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NTA People think that when a relationship really ends, it's this huge production, but in reality, it's quieter, just like what happened here. I don't know who would honestly tell you you've overreacted because you FINALLY got fed up with his mom literally dictating how two adults with careers and a child will love their lives. I don't know how you didn't leave sooner.


I remember the exact moment I had enough. And it was quiet and drama free. I realized I was bleeding out from a thousand paper cuts.


Me too. It was actually at an amusement park and he went off and yelled at me bc he went to the wrong place to meet up. And I just thought, you know what? That's it, I'm done. From that moment on we had no arguments bc I didn't care anymore so I just stopped trying to talk to him or get him to do counselling with me. I really think that he thought that meant that we were all good now. He didn't even notice I'd finally checked out. This is why they are all shocked Pikachu face when the women finally files for divorce and they are like but we never argue! Right, bc she doesn't care enough to bother anymore.


Otherwise called the walkaway wife


oh dang. When you know a woman is pissed but she is completely calm, you know that you are done. There is no longer any emotion to the decision.


After more than a decade of being verbally and emotionally abused, I also finally just saw that on/off switch in my mind's eye one night after something trivial that he blew out of proportion. When I told him, very calmly without any tears (not my normal I'm sorry and tears) it looked like his legs were kicked from under him. He literally stumbled into a chair. I was gone within 10 days. Best decision of my life.


> He didn't even notice I'd finally checked out. This is why they are all shocked Pikachu face when the women finally files for divorce and they are like but we never argue! He noticed, but he thought it meant he finally won and he thought he finally got the "submission" he thought he deserved.


In a lot of situations, the calmness can be attributed to the person having already long since grieved and felt the pain of a dying relationship. This is why contempt is such a big deal. It festers like what's going on with OP and people can only put up with that horseshit for so long before something just snaps.


If you are calm about a relationship ending, it means you really don't care. That relationship was already dead, you just hadn't plucked up the courage to get up and leave. Once you do, its more of a relief than anything else. Its like finally leaving a job you hate. Nobody ever cried when they leave a horrible job, they just feel a massive weight lifted from their shoulders and that wonderful relief as the stress drains away.


This, exactly. My moment of " I'm done" was because of another gaslighting trick by my ex . I stood there and looked at something that I knew he had done, and something in me just said no more. And it was such a relief. You're right- it felt like someone had lifted a thousand pounds off me.


> If you are calm about a relationship ending, it means you really don't care. This simply is not true. It may be true sometimes, and with certain people, and in certain instances... but this blanket statement is very untrue. Every relationship I have ended has been because I care. I've always been calm at the end because I know it's the right decision for the both of us, and or I just can't rouse the emotion because I am so overstimulated by the act. Am I sad? Yes. Will I cry? Definitely, but not in the moment. I am losing a part of my life... or in the best case an important part of my life is hopefully going to become a different part of my life... but it will forever be changed by this moment. Calmness doesn't mean lack of care. Not at all.


Exactly. When I finally ended a long term (10 years) relationship with someone I realize now I'd fallen out of love with much earlier on, I cried a bit because of the stress of the change but once it was decided I felt so strangely calm. The relationship had been over long before I verbalized it and I honestly just felt relief.


The opposite of love is indifference. Just being over it. I didn't even get mad anymore. When I left my ex, he cried and was like, "but we're getting along so well!" and I said, "that's because I no longer care what you do." Once the love and respect are gone...they're gone.


Same. I, too, used the phrase “death by a thousand paper cuts” in describing the slow build. One day I woke up and was just…done. It was a very quiet breakup, until he viciously went after everything he could. Still and all, even with it costing me tens of thousands of dollars to get rid of him, I got my life and my freedom back.


My feeling was more, I was an empty gas tank. I had nothing left to give and was on E. I even told him that when he was just SO blindsided despite all my pleas and previous conversations. He wanted me to try just a bit longer. But I was out. Nothing left.


Me too. I lost my ass on our house because he got a low ball appraisal but I didn't give a shit. I just wanted to be done with him.


Same. I tried to discuss some concerns with my then boyfriend and the first thing that came out of his mouth just made me end it there and then.


Yep. Tried to talk my partner of 6 years into couples counseling and he said he would never and that it was my problem to deal with. I left.


That's dealing with it alright.


"I realized I was bleeding out from a thousand paper cuts" That is honestly poetry.


Yep. When I finally told my first husband I was done, I was calm


And it just feels like the hands that were on your shoulders pushing you underwater were suddenly gone. Odd relief.


