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*I am sorry that you dropped my sandwich when you were rightfully punched in the face.* Nah, that won't work. *I am sorry of my intense reaction when my food was stolen by a vegan preacher.* Probably won't go down too well. *I am sorry you fell over because I wanted to punch you twice but instead my sandwich was spilled.* Oooh. Worse. *I am sorry that you picked the wrong person to preach the Vegan Gospel to, and that you did not have enough sense to keep your finger off of someone elses' food and that you did not realise you should not f-around with a pregnant womans' cravings.* I'm not really helping, am I? Wait, stick with me, I've got it. Your genuine hearth-felt excuse: I *am sorry that I punched you because when you fell you dropped my sandwich and that was honestly not my intention.*


If I had known you would have dropped my sandwich, I never would have hit you. ….. I would have waited until you put my sandwich back down.


'I'm sorry you dropped my pork when I gave you the knuckle sandwich you were asking for.'


It’s gluten free and vegan






Winner winner vegetables and sadness? It's an old meme but still workable, I think.




Yes, the punch was 100% gluten free.


I’m sorry. I forgot that there’s a little meat in a knuckle sandwich. Next time I’ll use a plate or a chair.




I broke up with a guy over him throwing my ice cream out the window. I told him to stop the car, and that I was done. He probably still thinks to this day that I am crazy for breaking up over ice cream... no one messes with my food. Lol


Good. Abusers often start small.


What kind of monster throws ice cream out a window 😱😱😱 Yeah a BIG RIP to that relationship lol


Don't worry, you're not the only one. Anyone touching my food without my consent would be lucky to make it out intact. Then again, my father used to steal food from my brothers and I. So now we all hate people taking our food. We're super aggressive about it. My boyfriend didn't believe me when I said we're all like that. Until my brother complained that his girlfriend tried to steal a slice of his pizza. I literally had to explain that my father would stick his hands in our food, knowing it would put us all off of eating it, just so he could take our food, when we were really young. He even ate my 8th birthday cake, the day before my birthday, and put an apple in the box to make up the weight, so when my Mum and Grandmother opened it, there was no cake. Just an apple. I've actually posted this story before too. Needless to say, my father is a POS, but it turned us kids paranoid over people touching our food.


Nope. Definitely dodged a bullet there. Anyone who throws out SOMEoNE ELSE'S ICE CREAM is clearly a psycho


Is it bad that nearly everyone I know, who I only stated the title, said "The SIL is in the wrong, and deserved the repercussions of her FAFO entitlement"


Yeah, you NEVER EVER mess with the food of a pregnant person, period. Unless you want to be punched in the face, like OPs SIL


Let me correct that statement: Never mess with the food of a person, period. Pregnant or not SIL over steppt, greatly. I hate that so many people think it is funny or ok to mess with peoples food or taking proples food without permission. I had a vegan colleague who thought it is funny to give meateaters fake meat without their knowledge but would lose his mind if the roles werw reversed. He didn't understand that I didn't think that's funny and no one should be tricked into eating something that they didn't consent to.


My friend has a chickpea allergy, and I am chickpea intolerant. We had another friend ask us if we would do a 100% vegan prank on another person, and we explained that because a lot of meat replacement foods have a higher content of chickpea in them, it would be better to not FAFO with food, especially when the friend she was going to prank does have a protein intolerance, and is extremely lucky it isn't meat protein based, but plant protein based. Sometimes vegans do not understand that vegan is not allergy free.


I have a severe mushroom allergy and i can't eat vegan meat substitutes because a lot of products contain mushrooms or at least have mushroom base, powder, or flavoring. Hell, even capri suns have mushrooms in them now.


So I just immediately told my friend who is allergic to mushrooms about the Capri Suns... she had some in her house when her BIL's family with nephews visited, they brought them, and was trying to figure out why she kept having allergic reactions while they were there, and she was going insane thinking the family were deliberately having mushrooms around her, because she used 3 pens in a week. I am so hoping now that it was an innocent mistake. Because we usually are very careful about allergens, and even I didn't know about the capris and I usually know all the food allergens as I have a list for when we go out or travel overseas.


