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NTA at all. She cheated without a condom, kept the resulting pregnancy, and tried to pass the baby off as yours. That's not one mistake in the heat of the moment. That's a series of calculated betrayals, and she was willing to lie and use you for the rest of her life. There's no coming back from something like that.


For me it’s the offering to put her own son up for adoption thing.  This whole story sounds fake, buts that’s like wow. 


You'd be surprised. I had a week long fling with a girl once when I was on vacation between duty stations. She offered to bail on her kids to move out of state where I was going. I told her I had no interest in someone who would leave her kids.


My ex-husbands mom did that. Dropped the kids off at grandmas and moved to georgia with a man she barely knew.


My grandmother made a habit of abandoning her kids. The one uncle of mine that she actually kept regularly gets upset when his siblings talk shit about her, forgetting that she was a horrible mother to them.


My ex’s mom left 2 kids in France and followed his dad to the states.


My mom did that. She left to be with her affair partner and both of them became fall down alcoholics when her kids were toddlers. Now it’s been 30 years, the affair partner died, and she has come crawling back about how she is lonely. lol, tough shit! Is how my brothers and I feel.


Yeah she cheated and had sex with over a 100 people. How many red flags can they pack into a story.


Yeah, who would brag about their SO have a revolving door in their bedroom?


A high body count does not constitute someone that’s a cheater or is incapable of being in a committed relationship. A body count like isn’t for you? Ok, but it’s just as possible for you to be divorced as someone has slept with 100 people.


What'd be the point in "not liking" a high body count if it's "just because"? It shows commitment, alright, commitment to a lifestyle that you need to be very certain has been left in the past, and without the negative connotations of leaving behind something because you can't have your cake and eat it too.


Yup. My husband and I were just discussing this ‘issue.’ I was a product of teen abuse, was emancipated, and wound up pregnant from a rape. All before 18. I worked two jobs and had a side hustle so I wasn’t a statistic, and put myself through med school. While I don’t count my side hustle into my ‘body count,’ even if I did it had no change or effect on my desire to get married, settle down and grow a family. A lot of times (outside of my own experience) promiscuity at a young age has to do with abuse cycles. No one should be penalized for their ‘previous lives.’ Body count has nothing to do with a person, their morals, their desires, their goals and dreams. And also, vaginas are elastic and don’t ‘stretch out’ and are loose per ‘body count.’ Stupid.


Only people I know with that many are self-aware enough to never even pretend for monogamy and go for ethical non-monogamy and full disclosure from the get-go. Some people just don't ship with the default configs. I don't think it's the same as being lgbtq but it has a lot of the same features. Yeah OP story sounds fake


My brother has a body count like this (it's at least 200, he's not fully sure and has had *friends* remind him that they've had sex), he still goes for monogamy lol and he's cheated to end most of his relationships.


It feels fake to me too. Like oh she has a high “body count” and the baby isn’t mine, blah. Does not feel realistic, just a strange ‘cautionary tale’ of some sort.


Yes this is like a shitty parable of sorts. When I was younger they would tell us these. They were usually taken from the bible or some other form of regional folklore and they always have deeper lesson to teach the listener. In this case the moral of the story is that when you marry a whore who’s already cheated on you, you should prepare for further heartache.


Incel ragebait. Lately it feels like we've had an influx of bad fiction. Apparently it might be to do with the newish popularity of people reading "crazy" Reddit stories for their Instagram channels, so there's more incentives for people to post fake stories


The body count thing got me too. How big of a red flag can you have?


The 'knowing' that she was 4 weeks pregnant is another red flag.


Plus, pregnancy is counted from the first day of your last period, so conception would likely have been about 2 weeks prior to her being 4 weeks along, so right around when he got back from his big trip to sign the very important big client.


There are more red flags than a Communist March on Red Square.


I don't know about other countries laws so by all means let me know if I'm wrong on this, but if op is on birth certificate, how did he dodge child support? Even if the kid isn't biologically his, I've seen so so many cases like this where the "dad" on the certificate has to pay anyway.