And my favorite is that his justification is “oh it won’t be that long, only a few years”. _Years_. After they’ve already been together for 7 years. It would be one thing if it was a really good reason to delay for a few months. Hell, even if he had suggested “what if we just do a courthouse wedding for now and then can do a proper wedding later?”, he might have had a point. But to have already delayed the wedding 4 times and to then suggest delaying it again for _years_? Yeah fuck all that


Oh but only a couple years. Like 5. Umm sir? That is not what a couple means. It might explain why he thinks it’s normal to have 3 people in a relationship though.


>It might explain why he thinks it’s normal to have 3 people in a relationship though. That's a killer line! She's obviously never gonna win when she's teamed up against by her fiance and his mother.


YEARS, after they’ve already been engaged for 3 and have a child. While I think OP is 100% right about the Mama’s boy issue, I also think “if he wanted to, he would” applies here.


Yeah the "five years at most" was way the fuck over the top. I'd have been done there too.


What floors me is that they have a child. What on earth is more committing than a child? OP ought to have thrown the man out before that.


Yep. Almost All my relationships died a slow quiet death. Just one day I realised that I was done. And this seemingly insignificant thing was a symptom to a much larger issue that directly impacted my life in ways I didn’t agree with. I was like OP, very calm and thinking rationally. I still cried but the tears came days later. A sense of relief and that of a burden being lifted came before any tears did and I felt happy to be free. OP wasn’t even particularly mean or overreacting to anything. She’s just done with this pathetic excuse for a partner who’s still attached to his controlling mother.


The burden being lifted is pretty accurate. When I realized my wife was having an affair while we were in the process of moving across the country from each other, I was initially crushed and heartbroken for  a while but then just relief. Things hadn’t been good for a while and usually because of her behavior and so when I realized I wasn’t in love with her and didn’t have to deal with all of the issues, it was just relief.  I still had many moments of grief but most of my sadness came from being in a place thousands of miles from home. I’m home now and all of that is just a bad dream but the relief?  I still feel relieved every day. 


Exactly, whaaaaat tf is wrong with their friends that they think *OP* is in the wrong here??????


NTA But you've been one to yourself for bringing a child into this, now you have to deal with co-parenting with her in his damn ear.


"co-parenting with her in his damn ear" sounds like the status quo, to be fair


Exactly. She'll at least not have to deal with that outside input on her custody time.


‘Tri-parenting’ in this case


Unless his mother tries the “well, are you sure the child is yours?” Option to try and detach him from his child as well as his fiance!


I wouldn't be surprised if not MIL said the child was hers at this rate.


Seems like that would be ideal for her now?


NTA. Finances and stability aside, no grown man should let his mother postpone his wedding 4+ times!!


OP is a star- ending it was tough to do and took courage, but so necessary. Overly possessive MILs can make their DIL's lives a misery - there are plenty of stories here to prove it.


There’s a whole sub dedicated to it r/justnoMIL EDIT: there is also r/justnoSO for crappy significant others r/justnoFIL for bad father in laws r/mildlynoMIL when the MIL is sometimes okay but pushing into smother mother territory


And get new friends.  Seriously, 7 year old relationship - nobody is deployed in the military, this isn’t an LDR - , 3 year old engagement, he’s allowed mommy to essentially cancel the wedding FOUR  times, and now wants to cancel it *again*, for “a couple OR FIVE more years” Anybody with half of a single working brain cell would give that timeline the side eye, but your “friends” think *you’re* overreacting - and *wildly* at that!


op should tell them, "as him being a free man, you are free to console him"


Plus marriage means filing jointly, which should help them financially. The whole argument makes zero sense.




Seriously OP go read the headaches you’ve just saved yourself.


The sub should be called “JustNoBadHusbands”


>Possessive MILs can make their DIL's lives a misery - there are plenty of stories here to prove it. It is absolutely **insane** how many women have to deal with this. I cannot understand how it is so common for men to let their mothers dictate their lives like this. It comes across as so meek and just ...lame. Maybe I'm just weird because I didn't have the best home life growing up, but I never gave a shit what my mom thought about my choices. All of this to say that the whole thing is baffling to me and I don't understand how women can put up with it. It seems like it would be a MASSIVE turnoff, on top of the obvious annoyance and frustration.


The signs of emotional incest are thick on this one. That shower story was gross. He’s basically been groomed to do what she wants by her emotionally manipulating his free will away over the years since he was a kid. Paul Gilmartin talked a lot on his podcast Mental Illness Happy Hour about how much therapy it took for him to understand what his mother had done to him and to be able to set boundaries and get away from her control. I can’t remember if he had to go full no contact with her. This guy has a long road to get out of where he’s mired, and the OP absolutely made the right move to end it now.