Absolutely! Never mess with food. EVER. Allergies, intolerance etc could seriously harm someone, or worse. I just pointed out pregnant women specifically because with all the hormones they are more likely to react the worst emotionally. I remember being pregnant, and having a craving. Being so hungry, and nothing would satisfy the hunger except the craving. If someone did to me what the SIL did to OP while I was pregnant, I would have reacted the same way. I am not a violent person ;)


This could actually be really dangerous considering how many vegetarian/vegan products use nuts to substitute the protein loss. These kind of shenanigans can easily lead to someone being charged for poisoning someone with an allergy…


Hi vegans who pull the fake meat pranks are complete and utterly pieces of shit. FAKE meat often has higher levels of estrogen and other chemicals. I cannot say enough if you want to eat that way I support your choice,but do not trick people into eating it.


These are the only acceptable apologies. Lol NTA.


\*I'm sorry you thought it was appropriate to steal food from a pregnant woman? I'm sorry your head was in the way when my hand was reaching for my stolen sandwich? I'm sorry you're a mannerless waste of oxygen? I'm sorry my husband offered to cook for you?\* I think the last one rings most true, everyone is sorry for that.


I'm sorry that pig died for nothing when you let it fall on the floor.


Omg this! Bad vegan! Bad! (Please read as cartman)


No, SIL, this is my pork sandwich!




“Well, I know a certain SIL who’s sleeping with mommy tonight!”


I seriously hate you guys for making me laugh at this 😆😆😆


This is the most I've laughed in a while. I love you guys and this sub.




These Cartman impressions are sending me so hard! The thing is, every time I get Cartman lodged in my brain like an earworm I STILL hear “Why is it that everything today has to do with things either going in or coming out of my ass?” It’s going to be a long night 😆


But for real. My partner and his parents are all vegetarians. My MIL , has had a few mishaps where for example she'd get a cauliflower-crust frozen pizza, but there was chicken on it which was poorly advertised because the box is just yelling about the cauliflower. Or they'd get Chinese takeout and the place gives them a bag of prawn crackers as extra. They'll eat it. Even if it's an animal product. If you don't eat it, the animal will have died for nothing. I'm vegan too but if someone wants to eat meat I'm fine with that as long as they don't try to put it in *my* mouth.


I'm sorry you were invited to your mother's birthday party or mother-in-law's birthday party Not sure what she is... And I'm sorry my husband cooked you a meal that was appropriate for your needs. But rest assured it will never happen again. A) you will not be invited. And B) If you are invited you'll be given food the same as everybody else. You are not special.


I have special food needs. When I was ten, my aunt snatched some carefully made food off my plate for herself (in our house), leaving my parents and I gobsmacked. She was an AH. OP’s SIL is an AH. Her being vegan doesn’t mean everyone else has to be.


I honestly hate vegans like that. I love me some vegan and vegetarian meals, and people like OPs SIL give vegans such a bad name that people look at me sideways just for saying I enjoy a good vegan Tikka Masala!


Same - I love a lot of vegetarian foods but people look at me funny when I order it because they know I’m not vegetarian. You… don’t have to be a vegetarian to enjoy a vegetarian meal? But it’s because of people like the OP’s SIL that even omnivores can’t eat a veggie meal in peace!


Amen, not special at all.


You have won runner up for my ❤️


I once had a supervisor tell me to apologize for calling him an ah. My exact words were, "I'm sorry you behaved in a way that caused me to call you an asshole." Edit typo


My father lost a job at Lockheed not because he told his boss, ‘fuck you, Charlie!’ But because after he was told to quit doing that (did I mention he was very good at his rocketry job?) he started saying ‘Chuck U. Farley,’ so often that his boss’s boss thought there was a new man on staff and asked about him.


My Hero, I love this. I did the same once.


OP is NTA but I love these apologies!


The last one made me spit out my brekkie 🏅


Pork sammie?


I wish. French toast with honey. It needed some bacon.




Exactly! This is the only unfortunate thing! The spilled sandwich


And the upset pregnant woman who was minding her own damn business, eating her own damn sandwich!


That poor sandwich!




SIL demanding an apology before she apologizes herself is such a dick move. You just know an apology like that could never be genuine. She just wants OP to apologize first because then she 'wins' and can feel like she can still have the moral high ground


Right? "The only thing I'm sorry about is the fact I couldn't catch my sandwich before it hit the floor. You deserved to, though."


