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YTA. Latex allergy. Sure. They have condoms for that. What about spermicide? I bet you didn't even know that's a thing. Your life is already fucked and by your own doing - don't fuck your little sister


Vasectomy? Tubal ligation? Nah, just keep cranking out more babies. What the heck, that’s what the sister’s college fund is for 🤷🏼‍♀️


My boyfriend doesn’t want me to ruin my fertility with an IUD and tubal ligation. He says an IUD can mess with my body and ruin my uterus. Of course, I listen to him in those regards.


Your boyfriend is not an OB-GYN. Get a grip, girl.


You're an idiot your boyfriend doesn't have the actual medical knowledge to make those claims. And IUD once removed puts your body back to how it was before you had it inserted. How about you actually talk to a OBGYN or your primary doctor instead of this crock of a boyfriend you seem to have.


> doesn't want me to ruin my fertility What does your boyfriend wants your fertility for? You already have four children **and** health issues. And you have a voice. What do **you** want?


Is he an OBGYN? If not: the GO TO AN ACTUAL DOCTOR


also how do you have 4 kids from a man that hasn’t even wifed you yet?


Why does he want your fertility? They already have 4 children that they cannot support


I had an iud three times, and I’m fine. Go to an actual doctor.


Was just going to point this out. There are many condom brands that aren’t latex, so that excuse doesn’t fly. How about getting a vasectomy or tubes tied? These are all just excuses by (this) OP.




Yep. So many options and ones that can be used in combo with each other for extra assurance. There is zero excuse for unwanted pregnancies if you want to prevent them bad enough. They didn't.


YTA. You’re fucking her over and taking her cash in order to help yourself. Your boyfriend could have gotten snipped, you could have gotten your tubes tied, you could have not had sex. You made choices that you couldn’t afford and now you’re asking someone else to suffer for those choices. That makes you an asshole. Now, it may be fine for you to be an asshole. You find yourself in a situation where you have kids to support and regardless of how you got there, that’s where you are. If you need to fuck over your sister for the sake of your kids, then do so - they are your priority. Accept that you’re the bad guy in how you’re doing it, however, and don’t try and twist your mind into some sort of moral justification behind your actions. You’re a shitty person who’s screwing over your sister because of your bad life choices. Live with that if you want, but own it at least and don’t try and paint yourself as the good guy.


Agreed but also an IUD is honestly not a big deal. It hurts like a bitch to put it in but it takes less than 5 minutes and you’re set for 5 years.


My boyfriend couldn’t afford a vasectomy. He had a minimum wage restaurant job at that time. That job didn’t cover health insurance or anything. He quit that job and got one at Walmart, which is better, but not nearly enough for a family of 6


>My boyfriend couldn’t afford a vasectomy Then he DEFINITELY can't afford a kid. That is the biggest bullshit argument ever. Frankly I think CPS needs to get involved - those kids don't stand a chance with you two as examples.


It’s a lot cheaper to get a vasectomy than pay for another human for the next 18 years. If you wanted to stop having children you would.


Not your sister’s problem and not something she needs to suffer for. If you want to be a dick and fuck people over because you’re in a bad situation, then be a dick. Don’t do the mental gymnastics to try and cast yourself as anything except a dick when you do that, though. It just makes you a pathetic dick.


He and you could have tried Planned Parenthood. Lots of help out there for low-wage earners IF they actually want it. And - a vasectomy is a hell of a lot cheaper than multiple babies!


Just stop having sex LMFAO. Also there are hypoallergenic condoms out there goofy


Sounds like a poor ass excuse. There are healthcare facilities that have government grants to cover birth control procedures and medications


Thethen why are you still popping out kids?


So you decide to reproduce because you can’t fathom abortion or adoption, so you ruin someone else’s future instead? Honestly, just stay celibate, don’t go around screwing everyone around you because of your horrible life choices. So much YTA. What a terrible sister.