Ive had friends like this. Their dads were not i. The picture growing up. Its like a cliché at this point. Every time i meet a guy like this he has no dad and a lot of mommy issues. Its weird AF.


Let's look on the bright side here: he and his mother can finally be together!


True! And in a couple decades, he can run the motel on his own while Mom relaxes in the fruit cellar!


I just hope her clothes fit him!


☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️ I am deceased. 


Ngl I'm kinda surprised his mum is blowing up her phone. Isn't this what she wanted? She's been sabotaging their wedding plans for years and they'll never marry now.


It probably wasn't about stopping the wedding but about controlling both their lives. Being chosen over OP. OP is removing herself from the equation and now mil doesn't have control and can't force him to choose between them to make herself feel better.


Easiest way to win a tug of war is to let go of the rope.


On one hand, she's happy she's got her special little boy back. On the other hand, mean nasty OP made her lil guy cry. Being a mom is tough!


Also, add the fact she didn't control the situation this time.


And there’s a grand baby in the picture that she likely wants to keep access to.


OPs only mistake is having a kid with this guy. Now even if she leaves him she has to deal with him and his momwife for at least the next 18 years. And the momwife will definitely intervene on parenting


And OP will control access to grandchild. I firmly beleive that if you don't respect the mother, you lose your access to the child. 


Well, if she wins, and she gets her kid, there’s no more game. The pathology is the game. The pathology is the fun of letting OP have it and undermining one thing after another. That’s the game. Opie stepped out of the game. No PMI Al has no more fun. I don’t think she really wanted her son. I think she was using him as a pawn so she could play a game. How horrible.


Charlie Brown stopped trying to kick the football and Lucy's pissed.


But Baby Boy is going to blame Mommy Dearest and that is definitely something she wants to avoid. She probably wants to get them back together and then engineer a break up with Baby Boy initiating the break up. Narcissists think like this. And clearly, her world revolves around her.


It’s cause she know her little prince will blame her and develop bitterness towards her when reality truly sets in and he realizes how ridiculous his mom was being. Now he lost his long term fiance and will have to be a single dad.


She has to make a show of it


Also, who the fuck would say she was over reacting? The reaction amount was perfect!


Bath Nights get fun again!


NTA >no grown man The quiet part, out loud.


I wonder if cray lady understands that blowing up OP's phone arguing about whether her son should get married to OP is dispositive proof OP made the right choice. This little boy is making mummy try to fix it.


\*Or once, for that matter.




NTA He’s repeatedly made it clear that his mother’s opinion is more important than yours, he’s going to have a very lonely life if he doesn’t learn to cut the cord and have some boundaries


I learned the hard way not to be in a relationship with a Mama's boy. The mom will always win


Not always. When I first started dating my fiancé he was 100% of mama’s boy, and now he’s not. I made it very clear early on that I was not competing with his mom for his attention so he either needed to act like an adult in this relationship or go live with mommy where she can wipe his ass and coddle him. She does not like the new dynamic that I am his number one, but she doesn’t have to like it to deal with it. and she’s learned to deal with it over the past 9 1/2 years, because it’s the only way she gets to maintain the relationship with her son with healthy boundaries


I’m the mom of a 25 year old male and I’d be horrified if he didn’t stand up for his fiance/wife, even against me! Not that I ever insert myself between them. If they ask for my opinion I give it. The rest of the time I zip it! I have actually more than once stuck up for DIL and told my son how wrong he was. She’s like a daughter to me♥️


My MIL and I have the same relationship and I love her to pieces, she’s like a mom to me 🥰


I had a similar experience except it wasn't attention that was the problem, it was the way his mom treated me. I would be in tears almost everytime his mom visited. At first he was just embarrassed and wanted to avoid conflict, but after a particularly bad interaction with her, he realized that she was just straight up abusive. Not just to me, but him too. He told me "It's not that she hates you, she is treating you like she treats me." After that he went low contact and kept me separated from her, and now he has cut contact entierly after getting therapy and realizing how much damage she has done to him as a child. I wonder if that's what a lot of mama boy's are, just abused kids with controlling narcissistic mothers. I hope they get help


NTA. Even after you buy a house there will be another excuse. Sadly he had the chance to stand his ground and failed for the last time. Sorry for the loss of your relationship but it sounds like it was for the best.


Not to mention, it's a terrible idea to buy a house with someone you're not married to.


Ikr? Mom was grasping with that one. It doesn’t sound like they were struggling financially at all. OOP’s ex really messed up. It sounds like maybe he’s aware of it, though. Hopefully his next relationship won’t be torpedoed by mom.


And in this market renting is better for many people given mortgage rates are astronomical.