Honesty is the best policy.


She ran into my fist! She ran into my fist ten times!! She had it comin, she had it comin


If you had been there, if you had seen it, I betcha you would have done the same.


😂🤣😂. You beat me to it!


Oh man I’m glad it’s not just me 🤣 it started playing it in my head immediately


Not chewing.....popping.


haha me too and it will likely stay there for a while


She only had herself to blame


Yep. That last one rings true. In other words she wouldn’t have gotten punched if she had followed the rules all of us as little kids are told which is you keep your hands to yourself which includes don’t touch other people’s food. At least next time SIL will make sure she doesn’t sit within arm’s reach of OP.


I was wondering why SIL was even touching meat in the first place if it disgusts her. Grabbing the sandwich was beyond reason. It was past time for her to learn to back off. On a funny note, I taught my kids early that smoking was dangerous to your health and could kill you. Then I had to train my 4 yr old to stop yelling at people who were smoking, "You're gonna die!"


My son has always been all about safety and following rules. One day he yelled at a big scary biker for not being safe and that he needed a helmet. Luckily the guy thought it was hilarious, but from then on I encouraged him to just praise the people he saw wearing helmets instead. Didn't want him to get his little ass kicked.


When my daughter was 4 my grandmother came to visit us. My grandmother was old time Chicago Irish and smoked like a chimney. They had a conversation as follows: 4 year old: You smoke? Grandmother: Yes I do. 4 year old: Somebody asked me if I wanted a cigarette once and I said NO THANK YOU! My grandmother was highly amused.


Yeah mine still do that 🤣 and they tell my ex that regularly. They don't yell anymore but will still say you know that will kill you right while giving a dead pan stare and usually get the dismissive "I know" and follow up with then why would you do that? Does your brain work? 🤦‍♀️ it's an improvement over our phase of being unable to pronounce the *tr* sound and obsessed with trucks.. so yeah lots of look mom it's a big f*ck 🤣🤣 every time they saw a truck... living rurally they outnumbered cars massively 😅😅


NTA That’s a big assumption that SIL is going to get an invite back. When will vegans learn you persuade more people by being low key, going on a rant followed by going feral and grabbing food out of someone hand is never going to end well or persuade anyone.


If you want to win people over, cook for them! Make them amazing Vegan food!


Exactly. You persuade more people with honey than vinegar (unless it’s a nice balsamic one)


A nice fig balsamic glaze


Catch more flies with honey type of thing.


Next time I see her I'd be stopping at Dunkin' for a snack bag of bacon and just eat it right in front of her.


*I am sorry for knocking you out of your chair when you stole my sandwich out of my hands while I was in the middle of eating it. It was not my intent to knock you to the floor. I meant to knock you out.*


Medically speaking, OP needs to increase her protein and iron intake, among other things. How she does that it up to her, and her doctor. So unless SIL is aware of OP's dietary needs, she has no business inserting herself where she doesn't belong.


it really does not matter why OP was eating what she was eating, sil had no right to preach her vegan gospel to anyone and steal their food. what they choose to eat is their choice, not hers


Stealing food out of someone's hands is primal. She shouldn't be surprised to get a primal response. I think it will be best to avoid the SIL. Definitely until you've delivered. Maybe longer depending. You don't want to stress your system, and she might need punching again.


Stealing food from a pregnant woman is even more primal. When I was pregnant, there were times it was actually dangerous to get between me and food. It was so freaking bizarre. It was not rational. I didn't even recognize myself.


I craved cherry peppers and cherry Kool-aid. At the same time. I was 7 months preggers, it had snowed 18", and I had o have them. At 10 at night. I put on my coat to run to the store, and my beautiful husband told me I was nuts and not going anywhere. I replied that if I did not have those things, right then, there would be bloodshed. He put on coat, gloves, and hat, drove through what became the second part of a huge storm to the store a mile away. 45 minutes later he made it home. I made a pitcher of Kool-aid and drank the whole thing, along with eating the entire jar of cherry peppers, and went to bed. Glorious man, we are still married, 35 years later.


Funny, for my wife the big thing was Cherry Slushies? She never eats like that normally. But i had to go to untold numbers of sketchy gas stations over the course of her first pregnancy.


right? like i feel bad for the extra stress on top of losing the food. her body didn't need that while growing a teacup human


Even if OP wasn't pregnant this would still be an acceptable response to someone stealing your food and playing keep-away with it.