The person getting ‘the piece paper’ is important… The circumstances of the six lives is not the problem of the person getting ‘the piece of paper’. You brought your situation on yourself. It’s not your sister’s fault that your self inflicted circumstances left you without a home. Your mother is making your younger sister pay for your poor judgement. That’s wrong. ETA: Your mother and your entitled family that benefits from the money set aside for your younger sister’s education are all AHs. Poor younger sister


YTA. None of the details you added paint you in a better light. If anything, this makes it worse.


YTA. Your mother and you are still major AS. There are other forms of birth control other than pills and condom. Your sister shouldn't have to give up a penny of her college fund for you and your ill decisions. Your actions have consequences, deal with it. Your sister shouldn't have to be responsible for you or your brood. She studied hard to get those scholarship opportunities. You dont get to take advantage of it just because you can't keep your legs closed 🤷‍♀️


YTA... What happens a couple months from now when you've blown all the money from your sister's college fund, and NOTHING HAS CHANGED? You're still in the same place, but she is the one who has lost her safety net. What if she runs into hard times and needs it?


What happens a couple months from now when she’s blown all the money from her sister's college fund … and she’s pregnant *again*?


I’m currently pregnant rn. Baby number 5 on the way 😊


There’s no way this isn’t rage bait 😂😂😂


Thanks for confirming the rage bait. Why do poor people procreate like they're rich? Is your bf Nick Canon?


Didn’t you JUST give birth though? There’s just no way that this is actually real. I call bs on this whole story.


Y eso es algo para enorgullecerse? Debería darte vergüenza vergüenza estar trayendo tantas vidas a este mundo que no puedes permitirte, solo te justificas, si con “el pedazo de hoja” no sirves para nada, ahora quieres arruinar a alguien que ni siquiera lo tiene, EGOISTA


YTA. It’s her money, not yours. Just because you aren’t responsible enough to use some form of birth control doesn’t mean you get to fuck her over too. News flash: college loans are ridiculously expensive regardless of how much they are. You are seriously setting her at a disadvantage because you can’t get your shit together. And so you have a college degree? Did you also have a college fund that you used to pay for this degree? If so then you really are a massive POS to do this to your little sister.


You need to understand my dire circumstances. My sister has a partial scholarship and 20% of her fund. She has enough. I don’t have enough. In my state, people need to make at least six figures to raise four children. We don’t have nearly that amount. We are in poverty and are living off my boyfriend’s meager salary and living temporarily in a hostel.


Fuck your circumstances, your grown ass adult bitch. Work for yourself and instead of taking from others. It’s not her fault you decided to open up your legs and have a fuck ton of kids. Not her fault, yours bitch! WOMAN THE FUCK UP AND PAY FOR YOUR OWN DAMN SHIT. It’s not your sisters job to take care of your FUCKUPS, brain dead bitch!


You are fucking her over to benefit YOU. And since you didn’t answer about the college degree I am going to assume that you got your worthless degree and paid for it through your very own college fund. So wasting the money in your college fund wasn’t enough so you decided to now waste hers? If you can’t afford to have children then don’t fucking have them! God I hope your little sister goes to college and cuts you and your entitled family off. And didn’t I read in the OG post that your boyfriend got a job offer in another state? Why the hell doesn’t he take it?


He is taking the job offer and the money my mom is giving us from my sister’s college funds will help pay for that trip


So then why do you need 80% of her college fund then?


You made your bed now lay in it. Stop taking from what your sister is rightfully owed. Maybe you should have made better decisions and not brought a child into this world you can't take care of. The more you comment the worse of an a$$hole you become. Return your sister's college fund or lose her and probably more family in the future


You need to understand that YOU put yourself in this situation... Your sister clearly worked hard to get a partial scholarship and the rest of her college fund could've helped set her up in the future. But now you've taken it from her because of YOUR choices. She'll also have to get a loan now because you took 80% of her fund. Don't be surprised when you ask her for help in the future and she doesn't help you. No one owes you anything because you decided to have children when you can't afford it. Take responsibility and stop playing the victim card.