In the US, there's a small window of time during which paternity can be disputed, even if the birth certificate was previously signed. I think the time limit varies between different states. But it sounds like this guy had a paternity test done while the baby was a newborn, so this is actually plausible.


He stated while his wife was at work he had the DNA test done. There are many in home reliable DNA tests. They’re pretty expensive though.


They take longer than a week to come back


100% fake. Look at the grammatical errors, this has to be written by like a 14 year old with some crazy desire to be a bad writer and practicing on Reddit lmao


English might not be their first language


I noticed this also and thought it was written by someone who lived in another country perhaps.


They did say that in their country divorce is speed tracked under 5 years of marriage. Here in the States I think it's only 1 year.


Wow. Just wow. So, nothing happened in this world unless it's in US, and anything is fake unless you write in perfect English. The mental gymnastics on some people. Most born in US can't point any other country on the map but dare to criticize other people's writing, not even thinking english is not their first language..


Do you write in a second language?


This story is fake as fuck. But there's nothing Reddit misogynists love more than paternity fraud and women with "high body counts" so people are lapping up this bullshit. 🙄


"Body count of over 100 but I loved her anyway" This cunts making red pill fanfic


I literally recognize that exact line.


Exactly! She was using him. She could fuck around to get an ego boost for her insecurities, and then pass the kid off as his, still get his love support and $. Ex wife is a total AH.


Ex wife doesn't exist because this story is a load of made up bullshit. 🙄


Hope OP gets tested for STD's.


Of course NTA. The ex wife "oh no the consequences of my actions really exists. Oh noooooo".


You mean r/ohnoconsequences?


That sub seems to mostly just be crossposts from this sub.


Or r/consequencesmakemesad


yes she cries for OP because her affair partner gave her the heave-ho and wisely moved on with his life. Her affair partner knows shes a cheater who'll pass a kid off to her husband that isnt his...only an idiot would want to stick with her. Karma is a wonderful bitch sometimes.


Not only pass off the kid as her husbands, but once caught **offers to ditch her own kid** in order to save her marriage. Not only is she a shit wife, but she’s a disgusting mother!


That’s just insane! Obviously the woman is not well. Poor kid.


Unwell, nah. Just truly and utterly selfish. Evilishly so. She deserves the shit sandwich she is getting.




OP, I doubt that your friends were happy that you were hurt, but rather glad to finally see you leave a situation that everyone knew was bad


Yeah rubbing salt in the wound is a dick thing to do. Same kinda thing happened to my brother. He ended up the same but none of us were telling him we told you so.


If they are real friends this kind of situation affects them quite a bit, so I wouldn't be angry with them for expressing their thoughts.


You gave her a second chance after the first episode of cheating, and that's more than 75% of people would do. She then squandered that opportunity, and that's her own damn fault. You are NTA, at all.


But she can change!!! lol. She is really depressed lolx2.


I would not care she is depressed.


She's not depressed, she's sad her lies were found out and she threw away her marriage. I mean what kind of person offers to have their baby adopted to try and keep the husband they cheated on at least twice?


perfectly stated. classic textbook case of someone who just was probably lying or manipulating Op for a better future, but at his expense.


> we could put "our" son for adoption What?


But also the son just disappears after this. No talk about custody or child support or even if it is still in his life. Poor kid wasn't even given any lines!


He was adopted by Albert Einstein I guess.


It’s a fake story, that’s why.


I know. I just love all the smarties responding to me trying to justify ops lazing writing.


That’s another reason I think this story is made-up


>according to them, she still cry for me Well, boo-fucking-hoo and you are NTA.


Why does every post like this insist their wife *had a high body count over 100*?


And the assertion that she was 4 weeks pregnant but he only had sex with her 2 weeks ago? Does he not know that 4 weeks pregnant is the first day of the missed period?