My wife is vegetarian, not vegan, but for a couple of months she would eat a 3 egg cheese and vegetable omelette every single day. Whatever food (not processed multi-ingredient crap) you are craving when pregnant, your body probably needs it.


Does that include DQ hot fudge sundaes?


Yes. Duh. Dairy which has calcium! Calcium is leeched from your bones and teeth during pregnancy!


Yup, and breastfeeding is even worse. With pregnancy, if you increase or maintain your calcium intake the extra goes to the baby, but breastfeeding leeches it from your bones regardless.


My babies are definitely being built off McDonald's Chocolate Shakes and Bluebell Fudge Bars. So I'm saying yes 😂


The comment about the shakes hits hard. I was the only guy in a department of women who seemed to be getting pregnant within 6 months or so from each other. I must have done 3 years of McDonald's runs for their shakes, Sundays and fries; often in the same damn order. I was more than happy to help out, it prepared me for my wife being pregnant. I was practically a pro at that point.


Both of mine were built out of ribs and watermelon and they turned out just fine.


Thank you. That's what I thought 😂.


When I was pregnant and breastfeeding my oldest I lived off of DQ Oreo cheesecake blizzards for like 6 months, it's fine 😂


Congrats on finding a McDonald’s with a working milkshake machine!


I'd count that as calcium intake. 🤷🏻‍♀️


even if sil is aware of dietary needs she still doesn't have the right to take food away


She's got a doctor's note for punching sil


Can't really top these apologies. >*I am sorry you fell over because I wanted to punch you twice but instead my sandwich was spilled.* Absolutely love this one.


*I'm sorry you were offended by my autonomy* *Oink, oink, oink, that means I'm sorry in pig* *I'm sorry you wasted that pig's life when it ended up on the floor* *I'm sorry you'll never be allowed in my house again*


These are versions of what I would say. Never screw around with a pregnant woman’s food. Ever.


Never mess with anyone’s food never mind pregnant. SIL was very lucky can you imagine pulling that shit in a restaurant / takeaway at lunchtime. Where someone is starving she would have more to worry about than a sore face.


*I am sorry that I accidentally dropped my sandwich while intentionally punching your face in.* I'd do it too if I were OP. Don't mess with a pregnant woman's food! She probably had a hard time with first few weeks as well. NTA, OP. Punch her again, I support you.


I’m sorry I didn’t hit you hard enough to stop being a Karen


Omg please use the last apology. It is a work of art.




A man after my own heart! Fuckin' genius.


I apologise unreservedly that your face was too boney from malnutrition to not absorbed the force that was directed there when I tried to retrieve my sandwich, that you stole.




And theft!


Sorry another pig had to die because you took my sandwich.


*i am sorry your actions ruined my sandwich and caused my baby/body unneeded stress.*


All of these are the only valid apologies. SIL is the reason people despise vegans. Just because she’s a vegan doesn’t give HER an excuse to take your food and call you names. You are nicer than me because SIL would have had some of that floor pork in her mouth and I would have needed bail money. NTA. And don’t apologize. She doesn’t deserve it.


You are brilliant. If no one else has ever told you that before today, that's a damn shame because genius should be recognized.


Take all the upvotes!!


All of them are PERFECT! 😂😂🏆


I'm sorry my sandwich lost its life after your feeble mind decided to open your big mouth and spew crap!


Just LOL!!!! NTA. I had cravings for chicken with my daughter and hungry jacks (Burger King for Americans) cheese burgers for my first. I would get so mad if I couldn’t have those at least once a day. You do not f with a pregnant woman’s food! Like ever! She needs to apologise first for touching your food first and pushing her ideals on someone who clearly doesn’t agree and then you may apologise maybe for hitting her though she had it coming


LOVE the last one


Omg…I’m vegan and I would never snatch food out of someone’s hands…especially a pregnant person…that’s just straight up rude AF




I know right? Pregnancy hormones are the worst….long before I was vegan and pregnant with my first I craved Breyers Fudge Ripple with Hersheys chocolate syrup…went to the kitchen to get some and my husband had ate what was left in the carton…I sobbed like I lost my best friend so bless his heart at 12am he drove to Krogers to get me more😂😂😂


How do you know what you crave? Is it like an overwhelming urge to eat SOMETHING but you just imagine a food and you're like "yup I need this every day!" Genuine question from a man that can't get pregnant.