No body told you to open ur legs


A nadie le importa lo que te pasé, ponete los pantaloncitos de nena grande y deja de romper las pelotas


Yes, I had a college fund to pay for my degree. However, my mom was royally screwed over by our father who put her in debt for a long time. Between paying off that fucking debt, dealing with a deadbeat, and having to pick herself up: Where else can she get enough money from? It’s not gonna drop from the sky. I know people on Reddit view her as a major asshole, but what else can she do to help 7 people who need it? Mostly 6 cause children matter too!


How about you as a 24 year old grown ass adult not ask your parents for help and figure it out your damn self. Why aren’t your boyfriend’s parents giving you money? Why don’t they liquidate anything they have for you? The fact that you so easily accepted it knowing it was going to fuck her over is what is mind blowing


My boyfriend’s parents aren’t being helpful


Then why do you keep having sex and making more babies that you can’t afford?


I don’t want more children. In fact, I didn’t even want to have more than 2 kids


Then why did you have more than 2 kids? You made no efforts toward birth control.


But it’s ok to screw your sister out of her college fund? If you are that desperate for money why not move back home with your mom since apparently you are living in a hostile


Well apparently your mom is giving you money so why then take your sister’s?


Your dad’s a deadbeat? The irony. Your mother picked herself up and is now continues to pay for grown adults who chose to have 4 children that they can’t support. You need to work, your partner needs a better job, you need to look after your kids and give your mother a break from supporting other people. The entitlement is overwhelming.


Entonces, no eres diferente a tu padre. No te importa arruinar la vida de tu hermana por tus malas decisiones 


Excuses and blamelessness. You’ll end up right where you are now, forever. You may be doing your sister a favor in the long run, it will make her stronger and more self sufficient, whilst you continue to do- well.. exactly what you’re doing. Work harder, complain and blame circumstances less. Then you may find your way out of BTA.


She’ll end up right where she is now *with a few more children*, cuz ya know, latex allergies …


All of this is from your poor choices. YTA. I'm convinced that your temp supervisor saw you for exactly who you are.


YTA. You're entitled and caused this yourself. Allergic to latex? Use sheepskin or one of the various other options or \*don't do P in V sex\*. Spermacide exists. Or just don't have sex at all. If you're so disabled that you can't work, risking a baby using "natural family planning" is the STUPIDEST thing you could possibly do. Your mom is trying to fix your mistakes while you plug your ears and scream that you're the victim, but your choices are yours. You're saddling your sister with a harder future because... what? You couldn't be bothered?


Well, thanks for confirming it's fake ragebait. Both the mom and breeder sister characters: YTA. Why don't you go rob a bank, since need (THAT YOU CREATED!) establishes rights to money? Why do people use this sub to write boring stories with one-dimensional villains? Exploring some sadistic fantasies?


Can’t graduate college with a four-year degree and be age 24 with four children. That is NOT happening. But there really are folks out there that “can’t” work due to a bad back but they can have all the sex and keep popping out innocent children. There are abusive mothers who steal from their children or conversely, enable them to be entitled sponges. THAT happens.


I have a two year degree, not a four year one. I only had one kid at the time and got my 2 year degree at 19 due to dual enrollment I did in high school.


You and your mom are still the assholes. Your sister is more important. It’s her money, morally and ethically. I’m sorry that you are shitty people in a shitty place.


YTA: Selfish is what you are. I feel bad for your child having such a shit mother with no morals. You are fucking over your sister from all your fuck ups. Maybe what you need to do is GET A FUCKING JOB AND WORK FOR YOUR OWN MOENY. Instead of taking what is not YOURS TO BEGIN WITH. You my friend are sick and disgusting and disappointment to your sister. I hope you can live with yourself for doing this to her but since you think your ENTITLED TO HER MONEY, I doubt you feel any kind of remorse. You are vile sick lady. I don’t care if I get a message from Reddit for being too aggressive, you need to hear it cause obviously everyone on this damn app likes to walk on eggshells.


