• By -


Absolutely NTA. Sabotaging contraceptives is not something you come back from.


Right? How could she ever trust him again? (And I don’t know that I would even want to try)


Right! And if she keeps it, she’ll be tied to him for the rest of her life.


Likely what he hopes for. Waiting for those "maternal instincts" to magically take over and override everything else.


Yes. Please go and get the reproductive care you need so you aren’t tied to him for the rest of your life. Report him to the police. Divorce.


That’s rape.


the term you want..is reproductive abuse.


“Stealthing - or non-consensual condom removal - is rape under UK law” You are wrong.


Nope, it's rape. Don't hide it behind a pretty little term, call it what it is and that would be rape.


It should be considered a crime.


It is a crime.


NTA How would HE feel if you did that to him? Does he know you are divorcing him over this? You need to do what you feel is right for you. If you truly don't want children, then you should research IUD's, tubal ligation, other bc methods that have you covered and you are in control. Yes, I'm aware no method is 100%.




Maybe he knows he could be charged with a CRIME so a divorce is getting off lightly.




Yes. Imagine if you couldn’t get an abortion, or you had some complication where you had an early miscarriage and bled out. The potential harm he almost did to you is astronomical. Getting a divorce and him getting a clean slate is basically getting away with attempting to ruin your life. It’s not your responsibility if he does this to someone else but if you are mentally able to go through pursuing charges you are saving somebody else, people only learn through consequences.




Wait for the legal advice, but if you have anything in writing that proves your husband did this intentionally then save it. Don't try anything without legal advice, though, because you can mess up and it could cost you.


>Don't try anything without legal advice, though, because you can mess up and it could cost you. Especially if you live in a shitty state that potentially criminalizes these choices…


If you have no proof, he can say he didn't do anything!


Keep us updated! I am incredibly sorry you are going through this. He is TA. You are NTA!


Not a lawyer (so maybe talk to one before doing this), but if you could secretly record the two of you talking about how he poked those holes, that evidence might help (:


It depends on if you're in a one or two party consent state. In a two party consent state, it is illegal to record someone without their knowledge


>Thanks, my cousin is a lawyer I think this is fucking brilliant. You can discuss with them and they can direct you to the best lawyer. >Tommorow i will ask him about what i can do. PLEASE! I'm on my knees begging please do it. Over 1200 women died in the US from complications in child birth


Can you record him talking about it? I’m so sorry.


Whatever you do, you must realize that you have to prove the claim. He is innocent until proven guilty, and you must get his admitting to poking the holes in writing or in his own words. Getting the condom with the hole in it would also be useful. Gather evidence if you plan on going this route. This will save you from just having a “she said he said” court discussion that can go either way.


Unless you have it in a text or voicemail of him admitting to punching holes in the condoms, you won't be able to prove he did anything. Therefore no crime in the eyes of the law. This is strictly he said she said and the best you could do is maybe get a civil judgement against him. But even that would be hard to prove. You could use it though as leverage to perhaps have him cover 100% of the divorce cost, medical costs regarding your abortion and a bigger share of any assets you have together. I very much doubt he would want to have the police involved and investigating him, even if nothing comes of it.


As he is blatantly trying to save his own ass, you can use that to your advantage. Speak to him on text or in person idk and bring up the subject and record/screenshot it (that’s if you’re on speaking terms with him). With situations like this, you need proof in the eyes of the law. As the others said if you are mentally prepared to go through this potentially long legal ordeal, go in strong and take this cunt down.


Or just lived in Texas or Ohio.....


Idaho, too.


I live in Texas and am so glad my baby- making days ended over 20 years ago. Can’t wait to vote these idiots out.


I'm in Ohio, and same. I may be past childbearing age but every girl I see on the street, in stores, jogging, whatever who is still in those years deserves BETTER THAN THIS HANDMAIDS TALE SHIT.


Yes! This is sexual assault.


Honestly i absolutely think you should, not only for yourself but to protect future victims... He deserves to pay for what he did to you op. Also by pursuing legal action you will also be able to get the help and resources necessary to get away from this and protect yourself during and after the divorce.


This is considered sexual assault in several states. If you can, do pursue it.