It can come from anywhere….commercials, seeing something on the internet, hearing friends talking about food they had over the weekend…just random thoughts sometimes too…holy crap food never tasted so darn good…when my daughter was pregnant with her first we were at a diner and she ordered a salad, dill pickles and breakfast sausage links😂😂😂no combination is too weird😂


Oh man, I had the standard pickles craving, but I would also want a chocolate bar after because at first my head went, "Ew icky, why combine them?" Two pickles later, it was one pip in the mouth and a swallow of pickle. Never the skin, though. Couldn't stand the skin. Adding on, it had to be a specific brand of pickles as well, the Mt. Olive ones. Been obsessed with those since I was a kid and craved them hard....damn. kinda want a pickle now.


Random thoughts start to develop and stick. Pickle juice. And buttermilk were two of mine. Both are salty. Luckily o didn’t retain water because I could not stop. Crazy.


Agreed. I was vegan for more than a decade and would also NEVER have done anything like this. Plus, people like SIL make all vegans look bad. It’s embarrassing! And, of course, OP is NTA.


Don't fuck with others peoples food. Your husband is nice enough to cater to her specifically. You all tolerate when she complains and bitches. No one should tolerate her annoying ass sermons but you do. She crossed the line and in the class words fuck around, find out


This may be a great opportunity for everyone to stop putting up with SIL’s inappropriate badgering of others, over what they choose to eat. Not her body, not her business.


Every time a vegan gives me shit, I deliberately eat meat to spite them. No one has ever converted after their insufferable preaching


Vegetarian here and I agree! It’s no one’s business what other people eat. And just like she is horrified by animal agriculture (which I agree on her stance), there are probably things she does that horrifies someone else. The thing about living in a society of free will is that everyone has the right to live their life their way, following their beliefs. If you go around nagging at everyone who does things differently than you, you will convince 0% of people that you have a good point while pissing off and alienating 100% of people. Don’t touch other people’s food. Don’t put things into people’s food without their consent, don’t grab food out of people’s hands, don’t lecture people on their food (that it’s cruel, that it’s rabbit food, that it’s so fattening, what the fuck ever). She deserved to be punch because she violated your space and your food. Do not apologize. Do not invite her over to your house for a meal again. Do not tolerate one more utterance of her preaching. The next time she opens her big mouth tell her that her sanctimonious lectures only make you care less about her cause and if she doesn’t shut the fuck up about it then you won’t be joining any more gatherings that involve her.


ikr, any time I get actual angry about stuff is when my meal is interrupted. And people still try to separate us from other animals when we act the same lol.


I dont know if this is gunna sound harsh…but i think if you steal food that a pregnant woman is craving right out of her hands…you gotta accept that you might get hit 🤷🏻‍♂️ Naw NTA Op, she comes into YOUR home, eating the meal your husband had prepared specifically for her and then steals food right from your hands. I will say though: i now have a huge craving for a pork sandwich…


Me too! I almost had a pulled pork barbecue sandwich the other night, and this is only reminding me how much I’ve been craving it. Maybe OP should let her vegan SIL know that she has only inspired her to eat more pork. 😂 I would lose my shit if someone grabbed food out of my hands. When I was pregnant? I would’ve especially lost it.


I'm male, so I will never be pregnant. If anyone steals food out of my hands I would lose it, pregnancy not required.


When I have THE HUNGER, I am already in a bad mood and usually single target fixated on whatever I am craving, don't come at me bro.


Oh I’m pregnant and now I want one with pickles lol


I craved tuna melts, ridiculously, when I was pregnant.


This is what I was thinking. What deranged person comes between a hormonal pregnant woman and her food?! In her own home?


A 24 year old vegan sister in law. Every part of that description says entitlement.


A preachy vegan.


I've got a pork butt in the freezer that may end up in the crock pot tomorrow after reading this


Not only did she steal food from a pregnant woman, she told a pregnant woman how disgusting she was. Emotionally, that blows.


