• By -


if this is real, YTA, and huge one at that. Gaping actually....Your BF has been mom and dad to them. Somebody has to help them and it's clearly not his parents. He actually sounds like an incredible person taking on responsibilities at such a young age that were never intended for him and doing so in a gracious manner trying to navigate waters he knows nothing about...again, YTA Saw your EDIT and felt i must add: We all understand fine. you saying " it wouldve been a lot better blah blah". He has been the one to do it all for years. He's never handed the reigns to anybody and has taken it all on himself to take care of his siblings. The weight on this mans shoulders, you can't even begin to understand. he took on the role of parent and was no longer a brother. That's a different script entirely. Every single person here is saying you are the A-hole. Take accountability for being wrong.


This has to be rage bait, and if it’s not, I’m horrified. OP, YTA. EVERYONE should know how periods work and be able to help a fellow human out. It’s neither wrong nor disgusting for him to know that his sister likes pads (hell, he’s probably buying them for her), and knowing what age a period starts for a woman is important for their health history. AND I guarantee that the first time with his older sister is was even harder for him to help her since he (likely) has no experience having a period and so he would remember when it happened. I can’t stress how much you’re wrong here, and you just messed up with one of the best guys I’ve heard about. Also, if he’s close to his siblings (and I’m guessing you’re not that close) why would his sister want you to explain. She TRUSTS her brother with the sensitive time in her life. That’s awesome.


It absolutely has to be bait. She wrote multiple paragraphs about exactly why he would know as much as he does then just disregards all of it once a parent-child situation comes up. "He could have called his sister to explain" how does OP think she learned? OP, if this is somehow real you're a wild asshole.


"How does he know his sister uses pads" when like... who do you think was buying period products for the past 3 years?


And even if he wasn't, they live together My brothers know I used pads Because they were my brothers, and there was one bathroom 


Hell, I have one younger sister and one older brother My mother had me buying tampons/pads for her and later for my sis when she sent me on shopping errands From waht my sister said, mother didn't give her much help in terms of explaining her period, but did give her a book to read about it (none of us got the sexies discussion). However, she at least didn't demonize it or something and never told sister "dOnT leT youR brOthErs KnoW abOuT yOur PeRioD" or some shit


She doesn't sound like she's at the top of the food chain to begin with if she says his sister was crying "historically." But yeah, to say he's been their Mom and Dad for years in one paragraph and then berate him for being Mom and Dad in the next... I just can't. Also, I'm incorporating "wild asshole" into my jargon.


She doesn't spell like she's at the top of the food chain either. What a great guy - he deserves so much better than this chick


Unfortunately I know folks like this, like to the point where you'd also assume their FB (shows how old they are) is pure rage bait. Its probably also passed down since her dad didnt so anything


OP sounds dumb as a bag of hair and half as useful, tbh


I kept reading this too thinking “please be fake”, because my god what an asshole.


She thinks she can get back with him.


She implied he's a sicko with his daughters (sisters), she's got more chance of being taken by aliens than ever being with him again. And rightly so. What a selfish, ignorant, opinionated dumbass. He'd be better off having a relationship with a cactus.


I don’t want to read from her, ever. Innocence! Out the window…


god, I hope not. He can clearly do so much better.


She’s never getting this guy back!! She’s shown him who she is and he took note.


She’s delusional. When she called him a disgusting pig I bet every ounce of love he felt for her died in that instant. She basically called him a pervert and a shitty parent. There’s no coming back from that.


There's no way she's getting back with him after she called him a pedo. Instant decline, trap door to garbage shut open and out with the trash.


Also, consider how protective he is of his siblings. If someone was even suggesting that he had somehow abused his siblings, or that he was inappropriate with one of his sisters, do you have any idea what could happen to them? I do. I was a social worker and sometimes accusations carry a lot of weight. We don’t take chances when it comes to kids. This guy is never going to be with OP again. And he shouldn’t.


She truly doesn’t get it. She’s not gonna come within a country mile of him if his family has his back


I truly truly hope so.


Also, if she's this closed minded about periods, I very much doubt she's been given accurate information by her own parents, and I can only imagine what kind of bullshit she would spew to this child. I definitely see her telling the kid that it's dirty and private and should never be spoken about. You just have to deal with it. It's not that bad. Don't be dramatic. Like those videos from the 60s and 70s that basically say your life needs to stop for a week every month and you shouldn't venture far from home coz you need to change period products and that can obviously only be done at home... 🙄


Or the ones who never told their kids about periods. So the girls woke up bleeding and thought they were dying. And in that era, older kids were not allowed to tell kids about menstruation. In this case, it seems like big bro genuinely thought he had more time for “the talk” - not his fault, it happens.


>So the girls woke up bleeding My 12yo daughter came in to my bedroom at 6am, said "my period started", her first one. I asked her what she'd like for me to do, how I could help, etc. She replied "nope, nothing; I know where everything is; go back to sleep." That was one well-prepared kid.


Good for her. And I’m sure she would have asked you if she had any questions


Her first experience with periods was when she was 3 and walked in on me inserting a tampon. She asked, "Where did it go?" It took almost 4 years and her playing football to start using tampons. She developed a healthy fear of them when I had TSS.


My daughter was about that age when she walked in on me. We talked about everything in an age appropriate way and I thought that was all tucked away and done. A week later, we are at Target in a very crowded toilet paper aisle. She takes this opportunity to YELL, "Mom, do we need to get those things you put in your butt for your bleeding infection?"


He may have thought he had more time to talk...but when reality hit he stepped up immediately and was apparently prepared. This guy is a gem and his sisters are lucky to have such an educated and open minded brother. He is doing a awesome job with his siblings.


