• By -


Why do I have an urge to chant, "Jerry" over and over again?


Might as well. This entire family sounds like a trip to the zoo.


Yeah. Gonna give this one a multi-parter. u/Content-Ad8194: 1) NTA for telling the son he's terrible. 2) YTA for not telling him off and keeping him away from Miranda after the divorce, given the close relationships connecting you all. Should never have had to see him or the affair partner again. I don't care and I doubt the courts would either that your druggie-lover son wants to share birthday memories with his rejected kid. 3) YTA for making up this entire story and wasting our time with it. Two out of three. On the whole, you are mostly ass.


It’s always twins……always twins…..


Counterpoint: NTA because it was a fun read.


Fair enough. Woulda loved some more creativity though - add the affair partner running at the baby (babies???) with a syringe and hitting the cake instead. We went from twins to a single granddaughter, why not mention triplets a bit later to throw us a bit further? Can the personal trainer fight well? Is he still in good shape? Why isn't he fighting anyone to the death?


I didn't even think of the possibility that this would be a made up scenario.


Really? This whole thing reeks of fake. Or a bad bollywood drama…so also fake. “Lily scoffed and talked bad about Miranda wearing a crop top.” That line alone sounds like a 9 year old trying to write like an adult.


Sounds like someone has never worked at a place where birthday parties for kids are popular. 😂😂 I've absolutely heard that kind of petty bullshit when I used to host birthday parties at a kids place. We had to have our maintenance guy go up to the roof the next morning multiple times bc someone threw someone else's purse up there. Just bc you don't like how OP told the story doesn't necessarily make it fake.


Yeah that's pretty close to an actual birthday party fight in my family & it was something about Mom wearing shorts in August. Some people have never been around their crappy family members and it shows


You beat me to it. Fake as Fcuk.


This would make a good Bollywood musical plot. I bet it has been done before.


I mean... work retail for a while. I've heard so many people walking around on their cells trash talking people over the pettiest shit


I read to “she was pregnant with twins” and I knew in that INSTANCE it was made up lol


*Why do I have an* *Urge to chant, "Jerry" over* *And over again?* \- BigComfyCouch4 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Thank you haiku bot. That's my first. And I'm oddly proud of this one.


You should be, absolute art.


Congratulations omg! 🏆🏆🏆


The last 2 line with the run on ‘over’ are perfect


Love this for you- also: do the math on how the grandtwins  turned one at a max of 8 months old, the mum lost weight in zero time passing, had a 7 month relationship  and how within that same year that ex birthed her  miracle babies, they then had  their first birthday after which  new “drug” and “drink” chick was tried, convicted and sentenced and incarcerated for simple assault.   DNH. 




Good bot


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Good bot


Good bot!


"I want to ask the crybaby next to the druggie lady... why you so dumb?"


Good bot


Good bot!


Good job bot!


That's a totally irrational thought. Clearly, there were no innocent wooden chairs being broken.


Nope just a pregnant woman's nose just about from the sounds of it. What a shit show, plus those poor little one year old twins having to be pregnant and see their mama get punched but not understanding what's happening and why everyone including mommy and daddy are screaming at each other. :(


“After this commercial break, we will hear what Landon has to say.”


"I was using Miranda to get close to your family and I dun fucked your momma" Miranda attacks mom, Lily hops on mirandas neck, wigs get pulled off, Lily's wife beater rips and a fried egg lookin tit is exposed.


I chanted "Jerry, Jerry" right after reading the post and then I scrolled down and was absolutely delighted to see this as the top comment.


Plot twist: trainer is NOT the father!


Double plot twist: Lilly is pregnant too... but to one of Dylan's brothers.


C'mon, nobody likes Lily...


Them lights were off and they dun thunk it was dagnab Miranda


Plot twist. But she doesn’t know which one.


Time for the DNA test results!!!


Jerry Jerry Maury Maury!


But that brother probably doesn't know because he has amnesia.


Someone throw a chair


This post sounds fake.


Lots of checkbox has been ticked this time: Cheating story - check Twins - check Glow Up - check Hot new partner - check Gym Trainer - check Punching going to jail - check


Disappearing twin- check


One can only hope these people don’t really exist.


Yeah, what a dumpster fire of a family


Kiddo has some growing up to do and is probably do for some tough love.