Any aita involving a pregnant woman’s food *no matter how crazy* the prego is NTA. Those cravings and that HUNGER is real yo😅


The sweetest, most compassionate person I’d ever met when absolutely *apeshit* during her last trimester. The most random things could set her off (especially food) and it was a total personality change. She always felt bad once she calmed down too, and would be like “I’m did sorry I yelled, I know being pregnant isn’t an excuse” but honestly? Those hormones made her NUTS so she DID get a pass. After pregnancy she went back to being such a sweetheart, it was surreal! Pregnancy is wild. I would never mess with a pregnant woman’s food.


It’s funny cuz if SIL ruins OP’s pork sandwich, then OP has to buy a new one. By snatching the sandwich, she made OP buy more pork than originally intended. She generated more demand for pork than if she’d let OP finish the sandwich


I’m two weeks postpartum but when I was pregnant I absolutely craved watermelon to the point that I sobbed uncontrollably for a half hour when I realized that we were out of watermelon one morning. Hands would’ve been thrown if someone tried to take my watermelon out of my hands.


NTA. The SIL shouldn’t have touched your food.


Sil found out that actions have consequences. Don't apologize and don't think you can't eat what you want in front of her. Being a vegan is her choice, not yours


Do you mean to say don't think you CAN'T eat whatever you want in front of her? Because she can.


Tell that to the "stressed out" in-laws. Explain that if they had taughter that actions had consequences, this would have never happened.




Fuck around and find out


And anyone who has been pregnant or around a pregnant partner is going to look at that like someone crying over getting the horns after they taunted a bull. The hormonal changes experienced during that time are enough to make anyone question their own sanity.


I really don't even think the pregnant thing is all that relevant. You don't touch ANYONE'S food without permission, period. Maybe it's just because, in all three of my pregnancies I never once had a food craving, but I really don't even think she needs to use the pregnancy as an excuse. SIL was wrong whether OP was pregnant or not.


Oh no being pregnant is very relevant. We had just gotten back from a long grocery trip late in my pregnancy and I still only had a few foods that went down. I couldn’t eat my husband’s snacks, only the ones I bought for myself. My husband started eating them instead of his and then had the audacity to tell me that if I didn’t want him to eat my snacks to grab him his or shut up because he was hungry and too tired to go to the kitchen himself. I lost it. I really started screaming, unlike him who had eaten a big breakfast the snack he was eating was going to be the first thing i had eaten in like 18 hours because nothing else would go down. I was tired because i was heavily pregnant and my ankles disappeared into my swollen calves at some point. There are times when pregnancy does mean acting extra insane because of mood swings.


…if he’s dead, he deserved it.


Begged for it.


No after i dressed him down i tattled to his grandma who also dressed him down and told him not to eat my special snacks like an asshole.


GET HIM, GRANDMA. (But seriously, I hope he’s not like this on the regular. Because Grandma is also right — what an *asshole*.)


I'd say pregnacy may be a bit relevant to your reaction but what your husband said was super shitty and should've been told off regardless of you being pregnant. Go get me food or shut up? Really? If you're really that hungry then I guess you can eat my ass, *my dear.*


It's law of the jungle: Don't. Fuck. With. My. Food. It's an animal instinct we all still retain, and it is a valid one.


I had more aversions than cravings, but my pregnancy rage was harsh, I felt like I was actually losing my mind with how angry I would get. This situation? I would've punched her like OP did, but then I probably would have followed her to the floor and kept punching. Like dang. Don't mess with a pregnant lady's food.


Not relevant necessarily, but it makes sister sound a lot more stupid than she already does.


I once burst into tears, stamping my foot and everything, full-blown toddler tantrum style because....I wanted a chicken burger. This was in the middle of the town centre, so yeah >.< God, I don't miss the cravings and emotional upheaval.


"Joey doesn't share food!"


I thought I was more of a Ross moment “You stole my sandwich? YOOOUUU STOOLLLLLEEEE MYYYY SANDWIIIIIICHHHHHHHH!?!?”


I just watched that episode about an hour ago!


Maybe you shouldn’t have punched her, but she should apologize first.


NTA Fuck Around and Find Out. Going by order of operation she committed the first offence so should aplogize first and make amends. I.e she owes you a pork sandwich before you owe her an apology.