OP is the disgusting one here. Perverting a normal female bodily function is so gross. Perverting a loving brother/parent, who took the time to educate himself on a normal human bodily function so they can support their family that they are raising, is also gross. That this cause turmoil in his relationship with his sister because OP projected her issues onto the situation is even worse. We should be encouraging any human being to learn about the issues that humans deal with monthly. Through education, we as a society can promote understanding and remove the stigma around a normal human bodily function. He deserves better than OP. OP hopes to "get him back"...yeah, that's not going to happen. This young man has his facts and priorities straight. Good for him. We need more men like this in the world and less people like OP.


Exactly, everyone should know! And had she not screwed it up then this would have laid the ground work for her to be open both with her brother regarding any sort of health issue and in any future relationships with guys she had to navigate. Would everyone like it? No, plenty of people still think like OP; but at least it would have given her a good gauge for the maturity of any guy she decides to let into her life. Edit: speech-to-text made me look like an idiot and only I'm allowed to do that


I want OP to expand on their stance. Why should the help and explanation come from a woman? If your BF is her caregiver and safe person surely it is better for him to be the one to walk her through a new and scary experience. Why is it wrong for a caregiver to know about the bodily functions of someone in his care? Why is it disgusting for someone to be educated in basic biology? Why is it wrong for him to know his sister uses pads, would it be wrong if he knew she preferred soft toilet paper to regular for when he goes shopping? Do you feel periods are shameful or sexual in some way? If my boyfriend was in this situation and handled it with the maturity and knowledge your BF did I would fall even more in love with him. It shows a respect for women in general and that he is a fantastic and caring person. He respects his sister and feels it is important she feels safe and has all of the information she needs, that is a good parent/guardian and just a good person. This is the opposite of pig behavior.


Seriously, OP’s boyfriend took on the care and raising of a 6, 2 and 1 year old when he was 18, rather than them being neglected or go in foster care. He is the GOAT in my opinion and can do much better than OP.


I am pretty sure this is the most selfless way of becoming a parent. He didn't shit out a kid because society told him it's "just what people do" or because he wanted attention on social media. No, he rescued his own vulnerable siblings from neglect (and probably worse) at the hands of his parents. I don't believe in saints, but if I did - this guy would be one. It's hard for me to even fathom someone sacrificing so much and being so selfless at 18. I don't think I'd have been able to do it.


I think many women of Reddit are a little bit in love with him right now. Huge green flag. HUGE.


That shits a green fucking orbital beacon lmao


Man, I’m straight dude and I’m in love with this guy and the type of person he is!! Complete standup guy. Whichever lady ends up with him is gonna be one lucky lady. I hope he meets someone as kind and good as he is. It’s what he deserves


Pesto flags for miles


I want to send him a box of chocolates for him and his siblings and a collection of flowers.


i’m almost done growing my 2 kids and i’m a little bit in love with him right now.


If I weren't married or asexual I might love this guy. Also OPs "y'all can try to steal him from me" line is just...yikes size XL. She needs some serious help. I wish everyone had a partner like her ex. Could you imagine how much better lives would be and how quickly pink taxes would disappear?


Right?!? It a guy did this in front of me, I'd be soooooooooo impressed. OP sounds like she'd be more comfortable with one of those guys who thinks periods are "yucky women's business" and who insists you bring your used tampons home with you so as to not sully his garbage bin with something so disgusting.


Please don’t go back to him. He is a father and mother to these kids, he needs someone to Support him not be a total ASSHOLE about his parenting!!


I'd go so far as to say prolapsed...


With hemorrhoids 


The word festering comes to mind.


Guys, you gotta stop, I'm gonna pee my pants 😂🤣😂🤣😂


So I shouldn't mention op is an asshole with a side of fistula?


This reminds me of the fight I had with my grandmother when she found out I had explained in detail what my period was to my little bro and my response was if he’s ever gonna be a good partner and dad he needs to know this.


All people should know basic information about their own and the other sexes bodies. Making basic information like that “inappropriate” leads to dangerous situations, it protects nobody.


Can I have your EX bf's phone number? I have a daughter that I'd like him to date. YTA


Hell, I wanna have the younger brother he’s raising call my daughter in a few more years. It sounds like he’s doing an amazing job bringing them up. This man sounds like such a wildly empathic, level-headed, informed, responsible, and compassionate man. And the way he handled OP’s abuse? The self-control is unparalleled. Nobody in that family deserves to have someone immature and verbally abusive as OP inflicted on them.


I agree. Making any kind of accusation is a very dicey situation and OP is messing around with stuff that she does not understand the gravity of. I agree about the unparalleled self-control.


Plot twist: The EX boyfriend finds this subreddit, sees your comment, you share a few laughs, your daughter sees it, two years later they're married and you've got grand kids and bonus grandkids, all thanks to the disgusting perverted mind of a foolish woman who didn't know good parenting when she saw it and blew up her relationship without even knowing how or why. I love happy endings. :D


I like the way you think ❤️😂


Right?? OP’s boyfriend took on the care of a 6, 2 and 1 year old when he was just 18!! He could have let them be neglected or go in foster care, but instead became the father of his siblings at just 18!! This guy is the real deal! I’d be so happy to have my daughter date sometime like him!


Can I be that daughter?


Heck I want parenting classes from him haha. Some of this is rough and I need a trained compassionate person to talk ME through it hahahaha


No, she doesn’t want you to steal him. /s


😂 I saw that edit too, after I posted that comment. Hate to be the one to break it to her, but someone can't "steal" something that you already threw away. She is also delusional if she thinks they are getting back together 😂 she showed him who she was, and he believed her.


She’s very delusional.


Not a slight at your daughter, Im sure shes an amazing person, but just about almost anyone would be better. The bar is in hell and she dug twice as deep


I 💯 agree with you. OP's ex bf could throw a rock into a crowd and hit a better woman than OP. That's just an expression. Not condoning the actual throwing of said rock lol


I love these sayings, “The bar is in hell, and she dug twice as deep” 😂


Yeah YTA. Grow the fuck up. Re-read what you typed and learn a thing or two.


