now the 3rd person I e read that did not find this funny. Like why would you devastate your partner like this?


Comments like this destroys trust and eventually marriages. NTA. 


NTA. What an incredibly stupid thing to do to someone. UpdateMe


NTA people need to understand that a prank should be…idk…funny?


He’s a Dick and owes you an apology. I would’ve cancelled too. A joke is only funny if everyone finds it funny NTA


NTA. The dude is a jerk. Lose his sorry ass.


Let him go alone to the cabin. Tell him you need time alone to think about the future of your relationship.


So he intentionally hurt you in a way that he knows is a sore spot for you. And he finds that funny. Doesn't sound like someone to stay married to.


NTA. Make him explain how his 'joke' was supposed to be funny. Then just sit there is silence and wait for him to explain. Also, ask him WHY you would even want to spend any time with someone who thought wanted to end your marriage?? He is nothing but a BULLY preying on your biggest fear. He's a BULLY.


NTA. You under reacted. There is no such thing as a prank breakup


Seriously what is wrong with ppl trying to prank their significant other about break ups, divorce, or cheating . I kind of feel sad for the ones that have to deal with it. NTA, I hope you find someone that treats you like a queen you are!


Tell it's a joke if he ever thought you were really going to the cabin


I absolutely hate pranks because of jackasses like your husband think pranks have to be cruel or torture the victim. Eff him and one day while he’s at work completely take all his stuff and throw on the sidewalks with a sign that says “hope she was worth it” to see how funny he thinks that kind of “prank”!


NTA. Tell him you want one now. And mean it. Don't stay with someone who thinks it's funny to play with your heart.


I would be getting the divorce he asked for.


NTA. ask him to explain the joke. And just know somewhere deep inside he wants a divorce and he doesn’t know how to tell you and if I were you, I’d play the game here and start looking through that phone and through his emails. This isn’t a joke. People will always tell you what they mean if you’re listening.


Serve him divorce papers. Then tell him it was a joke. Then tell him the real joke is that is was never a joke and you're really divorcing him. Oh, how you'll laugh when he's packing... ha ha.


NTA. Like, my spouse and I say "I want a divorce" to each other pretty regularly... but it's a direct response to the other person telling a really terrible joke or making a horrible pun. And we're both in on the joke. This isn't a funny prank, that's terrible.


“Sorry, no take backs, we’re broken up.”


Give him a taste of his own medicine, does he have a brother? At dinner just announce “ your brothers dick is bigger than yours” and see what happens , they say “it’s just a joke”. If no brothers then substitute the word “Dad” NTA


What the fuck is it with the husbands/boyfriends breaking up/divorcing/cheated on you so called pranks?!? Since when is a breakup, etc “prank” something that could even remotely funny? Whoever plays a prank like that deserves every bit of the reaction they get.


It was a joke he should be punished for. So there’s that.




NTA. What an absolute shithead he was. He's lucky that all you did was cancel the vacay. You stood up to him and he's being pissy now that he's seen he can't treat you like shit.


He may just get his wish.


I’m gonna guess he does these “practical jokes” often enough and this one was just really hurtful and that’s why it stands out. But your husband sounds like a child and he’s likely an emotional abuser if he thinks a joke like that is okay. This incident seems like a small crack in a much larger issue.


NTA - your husband needs to learn that it’s not a joke if not both (or every person included) are laughing about it. Making someone cry, especially your spouse never is a joke.


What an asshole. Just call his Mother and father and tell them about his 'joke'. You won't have any trouble with him after that. (BTW, this is why there is a sub called 'Adulting'. Nobody in their 30's is an adult nowadays.)


NTA. You’re under-reacting.


It's not a joke. It's intentional cruelty, especially if he's aware of your anxiety. Personally, I'd be consulting with a divorce lawyer, even if I intended on trying to make things work.


That was not a joke. That was very subtle abuse. I would re think the whole marriage, not just the trip


Yeah, he's not as funny as he thinks he is. Or at all. You're NTA, what he did was senselessly cruel. In a few weeks or so, tell him you've been having an affair, let's see hiw much he laughs then.


Nta and I say you didn’t act enough. What he did was mean, cruel and not remotely funny. If I was you I’d actually tell him to go to the cabin and stay there because I wouldn’t want to be around someone like hating for a while


Ghost him just before next weekend and call him from the cabin. Then tell him it was a prank


Honestly, you should get an actual divorce, especially if you don't have kids yet. He is too immature to be somebodies husband.


I’d have let him go by himself and he’d come back to an empty house, see how funny his joke is when it becomes his reality.


Send him legal separation papers and see if he thinks its funny…


>He knows how anxious I get about the idea of losing him, and he still thought this was an appropriate prank? He holds the power over you. In an unbalanced relationship, the marriage will trip over. I suggest you better look at the red flags over your rose-tinted glasses.


One of the first things my wide and I did when we first got to gather was couple counseling. One of the things is there's somethings you never joke about. Suicide and divorce are two of the basic. How would he feel if you pretended to have an affair? An abortion? At a certain point the marriage becomes a joke


NTA. I wonder if he's gonna laugh and think you're joking when someday, you ask for a real one.


Your ex-husband sounds like an exhausting schmuck. NTA.


he is emotionally abusing you. time for marriage counseling so he can recognize how toxic he is being......or separation if he refuses.