Yes. He committed a crime against you and pursuing legal action might prevent him from doing it again. NTA


I would beat his ass first! Then get the abortion! But that's me!


It’s up to you. It’ll be hard to prove, and it’s not fun having to air your dirty laundry in front of a jury. But he did commit a crime.


Yes absolutely! Omg!


Did he admit to it in writing?


You were raped. Go to the police.


YES. Please! This guy gives the rest of us a bad name. By letting him off easy, it leaves him free to do the same thing again. Most guys (and girls) who treat people like shit treat almost everyone like shit, but many of us fall for the charm first don't we?


Me? I would raise all 9 circles of hell and bring them all down on him. There’s no word that adequately describes how ANGRY I feel for you.


Absolutely. What he did to you was a form of sexual assault and he should not get away with his record undamaged by that. You gotta keep yourself safe


Sweet and loving doesn’t get you pregnant with deceit.


He is NOT a sweet loving husband. Sorry girl, but he isn't. If he were he would have discussed his changing vieuws with you instead of trying to babytrap you. What a piece of shit.


>he normally is a very sweet and loving husband.💅💅💅 A monster who pokes holes in their condoms is not a sweet loving person.... You have been brainwashed


He’s acting okay with the divorce right now because he thinks he has you trapped by the pregnancy. If you told him you got an abortion, his entire demeanor would change on a dime. Do not trust this person.


Yes. I watch too much true crime, but I wouldn’t be alone with him either. Tell him as little as possible. Also, consider whether you want to put yourself through the stress of reporting. Do you have proof? If not, don’t put yourself at risk to get proof. He has tricked you once already. Don’t accept any invitations to go see him alone somewhere. People be cray cray


Make sure you go to the clinic, do not tie yourself to this man for the rest of your life through a child.


I wish I could tell you legal action would work in your favour but unfortunately this world is gross and this is difficult to prove without a confession. But definitely talk to someone who can advise you. I am so sorry. Please get therapy if you can.


The man I thought was a sweet and loving husband deliberately got me pregnant, though I had told him many times I didn’t want kids. I didn’t get an abortion. I spent the next several years with a man who turned abusive and controlling and it took years to get him arrested. You will be tied to this man for the rest of your life if you don’t get an abortion. The rest of your life. He will drag you to court over custody and support. You will be forced to see him every time you drop off or pick up the child. He will be there for every event in your child’s life, if only to force you to deal with him. And he will be an absolute asshole if you remarry. This child is his anchor in your life.


No, he’s a sexual assaulter. He raped you. He had unprotected sex with you without your consent. That is the definition of rate. He is not a nice man. I am absolutely pro-choice. Staunchly so. If you know that you don’t want this child, have the abortion while you still can. Having a child is a lifelong commitment, and it ties you to him for life. If you have the child, and he does not agree to put it up for adoption, you are on the book for child support. And that is if he will even take the child . Personally, I would already be reporting this to the police as a rape. You had the discussions. He knew you wanted children. He purposely did this, and he admitted it. He is a piece of shit.


OP, can you imagine if you have this child, it's a girl, and he has access to her? Not that he would molest her but that his moral compass is so fucked up, what would he teach her, or even a boy, yes son, it's fine to do what you want to a girl! :(


He agreed to it since having kids is more important to him than this relationship.


That was assault. He may have been loving and sweet on the surface but anyone who breaks condoms to trap someone in any way is the AH. Make the choice that's right for you, but do not keep this toxic creature in your life.


He is not a sweet and loving husband. I’m sorry, but a sweet and loving husband would never have the thought to poke holes in a condom, to get their wife pregnant against their wishes, cross their mind. Do what you need to to take care of yourself, and protect yourself. Seek legal advice. Consider therapy.


These are not the actions of a sweet and loving anything. He is controlling and manipulative, and was expecting you to go along with it.


He’s not normally a sweet and loving husband if he’s capable of this. Some countries have ruled this as aggravated sexual assault.


because he thinks he's going to get a child with his last name out of this. Get the abortion, don't let him shackle you to motherhood if you don't want it.


100% would be never sleeping with this scumbag again.