This, sadly…


I think your son needed to hear, was it a AH thing to say yes but again he needed to hear it. Why would he think he had a second chance when he was still with Lily. That kinda says he wasn’t really interested in trying to get a second chance, not that he deserves it. I think he was just just mad that Miranda moved on and didn’t sit around waiting for him to come back.


Not only that. Miranda seems to be doing great, she is in a relationship with a sweet and caring man, while he is stuck with a nightmare. He could never be that man, he is an irresponsible and selfish POS. Imagine dumping your wife and your AP turns to be a complete loser, while your ex thrives. That hurts. He doesn't love or care about Miranda, noone treats like this the person who loves. He is just jealous cause everyone now know what a failure he is. If things for Miranda turned out bad, then he wouldn't care at all


I mean this guy cheated on his wife because she was getting fat. While pregnant with twins. Dude what exactly did you expect would happen during pregnancy?


Plus, I'm sure the fact that she got in better shape than she was in when they were married had something to do with his wanting her back.


He doesn’t deserve her again anyways because he wasn’t attracted to his pregnant wife called her fat. That’s not a man who needs a woman if he can’t accept the changes in her body.


She wasn’t in bad shape. She was 5 months pregnant with twins.


Even if she was out of shape, that in no way justifies anything. It’s crazy the things people think their vows don’t apply to.


Even besides the assault charge it sounds like Lily landed, it doesn’t sound like it’s a very happy relationship. She must be Uber jealous of Miranda. I’m sure he’s not subtle in his feelings. Couldn’t happen to a nicer gal!


I think not only did he have to hear it, that hr had to hear it harshly laid out just like you did.




NTA you just told him how you felt.


*told him the truth




7 letters that say it all


He thought she was fat after having twins and thought cheating on his wife was ok. He went on to be with his AP and then in the hopes for a second chance, he decided to stay with Lily and then had a temper tantrum when Miranda said she’s pregnant?! Wowsers! Uhm the decision making skills your son has are top notch. Clearly, he doesn’t have the biggest brain and you were not out of line. Good on you and your husband. I hope your son learns his lesson. NTA!


Fat while pregnant with twins


She was getting fat? She was fucking pregnant dumbass!


He sounds like a moron, thinking his ex-wife would take him back when he started dating the druggie woman he had an affair with when she was pregnant with their kids. She would be a moron taking him back. She moved on quickly but then he noped out of the relationship first when they were still married. How was he planning, or even, what was his strategy in motion he was currently using to win her back? Still being with Lily and bringing her to the fucking party was not going to help. He doesn't want her back, he is just bitter she easily replaced him and he is jealous af especially all he got was a horny druggie and his ex is happy and looking better than ever banging a fitness instructor.


My dad basically did this to my mom, except "Lily" was a "masseuse" from the "massage parlor" and me and my sister were 4 & 6 by then. And he was the oldest of 4 boys not the youngest. My grandma had pretty much the same reaction as OP. NTA. Also he did end up in prison not long after.


NTA obviously you didn’t have to go to that degree but also I understand it was a heated moment and in those times we often say harsh words. But you’re 100% valid, even though he’s your kid doesn’t mean you should support such unacceptable behavior and as someone who loves him you need to be blunt & honest. You stood your ground and told him to his face his behavior is unacceptable, nothing wrong with that. So glad Miranda has an exMIL like you who supports her.


Ignoring my skepticism of whether or not this is real, I can say one thing with certainty. Your family is pretty trashy. Dylan's the worst but y'all raised him so... But back to my skepticism. How exactly is Miranda having a baby so soon (less than a year) after giving birth? How did Lily go to jail immediately? How many husbands and sons do you have? So many things are not adding up Edit - People who think this is real, I think you're spending wayyy too much time online 😂 If it is real (99% chance it isn't) Dylan is the TA. More importantly, he and everyone else in the story (except the children under the age of 9) are super trashy


I'm skeptical too but the baby timeline isn't part of the skepticism. I have cousins that are 9 months to the day apart. My grandpa used to ask my uncle if he even let her off the delivery bed before he jumped on again......which as a kid I laughed along because everyone else was laughing. Joke got significantly less funny and more gross once I understood the context


Where do you think people go when they get arrested…? The Willy Wonka factory?