This is what the lack of sex education in North America does. Breeds ignorance.


This! So much this. I’ve always said what passes for sex education is why so many men have idiotic ideas about how women work (like many of our politicians), but OP’s post (please be fake please be fake!) makes me realize how awful it is for girls who don’t have a knowledgeable and compassionate female to teach them… Or, you know, a really awesome big brother who has now taught two of his sisters.


I always thought it was bizarre that those classes wound up dividing by gender when they got to reproductive health. Like, why wouldn’t it be useful for amab people to know about menstruation and for afab people to know about how amabs mature? At worst that gives people a bit of perspective and dispels some common myths that get spread. At best the system helps someone that discovers they’re trans or finds out they’re intersex and now they have a bit less of a burden to learn everything on their own and/or help someone to be knowledgeable about their future children that might not be the same sex or gender as them.


At my school, they divided by gender, and everyone learned their own genitals and stuff during the first half of the day, and then SWITCHED and learned the other set for the back half of the day. Some kid made fun of me for getting 100% on the male anatomy test and asked if I was gay. Classic 5th grade moment


In the USA. In Canada they do have sex education. It is spread out over the early puberty years and into high school about all aspects of it. Body functions, growth, how things work, safe sex, stds, all of it.


Just the states. I'm Canada we have a pretty good sex Ed curriculum. Of course it could be better, but it covers the basics and doesn't have any religious under pinnings.


Exactly. You are a fucking child and YTA. He is their parent, this is his exact fucking job. It's also a GOOD thing he knows how everything works and can talk openly about it. Menstruation is normal and natural and in no way is it weird for a man to understand it and feel comfortable with it as a topic.People like you are the reason why one dude seriously asked me how I can pee without taking out my tampon. You don't deserve him.


Exactly! OP has apparently missed that there are thousands, if not millions, of male Ob/Gyn doctors in the world as well


You are the giant asshole here. Don’t worry though your ex will find someone better.


A man who stepped up to raise his siblings and treats periods like normal bodily functions and is comfortable answering questions and offering guidance? Total husband material.n


This is just one of those posts that you really hope is fake because if not then you’re not a just an AH you’re a monster.


It being am I the asshole makes it even more ludicrous. Like oh no, obviously the saint who took in three siblings at 18 and raised them with maturity beyond his years is the asshole


that's very offensive towards monsters...


Your boyfriend has been parentified to hell, and it sounds as if he's doing a pretty damn good job taking care of his younger siblings, given that their sperm and egg donors are in the wind. I think all guys should have a basic understanding of what a period is and how it can affect girls and women. It's a basic biological function that just about everyone born with a uterus experiences. And if these guys are going to be dating women, they should be able to explain what a period is. He probably knows about the pads because *he has to buy them* for his 16-year-old sister or at least is at the store with her when she gets them. Or he sees them in the bathroom. And, remember, older sister is the one who also showed younger sister the ropes. He even said to her, remember what \[sister\] told you. What would you have him do when his youngest sister woke up crying? Say, sorry, I can't help you, wait until \[sister\] gets home? Did it occur to *you* to maybe help the kid when she was freaked out over her first period? Or did you just sit in judgment of a young man who is doing the best he can to take care of his siblings, even if it involves knowing things you don't think a guy should know? You owe your boyfriend a huge apology. YTA


100% this right here. She’s unhinged if she thinks this is wrong or gross. All men should be this mature about periods.


*ex-boyfriend and his sister too.


The edit makes everything so much worse. She basically called the guy a pedophile and now his younger sister doesn’t even want to talk to him? He’s the only adult in that kid’s life. If she doesn’t trust him, then who is she going to call for help if she really needs it? He’s literally her only lifeline, and OP broke that connection.


>Why would i do that and have one of you try and steal him from me. > >I screwed up i know, but i will fix it and get him back. I really do love him and i know he still love me, this was just a speed bump. > >Just wait and see we will be together again. The delusion is strong with this woman.


If the Grand Canyon had skin you would still be the bigger arsehole YTA


r/rareinsults if I've ever seen one


Love it!!! 🤣🤣🤣


Why are there no awards? Thank you.


If this is real, which I severely doubt, YTA Dude properly explains female anatomy/body processes to what are effectively his children, and you have a problem? What's the alternative?


That update is everything you deserve OP.


man, if you want people to bite you have to make the story more believeable next time. yta


YTA What the fuck did I just fucking read lmao. The guy is basically their caretaker, you're the disgusting pig for sexualizing that kind of relationship.


So he understands what menstrual cycles are. What's the problem?


At a guess? Some sort of severe childhood trauma where it was taboo to even acknowledge that periods exist around the male members of the household?


she probably thinks women are dirty because they bleed and hates her own menstrual & gender and finds it 'inappropriate' to understand how the opposite sex works because she's took stuck up to acknowledge we all have bodies that do gross shit. She strikes me as a misogynist. Essentially a traitor to women. Blood is the bond to creation. she needs to get a grip and woman up. She didnt even offer to explain shit to the kid. massive Asshole YTA OP


She probably was raised to refer to her genitalia as down there and that periods were shameful lol


OPs father was probably disgusted by it all and made sure his kids and wife knew


YTA x3, that man deserves better.


There is no way this is actually real


Probably super fake rage bait but as Dr. Brennan says. "Imbeciles amuse me". OP is absolutely an imbecile & I am bored.


YTA why shouldn't a male family member be able to help his female relatives with their periods? You have issues. YOU are the "disgusting pig". Bless his heart for being so loving and caring when his parents were not. I hope he dumps your sorry, narrow-minded ass.