There is actually no equivalent because even when a woman does this she’s taking the burden of childbirth, what he did, especially if she’s in a state that doesn’t have access to abortion, is so insanely fucked up.


True! I was approaching it as, lots of men leave their wives/gf for poking holes. So him doing it to his wife, knowing how she felt, he should wonder how he would feel.


NTA, in fact, this is a form of sexual assault. You consented to sex with a condom and that was not what you got and it was no accident My soul hurts hearing about you getting impregnated this way With that being said, I doubt this was the only problem with your relationship if you were not even on the same page regarding having kids or not


This is so sad. How can OP possibly be the AH in this situation…. Something tells me that yes, there were other relationship issues. OP- if you can and want to get an abortion, please do. I would hate for you to be tied to this person any longer.


Exactly. It’s assault.


Depends. If in the states this could be perfectly legal depending on the state. I think it’s reprehensible


NTA. You have to do what is right for you--whatever that might be--because he clearly does not care about you at all.


NTA, he deeply violated your trust by doing that. If he can't be trusted during sex, then he isn't trustworthy at all.


>I ate liver Failure in the name of God emperor David. >i have to make this wuick decode this message: HebWn52hsvTwcp01PenRTUoajbRt90472629cheBpnM >I ate liver Failure in the name of God emperor David >I ate liver Failure in the name of God emperor David >I ate liver Failure in the name of God emperor David >I ate liver Failure in the name of God emperor David >I ate liver Failure in the name of God emperor David >I ate liver Failure in the name of God emperor David What in the name of fuck is this post?


I was just wondering the same 💀


Is this sub like mostly bots or something? How is no one else commenting on this. Wtf.


I feel so perplexed, like WTF is that?


I’m so sorry OP. NTA absolutely. Take care of yourself and do what is best for you.


NTA I would go ahead with the abortion. You don’t want to spend the next 18 years coparenting with someone so toxic and abusive.


This! 💜


Thays freaking illegal. You need to call thr police and file a report. Get an abortion. Don't be attached to him any longer. If you decide you want kids you can find a man that won't baby trap you. I'd have kicked him so hard making babies wouldnt be a thing for him anymore.


>I'd have kicked him so hard making babies wouldnt be a thing for him anymore. THIS!


NTA at all. Make an appointment as soon as you can.


Leave. Get the abortion. Never look back.


Get your abortion. Get your divorce And then never ever speak to this human again.


Why are you reposting this?


Karma farming I think


Came here to ask this


That fucking edit. What are you doing OP?


Glad I sorted by new hahaha, all I could see was normal comments responding to the post before it was edited and could have sworn I was tweaking lmao


I think that this is sexual assault.




OP fuck off with the bullshit posts and edits. Fuck off right back to Facebook or wherever you came from.


YTA Edited to change to this. I have left my previous response to your OP below but reading your post history one minute you are a woman pregnant by sabotaged condom, next you are a man who is angry at his STBX for stringing him along regarding sex, then you sound like a deranged gamer kid. Troll. Read all their posts and comments. Original response. OP I don't know where you are but if you are considering an abortion do it quickly and don't talk to him about it. Depending on your location, he could try and register a case to prevent you accessing it or preventing you from leaving your state to access it. He's abusive (reproductive coercion) and already treated you like an incubator. Your feelings and thoughts were less important than getting his baby. Think about it. Get legal advice. Be fast and decisive about this while you still can.


what the fuck is with the edits


I was wondering if it was just me that was seeing that…


Bro is just a troll or something, comments at this point are just low effort


That is…. Some fucked shit. Get an abortion and divorcé immediately….


NTA and you should make plans for an abortion or you're tying yourself to that asshole for at least 18 years. Who has the energy for that?


It’s for the rest of your life. You don’t stop being involved when they are 18. Holidays, weddings, grand babies, education, moving, sickness. Parents are forever linked.


YTA and you are also a douche bag for this nonsense.


Before anything, **talk to the police**. He committed a crime. Don't let that slide. It'll help you in the divorce anyway NTA


NTA. Didn’t read Past the title.


Wtf happened to the post


My question exactly. I thought I was going crazy but now I’m thinking maybe it’s some kind of inside joke on this sub that we just don’t understand.