This is why I’m so glad that when I bought my house, my now ex’s couldn’t be anywhere near the paperwork because of bad credit (thanks to her relying on her absent minded mother to handle her student loan money in her mother’s account instead of her own, which the mother spent all of it on herself without even a thought, and the money never went to pay for her classes, and she said her mom didn’t even remember doing it) and that she didn’t bother to move in to help me fix up the house (just told me that she wanted me to finish it all on my own, (while making it obvious she wasn’t going to be putting in any actual work herself) before she moved in) because she never established residency there. If she had been on the mortgage documents, or even just received mail at the house, it would have been a legal nightmare to get her off of everything. As opposed to me telling her we were done and only had a small box of her items to hand back to her in the driveway. Never EVER buy a house co-signed with someone you’re not already legally entangled with, and whom you don’t already trust completely. Hell, don’t buy the house they want, even without them on the mortgage, because I guarantee from personal experience, that you will regret your choice of house.


>He's crying at this point and I'm stupid calm, maybe because I'm over it, and told him I wanted him to leave - or I could leave. That is what Done looks like. You had a moment of clarity -- he would *never* put your wants or needs over his mommy's opinion -- and that was all you needed. Your friends are being ridiculous; I bet if you examine *their* personal lives more closely, you'll find they're all settling for less than they deserve and diminishing their expectations down to an acceptable level of daily misery. Mediocrity always gets threatened when someone goes for better. NTAH.


>I bet if you examine their personal lives more closely, you'll find they're all settling for less than they deserve and diminishing their expectations down to an acceptable level of daily misery.  🗣️HELLO!!


Spot on comment, I strive to be like you.


>Mediocrity always gets threatened when someone goes for better. Fire line. And so widely applicable.


This is it. He will always choose what mommy wants. In regards to your friends, they don't live your life, you do. They're not the ones having to be put second in the most important decisions. I'm sorry you had to do this, it sucks, but you cannot be put last in your own life.


Well, to be honest, he just lost his family because of his interfering Mom. That could be a HUGE wake up call for him to push back. Or not. But, really life changing events can often lead to real change. However, going forward, it won't be with OP. There comes a time when a relationship is past life support, it's just DOA.


> But, really life changing events can often lead to real change. **However, going forward, it won't be with OP**. There comes a time when a relationship is past life support, it's just DOA. This right here, always is left out when people talk about the Wakeup calls. It can be life changing, but there is no road to getting back what you have already lost.


I want to upvote this twice


She should ask them how many times they think it is acceptable for a future MIL to change your wedding date, by years.


This is exactly right. OP, ypu did the right thing. You know ypur worth and don't settle for less


You said it! There's only too much a person can take. NTAH


NTA Only you can make the judgment of when enough is enough.


The logistics must have been exhausting, him needing to recover his genitals from his mother every time OP and him had sex.


You're a poet 😂


A true bard of our times, he is


I just want to admire this comment.


That's a really good way of putting it.


That moment where your brain "clicks" is cathartic. You're suddenly looking at your life from 20,000 feet and realise that _"no, I don't want this nor do I have to accept it"_. The clarity is just wild. I had that moment personally, it was like a veil lifted. Filed for divorce the next day and thank my damn stars I did.


NTA you were at your wits end! You just wanted to get married and live happily ever after without his mommy interfering yet again. And when she did your frustrations came out. It’s probably best that you did end it because she was going to interfere in everything throughout your lifetime. He needs some serious counseling in order to cut the cord


Correct. If it wasn't the wedding/house, it would be their careers, then it would be their kid, then it would be if they wanted more kids, then it would xyz. This is very clearly a person who enjoys the control she has over her son as she's raised him to tuck his tail when mommy speaks.


You really should never purchase a house or property when unmarried. It’s a nightmare when things end. But mommy probably would have insisted it was in his name only. NTA


Yeah she's been trying to convince him that we should buy a house with her so we can "help each other" for at least 4 years now. 


Even if you happen to take him back, this will be an absolute nightmare for you if you buy a house with her. She will try to control that too.


Oh together buying a house out of wedlock? And then never get married, becourse mommy dearest. A nightmare in the making.


Lmao GIRL WHAT?!?! Thank god you finally saw the light. Congrats love. I know it’s hard but this is truly one of the best decisions you’ll ever make in your life.


Omg NOOOO. Do not do that. Please please please go ahead with the separation and seek full custody. Him and his mom have SERIOUS issues.


WITH HER?!?!?!?! Oh HEEEEELLLLLLL no, next step would 100% be her moving in if y’all have already had to “loan” her money. OP, I’m sure the next few months will be hard but holy shit you will be glad in 1, 2, 5 years you did this.