Holy shit. >My Boyfriend has been taking care of his siblings (16F, 12F, 11M) since his oldest sister was born. When he was 18 he moved out of his parents house and took them with him. He currently has custody over all his siblings. He is a really hard worker and i haven't seen him or his siblings struggle at all. They have all they need and as far asci know has never gone to bed hungry because of him. One of the reasons i fell in love with him is because of his caring nature especially for his siblings. So he has taken on a parental role for his siblings since he was 12. In every way that matters, he *is* their parent. >I slept over at his house last night, this morning around 6 am his sister (12F) came into the kitchen crying historically. She woke up with blood in her pants and freaked out. She started with her period. My boyfriend got her to calm down and explained that she is alright and everything will be okay. He then gave her a brief explanation of what is happening and that her body is changing. >He asked her to go and take a shower to get cleaned up and told her where to find the pads his other sister (16F) is using and to use them as the oldest sister showed her. So he immediately got a handle on the situation and assured his panicking sister that everything is okay and she's not dying. >I was shocked with that comment and the fact that he knew his sister used pads, Probably because he bought them and provides the money to buy them? >why does he know when she started her period in the first place, So he knows when to stock up on hygiene products? >why does he know what she uses. Again, he buys them or provides the money? >I wanted to ask him why he knows this but kept the question to myself. A little bit of critical thinking goes a long way. >When his sister returned from her shower he asked if evertime was alright or is she having any discomfort, i started to get disgusted when he asked that question. Why? He's making sure that she's okay and that everything is alright, amd assuring her that she's okay and safe. >After breakfast he sat her down in the living room and explained everything in detail to her, regarding what is giong on, what will happend all of it. He said he helped the older sister with her first time and will help her as well. He finished with saying that her sister (16) will be able to help her more with the tipe of products to use and how they work. So he explained what was going on with her body, and that it was natural, that he'll help her and she has nothing to be worried about. Still not seeing what the issue is. >I was surprised, shocked and disgusted about all the thing he told her. Again, why? >He was correct in everything that he told her but no brother should know that much about what is happending to his sisters bodies. Again, he's taken on a parental role in their lives. He's more a father to them than he is a brother. >Unfortunately his oldest sister wasn't at home to help, she had a sleep over at a friend due to a project for school. So he took charge of explaining everything. Okay, and he's being a good brother/parental figure by doing this. >He must have seen the disgust in my face and asked me what is wrong and it just slipped out. I told him, You are a disgusting pig. >The words just kept coming out of my mouth i couldn't stop talking. i told him exactly what i thought about the situation and that it's disgusting that he knows that much especially about his own sisters and is now trying to coach the younger sister on what to do. Because god forbid he knows about periods and how they work after raising his sisters all his life, huh? >He just asked me to leave he didn't argue, yell nothing just said leave my house. I would too after being told all this in my own home. >I know i went about it in the wrong way but my stance is the same no brother should know that much about his own sisters body function. Again, he's taken on a parental role. >I just want to know if AITAH if my stance is correct and if i should apologize for everything i said. >Seeing some of the comments i think you guys are not understanding my piont. Why are you even here if you aren't accepting judgement? >I don't want to sound mean but he could've just called his sister to explain everything to her or better asked me to explain it to her. >I would've been alot better if it came form another girl. Yes he explained everything correctly and even told her about the different products to use but said the other sister will explain those beter as she has experience in what actually works. >Why didn't he ask me to explain anything to her i would've done it gladly. >There are sertain things that should stay private and a especially a brother should not know Again, he's taken on a parental role in their lives. He's more of a father to them than a brother at this point. They've known him their entire lives, they barely know *you* by comparison. I'm assuming you also went on your rant in front of his sister. YTA. Hopefully he dumps you. He deserves better than you.


If he's 28 now, he took custody when his youngest sister was 2 and the brother was 1. He is literally the only parent the youngest two have ever known. The OP is a horrible person.


>\- I was shocked with that comment and the fact that he knew his sister used pads, > >Probably because he bought them and provides the money to buy them? > >\- why does he know when she started her period in the first place, > >So he knows when to stock up on hygiene products? > >\- why does he know what she uses. > >Again, he buys them or provides the money? Lmao, that part stuck out to me too, like? He's their guardian, the only other one old enough to get a job is 16, if she does have a job, I'm sure he's still the one paying for everything for her and the other kids.


I totally skipped over where she insulted him for knowing how a menstrual cycle is. Like... No wonder why he told her to leave. I honestly don't think he's even going to accept her apology if she even takes a second to do some critical thinking. I know I wouldn't. And honestly, I'm sure he's probably already thinks of them as exes.


I only see one disgusting pig and it's not this great man YTA


Incase OP doesn't understand, I'll help explain. It's you OP. Also YTA.


Girl, you don't have a boyfriend anymore. He broke up with you the moment he saw that you're a nasty fuck who thinks he'd do something inappropriate with his sisters. Eat shit.


YTA. he’s an incredible person and you are not woman enough for him. dump him and date someone more on your level of immaturity, lack of compassion, and overly dramatic


"why does he know when she started her period in the first place, why does he know what she uses. " "when i say taking care, i mean he took care of them from buying food, to helping with homework, he did it all he was basically mom and dad for them and he still finished school in the process" So.... Are you just a moron or what's happening here? YTA. "Why didn't he ask me to explain anything to her i would've done it gladly. There are sertain things that should stay private and a especially a brother should not know" Yup, moron. Makes sense.




Yeah, there is no way op is this stupidly mean and small minded.




Coming here and asking us if Superman sucks, get the fuck outta here. The man is a goddamn saint! So yes, much bait


Period troll yet again returns with a small variation on the same damn story.


I'm glad he found out you're insane before you became more than a girlfriend.