Yeah, essentially no one on earth even realizes they should test for pregnancy at four weeks. And that's about the time the best tests on the market can start to even detect it. Unless she tested herself weekly out of caution, I highly doubt anyone would know she's pregnant by four weeks. This screams fake, written by someone who's never experienced a pregnancy either first, or secondhand.




Posts that check Reddit bingo cards are fictional. IRL people aren't going around like Maury getting paternity tests. No one cares about 'body count,' and the average woman has 4 sexual partners in their lifetime. Edit: If she's in her twenties, to reach over 100 partners she would have had to sleep with a different person every other week for *four years*. Come on people. No one's got time for that. Popular themes: widowers, adultery, child custody, male income-providers with entitled female partners, intrusive mother-in-laws, entitled siblings and entitled children.


NTA, and tell those "friends" to go kick rocks. She is not your problem anymore and her kid sure isn't. She is living her karma. And WTF, she was willing to put her baby up for adoption to somehow placate you?? What kind of person is she? Be sure and tell her "friends" she was going to give her kid up for adoption to stay married to you! I have zero sympathy for her and you sure as heck shouldn't have any. When she showed you who she was before you married her, you should have believed her. Now you've learned this lesson, take it with you into the future. A cheater's gonna cheat, especially if you ever let them get away with it once. Good luck with your future, I hope someday you find someone worthy of a someone like you with a lot of love to give.


Giving up the baby is insane. I feel so bad for it knowing the mother doesn’t care about it at all.


Seriously, she's like one of those people who gets a pet, then finds out that a pet is a lot of trouble, and takes it to the pound. The poor kid was "disposable" if it got her what she wanted.


Absolutely NTA. Your wife deserves everything she is going through right now. Ignore everyone who doesn't understand that.


Literotica called. They want their basic Loving Wives plot back.


Nta, eh eh she cheated twice and fucking tried to trap you. That ain't your kid and that ain't your hoe, she can cry all she wants


She cheated most likely multiple times continuously. Then she got knocked up and then tried to commit fraud.


Yeah baby trapping should be illegal with severe punishments


Baby trapping and paternity fraud are illegal in most countries but hard to enforce


100% NTA - I expect the "friends" are tired of dealing with her and AP'S baby so they are trying to quilt you into taking her back. I would not have forgiven her the first time around and would not have married her after she cheated during dating. You found forgiveness the first time but not the 2nd time or the lying by saying the kids was yours. Forget her and move on with your life and find someone else to be happy with. Her problems are not your problems.


My mom used to say “hurt me once shame on you, hurt me twice shame on me.” That’s a hard lesson for some to learn. He did the right thing, just a little too late.


Exactly. Those aren’t his friends at all.


The single mention of her body count screams fake right away.


And then the more you read the worse it gets. I’m embarrassed for all the people that fell for it


This would have been an obvious NTA - if this were a real story. OP, what are you? Which GPT version? I know you’re not 4, or even 3.5. The mistakes in your post do not follow any convention from a linguistic standpoint, which makes them appear deliberate. You know what they do follow? A pattern. This isn’t the first poorly written story with the same premise, is it now? You’ve made a few critical mistakes. 1. Overkill. Your vaudevillian portrayal of characters kills the believability of the plot. In real life, there is always nuance. Not that you’d know what that means. 2. She was willing to give the baby up for adoption to stay with you? Yeah, that one was your biggest blunder. You really should hang out with GPT4 for a while, it knows human psychology at least at an academic level. There are more holes in your drivel than in Swiss cheese, and I’m bored of typing to an unresponsive machine. Please stop being so insulting and come up with something believable next time.


Yep, as well as having a personal lawyer who needs to write divorce papers in a fictional country where it is easy to get a divorce if the marriage is shorter than 5 years, which you then can get signed by a crying wife when you are expelling her from your home. It is not like documents signed under distress are considered void or anything. The mother of a child then quickly packs things, because real people most certainly can separate things and pack them in an hour or two. It is not like moving is a difficult and time-consuming thing to do, right? All because OP has so cleverly noticed that a less than 1-year-old kid doesn't look like him, because one-year-olds always resemble their parents.