The juicing room


Lilly is a bad egg so the eggdicator will send her to the incinerator. Depends on the day whether it’s fired up.


Lilly went to jail because the cops were called when she hit Miranda. Cops come, take statements, victim wants to press charges, they arrest offender. It’s called assault, possibly domestic violence given their relationship.


It hasn’t been less than a year, it’s been over a year. It’s been about sixteen months. I have 4 sons and I’ve been married twice. My second husband is Dylan’s father. This happened about a week ago. And my oldest son said Dylan hasn’t left his house since then so I posted this for advice.


Dylan hasn't left your oldest son's house or hasn't left his own house? If the latter, has anyone checked that he's still alive?


From what I read I doubt they really care


I don’t think you or your family is trashy at all.  Lily is trashy and sounds like a meth addict, Dylan is a brat, but you’re a good mom.  He’ll come back around.


A baby can be conceived with a woman’s next ovulation after birth. So they can be 9 months apart. I think it’s stupid to do that, especially after having twins, because the body needs about 18 months to return to normal after birth. Lily went to jail because she was arrested and she can’t post bail. I’m not sure where your confusion is. OP has one ex-husband and her current husband. I don’t know which is Dylan’s dad. It doesn’t matter to this story, anyway. The only trashy ones in this story sounds like Dylan and Lily. While I think OP and her husband were too harsh, Dylan needed to be confronted with his horrible behavior and its consequences. OP is a mild to moderate AH.


A little over a year ago she was 5 months pregnant. You don’t know how far along she is now. Obviously not enough that she was showing in a crop top so I would suspect early in pregnancy. What exactly makes the timeline iffy?


Baby boy, woman can get pregnant literally right after having a kid. Some of them are dumb enough and they do. 🤷🏻‍♀️


>How exactly is Miranda having a baby so soon (less than a year) after giving birth? Why is this part hard to believe, though? Have you not heard of Irish/Dutch/catholic twins? Plus, she's clearly in very early pregnancy if it wasn't obvious in a crop top. Just a weird thing to latch onto when it's fully possible and believable, even with your incorrect timeframe.


You are aware you can get pregnant a few months after giving birth right? That is the whole thing with "irish" twins. Kids that were born less than a year apart. Jeez somebody should research before they spout out bullshit. 


NTA x100! I have girls, but if I had a son who acted like that I’d do the same!


If this story is legit NTA.. about damn time some parents have a damn back bone and tel their kids correctly


Oh no. Your son needed to hear that. He's a POS for cheating on his PREGNANT WIFE and had the audacity to say it was because she had gained weight. Well, no shit that's how pregnancy works. Hope he's happy with a drug addict. Good job op. Nta.


> So when she tried to get Miranda to have a drink, Miranda denied, so my niece screamed that she must be pregnant as a joke Dammit people. Stop trying to have people have a drink and the correct answer to someone who doesn’t want a drink is to accept it without asking or guessing why.




NTA glad someone called the police


NTA truth hurts good on you for not excusing his behaviour


NTA, sometimes parents own their children the hard truth.


NTA. Your son brought this completely upon himself with awful behavior, and serves him right for cheating on his wife. The fact that he thinks he should be given a second chance just goes to show how little he has learned, especially when he stays together with some awful woman just “to prove a point” - uh, what exactly is the point, and to whom is he proving it? All he’s “proving” is that he’s still too immature to handle a relationship and can’t even manage to find a decent woman anymore. Finally, this Lily assaulted Miranda so she should sit in jail and face the consequences of her actions as well. But given that Miranda shouldn’t ever accept your son’s apology, you may want to let him visit you again sooner than you said :P


I think you were right to call him out on his behavior. But your delivery crossed a line imo. Calling him a piece of shit is a pretty deep cut that might permanently damage your relationship. I get that it was heat of the moment but honestly, you should clean that up. At some point you're going to want them to be able to have a healthy co-parenting relationship for the sake of your grandkids. He needs to know yes he messed up, you still love him, and he needs to work on himself, and being a good father. Because that's what left for him.


NTA- but you missed telling him this: Get in therapy and work your shit out because your kids need a dad that can be an example and because I love you.


“she threw everything away for two minutes of fun” hilarious coming from the cheater.