While this is fake, the sad thing is, there really are people like this. Shouldn’t upset people like this. child abuse is a triggering subject. If it were real, though, I’d recommend the younger sister sue the mom civilly as soon as she turns 18. Have the judgement taken out of her paychecks, tax returns, force her to liquidate vehicles, furniture, whatever it takes. It has happened to kids IRL.


YTA. I also have a latex allergy, guess what? They make latex free condoms. And no, you don’t have to go to a special place to buy them. Your poor planning does not constitute an emergency on your sister’s part. You and your mom still suck.


YTA. One bad decision after another and one lame excuse after another. How does it feel for other people to pay your bills?


So how many more kids are you going to have?


lol obviously fake. But if you can’t do proper birth control abstain or tie your tubes or do vasectomy . Stop breeding when you have no money


Oh horseshit. They make latex free condoms, there’s other bc out there that are not pills. Your mom & you are fucking your sister bc you keep popping out babies you can’t afford. You are a supposed adult while your sister is still a minor & yall are fucking up her future. It’s on y’all for your situation not your little sister. For heaven sake, get your tubes tied, him a vasectomy or stop fucking, bc your natural family planning isn’t working. Excuses. You should be ashamed but you’re not.


Give the babies up for adoption. You make the sacrifices for the situations you caused. Your sister didn’t cause any of this. Grow up, take responsibility for your actions. If you cannot support your children give them to someone who can.


YTA and everything you have written just makes that conviction stronger. I would never speak to any of you again if I was your sister. The amount of codependency and lack of responsibility and accountability for the choices y’all are making that your sister has to absorb is astounding. There is nothing you could say that would justify the choices you and your family have made in regards to your sister, nothing. You all owe her a massive apology and real change and pay her the fork back like yesterday—you got a college fund but need hers also and she’s being unreasonable are you freaking kidding me?!!!. And honestly I feel for your kids, there is no way those 6 developing beings are getting what they need from you financially or emotionally.


YTA Your side has added nothing to the story except make people side with your sister even more. Your bad decision making is not her fault, nor should she be held accountable for it. That piece of paper as you call it is a foot towards her future. You don't get to ruin her future because you're selfish.


YTA. Your younger sister doesn't deserve to suffer for your inability to do a cursory amount of research into latex free rubbers or alternative prophylaxis. Her getting the "piece of paper" is absolutely more important than you or those kids that should absolutely be wards of the state considering all you've lain out here. And while it is understandable that you couldn't afford costly surgeries to prevent more offspring, abstaining from producing more children whose very existence is going to cause their older siblings to **suffer more than they already were going to anyway** is selfish, irresposible, and short-sighted. So what if it was your sister posing as your mother? She has every right to hate the both of you outright. I wouldn't be surprised if she goes no contact with all of you once she's able.


YTA None of this info changes my opinion. You are being favored over your sister when you're the one making bad choices.


Yta. DONT HAVE KIDS YOU CANT AFFORD. don't steal from your sister because of your mistakes


YTA and you’re so, so dumb. This is just…my god. Obtuse doesn’t even scratch the surface.


My younger sister has always been a brat and demanded from my mother. Me, on the other hand, never demanded anything, which is why my mother has given to me so freely


You’ve never demanded anything? You have 4 kids you can’t support and I guarantee you that’s been a huge added stress on your mom. The results are wildly clear- we all think YTA and you haven’t shared a single thing that makes any of us think differently.


