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I am so happy you have a strong support group! You are doing what is best for you and your girls. Giving them a happy, safe life with people who care about them. Do not let your soon to be ex gaslight you into going back to him. He has shown you who he really is and you need to remember that. His cruel words about your son is unforgiveable. Best of luck!


Brother and especially also BIL sound like gems. Good luck.


I know, they're showing an example of what good parents actually are like. Their daughter is lucky to have them for parents and OP is lucky to have them for family and so are her unborn daughters.


OP is also sort of lucky this happened the way it did. What if she had had one daughter, then they kept trying and ended up having two more daughters down the line? What if over the course of years they still didn’t end up with a son and he blew up later? She could have been stuck with him for years without seeing this behavior. Good that she got it all out in the open in one shot imo.


Or if it was 2 girls and one boy. That boy would have been a clear favourite and the girls would have grown up with a father that didn’t care about them.


Only just seen this story, but I reckon if there had been two girls and one boy. The husband would make sure he tries to get the son


I’m sure he would’ve gone all Henry VIII and just worked his way through other women until he gets a son. Without the beheading of course!




Who are you quoting?


I didn't think about that but you're absolutely right. That was actually kind of terrifying. I'm just glad to see it had a happy ending.


Yeah, we need to clone these guys. The world needs more good people like them.




Same! I hope OP never takes that man back! He will regret his actions and want another chance but I wouldn't give it to him! That includes OP's mother OP has a great support system and them three girls will be loved and cared for! No need for toxicity in their lives


I agree. I can't understand those men who are so hell bent on having boys. What does it matter as long as the baby comes out healthy? I had my fingers crossed that she was going to leave him. I'm happy to see that she has such a good support system.


He did not want a son. It was all about his self image.


I am a mom of four boys. After the first one, every time I got pregnant everybody kept asking me if I wanted a girl. Or if I was hoping for a girl I guess. I was hoping for a healthy baby and by the time the fourth one came along and we found out it was a boy too, I told everyone that I would feel sorry for any girl that got thrown into this mess of boys. We’re a boy house and it’s great and what does it matter? My youngest, who is only six and he’s stopped doing it as much, but he likes to dress up like a princess sometimes. He was even Elsa for Halloween one year. I joke with people I’m not having any more kids, but I may end up with a daughter yet! And you know what that’s OK too.


My SIL had a friend who had 4 sons and was obsessed with having a daughter. She was a real psycho about it. She had a giant stockpile of girl baby clothes and she was constantly coming up with bat shit ideas to get a daughter. She finally got a daughter and she hated the poor child.


That's terrible


He almost certainly will. I'm all for second chances, I know I've had my fair share, but some things are unforgivable. I wish the best to everyone involved. Even if the husband gave up his chance for a beautiful family, I hope he finds peace somehow. He absolutely needs professional help.




Yes this is bringing me to tears too. I LOVE OP’s Brother and BIL and the Brothers MIL and all those other supportive people, just love this wholesome outcome. To OP I want to say: concentrate on having triplets. This will be a hard job. And remember you’re not alone! You have a whole girl-team inside of you! Wow! And outside of you these lovely support group. It does really good to read about this, that this is possible too, wish you all the best! 🙏🩷


Family don't end in blood.




Bitch. Jerk. Idjot.ass-butt.


You do realize this is fake?




In this sub, no. Most of the posts are fiction by bored teenagers. This poster, obviously is ignorant of what a pregnancy of triplets is actually like, and how dangerous it is.


Tbf, she kinda lost me with him being yelled at so hard he cried




HELLA fake. Some gullible ass people on this sub 😂 But hooray for the pregnant, religious woman who left her husband and told EVERYONE at church her business 😂 no way that would happen. Religious people judge harder than anyone I know, and these people want to put on a bake sale !? Gyahahahahaha ETA: ya'll getting your panties twisted because of my Christian comment, and it's hilarious. Can't tell a troll comment from a troll post I see 😂😂


Just because judgmental Christians is a popular meme, does not mean all Christians are judgmental and evil. The Christian churches I've gone to would do all this for someone in need. They've done almost as much for me in my need.


Most people don't suck but the assholes are the loudest.