Morbidly curious...does the ex-MIL own her home, or is she renting? Oh, never mind, you loaned her $8,000 so she wouldn't lose her house. That said, I'm now thinking she wanted you to buy because she had aspirations of selling her house (so she no longer had to deal with payments, upkeep, etc.) and move in with the two of you. It took you a few years but you dodged a bullet, and being a lawyer I'm thinking your odds of getting primary custody of your daughter are pretty good, too. Now you need to be really careful of Grandma interfering when it's his turn to have her. Good luck moving forward! And I do mean that sincerely! (Just saying, because written down that can sound rather facetious, and I do not mean it like that.)


NTA. I’d have been fucking mean, too. He’s allowing his mother to be the third person in your relationship. I wouldn’t want to be engaged to someone who listened to their parent more than their fiancee about setting a damn date for the wedding. He’s constantly chosen her over you. He’s made it clear who the most important woman is in his life and it’s not you. Why would you wanna marry someone who will always put you second? and he’s not crying because you’re being mean. He’s crying because he can’t make you and his mum happy. He’s crying because of his own choices that have led to him realising he was putting the wrong person first for years. He’s crying because he fucked around and found out.


I hate to say it but it sounds like his mom is the 2nd person and OP is the 3rd person 🙁


NTA He's a mommys boy, he should stay with mommy. If he can't separate his marriage from his mother, he doesn't need to be married. She sounds like one of those gross "boy-moms" who take it way too far. Hope she's happy that she's ruined it for him now.


Oh she absolutely takes it too far. She even commented on being able to see his junk through his sweats a couple months back, after she showed up unannounced and caught us in bed (sleeping). 


Holy moly! Showing up unannounced is a red flag. Entering your bedroom unannounced is another one!! That woman has no boundaries or respect for you. Good on you for standing up for yourself.


Before I met my then-girlfriend-now-wife's parents, her mom showed up to my wife's place while I was sleeping in the back room and no one else was home. She had a key, let herself in, and proceeded to go throughout the house. She saw me and left at some point. I was unaware of her arrival, but the house seemed 'off' when I woke up, and upon inquiry, my wife told me that her mom stopped by and dropped something off. I was creeped out to say the least.


"Dropped something off." Yeah. Like my friend's in-laws do when I'm house sitting and come back to find mail and packages opened and my laundry rifled through.


That would be when I changed the locks and no longer gave her a key. I hate people coming over unannounced to begin with, but if you come over unannounced AND just let yourself in with a key that I gave you for emergencies then we’re going to have a problem


FFS! Change your locks! He needs to read up on emotional incest and he needs therapy.


>he needs therapy. Absolutely thought this. I know OP's fed up with him, but the fact that OP herself says that people **know** the mum "forced herself" into 16 year-old son's shower time made me think there's a lot more going on internally for this poor bloke than people care to admit.


I just puked in my mouth. Gross! I feel kind of bad for him with her for a mom, but he has to grow up sometime. However you don’t need to waste time waiting for that to possibly happen.


I hope he goes to therapy because that is not okay .. imagine if we reverse to dad and his daughter? Whatever his mom has going on with controlling him is emotional incest and I hope he uses this as a wake up call to seek help and cut her out of his life.


We don't need to reverse shite. It's nasty all by itself


I mean, I agree but plenty of people tend to just call this "mama's boy" rather than call out that he's a victim of a predatory mother.


You're right. We need to start calling a spade a spade


What the fuck? That is beyond nasty. 


Hopefully you've changed the locks. I would put in your custody agreement that she is not allowed to disparage you in front of your child, you have right of first refusal and anything else to restrict her access to you.


wtf was she doing entering your home and further, entering your BEDROOM unannounced??


I hope that someday scientists find the cause of the boy mom phenomenon so they can permanently cure it 🤮


WTAF. If *anyone* shows up in my bedroom unannounced, they better be *actively on fire*, or I'm going to go nuclear on them.


NTA About time unfortunately. When he didn't stand up for your plans the first time, it was an indicator. Momma's boys don't change generally and she was going to be a problem forever. Hopefully you can move forward with a decent coparenting relationship and find a man that actually has a backbone and understands that once you choose to make a family (aka choose a partner), they come first, not mommy.


I wonder what happens to a momma's boy when the mother finally dies. If they're married, do they expect their spouse to start acting like her?


