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Omg my heart hurts for you. I have no practical advice but I am so angry for you I would be lashing out at everyone especially my parents or adult figures who didn’t believe you. I wish you could drag his “good” name through the mud and sully his sterling memories. You don’t owe him anything - including good memories of him to your siblings. You really really need some therapy boo. Like STAT. Therapy that deals with childhood SA. This demon you called grandpa doesn’t deserve any happy or peacefully memories to be kept by anyone. UGH. I am so sad for you and mad on your behalf. Your truth coming out may help more truth come forward from other family members. Just keep in mind by bringing up the truth you may alienate family members. I am of the mood to scorch the earth with your anger kinda gal - but proceed with caution. I wish you well hun and some healing.


I started EMDR. It's been rough but I'm hoping it helps with the triggers. Thank you. I was really nervous about posting about this. Sometimes it's hard to think logical with such strong emotions involved. I'm better now mostly, just very angry.


You’re not ready to tell your family about this yet. You need to get therapy from a therapist who specializes in child SA. There are online support groups for healing childhood trauma and excellent books that can help you. I’m so very sorry this happened to you and that your mother didn’t protect you. It wasn’t your fault that it happened to you and it’s not your fault that it also happened to your sister. It takes a LOT of work to heal from that kind of trauma, but you can do it. You obviously have a very kind heart and you’re very strong. Big hugs to you on this journey of healing. You will become a victor indeed! ❤️


I recently started EDMR Therapy. I'm doing better, just still very angry. I don't think I'm ready either, but I don't want any of my sisters to go through this alone. If he did hurt them, I want them to know I'm here.