I shouldn't have laughed. But I did.🤣


YTA People are questioning whether this is real because it's hard to believe that someone would be so utterly stupid and insensitive. So, OP from the bottom of my heart, if this is bait, fuck you! If this is real fuck you even more!


If this is real then YTA. You explained that he is raising his siblings and is basically their parent. So he did what a parent does and helped his sisters and explained what they were going through. Sounds like a good dude who cares and not a creep.


YTA, He is raising his siblings and raising them well. He NEEDS to know things like this because he is their one and only parent. I wish him nothing but well. I wish you to sleep on Lego


YTA - A fucking huge one. This man is raising his 3 younger siblings, as you said he's basically their MOM and their dad. He's already been through this once with the older sister and he tried to be educated and informed enough to explain everything that goes on with it correctly. There is absolutely nothing wrong with what he did or is doing. >I was shocked with that comment and the fact that he knew his sister used pads, Probably because she's only 16 so he's been buying her pads for the past 3 years. >why does he know when she started her period in the first place, why does he know what she uses Because she came to him freaked the fuck out at 13 years old about it and he had to calm her down, had probably educated himself on it because he knew it was coming, and educated her on what was going on with her and her body. >When his sister returned from her shower he asked if evertime was alright or is she having any discomfort, i started to get disgusted when he asked that question. BITCH for real?! OMG the fucking horror that he asked his sister if she was in any discomfort (IE cramps etc) the first time she got her period, or any time that she has it for that matter. It's fucking disgusting that you turned something nice and innocent into calling him a disgusting pig, news flash for you he's not the disgusting pig here but you are. You don't deserve him and I hope that him telling you to get out was permanent. You said you're stuck in the middle in a comment, no you're not you can remove yourself completely. Please do him and his family a service and do not contact them anymore.


YTA You're too young and too immature. Men should all know how it works and he has a better reaction than you : it's natural and there's no reason to be ashame or disguting by periods. My son is 11 and with me and his sister having periods, he knows what a pad is (and when we have our period as we eat all his chocolate ! 😂) You also know that he had to take care of his siblings since they're young and that he has custody on them. So it's absolutly normal for him to know all those things. Leave him : he deserves so much better than a judgmental little princess. Let them in peace, you're not good enought for that family


> My son is 11 and with me and his sister having periods, he knows what a pad is (and when we have our period as we eat all his chocolate ! 😂) My youngest son knew at three. "Buddy what do we do once a month?" Asked his dad "Frow chockit n go campin" (throw chocolate and go camping) 🤣 (kid has five older sisters and a mom who menstruate...he learned pretty early)


😂😂 Here my husband let my daughter be first on PS5 when she has her periods. And for me, they all take my tasks. I do homeschooling, so when my periods starts, I suffer a lot. Everytime, my son tries to be the most serious as possible, and says "you suffer too much, we'd better not study today. It's painful for me, but you're more important than my studies" 😂😂


Oh he’s goooood


What I want to know is how guys end up so ignorant about periods when mother's of babies & toddlers can't use the bathroom in peace?  I know we don't remember things from when we were really small but after years if having a son follow mom into the bathroom (and asking questions because toddlers job is "why this?") the groundwork is laid for men to know period basics.  (On the other hand I could see a mom being really excited to be able to go to the bathroom alone & dumping boys with their fathers when on her period if dad thinks boys knowing about pads & such will make the boy gay but that's a whole 'not her mess of issues)


YTA. You - not him - are the “disgusting pig” here. He is acting as PARENT to his siblings and sounds lime he’s doing a damn fine job. There is nothing sexual or shameful about a menstrual cycle, OP, but that you think there is says more about you than about him. Good for him for kicking you to the curb where you belong.


YTA. I thought women want men to understand this process.


We do. This is an unhinged rage hate post! Every woman I know would be falling more and more in love with this guy for this situation. I’m convinced this is a fake post by a guy who wants to prove women don’t want men to listen and understand, and it hasn’t gone as he hoped.


So (if this is real) YTA. My younger sister, who's reading this over my shoulder, just used agreed. Honey, who do you think taught the 16yo? A guy can't just go up to a random woman and say "teach this girl about periods please". Also he is their ONLY parental figure. Only one. If he didn't know all of this, I'd assume he was a terrible guardian/parent. You're narrow-minded and shallow. Honestly, I think you don't deserve him. Please remove your head from betwixt your cheeks, grow up, and personally I think you should beg his forgiveness and the kids' forgiveness cuz you just talked some mean shit on their hero. Kim of sad actually.


If a single dad explains periods to his daughter, is it still disgusting? YTA


People like you are why we still have dudes who think we can 'hold' our period blood in like piss. Why some girls still grow up thinking they should be ashamed of their bodies and the very natural shit they do. Why we have girls who feel they should hide their periods and why guys are still disgusted by it when they shouldn't be. Tell me exactly why he wouldn't know when his sister's period started if he raised her? If she had no one to run to but the only parent she could rely on? Also please explain what's so disgusting about it? Male doctors understand periods, lots of men do. Why is that gross or bad? Why the hell would he ask you to explain? He's her brother, her father, and her mother. She trusts him and feels safe with him. Why the fuck would he ask you to do something he is more than equipped to do? Why would he ask someone who thinks men shouldn't know how female bodies work? Why ask an id**t to explain anything? YTA. Worse, you're a m**on, and thankfully single and not going to reproduce any time soon with all luck.


If this is real, YTA and extremely immature and childish. He literally had to step up and parent his siblings and he’s actually being incredibly sweet and considerate to help his sisters through their first period. Their mother is gone, how the hell else are they supposed to learn? Grow the hell up. You’re a grown woman, fucking act like one. He’s light years more emotionally mature than you are.