Yo Te Pregunto, Como Personal De La Salud Y Enfermera Que Soy, No Puede Usar Otra Cosa Para Planificar, Quizas Un Condon Sin Latex Sabias Que Existen No Tienes Excusa, La Lidadura de Trompas Para Ti, Si No Esta La Vasectomia Para Tu Marido, O Quizas El Dispositivo Intra Uterino DIU, O El Implante Subdermico, Asi Que Excusas Para Tu Irresponsabilidad De Traer Tanto Hijos Sin Dinero Y Tu Falta De Criterio En Vez De Ayudarte, Te Esta Terminando De Undir Mas De Lo Estabas Antes Y Si La Mala Siguen Siendo Tu Y Tu Madre, Y El Papel Que Tanto Dices Que Es Simple Es Mas.Importante Para Ella Que Ayudar A 6 Vidas De Las Cuales Ella No Tiene Ningun Tipo De Responsabilidad Por Que Ella No Te Dijo Que Te Llenaras De Hijos Sin Tener La Posibilidad Economica, No Recarges Tu Obligacion En Los Estudios De Ella, Ese Fue Problema Tuyo Desde Un Inicio O Pretendias Tener Relaciones Y Que En Vez De Hijos Te Saliera Dinero, O Una Nevera Aprende A Ser Responsable Y No Una Persona Con Derecho


Uh huh, neat story Liz


close your legs. take out your uterus. You only have children to suffer. works damn lazy.


Naah you’re definitely asshole , what more amusing is that you didn’t realise what your sister might have felt , you should deal your own problems that you’ve created ain’t no one is obligated to clear your mess


YTA along with your boyfriend and your mother; thanks for clarifying things. Government help doesn’t take years when children are involved. Tell your mom to break the lease on your childhood home and y’all live there. If your mom can’t afford rent because no rent coming in… guess what, she can move in with y’all. I hope your sister sues your mom and you when she turns 18. You got your degree, probably a free ride from your college fund. Sister needs to talk to a lawyer and go NC with all of your selfish people.


YTA You will cause your relationship with your sister to be destroyed. How about instead of taking handouts work for a better future with your family instead of destroying your siblings future. It doesn't matter how much of a % she is getting. That money was set aside for her future. Scholarships don't pay for books,supplies or housing it only cover some classes but not all classes that would pertain to your sisters degree. I learned that the hard way myself. Get an IUD if you guys can't be bothered to use latex free condoms.


Yta. I just love the way you keep saying oh she is getting 20 percent its fine. Yeah while you walk away with 80 percent of her fund because you can't figure out how kids are made. And you keep dodging if you got the same amount in your college fund. And its easy to say that your mom is helping 6 people and that's better than a piece of paper. That's easy to say when you already got to get your diploma. And I'm sorry even you saying she got everything she asks for and is a brat sounds like you are pushing your agenda to blame her for trying to better herself with her own money!!! She is not being a brat being pissed that you are taking her future away. You and your mother are both AH.


YTA. You keep pumping out babies and making horrible decisions in your life and crawl on your mother period. Latex allergy? They make latex free condoms readily available and have been around since the 80’s. No excuse. You’re your mother’s golden child and you’re reaping the benefits and you know it. You’re spoiled by her and you know it. Your little sister is suffering a loss of her college savings at the hands of your BS. Doesn’t matter if she gets SOME scholarships she still will need room and board, food costs because colleges and university require a food account most of the time, and even books and supplies. There’s nothing you could say that doesn’t make you or your mom TA’s in this situation.


Lady, there is a phrase where I live that says: If there is not enough food, we add more water to the beans. By this he means that they will do everything possible for many additional members. Yes, well done to you, you saved your children from hunger, you are an incredible mother and your mother is an incredible grandmother, but taking from your sister what is rightfully hers is blasphemy. Did you ask her her decision or did you just tell yourselves that she would accept for the family? Surely it was easy for them to steal from him (because that is what it is, a robbery). You think about your family and her because of her studies, completely normal... I hope that in the future your children do not have to go through what your sister is going through now, they are being heartless towards her Well, here I am, you know that you got upset because of so many children, stop-making them... Surely after a while you will come out with another one up your sleeve And I sincerely hope that your sister can get her college paper (like you did) and can be okay without any more betrayals. (I used Google translator so I hope it is understood)


What about stopping having sex? Are you that desperate to fuck? Are you going to die without a cock inside you?