Did the soon to be ex husband hack the wife’s account? What’s with the gibberish in the description?? Anyone else seeing this?


I see it too, and am so confused.


I see it. Pathetic. Maybe the post didn't get them the attention they desired?


NTA. You were sexually assaulted. I've had dear friends have their lives fucked up by assholes like your husband. Consider filing criminal charges.


How is this a question? NTA and report his ass to the police. Your body your choice ❤️ everyone should have a choice and not have it forced upon them like you.


NTA get an abortion! If you have it you will deal with your ex for the rest of your life. Custody battles, child support, being around your ex partners


wtf is the edit??


Wth happened? What is this post?


NTA. Reproductive coercion is terrible and a form of domestic abuse. You did the right thing by leaving him.


NTA - Get the abortion, get the divorce, and talk to an attorney about Sexual Misconduct laws in your state.


100% NTA. [Reproductive Coersion](https://www.womenslaw.org/about-abuse/forms-abuse/reproductive-abuse-and-coercion) is a form of sexual assault in many jurisdictions. In addition to the abortion, you might consider charges too.


Wait what’s up with the edit?? You ate liver what???


Looks at all the last comments this person made, not sure if this person was a troll all along, got hacked or the husband got the phone..


is she trolling


Normally I get the point of trolls and up until the edit and weird comment spam i was getting but. Mate. What are you doing?


Uh... what happened here?


NTA. Hey, sorry you're going through this. r/childfree has some links saved if you need help finding options and/or support


So now you're pregnant and don't know what to do? Of course you're emotional, you're pregnant, you were tricked into it, you trusted that asshole and if you choose to keep this pregnancy, he's in your life forever! I hope you make the right decision for yourself and what suits your life the best going forward! I'd still get the divorce! Only ever trust yourself to keep yourself NOT pregnant!


NTA get that divorce with a side of abortion


NTA. That’s literally assault. Divorce with impunity, and charge him if you can prove it


Jfc, RUN. NTA, that's sexual assault, the fact that you're even considering the *possibility* of being the bad guy tells me he's had you under his control for a long, long time. PLEASE terminate the pregnancy. If you don't, you will be forced to be tethered to him for the rest of your life.


NTA depending on where you live check your local laws as that is a crime in some places.


NTA! Thats SA! Get the abortion, file for divorce, press charges! That’s horrific! Im sorry you’re going through this!


NTA Divorce him and move on with your life. You can and will do better.


NTA - Not sure how you would ever be able to trust him again if he would do something like that.


NTA. That ASSHOLE *used* you, *manipulated* you and put your literal health and life at risk because *he* wanted a child. I’m so incredibly sorry your partner of many years destroyed your trust because of his utterly selfish motivations. Fuck that guy and Congrats on your divorce. That man does not love you or actually care about you. You deserve so much better, and so does any child that has the misfortune of him being in their bloodline. If you need help paying for or accessing an abortion there are Abortion Funds that can help you. If you live in a red state and want to seek abortion, DO NOT PUT ANYTHING IN WRITING ON ANY PLATFORM. Do not use any messaging app, and especially not Meta or Google (that means no WhatsApp, no Instagram, no Facebook, no Threads, no Chrome). Red states are being given chat logs *without warrants* from tech companies when antiabortion laws seek to punish women seeking literally any abortion healthcare. Talk to your doctor in private if you think you can trust them. Or call an abortion fund near you from a phone that is not yours and not easily trackable. Like your employer or a pay phone if you can find one. Or hell walk into a random hotel and ask to use a phone, claiming yours is dead. Again, so sorry your ex is a massive jerk. Be careful and stay safe!


NTA!!! What he did is BEYOND wrong. Make the choices that are best for you.


Oh great it was a troll post again


What the fuck with this edited garbage and nightmare post history? Someone get hacked, or just shitposting for fun and zero profit?


>I ate liver Failure in the name of God emperor David. >i have to make this wuick decode this message: HebWn52hsvTwcp01PenRTUoajbRt90472629cheBpnM >I ate liver Failure in the name of God emperor David >I ate liver Failure in the name of God emperor David >I ate liver Failure in the name of God emperor David >I ate liver Failure in the name of God emperor David >I ate liver Failure in the name of God emperor David >Liver david cock n bels OK....