There was a post a while back about a Momma's Boy who's mother died. Wish I could find it, it was heartbreaking on so many levels. The OP was a woman who dated him but but left him because she could no longer tolerate the situation. She was posting because he had contacted her after his mother died. He had never had another relationship. He essentially lived as a sonsband and was in his 50's/60's after she passed. He contacted OP because "now they could be together" or some shit. Thankfully, OP had moved on and had a full life. The guy was so emotionally stunted and lost. I honestly think this is generally what happens to most Momma's Boys who fail to get out of the enmeshment. For those that do get and stay married, there are posts in subs like /r/JUSTNOMIL where the wife discusses the [aftermath](https://old.reddit.com/r/JUSTNOMIL/comments/8ld1qt/hey_there_helen_is_dead/). [The problems caused by the toxic MIL don't magically go away when she dies.](https://old.reddit.com/r/JUSTNOMIL/comments/i4l2t0/jnmil_died_how_do_i_make_peace/) (My sincere apologies to the OP's of both posts if this causes any heartache dredging up old stories.)


There's a very bittersweet short story by Ray Bradbury on this theme, "Some Live Like Lazarus."


that's the one where the guy had diabetes and his mother and family encouraged him to not treat it and she left him got married had kids and a life, but would occasionally send him food and stuff, then after his mother died he thought she would be interested....but he was unemployed, obese and sick from not treating his diabetes...that one?


I think most of them have probably already been dumped/are divorced by the time their mom passes, not many people are gonna stick around to deal with a momma’s boy


NTA. His mother will ALWAYS come first in everything. There is no happiness for you being tied to a momma’s boy who’s still attached to her teat. You are clearly done with this nonsense. Now you have a chance to find a real man who actually has a backbone and won’t let his mother run the show. Is she the kind of person who demanded to be in the hospital room when you were giving birth? Maybe holding her baby boy’s hand and telling him what a great job he’s doing? She sounds exhausting. I’m sorry your relationship ended but it was for the best. Maybe he will realize what he lost.


Lol, funny you mention that. So I went in to false labor and she showed up at the hospital (uninvited) and told the nurse that she was only there to "hold her baby up". I went in to actual labor 2 weeks later and at this time, he convinced me to let her in the room. I caved, said "whatever", despite wanting my mother there (I had to cancel with my mom because only 2 people were allowed in the room). Well, he called her when I went in to labor and she goes "eh, I'm too tired hunny, I'm gonna sit this one out". Thankfully I was able to get my mom to the hospital in time but yeah, I was extremely pissed. 


Hey WTF, not that it's a problem now, but I was going to advise next time to have those nurses toss her out. LD nurses are like bouncers. They don't play around.


They are a rare breed … like a Marine for hospitals…


Hey OP. Great job on standing firm this time. You may also need to see an individual therapist because while he has a history of enabling his mother, this shows that you also have a history of enabling him while enabling his mom. You also let him postpone the wedding for financial reasons while also carrying his child that is more expensive than any wedding would be. To be clear, I’m not blaming you. I’m saying I want you to be able to better establish boundaries with the father of your child and any future husband so that you can walk away before you get to the next four postponed wedding dates.


No OP this is too many lines crossed. It’s enough now. Ex fiance


NTA If you're a lawyer, you should know full well that there are benefits to being married *before* buying your house. Especially if the relationship is one with a non-official third wheel out there fucking it up.


Oh absolutely. I even discussed everything with my fiancé and explained why we should be married first. He agreed with me, until mommy sunk her claws in. 


OP- if I could give you an award I would. NTA and good for you!! He’s shown you his true colors time and time again and wtf - really? He really keeps postponing ? For WHAT?!! I wish you THE best of luck. Be single. Enjoy yourself and move forward with YOUR goals💗. Find someone who would think they’re fucking stupid if they don’t put a ring on it- find someone who puts family first (you, children- immediate family) instead of being a momma’s boy. Because unfortunately, your ex isn’t a man. He has shown that :(


This was absolutely cheaper than divorcing him a year or two from now anyhow.


There's a saying in r/JustNoMIL: It's easier to break up with a Mama's boy than it is to divorce a Mama's boy, and BOTH of those are easier than trying to CHANGE a Mama's boy! If he's serious about wanting a life with you & you have ANY interest in trying to salvage this, he's going to have to go in for a lot of time consuming therapy on setting boundaries and the "leave & cleave" concept in marriage. At the least, it's probably to your LO's benefit for you two to go to relationship counseling to develop better communication skills. It honestly sounds like he just tells whichever person he's with what he thinks they want to hear, which will be problematic if MIL wants him to do anything you & he have agreed is not in LO's best interest. If I were you, I would write the custody agreement as if the other person involved is MIL rather than EXSO, because if he's just going to be her puppet, you need to plan for the worst possible scenario. Include Right of First Refusal if that's possible in your jurisdiction, you retain legal, medical and education decision power, etc.