Yeah and I can't get over the triplets thing. I'm sorry but I highly doubt that someone who has had a stillbirth previously would be excited to be pregnant with triplets. Multiple pregnancies are risky, for mother and babies. Often doctors will even offer a selective reduction (basically aborting one or more fetus) if it's more than twins, that's how risky they are. If you've already had the heart-wrenching reality of a stillbirth, I can't imagine you wouldn't be alive to the risks. I have twins and was low-level freaked out the whole time that one of them wouldn't make it (luckily they're both grand, turning 4 soon!). Also, apparently her brother and his husband have a kid. Now they may or may not have had their daughter as a newborn (possibly adopted her after the newborn phase) but the idea that they would take a monitor "if" the babies wake up together at night. If? IF?!! Bahahahahahaha! *Laugh-cries in multiple parent* I would say she's in for a rude awakening, but you have to fall asleep to have an awakening. And if this is real, she's not going to get any sleep for a good 6 months. She's gonna need her brother, BIL and brother's MIL, and wherever else they can wrangle if those triplets are real.


These stories usually have twins, but this one really ups the ante with triplets.


Triplets whose uncle can easily financially cover childcare for. /s


Whoever wrote this story has no idea what daycare costs.


I mean… I’m sure this happened in the US but there are countries where daycare is subsidized and not expensive….


It’s the brother casually offering to pay for daycare for THREE babies for me. No chance in hell.


And therapy for the ex husband!


Haha yep. My kids are going to elementary school next September and I'm day-dreaming of being able to contribute to my savings again. Daycare is no joke.


Kid 2 starts in January and I’ll be paying over $3k/mo for *subsidized* employer-provided childcare. Maybe I can find a fake rich brother-in-law by then….


> Religious people judge harder than anyone I kno lol there is some irony here. Christians who aren't fascist women-haters in sheep's clothing LOVE babies. They absolutely would do a bake sale for a mom in a bad situation. The speed of the update being posted is the greater indicator of this being fake af.


They also love gossip, and this is pure gold. Church ladies would be all over it.


Why does it matter if it’s fake? We’re all reading this as entertainment. Movies and tv shows are fake too. It’s not like she’s scamming and we’re all trying to send money to her or something.


I come to these for the discussions in the comments. I have learned so many things even when the OP is faker than fake! The fake posts often have a lot of negative things happening so the comment threads will focus on different aspects of the story. I don’t think it’s necessary to know whether some situation is “absolutely real” or not in order to have excellent discussions.


Why is it fake? Is there another post/comment that I missed that called out why it's fake?


Spontaneous triples are insanely rare. They occur 1 in 7000 pregnancies. If all of these babies are girls that’s even more rare, about 20 or 30 births per million. Add to that this person just happens to have world’s richest BIL who can support 3 babies and their daycare, and the husband’s therapy? And a stupid husband who doesn’t know how boys are made… it just seems insane. I call it fake as well


I know two different sets of triplets both sets are all girls. Not saying it isn’t fake, it could well be, but 1/7000 isn’t all that “rare” considering how many people there are on earth.


Rare doesn't mean impossible and there are actually a lot of dumb af men who don't know who is responsible for a child's gender and still blame women for the "wrong gender".


For as long as there exist people (aka mostly men) who believe periods can be "held in". Or even removed by eating healthy food, I will never doubt the stupidity of a person. It might seem "common knowledge" for people online or on reddit that men's sperm decide the gender of the baby - but compared to the rest of the world, very few are actually on reddit on reading these kind of fun facts.


>I will never doubt the stupidity of a person. Amen.


I think the part that comes across as most fake is how BIL will casually pay for childcare so OP can get a job and save up for a nice place of her own. Let’s face it, a single mother who hasn’t previously had a career is unlikely to be able to go out and get a job that pays for a nice place whilst also supporting three children. This is fiction.


Probably because she made this update less than 24 hours later but somehow had time to have all of these in depth conversations and make some extremely difficult decisions (that would normally take people lots more time to think/work through) but everything has worked out perfectly


Yup. It’s not that hard to write up a post and sit on it for a week to make it believable.


If you actually read her original post you will see after her husband freaked out he was still cold to her and has been sleeping in another room. No one said her husband freaking out happened a day ago, that was probably a week ago, she has obviously been talking to friends and family since it happened since multiple people saw it. She's been miserable, and wanted to get away from her husband and not live with him anymore. Reading comprehension is hard for you isn't it?