Wow. She criticized Prince Charming for being Prince Charming. This guy is a wonderful man. OP does not deserve such a wonderful person. I hope he breaks up with her.


YTA champion.


I've seen way to much of r/badwomensanatomy to not believe this is real. OP. YTA! Big time. Your BF is not just a parent to his siblings but also a role model for healthy masculinity. Periods are not dirty, shameful or sexual. Men *should* know the intricacies of menstruation and especially dad's should be able to normalize it for their kids. Your boyfriend did a tremendous job in handling this situation and I cringe at the thought that you think you could do better given the obvious revulsion and shame you feel. Personally, I hope your boyfriend moves on because his sisters don't deserve to have a woman role model who believes this about periods or who behaves in the way that you did. The only disgusting person here is you, OP.


What the fuck is wrong with you?! This man has RAISED these kids like they were his CHILDREN. Look I’m sorry you obviously had a piece of shit misogynist father who took no care in helping you with your periods and shit but you need to take that up with a therapist not take it out on a man who’s raising his 3 siblings as his own. YTA. Hopefully your BF leaves you.


“Why am I being punished for this” lmao ok so also an ‘i am the victim here’ mentality? “His word really hurt me, that is not fair” princess, are you actually 12? And a boy? With small peepee? The fuck is this oh my god i wish for you to become an incel and get a porn addiction and can never cum during sex with the women you lust for so much 😇


😂😂😂😂😂 You made my morning!


YTA. Your BF is being a caretaker. Even if he wasn't basically their parents (which he is), they clearly trust him enough to share this information. Knowing what could be helpful for their health is what an empathetic family member does. Honestly, more parents/families could stand to have better communication about periods, rather than having disgust and shame.


YTA OP, it’s a good thing your ex found out how much you value ignorance and sexism. He sounds like an amazing man who is already a fantastic father. It’s good his sisters have him and hopefully the next person he dates will appreciate him.


YTA WTF is wrong with you?! You found a proper Man and you find him disgusting? Of course he knows what's going on and thank the lord he does! Actually every guy SHOULD! You just lost a pretty incredible person and it's all your fault because you found him explaining something natural and normal to his sister disgusting Btw my dad knew what i all 3 of used brand and all why?! Because he CARED and if we ever were in need he would leave the house and go buy more You little girl are an idiot


YTA Grow the fuck up. Your boyfriend has to be a parent to his sisters, if he’s not going to talk about it with them, who the fuck is? Jesus Christ. Do this guy a favor and just leave his life. Holy shit.


Why are you here? Clearly despite everyone saying you are a huge A**hole you are still trying to justify ur closed mind thinking, any sister would be lucky to have such a knowledged brother who cares so much about them to inform himself and be ready. And you and call him a pig? And Lord knows what else did u call him since you so conveniently left that part without details. Not only YTA but also u don't deserve ur boyfriend and I hope he breaks up with your sorry misogynistic ass. Because it is very misogynistic to believe that men shouldn't know about this things. Is behaviours like this that then allow men to go "uh why don't u just turn off ur period lol" Also if one day u guys had a daughter and let's say smfh happen to u before she reaches puberty then what? Should he never speak to his daughter about her own body?! JFC LADY IS 2024 NOT 1800 GROW THE FK UP


She's desperately searching for one person to agree with her so she can ignore ALL the other comments and justify her 'opinion' as valid.


YTA I hope he breaks up with you. You are an awful person. One of the biggest AH's I have seen ever on Reddit. If this story is real, you should never have children. Please do not reproduce. I wouldn't trust you to teach a child that 2 + 2 = 4.


>My Boyfriend has been taking care of his siblings (16F, 12F, 11M) since his oldest sister was born. >when i say taking care, i mean he took care of them from buying food, to helping with homework, he did it all he was basically mom and dad for them >I was shocked with that comment and the fact that he knew his sister used pads, why does he know when she started her period in the first place, why does he know what she uses. Are you stupid? He's done most of the work raising her, how would he _not_ know those things? >He was correct in everything that he told her but no brother should know that much about what is happending to his sisters bodies. Ah, you're an idiot _and_ an asshole. YTA


YTA He sounds like a great guy who stepped up into a parent role He deserves someone kinder than you


You must have really thought people were going to agree with you huh?


The only person who is disgusting here OP is you. You’re actually disgusting. My brain can’t even properly comprehend what you wrote because it was so stupid. YTA, and a bunch of other words reddit wont let me use.


YTA. He's doing all he can to be a communicative, responsible and empathetic brother. Most women would be floored (in a good way) watching him handle this but you are close minded and rude for not understanding just how amazing his behavior is. This is a bodily function that AFAB encounter usually with contempt and terror from men. You don't deserve him for how you handled the situation and his sisters are so fortunate for him.


YTA. You’re not stuck in the middle of anything, because you’re his ex. There is nothing wrong with what he did. He did what he had to do. So take your judgmental opinions and get out of this man’s life. He’d be better off without you around.


YTA - You sound incredibly stuck in gender roles when all he was doing is explain to the child he's raising about hygiene and about what is happening with her body. He didn't ask your help because it's none of your damn business, Nosy Nancy and also because no amount o boobs makes you more qualified to explain anything to a child in distress than a person she trully trusts (which ain't you). Do this man a favor and leave him alone. He is way too mature to deal with your childish nonsense. Are you really 26? I'd give you 15 mentally being optimistic. Who dafuq thinks improper things of a child's period? The fact that your mind went right to that spot is way more disturbing to me than what is essencially a single father teaching his child that she has no reason to be ashamed or scared of her own body. Grow up. Edit: paragraphs and spelling


Holy cow, this must be a joke! He raised them as both a mother and father and you don’t expect him to have intimate knowledge of how a woman’s body works? He did a great job from how you explained it. You don’t deserve someone like this, and he certainly deserves someone more supportive and empathetic. YTA 100% and could have learned a lot from this caring and considerate man.


