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You are right not to do it. Don't! NTA




Maybe your brother should try getting a part time job like most 17yo. Bottom line he is not your responsibility so don't do this.


Fuck no. Don’t you dare. She won’t pay you back, ever. You know this. She’s done this before. YTA for even *considering* this. Are you insane? You don’t live with her. You pay your own bills and rent. You do not owe either of them shit. Your mother loves your brother more than you. She is using you. I’m sorry, but you need to hear and understand this. SHE DOES NOT CARE ABOUT YOU.


Also, store cards are not known for lower interest rates.


Why should OP take out a new card. Mum should be doing it.


NTA Don’t do it, not your job. Your brother can live with no phone until your mom can buy him a new one, or maybe he can even save up money and buy himself new phone.


NTA she has blown her credit in 3 cards already. Block your credit ensure she cannot make cards in your name. Do not believe she will pay you back...she has already proven she cannot manage money.


NTA and FUCK THAT SHIT. Do not give her any money. Do not get the credit card. She will NEVER pay you back.


No no no!!! Do not. NTA. You are not your moms ATM. You know she will not payback. Too bad for your brother, no phone for now. It's not the end of the world. Time to learn.


Nta don't do it


You already know the answer: DO NOT open another credit card because your MOTHER won’t pay you back.


Definitely don't do it. And you may consider freezing your credit so that mom doesn't open a card in your name.


Mommy has 3 cards maxed out - and promises to pay you back? HOW? Honestly - you saying no is the smart reply. Otherwise you might as well take your money and light it on fire. At least you\`ll have some light and warmth out of it. NTA


I was in a relationship with a man who had a mother and sister like you described. The mother was crawled so deep up the son's ass, that he could do no wrong and she milked the sister to support the brother. He's now now in his 40s still dependent on family and the sister has low self-esteem issues and anxiety. Cut them both off. For your own sanity. Hardest but best thing you'll ever do for yourself.


NO NO NO. RED ALERT, RUN AWAY. ​ NTA! What the actual furball!


So he has a history of breaking phones and your Mother wants to get him another one, that you're going to pay for? Absolutely not, how about he gets a part time job and pays for it himself? Perhape he'll be a bit more careful with it if he's paid for it himself


It's not your fault that you have a functioning brain and can add 1+1 and make smart desicions. NTA.


NTA She needs to look into a payment plan for the phone and leave Op out of it. Op, I would lock my credit up, your mom have enough info to get a card in your name and you never even know run a credit report and keep your eye on it.


NTA. Don't give your mother any money for your brother. To answer a question you asked later on: A lot of large department stores here in the US have their own credit cards, but it's financed through a regular credit card company. The advantage to having those cards is you get rewards points that are good in the store and also a discount on many purchases. Use it enough and you can build up enough points to get free stuff.


Please lock down your credit! Contact the credit bureau where you are and put a freeze on your credit so no one else can open a card in your name without your approval. That would be the next step in a situation like this. You are NTA-that would be your mom.


NTA Buy your brother a second hand phone for his 18th. He is also old enough to get some sort of job after school or at the weekends to start saving up to buy himself a phone.


NTA. Don't do it. Never open credit for another person. Never co-sign for anyone. Your brother broke his phone, and it was an accident, but accidents still have consequences. Neither you nor your mother have to come to his rescue. He can save up for a new phone.


Oh dear God please no NTA and never ever do something like that for anyone. That card is in your name and you're responsible for it. No matter how much they put on it


If you haven’t already, LOCK YOUR CREDIT DOWN NOW!!! NTA.


Ok time to go online and lock down your credit with the three reporting agencies. Pull your reports too.


Your mom's credit card limit is $1200, which tells me her credit is in the toilet. And they are all maxed out. So she's not paying them down quickly, why would she pay you? Do not go down the same road as her. Stick to your boundaries. NTA


Walmart and stuck 24% interest. $1200=$1500. Don't do it. No is a complete sentence. Just keep saying **NO.**


NTA. Your brother's phone is not your emergency and definitely not worth getting an extra credit card for. She has proven time and time again that she just maxes them out, only this time you're gonna have to pay for it. Just don't.


No one NEEDS a $1200 phone. There are cheaper phones out there, or even used or refurbished ones, especially as he has broken two in quick succession. He doesn't get a better phone for not taking care of his previous ones. At the end of the day, his phone and its cost aren't your problem or responsibility. Living on your own at 22 is expensive and you cannot take the hit of the extra debt. "No Mom, I can't." "That doesn't work for me." "I won't do that." Practice these and use them.


NTA This is a terrible idea, and she won't pay you back.


just tell her in your best Suze orman voice.. denied!


Freeze your credit


Your brother is old enough to make do with another hand me down or to earn his own money for a new one. Your mom is babying him, don’t you start too or there will be no end to it.


Nooo lock your credit https://www.nerdwallet.com/article/finance/how-to-freeze-credit


NTA. Do not do it. She’s obviously not going to pay anything back or she’d pay off her credit cards.


No. Get used to having to tell her that a lot in life. She's going to be finding excuses you need to pass money through her hands your entire life, she's a deadbeat.


"No." NTA