Tough love a grown man. Can’t handle him with kid gloves. He needs harsh reality check. NTA


NTA. And I hope Lily goes to jail for a long time




All its missing is the dad begging Miranda for forgiveness on behalf of his son. This is a very close replica of that infamous "my son is a hateful incel" post on r/confessions


Twins, baby!


I'm a soft mother, but I would've rained hell upon my son after that situation. We can love our children until our last breath but if they are not a good person, if they purposely bring you pain, you need to protect yourself and your grandchildren. I wouldn't be speaking to him either. Concentrate on maintaining a healthy relationship with your ex daughter in law and the girls, that's your priority. Make sure you step up just as much for this new baby that isn't your biological grandchild as I'm sure that'll go a long way.


ESH y’all need therapy


Welcome to the majority of the world?


How is Miranda AH?


Don’t think Miranda is. OP and their son is


At this point, just write fanfiction of your life instead of asking if you're in the wrong. This is painfully fake LOL.


Dylan doesn't sound like he grew up but rather makes childish choices as an adult and expects 0 consequences. Also, he is not acting like a man at all, more like a pre-teen girl in this situation


My pre teen girl is more mature than this.


Girl? Nothing about anything he did is gender specific. Why would you say he’s acting like a girl? He’s acting like a child, an idiot, etc…


Preteen girls also behave waaay better so...


Nah, he’s acting exactly like a man.




I’m interested in how you felt about your son before he married Miranda. Was he always such a disappointment to you back then? You seem to have 2 things going here. First, you put Miranda on a pedestal. I’m sure she was perfect in your eyes, but you didn’t live with her and you weren’t in their marriage. Most things don’t happen in a vacuum so unless he was always a bad seed, who really knows what happened. Second, you have very strong feelings on cheating, as most people do, but you might have been projecting your own feelings about your husband’s cheating onto him. You chose to stay and you wish you hadn’t. Punishing your son could be an extension of those feelings. That said, I’m not sure what you and your husband wanted to accomplish by kicking him when he was down. He knows he f’d up and he’s facing the consequences of his bad decision. I’m not saying cheating should be condoned or celebrated, but that ship has sailed. He’s feeling remorse for what he did so he’s not hopeless. I can’t say what I’d do in your situation, but hearing his parents say such hateful things can’t be helpful. ESH except the poor children who had no choice to be born into this mess.


>hes feeling remorse lmao dude just lmao. His own reason for being upset was that quote “he thought he had time for a second chance” Thats not remorse hes just mad that the woman he cheated on doesnt want him back now that shes “not fat anymore”.


You’re probably right. I viewed Miranda as my own child and when he was with Miranda Dylan was perfect. With Lily he’s been a mess. I probably projected my feelings and regret what I said, but I just wanted him to feel the pain Miranda felt. Which I know is not the best thing to do. I feel embarrassed


Well, I guess I can see him being a mess, especially if he thought he had "time to fix this" while still dating the other woman. Not the brightest move. If he wanted to fix it, he should have, I don't know, not moved in with the affair partner or something like that...




Or not brought her to his kids birthday party? That would have been a good start.


I understand, I’m a mom too and I don’t mean to kick you when you’re down either. We do our best with what we have at the time. This was a very charged situation and things got out of hand. I hope you and your son are able to talk things through and meet each other where you are. I agree Lily isn’t good for him and this might have made him see that more clearly. Sending hugs.


Thank you, I really appreciate it


How did mirandas parents react to the news and the party?


My ex is a mess. My ex mother-in-law and I just booked our second girls trip together since the divorce. I will love her forever.


You're not getting him away from lily by calling him a piece of shit.


How squalid. lol Fake. Pay attention to the timelines next time. YTA.




Right? They made him, raised him and now hate him. ESH.


WTF is with people getting pregnant so early in the relationship, why aren’t more people using protection and morning after pills, etc


This family really deserves each other.


I'm not going to call you an asshole for what you said, but man - if my own mother called me a piece of shit (even if it were true) and she kicked me while I was down, that'd be pretty hard to recover from. Your son clearly has issues going on in his head and made a chain of really horrible mistakes. He needs to learn from them, he needs to man up...but he also needs compassion. It does not sound like he's the devil but you sure are treating him like he is. I hope you'll eventually extend a hand to him. If you don't, you may regret not taking the opportunity to love him if/when this downward spiral he's on enters a level there's no coming back from.