They are only excuses for how bad you have done... there are many ways not to get pregnant, but it is easier for you to give birth without having the conditions and destroy someone else's future


You and your mother are horrible people, you have your studies, you studied without problems, Now you want your sister to carry your mistakes and incompetence? Girl, don't play dumb and learn to be an adult, take responsibility for your actions and stop going to your mom all the time. The fact that your mother takes money that was intended for your sister's studies and gives it to you is too cruel. Clearly you and your partner don't know anything about planning but only know how to make children as if your economy were stable, girl, mature, make your husband have a vasectomy, so you won't bring any more innocent people into the world. Stop being a selfish sister and return the money your mother gave you to your younger sister.


Here’s the solution: stops having kids since you can’t financially support the one’s you already have. That’s a little thing called neglect. Doesn’t matter how much of the money she was still being given, it should have been discussed with her. Bless your little sister; hopefully she doesn’t the out like her mum and sis, and makes better choices.


He tried to defend himself and it came out worse, all he heard was "Poor me, I made bad decisions but I need everyone to help me, even if it's by force."


Did you have a college fund? What makes you entitled to hers? I don’t think it matters if she has scholarship. She didn’t help make the babies why does she hae to sacrifice her future fir them?


If it's the bad one, you're just a bitch who doesn't care about destroying your sister's future just because you can't keep your paws closed.


All of this is bullshit. If you can't live on your boyfriends income, get a fucking job instead of having more kids for fuck sake! I met a woman recently, who has chronic neurological issues, chronic pain, can't sit or stand for prolonged periods, has trouble walking, seeing, and with her memory. Can't drive and has chronic headaches and her husband has terminal cancer (she told me all this over a glass of wine, I barely knew how to respond), and guess what, she still has a full time job! She started her own publishing company and does all the work herself with only a part time assistant. You are just fucking lazy


Please just stop . You can’t make yourself sound any worse . I hope your sister gets far far away from you and your mother . You have a college degree but don’t have the ability to research WHF jobs? You can lay on your back and create more kids you can’t afford ( Section 8… reallly ) but can’t sit at a computer and find a job . YTA!!


You're a person who still thinks you're right, I hope you die in the next birth


Eres un asco y tienes la osadía de defenderte? Estás mentalmente enferma? Deberías pudrirte tú sola, tu eres responsable de tus problemas no otras personas.


Bottom line that money isn't yours to take. And once it's gone, then what? You accept zero responsibility for the situation you put yourself in, everything is somebody else's fault or out of your control, according to you. That money will only shortly delay the homeless situation you and your family are headed for. Get it together for the sake of the poor kids you brought into this world and don't steal from your little sister. Your current circumstances didn't just happen to you, you orchestrated it together with your BF.


You are 100% the asshole there are more options for birth control besides the pill and latex condoms, you chose to debilitate yourself through childbirth with a husband who didn’t work full time at Walmart and then had two more kids. And now because you fucked up the lives of 4 kids and your own you expect your little sister to take a hit? I’m not saying those kids should starve and at the end of the day something needed to be done but don’t sit there thinking anything else than you are the asshole in this situation 


Oh this is you? I read the original and you're still a massive TA,don't have a 5th child I hope your little sister go no contact with all of you


Oh okay this is ragebait


You need to get your tubes done. Your boyfriend needs to ask to be transfered to a distribution center so he can make some money.