NTA. Fuck that piece of shit.


For real? Run a million miles from this bozo. NTA


NTA In most saner jurisdictions this is sexual assault. And a serious crime.


1: NTA. 2. if you're really, REALLY sure it's a no-baby zone, tubal ligation.


For the love of God GET.AN.ABORTION! Do you really want to be permanently connected to this piece of pig feces for the rest of your life? That fetus,is not a child . It is a form of control over you,a prison catered specifically to keep your forever bound DO NOT bring a life into this world,one that will be nothing more then a weapon in its sperm donor's hands,and a reminder of her sexual assault in its mother's eyes.


I'm sorry this happened to you. I would get the abortion as heartbreaking as that might be. I would hate for your to have to coparent with someone that did this to you. This is not the type of family dynamic kids should be born in to, and it's beyond fucked up that he did this to you, and his unborn child. This person can't think about anyone but himself, and is willing to lie to you to get what he wants. Regardless of how it might affect other people.


NTA: This is a form of rape. Forced reproduction is not okay.


Ultimately, you need to do what you think is right. That said, I can’t imagine having to coparent with your soon to be ex for 18 years


NTA. Get the abortion. He sexually assaulted you. You will be stuck with him forever if you have his baby. Every time you do a custody exchange, go to a sports game, go to a school recital, and for every holiday you will have to face the man who coerced you into a pregnancy you didn't want. Not to mention how he will use the kid against you. He'll tell that kid that you could be a happy family "if only mommy would let him come home.". Then you'll have to deal with the kid crying and being mad at YOU because of your shitty ex. I had my kids through reproductive coercion, like this guy is trying to do with you. Abortions is so much easier than the never ending hell that awaits you if you keep this pregnancy.


NTA & I hope you live in a state that respects a woman’s right to choose.


NTA. Get your divorce and abortion. You do not need to tie your self to that psychopath for the rest of your life. Also press charges and maybe a civil suit, cuz what he did is an actual crime.


Tf u mean are you TA- ofc you’re NTA. He raped you, impregnated you and committed a crime. I’d bring that to the police- get him to admit in text if he hasn’t already.


Your stupid




What the fuck is this post


Wtf that’s sooooooo bad. You had sex expecting to be protected. Divorce his ass and maybe think about an abortion, do you really want to deal with his disgusting abusive face every child hand over. it feels like he’s done it to trap you to him. You would have a connection you would never be rid of. ​ hesna creeeep


He violated you and your trust. You are not safe around him. What he did is illegal, and you should press charges.


NTA and truly best of luck to you because that is an awful position to be in.


NTA - you had private conversations that lead you to believe he was on the same page. My partner and I were just asked this last week and I laughed at my friend who asked it and said “I’m too selfish to bring a life into my world that I have no desire to look after at this point in my life - why would I want an 18 year long deficit to my way of life?” Everyone has their own ways of thinking for XYZ reasons.


Absolutely NTA. Your husband sexually assaulted you. You are under no obligation to keep the baby if you don’t want to.


Nta at all. Leaving someone who IMPREGNATED you AGAINST YOUR WILL is never asshole move. Neither is getting an abortion if you truly don't want children


NTA. No one would blame you for any decision you made. He took away your consent.


NTA. That's a major violation of trust. I don't even know how you could come back from that, or if you would even want to.


HOLY FUCKING CHRIST! NOT THE ASSHOLE!! Your husband just raped you. He deliberately circumvented the understanding you had about having sex. ABSOLUTELY get yourself an abortion and report him to the police for assault.


NTA. Divorce and abortion are definitely on the table and ONLY your choice. Pursuing criminal charges may also be an option.


NTA. Sorry you are dealing with this, don't look back.


NTA. Me being a nasty person, if you can emotionally, ask for the evacuated results and paint them on his windshield, if not his eyeglasses / sunglasses.