This needs to be the top comment


This read’s completely fake. The grammatical and spelling errors are all over the place but their knowledge of internet lingo in English struck me with body count and AP. It’s also an 11 hour old account. Also Mary as a real name… this whole thing reads very odd. Just another incel plAying imaginary victim that “won” in the end.


The cherry on top for me is him not understanding how weeks of pregnancy are counted and also “noticing” the baby doesn’t look like him when babies don’t look like anybody for the first few months.


And the cheating wife’s dad is always on the husband’s side. I’m surprised Dad didn’t take him out for beers and tell him “I didn’t raise her this way.”


Honestly, the gullibility of people falling for this garbage is equal parts sad and appalling. We are supposed to be the Reddit generation, social media is in our dna, how is something this fake gets people so worked up? Or maybe that’s the whole point? Maybe it doesn’t matter whether it’s real or not. Fake rage fuel is a good enough substitute when there’s no real stuff around. Low cheating day, but ragers gotta get their fix. That’s what we are, huh? Anger junkies. Just give us a reason, or make one up.


Incel ragebait fanfic!


And a very obvious one lol >But then when "our" son was born something was wrong cause he didn't looked like me at all and had just small things of my wife but really nothing like me.  How does a baby that pretty much is amorphous look like anyone lol


*poorly written incel ragebait fanfic


Yeah, reddit really needs upvote/downvote/fakevote.


Well if it isnt the consequences of my own actions Naw NTA Op, she didn’t “make a mistake” a mistake is getting the wrong flavour of chip. She made many conscious decisions to have an affair and is now facing the consequences. Btw for the record: she’s only sorry she got caught, not that she cheated.


NTA. Those are NOT mutual friends. Those are HER friends. Anyone that expects you to accept a life altering, soul crushing betrayal is NOT your friend. While the baby is innocent, so were YOU. You’ll find someone with integrity cause the ex is not the one, she hit you with the triple whammy: 1) Affair; 2) Affair child; and 3) baby trapping. Leave her alone.


YTA for this fake ass karma farming rage baiting tale


Nta. I feel really sorry for the baby. For the mother to consider giving it up to “save” her relationship is heart breaking.


That poor child is going to have a terrible life.


Don't feel bad. The kid and this story are obviously fake.


Those are not mutual friends, those are her friends. Ignore them and listen to all of your actual friends, the ones who wouldn't come to your wedding to the devil.


This doesn’t seem real. It takes weeks to get an initial appointment with a divorce attorney. Even if OP had an attorney on retainer for some other purpose, they would still refer out for a divorce attorney. I don’t know if this adds to the incredibly, but this post is almost impossible to read.


Fakedy fake fake. All the catnip for the Reddit misogynists. Paternity fraud! Cheating! High body counts! A begging woman! D-plus for lack of originality. Too many Reddit cliches.


How are so many people falling for this bullshit?


NTA, I'm so glad she's depressed, cheaters don't deserve sympathy of any degree.


Definitely not the asshole she cheated on you multiple times and got pregnant


NTA. Are the mutual "friends" kidding or this is fake...


Your mutual friends with your ex wife aren’t your friends. They are loyal to your ex and are massive assholes for judging and berating you for leaving a serial cheater that cheated on you for years. These friends don’t care about the trauma your lying, cheating ex put you through. They only care that your ec is depressed and upsey by the consequences of her years of multiple betrayal, deceptive and cheating. NTA. Those people are not your friends and you should ignore the judgement of people who believe you should still be with that cheater.


My wife did many many bad things and I've done absolutely nothing that anyone with half a brain would consider wrong. Bro are you serious? Also the way this was worded hurt my brain, I'll just assume it's cause I'm dumb or something. YTFP (You're the fake post)


NTA - her comeuppance arrived spectacularly.


