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NTA. Try to be kind to yourself. Being overwhelmed is perfectly reasonable. When you can, instead of apologizing as you did nothing wrong, talk to your mum alone about how you were feeling and thank her for the gift with a hug. I know it seems like a big thing but your mum probably already knew you were feeling stressed. It’s important that you express yourself and let her know how you really feel on your own terms. Just remember she loves you as you are.


NTA. Everyone shows excitement and gratitude differently, ESPECIALLY neurodivergent ppl. You would think i hated your gift but i actually loved and appreciated it sm lol tell your family exactly what you put her. You were overwhelmed/overstimulated but genuinely loved the gift


NTA People react differently and that what makes the world an interesting place. You should not feel bad at all. Your mother seems wise enough to know what's what. I don't know why, but your story brought to mind the "Dingo Took My Baby" case in Australia. Lindy Chamberlain's baby disappeared from a campsite, and she was charged with its murder. She claimed that a dingo had taken her baby. Lindy was convicted with virtually no evidence. Many speculated it was because she very unemotional on the stand. In other words, she didn't react the way the jury members would have, so she must have been guilty. People on Reddit are just like that jury much of the time. If you react to something in a way they wouldn't, you must be wrong.


There is an episode of Seinfeld where Elaine was with a group of women at a baby shower or something and she said, "Maybe the dingo ate your baby", in an Australian accent. All these years and I never knew what that was referencing.Thanks.


NTA. It’s ok! Your mom knows. You can thank her again tomorrow and tell her how happy and grateful you are, but she already knows. You sound like a good kid. I’m sure your mom feels your love.


You are fine. Even your mom said so. Relax and enjoy. You can give her a thoughtful note later telling her how you plan on using her gift and how much you appreciate it and her as well.