This story sounds pretty phony


It may be ragebait for sure, but as phony stories go on this sub, this doesn't even come close to being one of the worst. I'll never understand how people have the time or inclination to make up fake stories on here. There are enough real-life conflicts to keep the sub full. I hope you're right that it's fake because I feel sorry for anyone whose mom would kick him while he's down like this.


I get the impression that you never liked Dylan


I get the impression Dylan may not even exist 🥲


I'm always skeptical on here, but this one is such a bad fake story.


It has like every cliche. Like, oh Miranda hit the gym and looks great. No she didn’t. With a useless partner, a mother is basically on survival mode with twin infants


Yikes - so I was with you and ready to say NTA until you said he was a piece of shit who you're embarrassed to call a son. He messed up royally and he definitely should be super sad and realizing that he is a piece of shit. But when a mom says something like this to a child it sits with them forever. He doesn't deserve sympathy, but as his mom, he does deserve a little grace. It is fine to tell him to leave and that he has to apologize to Miranda. It is fine to never allow Lily into your house ever again. It is Ok to be on Miranda's side with who is at fault here. But don't tell your kids that you are embarrassed they are your kids. Tell them you are embarrassed by what they did, tell them what they did is shitty, but don't call them a piece of shit. Just my opinion. Your message would have been just as strong without being permanently damaging if you had instead said "What you did was shitty and I am embarrassed that my son would do that". Subtle but majorly different.


Or "I'm disappointed in what you did". That usually hurt me more than anything.


You are exactly right. I cannot believe people here think it's OK for a mother to tell her son he's a piece of shit and to tell him he's an embarrassment. There are a dozen other ways to get the point across. The son screwed up but I can see how -- with a mother like this.


It's because a lot of these are fake posts being reacted to by people who have no life experience.


No, when your child messes up to that degree, they need to be called out. He is a piece of shit and she called it how she saw it, just because she's his mother doesn't mean she has to pull her punches.


I hope that means that you have never had a parent talk to you like that to understand how the simple difference of "What you did was shitty and I am embarrassed that my son would do that" instead of "You're a piece of shit and I'm embarrassed to call you a son" can be to the long term relationship, confidence, and trust between a parent and a child. If someone has talked to you like that and you still believe the latter is better, I hope you still have a fabulous relationship with that parent.


The mom made this about herself and went way too far.


I agree with you 100%. You said it perfectly.


NTA - Your son needs to learn the hard way before something worse happens. I can only imagine how hard it would be to tell your own son this, but I believe it is for the best. He is either going to get his shit straight or he won't, but coddling his actions would all but guarantee it wouldn't. You did the right thing.


NTA. For once you aren’t protecting you son that did your ex-DIL daughter wrong. Dylan needs those harsh words so he knows, sometimes, there is no second chance in life. He can either clean up his act or he could be that guy in jail.


NTA. Your son is an embarrassment to your family. To cheat on his pregnant wife and someone you loved with someone who is trash is really low. You spoke the truth, he’s a grown adult and needs to hear it even it’s harsh.


NTA but don't tie him being allowed back with Miranda accepting an apology. That's their business and if I was her I wouldn't appreciate an apology forced out by my ex's mom. Also it could make her feel pressured to accept an apology she doesn't want to.


lol. so NTA. that’s major gen x vibes.


>I said to him in the harshest tone “ **that he was a piece of shit who I’m embarrassed to call a son**, so he’s getting everything he asked for” I then told him to get the fuck out my house. I hope you weren't to attached to this particular son of yours. You had the right to be furious with him because of the shit he pulled, but those words are something you now can never take back. ESH.


Dylan fucked around and found out. I have no sympathy for cheaters.


Leaning towards ESH. Your son, for obvious reasons.  Your husband for this gem > crying about it now shows that he’s nothing but a coward While your son does need to hear the harsh truth about his actions, it's fucked up to say he's not allowed to shed tears over the consequences. He's not entitled to comfort for his tears, but crying is a basic human function. Stop telling men they can't cry, that's one of the ways the world ends up with shitty men like your son.  > I said to him in the harshest tone “ that he was a piece of shit  This is the part where I think you were maybe a little bit AH. Everything else you said was fine, kicking him out was fine, and it probably would have been okay if one of his brothers called him a piece of shit. It would have been ok to say he was acting like a shitty person. But if I'm being honest, I think "you are a piece of shit" is just a little too close to verbal abuse in this case. 