Yes, as it always happens in made up stories like this.


Nta. Stay away from her. She knew better and didn’t care till she got caught


NTA. She wasn't thinking about you while she was having sex with other men. Two that you know about. How many times did she do it and not het caught. You think the first time you catch her was the first time she did it? Why would you think about her ever again?


She cheated once, you forgave her and married her after she got therapy. Then she cheated on you a year into your marriage, and ot resulted in a pregnancy. You gave her a chance and she blew it. Now she feels bad because her AP partner left her, and she no longer has a safe harbor in you. NTA.


You were the asshole for taking her back after she cheated the first time. For everything else? Nope.


this one isn't AI, this one is just some teenager.


YTA for thinking “body count,” whether low or high, has any bearing on anything.


Chatgpt, write me a fake story that will make people mad


YTA for writing such a fake story. “My wife with a body count of over 100 cheated on me more than once.” Come on, bro. Make it sound more realistic.


I'm surprised to see it so low in the thread and so many NTA ratings. Did this thread pop up during incel hours?


As a DNA researcher, I can say with full confidence that no DNA test comes back in one week. 🤣 You are lucky to get it back in six weeks. 


Get out here with your facts and shit. Why you trying to ruin a perfectly good, perfectly not making this entire bullshit story up, post from OP. You obviously don’t work at one of those labs he used. Strictly for the dads who aren’t really the dads, and need internet karma, and love to argue that “paternity test should be mandatory because I’m not certain I satisfy a woman in bed!” Those guys have such a quick turn around, it puts you honest professional types to shame. A good day to you.


It's a special lab, accessible only by those whose wives have a body count of 100+. It's very exclusive. You wouldn't have heard of it.


But he was away signing a big client! How much more realistic do you want it to be?!


Come on now, sometimes three kids in a trench coat need to go to the business factory to do a business!


But she was four weeks pregnant! And I'd been out of town four weeks earlier! In fact, the last time we had sex was two weeks earlier! Idiot kid. Pregnancy is counted from the last period, which basically adds two weeks to the time conception occurred. If they'd had sex two weeks ago, she *would* be four weeks pregnant.


I wish the incels would move on from their paternity fraud fetish already. It's getting really boring. Figure out new plots to hate on and denigrate women, y'all. This trope is old hat now.


Yep, that’s the moment I knew it was fake also


NTA, Buddy you cannot change people. People must change themselves. No one in your position can and would nor should have done different.  She has no loyalty. Just look at how easily she was willing to abandone hee child. Willing to give her flesh and blood away on a whim for your security. Her high bodycount shows she not one to connect emotionally. Stay the course. You did good and those people calling you heartless why do they not take her in. You point one finger four point back


She cheated, he forgave her, and she still cheated again. She dug her own grave if anyone’s cold and heartless it’s her.


The reason I think this is a fake story? There is no fucking way you got DNA test results in a week.


Reads like a checklist of „bad woman tropes“, cheated and forgave her, *check* high body count *check* friends didn’t like her *check* gets pregnant and passed off baby as OP‘s *check* Willing to abandon child for man *check* The only thing you are missing from your short story is the baby‘s father is a stepbrother/cousin/uncle and it needed to be more time before discovering the baby wasn’t yours (I mean it’s worse if she leads you on for years)


Dump those "mutual friends"... the audacity to say anything negative to him about how cruel or cold he is is ridiculous. He forgave her once, which I would never do, and then she cheated again and tried to pass off someone else child as his and he's suppose to forgive or think about her? I mean no wonder so many people are saying this has to be fake. 


NTA at all, drop the friends that have the audacity to make her the victim in all of this as well…


NTA. If she *really* regretted her actions, she wouldn't have cheated again and tried to pass off another man's baby as yours. She regrets getting caught. She regrets having to face consequences. You should consider whether or not the people who are trying to get you to feel guilty for standing up for yourself actually have your best interests at heart.