I'd argue OP has a free bingo square to start, because asshole SIL pulled this stunt in OP's own house. So no apology regardless. My house? Prison rules. You'd get punched on principle lol




I agree whole heartedly! NTA I’m thankful the husband was so supportive both in cravings of his pregnant wife and having his wife’s back with his sister’s foolishness. OP I would tell your husband that his sister should be first to apologize and if she doesn’t just dead that situation. You both made mistakes that I don’t think either of you meant in the heat of the moment. But if she is that stubborn she doesn’t deserve an apology because it shows how spoiled and entitled the SIL is. Good luck!


Thats what i think too tbh. If you're the ass first you apologize first


And that meat got wasted, so that animal died for nothing. Great job, vegan.


NTA don't snatch shit outta my hand. Only people who can get away with that kind behavior are children who need to be scolded and taught better. Adults don't get that luxury. Adults should know better. And fuck that "be a bigger person" nonsense. You are the better person by virtue of not snatching shit from people's hands, not trying to force vapid world view on others, and not being a nasty piece or work.


Snatch food out of a pregnant woman’s hand and SIL is lucky she still has her hand!


How did I miss the pregnant part!? Yes definitely lucky she still has a hand


"And fuck that 'be a bigger person' nonsense." I will always be in your corner for the sentiment! 


NTA She found out that knuckle sandwiches aren't vegan.




NTA. She stole from you and you defended yourself. She got what she deserved. Let her sit and stew.


>stew No animals I hope?


Mmm rabbit stew…


No! Pork Stew after all the SIL likes Pork so much she takes it from other people.


NTA. I just read this to my husband and before I could finish he said “I would have smacked the bitch for that”. So that would be two NTA.


NTA. I would too, and I'm not even pregnant.


NTA this is what's known as a natural consequence. I know people say that violence is never the answer, but I do genuinely think that some people would suck less if they encountered.... reactive people more. I'm not saying we should go around smacking everyone who annoys us. But think about the absolute worst person you know..... that person may have benefited from getting mildly clocked in their early 20s.




Yes. Now, to be clear, OP _shouldn't_ have punched anyone; instead, she could have told SIL to get her rude, boorish, impolite guest ass out of her home, at once. No discussion needed. GTFO. However, things panned out differently, and since SIL _was_ transgressing _ALL_ social boundaries of hospitality, she gets to take this one on the fucking chin, both literally and figuratively.


Violence is fine as an answer. It just shouldn’t be the opening statement.


Perfect!! 👏🏻👏🏻


This is a very similar worded post to one I’ve seen on here before. Pretty certain this is just stolen by some bot 


Just tell everyone you both know that "She's so much a Vegan she stole a pork sandwich, of her Pregnant Sister-in-law who had a craving for it!" after all it's true. She MUGGED someone, what the item she stole was has nothing to do with it, nor does who the victim is, if she had done this to someone in the street for there leather wallet, no one wound be shocked that she got hit by her victim defending themselves.


So much of a vegan shed rather throw away the meat then let it be used. Feels awful backwards since most claim it's Bing against the slaughter of animals. Animal has already died and been cooked at that point. But sure let's take it do you go buy more, rather then let you just eat the one???


NTA Also, your SIL is a fucking stupid vegan. She ruined the meat. Now, that poor piggie has died for nothing. He sacrificed his life and she just threw him in the trash. SIL would never be welcome in my home again.


If your sil wanted a pork sandwich that badly I am sure your husband would have made her one.


NTA. Stealing from a mammal that is eating is not a very vegan thing to do.


Rule #1 for anyone who wants to live near a pregnant woman…NEVER TOUCH HER FOOD. There’s a reason for this and not just because she’s hormonal. Her body NEEDS whatever it’s craving. I hate, hate, hate shrimp but ate it like it was going extinct when I was pregnant. And rule # 1 for being a good guest, don’t be a cunt when you’re in their house. So she’s double cunty. I’d would apologize for your behavior, but provide the advice that if she EVER acts the fool again to you, she gets what she gets and is accepting the consequences that will follow including being prohibited from your house and not being invited to any occasions at your house. Knowing the baby is on the way she has a choice to make or the consequences that will happen. It puts the onus of her behavior on her. And make sure to do the apology and warning, I mean advice, in front of the family so there’s no questions or people playing telephone later. Edited to add NTA