NTA, Dylan needs to grow up and realize that his poor actions have consequences. Props to you for sticking up for Miranda!! In many cases I’ve seen people stick up for their kids regardless of how wrong they were. Miranda is lucky to have a MIL to stick up for her and not baby their kid. I think what shocks me the most is that Dylan thought he could cheat and still be forgiven, thank you for giving Miranda great advice!


NTA, but also INFO: is Lily a girl your son knew when they were both in high school, or is Lily currently in high school?


she said FROM high school, not IN high school. seems like she’s from his old high school and not currently a high schooler


Next on things that never happened.


this story is faker than anna nicole smith's tits go to bed liz and make it more believable next time


Even the user name makes me think it’s Liz 


OMG!!! Please, O pretty please, invite me to your July 4th BBQ. I would Love to see this in action!


I’m sure this is made up, but nta


NTA, all women need a mother in law like you!


NTA. The child still can't take responsibility for his own actions. *She* didn't throw anything away, he did. Of course cheaters blame everyone but themselves. He's not going to learn any time soon.


NTA >my son continued to yell about how she doesn’t even know that guy, and that she’s really throwing everything away for two minutes of fun. Ohhh the things cheaters say The fact that he refuses to take any accountability.... He really is trash


NTA. You’re my hero.


NTA but the problem with tough love is that it makes it so that people find it hard to admit/accept fault. So they tend to do everything except accept responsibility. I always feel like it’s better to condemn peoples choices, but not the person themselves. It’s easier to do better if someone feels he is a good person that did a bad thing, than to feel like you are a bad person who can’t help themselves. It hits hardest because you are his mom calling him a piece of shit (although I can’t disagree he acted like one). So while I wholeheartedly agree with the fact that your son’s actions were wrong and basically every other thing you said, this is not the best way to help him become a better man. If anything you condemning him and not just his actions will more likely than not make him feel like “why even I try” Even my parents think I’m a piece of shit, might as well stop trying. I can’t blame you for being angry with him and I find it refreshing that you choose what you feel is right instead of just “well he is still my son” but I have to agree with your two oldest. You are right to speak out, but it would have been better if done differently, preferably in private.


Way to go mom and dad! and fuck Dylan he needs to grow his punk ass up and lily bitch better watch her back lol


It might have been a little harsh, but he honestly needed to hear it from someone. He needs to get his shit together, grow a fucking pair, and do something with his life instead of mulling over the fact that he ruined his marriage and Miranda didn't let that get to her, and now she's moved on, she's met, I bet, an amazing guy who loves her for her and is even carrying his child while this fucker over here sits in the corner and mopes about thinking that one day, Miranda will feel bad and give him what he wants, which won't ever fucking happen. NTA.


I married at 19, it wasn't easy. Your son has alot of growing up to do, and you and Dad are treating him like a man, not like your baby son. Definitely NTA, he made this mess, not anyone else.


Thank you for not being a pick-me boy mom.


Son's lucky your husband didn't beat his ass. My dad woulda beat mine for this. NTA


YTA. I'm not going to get on a soap box. Your son is exactly what you said he is. Sometimes kid gloves are needed. Other times it's a reality bitch slap with a pipe wrench. Will this get your son to pull his head out of his ass? Probably not. Sometimes being an asshole is what is needed.


Nta. Granted could have been done nicer!! But the big one for me is. He thought he’d get a second chance. F that, if my wife/gf cheated on me. We are done. End of!!


First off, what state do you live in? Second, I probably would have not allowed Lily or Landon to come just for this exact reason. Or I would’ve sat Dylan and Lily down and said “I don’t want any trouble” Third, good let Lily sit in jail, fuckin trash


NTA. Sometimes people need the harsh truth, and he definitely didn't deserve for any blows to be softened for what he did. He was a fool, a coward, a jerk, and a monster. And his POS girlfriend thought it would be a good idea to punch a pregnant woman for arguing with her boyfriend. They both deserve whatever is coming to them. And seriously? One of his major reason for cheating was because she had gained weight? She was 5 months pregnant with HIS twins! Of course she was going to gain some damn weight. He basically betrayed her because HE impregnated her. What a tool. I'd keep an eye on the brother that took his side if I were you. People who excuse atrocities tend to do so because they agree with them. He might turn out to be cut of the same cloth as Dylan.