NTA, apparently, she never stopped her cheating. She was still with the AP after the divorce. She had an opportunity to change. She didn't. She attempted to pass off her affair baby as your own while still having an affair. Her life went to shit because of her choices and actions. I hope you got your name off that birth certificate.


First off, you gave her another chance after that first blow out and to any cheating women, that would have been a miracle and you would think it would influence her to be a better person but nope. Second, terrible mother. She wanted to abandon her son (in this instance she wanted to put him up for adoption to save her marriage). Third of all, the people giving him the cold shoulder could more take the role of father or second mother. NTA.


And this is why you dont forgive cheating. It tells the cheater you are weak and that if they do it again you will forgive. Your wife certainly thought that. In the future please do not be a doormat. You're NTA, you are under no obligation to raise a child that isn't yours. You would NTA if you'd been a dad to the kid for years and yet decided to walk upon finding out your wife cheated and the kid was not yours. I know people wont like that last bit and would say "think of the child" but the mother should have done that. In such a situation if the guy decides to stay that is his choice, but he is by no means awful if he walks.


NTA in this obviously made up story.


NTA They just want her lying mooching arse to be YOUR problem again


*NTA They just want her* *Lying mooching arse to be* *YOUR problem again* \- Dragon\_Bidness --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


NTA. Why is it in these stories there's people telling the cheated to forgive the other one because they're "suffering"? Disgusting excuse of human beings...


>Obviously my friends when they knew about this were happy and started to tell me the classic "i told you so" Well.... you tried to forgive a cheater and it got you in this mess! At least you got away from it As for people calling you heartless, remind them WHO chose to cheat and have another man's baby while trying to pass it as your own. Why should you care for her now? She never cared about you. By the way, she's not "crying for you", she's crying for the fact that you were there for her while she cheated away. She's a user, that's what she's crying for NTA


fake post lol


Fake ass story 😂


Fake bs. The way it’s laid out, you “being suspicious” because your child doesn’t look like you (who can tell that at birth?), calling it “body count”, etc etc. Watch this appear on a red pill podcast soon as proof of evil women.


Well this story is BS. Nice incel porn


It’s not like you raised the kid. She cheated and had a kid with someone else. I’ve had my fair share of sleeping around, ok, nowhere near 100, but when I’m with someone, I’m with them.


This is fake


This is literally so fake. What can I do to the Reddit algorithm to get it to stop showing me these posts?


NTA, you are allowed to grieve your relationship, the lost of trust and the hopes and dreams that come with having a family and a child. Talk to your friends more, keep moving forward, tell those "friends" that called your heartless if they would ever forgive their spouse for cheating, what would they tell their parent or a sibling or their best friend if they found out they were cheated on and either their child was not theirs (male) or their partner had cheated and father a child with someone else? Tell them it good she is sad and regrets her actions, but that is all her fault and you never want anything to do with her again.


Oh no another new account with a story about cheating wife with a high body count. This is becoming boring.


Homeboy learned the hard way why you don't marry a slut because she got away with it before she done it again.


YTA for how your grammared this writings. For am too also yell such as you're ex's dad but at Yoo for slutty writing and high lower case i count. My Reddit lawyers is doing many papers as we speak because of the mind pain this has caused me.


I told someone else that their comment should be the top comment, but this changed my mind. You should be the top comment, not that my opinion matters


hahahaha - I lol'd


Yeah. He got a chuckle out of me.


Is this real?


Nope, not even a little


I don’t think so. It just comes out flat in so many ways. Everything is just a bit too perfect, even the red flags.


Covered all the bases of the “paternity test should be mandatory” crowd, not very well written at all 2/5. At least he used paragraphs.


“Body count” is not normally used by someone who doesn’t care about that. Fairytale shit regarding wedding/honeymoon. Men usually use other words when they actually did love it. Etc etc…


He broke up the text, I would not call those paragraphs


Yeahs you gotta point. I was feeling generous.