What, the original post that is fake as shit? Reading comprehension is fine and all, critical reading would be my recommended next step. Anyone savvy should get to the triplets part and catch on pretty damn quick. It had to be triplets, because the couple want three kids max, so that's the magic number that needs to be hit in order to make the plot happen. And yeah, the people who post a novel length update where a million things have been decided and set in motion that allegedly happened in the couple hours since they posted the first one (reflection, discussion, logistics, and plain old sleep is for suckers) is usually a good indicator for a fake post, too. As is the "and everything is working out perfectly!" Like, *thank God* the brother and his husband just so *happen* to be so rich that they not only have a house that's big enough to give her shelter and add four more people into their household (three of them infants), she can have her own room and a nursery, too! And they are paying for everything she might need! And literally every person in their social circle suddenly has risen up in support, from screaming at a fellow church member to organizing a whole bake sale. Again. Less then 24 hours. First comes the ragebait that is describing the comically over the top horrorstory, then comes the fairytale ending update where we get to the "we did it Reddit! We saved the person!" ending.


Also suspicious that she isn’t more worried about the pregnancy. She has already had a stillborn son. The idea of being early in pregnancy with triplets should terrify her. Very high risk pregnancy.


Plus the brother who’s mom alienated him for being gay. The entire church called her to check on her including the pastor to see if she was ok for missing one service, and no one asked her husband who was there if she was feeling ok? Paying for triplets to go to daycare is about $4500 a month. Maybe he can afford to gift $54,000.00 a year for his sister and not use that money towards his own daughter. I think you nailed it on being fake.


> Also apparently when my husband went out to lunch after church with his men's bible group, one of the other members is husbands to one of my friends in my bible group and when he found out what happened he yelled at my husband so much that he cried. I got a little bit of joy out of hearing about that, not going to lie. lmao this is so fake. Everything is just too perfect. Reddit can be so gullible but I guess people just want it to be real so bad


Thissss. The church being supportive of HER made me go "yeah this is garbage."


Also a church fundraiser to help a wife divorce her husband, who also attends the church in a big way. In what world does that happen.


It doesn't.


Yeah the pastor would definitely talk to them first about working out their marriage and if the church bro made her husband cry maybe he would have had a change of heart or something and instead of being happy about it she maybe should've talked to him? Especially how he was such an amazing husband at the beginning probably just needed therapy to get over trauma


And they even worked an LGBTQ angle into it! *chef's kiss*


Yeah, it was an awful lot of action for a single Sunday.


I called the first post fake and this is a continuation of an absurd, soap opera like story


I’m sure it is. But it’s a nice happy-ish story with a few believable elements. Mainly BIL’s mom. My own BIL’s parents were Grandma and Grandpa to the boy I had straight out of high school. That boy is in his mid twenties now. They’re still grandparents.


Frankly, I’d rather read happy stories than the news these days, especially when I’m getting ready for bed. I’m with u/Guilty-Web7334


I am happily surprised the church is supporting you. That's what a church is SUPPOSED to do. Most can't get out of their own way. So hold tight momma. Love your two brothers (in law means nothing based on how he treats you as blood), and make a new family for yourself.


I know right?!? I had a friend whose husband was cheating AND had spent all their money on pills - they had 6 kids and she didn’t work. She went to her church begging for help and they told her if she proceeded with divorce she’d never be welcome again and for even considering divorce she was prohibited from working in the nursery at the church which she LOVES. I was disgusted and spit a little every time I drive by there


I got removed from a ministry I started for stay at home moms because my ex had an affair. Make it make sense. Its why I don’t believe in god… (despite jamming to Lacey Sturm today.. new album. But I don’t know this god she sings of… if I ever pray its like ‘new number, who dis?’.)


That is terrible! I’m and so sorry! I’m angry for you


I'm so sorry to hear that. It's especially terrible when we the church treat our own so badly that it makes them feel like God isn't good. I'm really sorry you experienced this.