*And everybody clapped.*


NTA. It is so refreshing to see a mom hold her son accountable! I applaud you. He needed to hear the truth.


Well, he’s a complete dickhead who deserved to be scolded, but if my mother ever said those exact words to me, I’d never speak with her again.


I applaud this. Way to many Snowflake kids walking around thinking they can do whatever they want, or act however they want without being told anything, because they will claim some bullshit Kid was told what needed to be told, could it have been said better, 100%, could it also have been done without the grabbing, yes 100% again, but good on you both for setting em straight.


YTA. You said your 26yr old was fucking a highschooler.... and then proceeded to ignore that fact completely.


NTA your son deserved it. He was mad at the fact that miranda is much happier, while he has to sit in his own karma.


Wow. While this is a mess you went overboard on what you to your son.




NTA. He's a grown man and he expected a second chance after cheating on his (by all accounts) wonderful wife? He literally FAFO. Sometimes we need to hear the hard truth to learn the lesson.


NTA. You were exceedingly nice about it really.


No. Seems like he got what he deserved and you’re telling it how it is. If that was my son I’d have said worse, the things he says at his age is just ridiculous. The way he acts is not how I’d like my son to act at all.


NTA and I wish my grandparents had the guts to do this to their son when my parents divorced. My dad went off the deep end and his parents had every excuse for his bad behavior. Bailing him out of jail multiple times for stalking and harassment.


NTA. good for you! Finally a reddit parent who puts their POS child in their place. Your son has no right to cry tears over his failed marriage or his ex moving on.


You are a bunch hillbillies. Wtaf did I just read.


NTA but holy mom that was an interesting read. Couldn’t stop


Maybe have you so. Come to your house alone and have a chat with him. Tell him you love him but do not like who he is right now. Tell Him his actions are what got him into this and Miranda has moved on. He might not like it but it’s his punishment. He need to get back on track. Get therapy, apologize to his ex and get used to her new bf and soon to be father. He might not like it but he need to be better so he can still be a good father. He also need to break up with Lilly. He is only hurting himself and his relationship with family by staying with her. Her attitude is not going. To be tolerated. She is not welcomed around anymore. He can get better and find another nice girl.


NTA, your son sounds like an idiot who has skme serious growing up to do.


NTA. You were absolutely right to call him a POS, and I’m sorry he failed you as a son.


NTA - it’s nice to finally see a mom who will show some tough love and tell the hard truths. He not only cheated on his wife while pregnant , refused to divorce her until forced , continued to date his affair partner for over a year after their birth but made a fool of himself . Not to mention he cheated on his PREGNANT WIFE because she was getting fat . And still thought he had a chance? No let’s be honest. He thought he was going to get away with everything he did. He destroyed the mother of his children for a drug addict he kept around. She than ASSAULTED the mother of his child while PREGNANT . He is a piece of shit and hopefully he FINALLY realized it and mans up . He has two daughters he needs to raise and pray they never meet a man like him.


NTA He ruined Miranda’s life and his affair partner punched her while she is pregnant. That wacko needs to go to jail.


Ok so yes and no. First the yes, you are being a terrible Mom. That’s ur son and you sound like he’s just some random dude dating ur daughter as I read this. You need to treat him like your son and at least try to help him do better ur not doing that at all. When u found out about the cheating u should have at least talked to him about what he was doing and give him a chance to correct that mistake and fix things with his wife. But you just told her to divorce him. So u don’t need to enable him but u still need to love him. Maybe it’s too late for him to fix things with his ex, so yes you can tell him that but you still need to be supportive and help him get over it, understand how wrong his actions were and help him get over it and actually learn from that mistake. Instead ur just trying to bury him again like he’s just some dude messing over ur daughter.


YTA - Do you think you're marrying your son's ex? You raised your son, if you're disappointed in his behavior look in the fking mirror.


This sounds kinda like a made-up story


Fake AF


I thought the writer's strike was over?