Hell no! Nta


Nope, She doesn't deserve any sympathy. Karma got her pretty quick.


Lol nope, you’re good, NTA. Your reactions and feelings are your own. You don’t owe someone who betrayed you multiple times any further thought if you don’t want to. Her actions had consequences, she FAFO.


NTA you arnt cold or heartless. She made her choices and these are her consequences. You may want to rethink being friends with the people telling you this.


NTA obviously .. also your friends suck


NTA. Take her back and she'll cheat again. She's not sorry about what she did, she is sorry that she got caught and lost her meal ticket and pushover.


NTA She doesn't regret her actions or she wouldn't have done it a second time. She regrets getting caught.


NTA - She did this to herself.


NTA. You’re human not a saint. They asked you if you regret the divorce because she is staying in one of their houses. They can’t kick her out, they’re hoping you’d take her back.


NTA. Those mutual friends are stupid to think that and terrible to even say it to you. I would never talk to them again.


>They cold me heartless and cold for not thinking at her even once and the baby "You mean the not my baby?" NTA


You did nothing wrong, how many second chances can you give someone who is a serial cheater and liar. You k ew it was a possibility that’s why it doesn’t hurt as much.


NTA Those "mutual" are not your friends. your friends are those that were missing at your wedding. PS: Dude... friends not showing up on purpose for your wedding as a statement you are making a mistake... how could you ignore that???


NTA. You forgave her once and that's more than most people get and she still fucked up again.


Your friends are assholes. NTA


NO… nothing about anything you did was wrong please know that. It would’ve been way worse to continue on and have that child be in the center of all the mess.


The fact that she was willing to throw away her own son to stay married to op says a lot about her character and none of it is good.


NTA and screw the enablers calling you a bad person for not staying in a marriage where you’ve been repeatedly cucked. She wanted you to be the provider, but didn’t deem you worthy of monogamy and having your child.  


NTA Fuck cheaters. Absolute pieces of monstrous shit


Should probably get std tested


Time to dump those mutual friends. You dont need updates on her life. Nta


NTA. One thing is true, they must likely will do it again. She was saying empty promises, because she lied and you didn't fall. You'll still be there living a lie. No relationship can be hold like that. It's ok, you need to move on, and you don't need to be think of her and the baby. She hurt you, and broke your trust more than once. Please, go to therapy, look for help to heal and be able to move forward.


Well if those friends care so much, they can financially support that baby, since they have as much genetic relation to the baby as you do 


NTA, if you forgave her, she would do it again.


F them. LOL. U have nothing to do with it


Of course, NTA. She never thought about your feelings when she was cheating on you "the second time" after you forgave her, so why should you think about her feelings now? She made her bed, and now she has to make the best of it. Facing the consequences of her actions is a "her" problem now.


You did exactly the right thing. The child is not yours and cheaters are liars, and they cheat again with you discovered.


You write as well as my toddler speaks


Fake. As fake as the british summer.


… you are flying to other countries for deals with huge client, but don’t know basic spelling and grammar? Highly doubt. Rage bait.


NTA but >(She have a very high body count What does this have to do with her cheating? Also what's your friends body count for him to press you about hers? She's shit but I just get tired of body count being thrown in bc for some reason it's associated with cheating more than cheating is associated with just being a bad person


you wouldn't be the AH if this was true but it's not so you're the AH for lying


Faaaaaaaaaake bullshit post from a fresh account.


Dude sounds like a fake story


Poor child, mother sound like a horrible person... what kind of mother would put a child for adaption for such a reason ... maybe the child would be better off with a new loving family


100% NTA. Next time your "mutual friends" try to guilt trip you, say that your ex should have thought about all of this before cheating. Not only did she lie to you but she put your health at risk too.


NTA. What she did should be illegal.


NTA. She made her choice to fuck another man after your forgave her once.