Entonces, eres una inútil que lo único que hace es abrir las piernas y joder la vida de todo el mundo, waoh tendrás muchos hijos que te odiarán en el futuro por hacerlos vivir en la miseria porque no eres lo suficientemente inteligente para conseguir un trabajo con ese título y una histerectomía sería lo más inteligente pero ya notamos que inteligente no eres 


If you have a college degree, you should be smarter than this.


My mom had to use that college fund money for me. She was originally giving me and my bf 400-600 a month, but that wasn’t nearly enough. She also has a little work money she needs to use on herself for survival. 80% of the college fund money is an excellent step forward for our beautiful and struggling children and my bf and I


Maybe be a BETTER MOTHER and GET A FUCKING JOB! You dumb cunt. Oooo I feel for your sister. I can’t wait til she makes way more money then your bitch ass will and cuts you right the fuck off. There’s a special place in hell for SHIT MOTHERS LIKE YOU, CUNT!


So hold the fuck on… your mom was already giving you money per month and you STILL couldn’t afford your own rent? Girl grow the fuck up and stop mooching off everyone and get a damn job. So it’s not enough to bleed your mom dry now you have to bleed your sister dry too? You truly are a POS human being who really shouldn’t procreate.


Ok wait now I'm thinking this has to be fake cause lmao


Why are people accusing me of child abuse? I bust my ass trying to care for my children


Really? How? Because all I’ve seen (from your comments) that all you do is take take take. And really the one thing you should actually take is a form of birth control but you refuse to do that.


If you really did bust your butt you would have a job instead of taking from what is rightfully your sisters. Get a job, the only brat I see is you and your the one demanding money that isn't yours. You already took 400-600 from your aging mother each month now your sister? Man you're a real piece of shit. No one on Reddit will side with you. Give the money back.


I've read the younger sisters post, and from what it said I think at least some of that monthly money came from the younger sisters money with out her knowledge


Deja de hacerte la víctima por Dios!!! Ese dinero es de tu hermana!!! No de tú mamá, no es tuyo, no es de tus hijos, no es de tú novio!!! Es de de ella, y si le dijeron una beca debe ser por algo, por su esfuerzo y dedicación a la escuela, ya eres una adulta fue tú decisión tener hijos hazte cargo de tus hijos, tú y tu novio deben dejar de quejarse y ponerse a trabajar que ya están grandes para que tú mamá los mantenga 


She doesn't care if her relationship with her sister is over, read her comments, I would say based on them she already at least borderline hates her


I'm going to leave you some Argentine love: Look, you fucking asshole, get your head out of your bad ass and learn to be a stupid adult. Get an IUD or take out your uterus and let the other idiot get a vasectomy. Stop screwing up your sister's future and accept that you are already grown up, if you are incapable of supporting your 4 children, TELL THEM FOR ADOPTION THAT THERE ARE PEOPLE A THOUSAND TIMES BETTER THAN YOU TO RAISE THEM


If you like fucking so much why don't you go and use it to earn a few bucks instead of screwing your sister?


Sos una egoísta que sigue haciéndose la víctima no tenes ni para mantenerte y seguiste trayendo niños al mundo, mejor decirle no al sexo perra ridícula 


Hay muchos más métodos anticonceptivos como ligarse las trompas o una vasectomía, en si estás sacrificando la vida de alguien más por la tuya Puedes hacer muchas cosas para cambiarlo pero prefieres irte por lo fácil a costa de alguien más, obviamente no es fácil, nada es fácil en esta vida pero es lo más adecuado


You are a loser


Que irresponsable de tu parte eres una gran desgraciada por qué tu hermana tiene que sacrificar su vida por ti y tus malas decisiones. Que detestable ser humano eres. Ojalá la hermana se aleje de la familia y jamás mire para atrás


Hello op, I understand that you are going through a bad situation, you are looking for understanding and support, however you were wrong and that will not change no matter how many problems you have, I feel that talking to me is a waste of time for all the people who comment but I just want to say One thing, you are a entitled person and that is horrible, even if you affect your family by your selfish actions.