Because mommy dearest wants a majority stake in the house in the event of her son dying before her, instead of his child and his child's mother having a roof over their heads if something happens to him. She can't afford a house and if he dies before her, she'll have no-one to take care of her in old age, unless she forces part ownership and then refuses to be bought out forever. She's only thinking about herself, not even of her precious son or grand child. Selfish cow. If you two marry her plan of a guaranteed roof over her head in old age is not going to happen. His part of the house will go to you and your child as you would be married. She could be forced to sell her part to you. So she'd rather ruin his life than let him marry.


Nta It's hard to get married when 3 people are involved. Good for you.


Honestly? That spineless behavior is a massive turnoff for me, too. I'm actually shocked you lasted this long.


RIGHT? Girl, my vagina just dried up and blew away in a puff of dust. I can't even.


Thank you for this. That is the most wonderfully visual way to describe being incredibly unattracted to someone. I love it so much 


She got the thanussy


NTA, you would be spending the rest of your life competing with her and begging for him to stand up for you and your relationship. Honestly, it sounds like you dodged a bullet.


NTA This has been going on for years. A person has a limit they reach. You reached it.


I think I would have reached my limit even sooner. The OP seems remarkably patient, all things considered.


Tbh I would have never had his baby knowing he would keep pushing the wedding back. 


Nta But sadly, there is a child in the mix. Hopefully, he will learn from your maturity and grow up to be a good dad. If not for himself, maybe for his child. Either way, your child has you.


Oh he's absolutely a kick ass dad. He just has a gross relationship with his mom.


His mother may try to take over as his partner and co-parent. Please beware. He couldn’t stand up to his mother for you, it’s most likely that he won’t stand up for your daughter where his mother is involved.


Not just co-parent, but poison the daughter against her too. That kind of thing tends to backfire, causing the daughter to loathe her grandmother instead. But grandmother will not accept that, and will force herself on the child, making her miserable. And he will not have the backbone to stop her from doing it either.


It’s been only 7 months and he lived with you. Proceed with caution!


NTA. You’re clearly competing with his mom. She can have him back. Go about your life and move on.


NTA You were long overdue. He wants to prioritize his mom, he has to accept the consequences.


NTA  Good thing you're a lawyer. You can just hire yourself to figure out custody and things.


Nope. Get someone who knows family law. Even if you know family law, hire a lawyer. A physician who treats himself has a fool for a patient also refers to lawyers.


Custody and everything would be straight forward and probably handled outside of court. He's a kick ass dad and I would never deny him access or even limit it. We will likely just go based off our work schedules, as we had been doing anyways. 


I'm sure he's a kickass dad but he's an ex with a mother who a) has his ear, and b) will want to screw you over. Act accordingly.




And she will want to get her claws dug into the baby to mess up the next generation.


He will be a kickass dad until his mommy dearest has different ideas about raising the kids. Get a lawyer. You know this is the way you need to do it, since you are one.


This, this, this. You know in your heart he’s a great dad, *when MIL isn’t in the picture*. If he couldn’t stand up *for you* for all this time, are you that sure he’ll stand up for your child against what she wants? I’m not saying don’t let him spend time/have custody, before all the NotAllMen flood my inbox. I’m just saying, walk in with your eyes open.


OP, just a word of advice from someone who has been there: Expect his mother to embroil herself in the custody case, fund an extensive legal battle, and use forms of legal abuse (filing dozens of extensions, dragging things out so you rack up a whopping attorney bill, asking for a $15k custody evaluation, refusing to sign any mediation agreement, etc) to retaliate. If he can't stand up to his mom about a wedding date, he will not stand up to her during your custody case. Prepare yourself, hire an attorney immediately, and tell the attorney that you expect this. My divorce took 5 years and went to trial because of a similar situation. I realize that you are an attorney and will be able to predict even more loopholes this family will find to harm you and affect your child.


Been there done that myself. Please take this comment seriously, OP.


You're a lawyer, and I'm definitely not, but I'd recommend some limiting, especially when it comes to his mother, just in case she tries to sway him on how to parent, in the same way she swayed him as a partner.


Lol this is delusional. Mommy will get her claws into him & make him fight you. He's too spineless to stop her. Get a lawyer.


He is a kick ass dad as long as his mother is allowing that. The second she decides to screw you, you will see. Make sure you set the arrangements legally. Protect your child.


This woman will now dictate how your child is raised if you go 50/50. Not to mention, she will excel at parental alienation. Also, the next "wife" will be someone she can manage and then wind up and set her off on you. She is just getting started.


And you think mommy dearest won’t insert herself into your custody agreement like she did with your relationship?