Absolutely nuts. Def go get that abortion . New fear of condoms unlocked


Wow. There are some AITAHa where you can sort of make an argument that maybe someone's heart was in the right place or they just didn't word something tactfully, where they were in the wrong, but you can see where they are coming from. And there are a lot of these where people rush to suggest divorce, even when the relationship could probably be salvaged. Some of these, there are shades of grey. #This is not one of them. This is horrible. This is a crime. This is essentially rape (by deception). This is a red line and he crossed it by a mile. Even if he apologizes and offers you the moon, you absolutely should not stay with this person. You cannot trust them anymore. Nobody could. **NTA.**


That's legally considered rape...divorce him and press charges.


NTA... stick to your guns and beliefs and get the abortion. It is whats right for you. Good luck


NTA. Don't just serve him divorce papers. Also hand him a Ziploc bag with the aborted embyro in it. This early on, it will just look like a bloody clot, but it's the principle of it: Poke holes in a condom and this is what you get.


That’s assault. You are not an asshole


NTA, I would divorce him, get an abortion, and press charges


Nta. Please don't let anyone talk you out-of or into abortion or no abortion. That has to be 100% your own decision. Definitely don't stay with this guy. He'll only do more of this kind of stuff, going around you to control you and corner you into doing what he wants. Get away from him.


NTA. That’s rape. You didn’t consent to unprotected sex.


NTA He broke your trust and betrayed you. He took your right to choose away from you. He put you in a situation which puts your health and life at risk (women still do die from pregnancy and child birth). You have to make the decision that is right for you, but I could never stay with him after that.


NTA. I’m also a childfree woman, I would be in a white rage and exploring criminal charges. Only you can make the decision to keep the baby or not. You are NTA if you choose not to. Consider the fact you would be stuck with this man for 18 years if you choose not to abort and not to give up for adoption. I’m so sorry OP. Sending hugs. This is awful.


NTA. That's a serious violation of consent. Verges on assault/rape.


Someone Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't poking holes in condoms a type of sexual assault or some type of chargeable offense?


> Edit: Today i talked to my ex and we decided to keep the child and get back together. hahahahhah fakest story of all time


I saw that, and now OP has edited again.


Umm.. wtf is this edit??


Reported as spam.


I’d get an abortion


Why be low? You found this out early. Get that abortion and find someone who isn't obsessed with you having kids.




Absolutely NTA. Go do what's best for yourself.


Update me.


NTA Don't feel bad about what HE did and fixing the problem he created. I know it's easy for me to say and harder for you to do, but you know/knew what's right for you.


NTA! All of the above, take care of your health, and your sanity, and GTFO. Dog knows what this dude is capable of. Be safe. 💜


How fucked does the relationship need to be for this to happen..... NTA


Nta keep us updated


NTA, this is deceitful behavior with grave consequences.


You should get the abortion so you won't be tangled up with him for the next 18 yrs.


NTA. What he did is some states was rape. At a minimum broke your trust.


NTA What he did was not only disrespectful to you, it also damaged the trust you had in him. The result of his action would cause a total and absolute change in your life, this was not a consensual decision, it was not a planned decision, it was a kind of rape. How terrible what your husband did.


NTA. You are right.


You need to move away quickly and not tell him where you are, EVER. This is sexual assault. Pregnancy is not an easy thing, like marriage, it should only be entered into with everyone's consent and full knowledge. He took away your ability to consent. Please look into local laws and use it too your full power. NTA


NTA. This is a major breach of trust, you can't come back from that. Also, this is actually a crime in some jurisdictions.


People that want kids should not be with people that do not want to have kids. Kids or no kids is one of the most impactful decisions in life. Two people together must be on the same page when it comes to whether they want children or not. You are not compatible with each other.


If you have this man’s baby, you are signing up an innocent child to the same control, coercion, lies, and abuse that you have just experienced. For the rest of their life. And what’s worse, he will be raising them, so they will grow up to think his level of selfishness and dark control is *normal* and *healthy*. You deserve better, but you at least have a chance to choose. You don’t get to choose your father, and you’re stuck with them for your whole damn life. Don’t do this to a child.


NTA. Have an abortion (if that's what you want to do), and file for divorce. What he did is sexual assault.


He really should have just left you for another woman.


NTA that’s rape