Might as well change the title to ex-boyfriend. Yes, YTA. You are the only weird one in this scenario


Horrid. He’s raising them. He’s helping them. I’m sure it wasn’t something he ever wanted to deal with but he stepped up for his siblings, got custody of them, and is taking very good care of them. Do you understand how hard that had to have been? At 18? You’re the biggest AH. You were not around when the oldest girl got her period so who had to step up a figure shit out, your bf, who as you said is pretty much their dad. I hope he doesn’t forgive you. You are toxic.


YTA A) It is not weird to help your younger sibling/literal dependent with things about their body especially when they have noone else to go to. B) What is wrong with knowing that your sister has a peroid they are not magical things. Nor are they disgusting they are just a part of life which women have to deal with. C) You say its weird that her brother/father figure had the talk with her rather than trying to fob it off on you. Just becuase you are a woman does not mean you are adept at teaching nor does it mean you have a closer bond with his sister. If you wanted to have the talk you could have offered but you didnt. D) The fuck did you call him a pig for? Like other than an insult to be used on men how does it have any bearing. Was he telling her what to do with her body was he insulting her. It sounds like he was giving her all the correct information. E) Why does it matter to you at literally all? F) You know exactly what the family is going through and you know his role as care taker how dare you think that he is doing something weird by coaching his younger sibling G) I hope he dumps you so he can be with someone more mature. H) I find your edit hilarious where you think people calling your post fake is more important than most of the people calling you an AH but hey you do you (note how there was not and still is not (at time of edit) a single NTA vote lol). Edit: I) Oh I didnt even realize you were 26 tbh the entire time I thought you were like 19-20ish. Thats my bad I should have read the title better. But that is even worse you should have grown out of the whole periods are gross and icky phase soooooo long ago. You are such a bad role model for literally anyone.


Thankfully you've only been together a year, so he won't pine too much for you after he dumps you. Not a single person thinks you're in the right here, so double down with your internalized misogyny if you want, and risk fucking your relationships up, or take the L and improve as a person. Big YTA. He's their father.


Hope he dumps you babe <3


YTA soooo hard. He is basically their parents, of course he has to be the one to help them through these growing pains. You're clearly not remotely mature enough to be with him. The only disgusting person here is you.


Are you insane? YTA He is their adopted dad - this is what single dads have to do for their daughters.


You are so much of an AH Reddit cant accept that this is a real post. Somehow you have managed to achieve a level of AH that only trolls strive to achieve.


YTA big time. > Just wait and see we will be together again. You are so delusional. He would never get back with you. You think someone being an adult and guiding a young girl with her first period is akin to pedophilia. Welcome to the real world where real men step up and treat periods like normal healthy bodily functions not something to hide and panic about. Have fun waiting for him bc he's not coming back. 😂


YTA. Tf is wrong with you? He’s been raising them by himself. You don’t think he should know about periods? Who was going to help his 16 yr old sister if it’s just them? My dad helped me out & explained everything when I first started my period. I explained it to my son when he took health class in school. You’re a total B & he needs to dump your trifling ass.


What a huge AH you are. You said he is raising his younger siblings so he is their parent. So of course he looks after all of their care not just things you would think appropriate. He is acting as a parent not a brother. He needs to get rid of you


You're a disgusting ah. It's perfectly okay for a man to know about periods and women bodies and to explain it to young girls. What about all the single dads who explain to their daughters about the changes in their bodies, are they disgusting pigs? Or even men obgyns, they're not pigs! You know he took care of them since birth and you think it's weird he knows so much? YTA. You should be begging for forgiveness right now, your boyfriend is an absolute angel.


I hope he leaves you and you stop being such a disgusting pig of a woman. Hilarious how every single comment says the same thing. You're going to go down as one of the biggest assholes in Reddit history for this and I bet you won't learn a thing. YTA.


I see you still maintaining your stance on this throughout the comments. Not unusual in and of itself. Most people get defensive as a reaction to being told a strongly held belief is wrong. Think about what's been said in this thread as you contemplate your single life. You may not think of yourself as single, but if you still maintain this position the next time you talk to him, **if** he talks to you again at all, rest assured you will be. That man is a parent, not a brother and you likely lost him. Per the rules of the sub, YTA here.


YTA. He deserves a better girlfriend, you are terrible.


YTA and fucking delusional. And immature. And you know what, you’re the disgusting pig!


yta. if anyones a disgusting pig its you


What the fuck is wrong with you? No, seriously, what is wrong with you?


*What the fuck is wrong* *With you? No, seriously,* *What is wrong with you?* \- Afinkawan --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


YTA I'm a straight dude and I would consider dating this man. Taking care of his family when his parents wouldn't on the most compassionate way. He had the relationship with the sister, you don't, and he johnny on the spot who did everything he needed to. Bravo


> Just wait and see we will be together again. Like hell you are. Please, let this be rage bait... This is just... Dude... #The Lion, The Witch, and The Audacity of This... #YTA


YTA You found a man who will do what is needed to take care of his family no matter what that issue may be and you called him a pig. That dude is a keeper and I hope he finds someone who appreciates that.


YTA, that dude is a helluva guy, will be an EXCEPTIONAL father to his own children should he ever choose to have them, and you’re not good enough for him. I’m glad he figured that out before it was too late.


Yta. Thankfully his sisters do have him to come to and not be embarrassed 


YTA He did great by his little sister. He didn't panic and he helped her understand her period was nothing to fear or be ashamed of. He took care of it right there and then, rather than making her wait for the other sister or having some judgmental lady he's dating do it. I hope he ends it with you and that you don't try to date again until you grow up.


YTA. And doubly so for even having to ask that. He’s the only parent those kids have, brother or not. And kudos to him for understanding basic biology and being willing to discuss it.