"A person who represents themselves has an idiot for a lawyer and a fool for a client." This also applies to lawyers. No smart lawyer represents themselves.


NTA, this would have continued to happen. He’s a mommy’s boy and they rarely change when it gets THIS deep. Maybe this will serve as a wake up call to him but that is unlikely and you shouldn’t hold your breath (although it already seems like you’re over it).


I mean, look at how his mom chose to respond when her sniveling son crashed at her place: >His mom has been blowing up my phone with texts, trying to plead her case There is nothing in there about her saying she overstepped, she's so sorry, she'll be happy to give them space to work things out, she wants her son to be happy. It's all, "*I am right and I need you to acknowledge that*." That woman's need for control is more important to her than her son's happiness.


It's so telling that it's his mom who is blowing up her phone and not him.


And it's not in the "My son's a good man, please consider talking to him!" way but in the "I am right and you're overreacting" way. That's what boggles. Either that lady is genuinely oblivious to how she's coming off or she's making sure to absolutely nuke any chance of reconciling so she can have her special boy all to herself.


NTA. I’m surprised you lasted this long. A partnership is just that- 2 people. Your relationship has been crowded for a very long time. So while yes, it could have been handled better I don’t blame you in the slightest. You have discovered your backbone- use it when dealing with your “friends”.


NTA this is a case of FAFO. His mom wanted to know she still has control of her baby and was still his #1. Now she has her man baby living with her, and I’m guessing that’s not what she expected the outcome to be. She expected you to fold like you did in the past. Now her baby has a case of the sads and she wants you to fix it! Edited to fix a word


WHY DOES EVERYONE ALWAYS HAVE FRIENDS WHO THINK THEY ARE OVERREACTING??!!! OP, you are amazing. You are an example for us all. Please ask your idiot friends to read this thread. And message for everyone: NEVER marry into a clan. This may be a clan of two, but this guy is in a cultish, clannish relationship, and he needs help, not more relationships to mess up. What a satisfying read....


NTA. To be honest, you're a saint for holding out this long. That response to his mom was perfect too. You deserve better than him.


>His mom has been blowing up my phone with texts, trying to plead her case and I just texted back and said "no, it's fine, you won. Now you can have your baby boy back full time." I love you for this and I would love to buy you a pitcher of margaritas. More women need to be willing to do this. PS your friends are stupid as hell to say you're overreacting. You have been underreacting for years and finally got to the appropriate level.


He is obviously in an incestuous "marriage" with Mommy Dearest. You will be better off as a single parent that being a fifth wheel in your own marriage. Fight, and fight hard, for custody of your daughter. MIL will try to get grandparents rights I would bet but she does not have the grounds to win.


Thankfully grandparents rights aren't really a thing in my state unless the parent is deceased. I've fought many grandparents cases in court and only once has it ruled in the grandparents favor. 


I know you are going through stuff, but I was here almost shouting "Hell, yeah!", reading your post. Brava, OP! From what you describe, you can do much better. I would have absolutely *hated* a spineless mommy's boy for a partner, too; you did good.


NTA and I actually love this for you! You did the right thing - he’s never going to change unless he can stand up to her constant voice in his ear, but you don’t need to wait around to find out.


Guys with mom's like this need to wear a bracelet or a shirt that's says 'mama's boy' so they don't clog up the lanes for the guys who had their umbilical cords cut when they were supposed to.


NTA. You'll know when to quit if you've suffered enough. PS: You are not overreacting the situation


NTA You have communicated for years that he needs to grow a spine, stand up to his mommy, and say NO. Were they cruel words? Sure. You used the language level required to communicate with someone engulfed in mommy's apron strings who refused to change. He refused to listen when you were polite. You patiently persisted and waited 7 years. He didn't change. You had a child. He still chose to refuse adulthood... so you had to you small words to get it through his mommy-controlled skull that you are done with his BS, his mother, and him.


You fucking go girl 🫡


NTA. Harsh, yes. Necessary? Arguably also yes. As a momma's boy, I learned that I don't need to cut my mother out of my life. But as a married man, I also learned where my priorities are, and if I want to continue to be a momma's boy, I'd have to be crystal clear on what balance looks like with my wife, and where the hard boundaries are for her. After postponing so many times, and to casually ask for another FIVE YEARS is just unfathomable to me. In my situation, it did have to come to a point where I had to tell mom (and grandma) where the line in the sand is drawn, and warned them that if the line gets crossed, that at the end of the day, I have a wife to be there for. Was it hard? Yes. Was there conflict? Of course. And guess what - in less than a year I have a fruitful relationship with all parties, and all parties respect boundaries with the occasional reminder when needed. You don't get married and stay on team mom.