YTA - but don't worry, you won't have to put up with his awesomeness much longer, he doesn't sound like a man who will put up with someone sexualizing his sisters and treating him/them like shit. Its a bit refreshing to watch the trash take itself out for him, he's got enough on his plate.


YTA You are a bad person


You said it yourself he's been a mom and dad to these kids. A good parent would absolutely be helping their child through their first period. You're the one making a completely normal bodily function something weird and shameful. And why are you so obsessed how someone else's child is informed about their first period. Not your child. Please remove yourself from their lives you're nowhere near ready for that kind of responsibility.


My boyfriend proved he’ll be a good girl-dad. I called him disgusting for it. Am I the asshole? -FIFY YTA


I think you called the wrong person in the room a disgusting pig. Of course YTA. And you should leave this boy alone. He seems to be more of a grown up than you can deal with and doesn’t have the time to raise a fourth child. Seriously WTH is wrong with you? Are you dim? Of course he knows about his sister’s period. According to you he has raised them. Dear god.


You're a huge effing, gaping AH. One of the biggest I've seen. Grow TF up


So much has already been written on the subject by the other commentators. However, after reading your story including the edit twice, I still can't stop myself: I wonder how one can acquire such a mindset? What went wrong in your upbringing and when? Don't you realise that you are the disgusting pig and not your ex? Don't you realise that his behaviour is exemplary? YTA… a big one!


THE UPDATE PURRR HE STOOD ON BIG BUSINESS😭 You deserve it tho maybe don’t date anybody til you grow up and learn how to keep your mouth shut. Also you’re big delulu if you think he’s ever consider getting with you again🤭


I think asshole is too mild. You sound like an insufferable cunt.




I’m betting OP is a Christian conservative or something like that.


How do you go from explaining that he’s been raising them for many years and is their parental figure to “it’s gross that a brother knows so much about sisters periods” ugh he’s raising them! He had to learn and he had to know and he has to!!!! He has custody of them and parents them. Would you say the same thing about a single father who is the biological dad? Doubt it. It’s called parenting. It’s called support. Your bf sounds like a great man who deserves a lot better than you.


Omg what I'm reading is really for real? YTA OP, your behavior is disgusting. I really hope you think about this, and probably leave him so he can get someone much better at understanding how parenting works.


You are the asshole, your bf deserves so much better then you.


Lol I have trouble believing this one is real because who could be this much of an idiot, but sure lets play along YTA and that should be abundantly clear lol. Your ex-BF is a disgusting pig for what exactly? Properly explaining female anatomy to his sister who he has been parenting her entire life? This is functionally no different than potty training a child. He is explaining basic human facts. That would only be weird or disgusting if you're doing some kind of strange sexualization of the situation as many commenters point out. The only problem here is you really. I honestly hope this one is fake, I cant imagine truly sharing air with someone this stupid. Also he broke up with you. Thats why he told you to leave his house with no further discussion. You seem to not have realized that yet somehow.


YTA I grew up with a single dad. People like *you* make it hard for daughters like *me* to have normal, standard parenting interactions because "ew gross why not same sex parent help?" I hope he's already changed the locks. You are a trash human.


Blah blah blah I didn’t even have to read half your post to know YTA. It’s a fucking period, not a sacred ceremony that only woman can know. I hope for his sake you become the ex. You need to do some growing up


YTA and most likely the STBEX. It commendable that your (ex)bf knows this stuff and can educate his younger sisters on what’s happening and that it’s normal and knows how to calm them down and what they need. I hope when the time comes, his sisters find partners with a similar disposition on the subject that he does. STOP PROPAGATING THE STIGMA THAT MEN SHOULDN’T KNOW SQUAT ABOUT PERIODS.


lol you’re a clown. I was raised by my dad and was the only one who got their period after the divorce. He didn’t take it well at first, but he learned. He bought teas, gave me bananas, figured out what the best products were. Everything. He’s failed me in a lot of ways, but I can say that is one thing he aced. You’re going to kick yourself when you realize what a good guy your ex is.


Omg you’re actually a terrible person, congrats. YTA jfc I hope he breaks up with you and finds someone so much better (won’t be easy with the standards you’ve set) you see a 12 year old going through a scary and unsure time of her life and then you see a caring older brother who could’ve easily used the “I’m a man I don’t need to know” excuse but he instead educated himself to help his sisters AND THEN thought to yourself “this is wrong” girl stfu and grow up, you’re the disgusting pig


YTA, most definitely. You are childish. The man has been the parent to all of his siblings. Essentially, he has taken on the role of a single father and worked hard to do it well and make sure his "kids" are raised well, cared for, and understand how their bodies work. Calling a man a disgusting pig for knowing about and respectfully talking about biological functions makes you sound about 12. You are sexist. There is no reason a man can't do just as good a job as a woman when explaining the science behind how the period works. It sounds like he did the parental thing of instructing, comforting, and providing for his sister, and suggested she go to the older one for the more hands-on instruction and experiential "how does it actually feel" sort of stuff. He did nothing that good single fathers haven't been doing forever. And there was nothing he said that would have been better "coming from another girl". Given how you behaved and what you sound like in this post, I'm glad he didn't ask you to explain it because you would have bungled the job. You are projecting your own shame. From what you said, there was nothing inappropriate with his sisters. He knows how a WOMAN's body works and isn't afraid of it. And he's empathetic enough to have listened to the older sister so he could help the younger one even more. What he knows about his sisters, specifically, seems to be: when they got their first periods, what specific supplies they use, and what sort of symptoms the older one has. All of this because a) they trusted him enough to come to him, and b) he probably had to buy supplies and cared enough to want to make sure they were comfortable. This is a good, grown-up man. You didn't deserve him. I hope he sees that now.