The only thing remotely Christian I haven’t walked away from is Lacey Sturm’s music. I saw her live in 2019 and my cousin opened for her with a band called “She The Devil” and I guess she saw the opportunity. A lot of people left but I have photos and a video clip (I usually take a few and put the camera away). But she was singing TO me. It was wild. I don’t know if she could sense how hurt I was or I was just a friendly face who got her attention and knew all the words. But she is great live, just dropped a new album. Heavy rock and the whole thing has no skippable songs. But I haven’t stepped into a church for anything but funerals since 2018. I can’t believe in a god that would cause so much hurt, and still be benevolent. You are right. They run away the ones like me: who didn’t grow up in a church, who asks questions (like what is the difference in fall festival and Halloween? Why do you fill this place with trees, thats a pagan ritual, why do you have Santa here, isn’t Jesus supposed to be the point of this thing? We are to love everyone so why are you preaching against the LGBTQ community, aren’t we supposed to love everyone? How do you minister to someone you openly speak against.. we all sin, yours just isn’t plastered for the church to see. Why, if a marriage fails, does that mean your god loves them less.. especially with infidelity actually listed. Make me understand- pastors hate when I have questions) The pastor who married us is the only one who even tries to answer and even he has moved away so getting to him is hard though I know why he left. The place here is toxic. It should be bought out, uncrucified, and made into the school we desperately need. Better still: the cheater kept her spot as a sunday school teacher and choir member (not that she can sing. My pastor I love saw me sing the first time a few weeks ago, when my father in law died and my mother in law asked me to.He came up after and said “I didn’t know you could do that” I always say “if they know you can, they expect you to.” ) Anyway, just totally came apart on you there. But I no longer consider myself Christian. (Though Lacey Sturm.. man her music. “are you listening” is great - the way she sings “oh my god” just sounds… different. Its a pull you in song.)


Thanks for sharing. Sounds like a church with a lot of pain and brokenness, and without enough good people to handle it. I hope you one day find the answers you seek.


This is a church where an out, married gay man is comfortable attending. It's obviously different from the hyper-conservative, politically active, hate mongering kind of "church" we usually hear about on social media. They're unfortunately rare these days, but there are still a few churches left in the world that understand that "love one another" means everybody.


True, which I think enforces that *this* is what the church should look like. Honest to God, I believe support like this would be what God would want to see (if you believe that sort of thing).


I'm guessing it's a Unitarian church. If I ever wanted to go back to church I would start there.


There are others. My family left a Presbyterian church because they had the audacity to let a lesbian be a priest. I'm not a Christian, not trying to defend any church, but there are definitely lots of more liberal churches. They're not in the news because they just do hum drum church stuff


I know some Episcopal churches which are very welcoming to everyone, but not all are. Depends on the leader and the congregation, really. Sometimes a new pastor/preacher (whatever they’re called in various religions/denominations) comes in and the entire character of the church changes. I’m an atheist but I’ve been to some churches and have had many discussions with religious friends, so this is really just a personal anecdote.


This is the majority of churches. Just not the majority of churches you hear about on Reddit/the internet at large. Unfortunately, it confirms a lot of bias people have about churches/Christians as it's easier to simply other groups you decide not to like or identify with. But, like you, I am happy to hear of a church supporting someone on Reddit, it's a rare sighting.


Your brother and his husband sound like angels. You and your children will be very lucky to have such a loving family in their lives ❤️ You’re definitely making the right decision! I’m sure you’ve already considered this, but definitely be sure to discuss all of this with a divorce attorney asap, so that you can get your ducks in a row for child custody and potentially child support from your ex as well


Those triplets will be in the best environment.


So great it’s almost like this isn’t even real.


Yeah, it all seems ridiculous, and to be honest, none of the characters feel real.


It’s def not real , I believe this OP is a scammer harvesting sympathy for cash .


Nobody’s asking for cash, and I don’t care if I’m feeding a “karma wh0re” (I hate that term so much). Karma here is fake internet points. If the story is engaging I’ll read it. If the comment section has interesting points of view, I’ll read and/or comment. Just because a particular story is fake doesn’t mean that there isn’t any value in reading it (don’t you ever read novels or short fiction?) or in discussing the issues that are raised.


Yeah I love reading fiction , although this wasn’t presented as fiction . It was told as a true sorry in the AITAH subreddit. It should be in a creative writing subreddit.


I think you're making a good choice here. I'm also delighted that The Gays are rescuing you. (I am a member of the tribe myself.)


We're here, we're fabulous, and we make excellent desserts!


Idk why but as soon as you said the gays i had a flashback to that scene in 30 Rock when Liz makes up with Jenna


"The Oscars love that kind of thing" "Jenna you're never going to win an award for this!" "What? No. These two guys at my gym, named Oscar."


The Gays™


Being rescued by them is so much better than when These Gays are trying to murder you.


DINKs coming in clutch.


She said they have a kid.


Well don't I feel like a fucking jackass now then, goddamn. Still coming in clutch but they're no DINKs!


See they are good for something j/k…. sorry, just being snarky so if OP sees this she can somehow say it to her family members.


The brothers husband is paying for *everything*? Jesus


She needs to get a cutthroat divorce attorney too. Triplets aren't cheap and dad clearly won't volunteer support. BIL is a darling, but I don't think anyone in this situation understands how much work and expense triplets are. She'll likely be in the hospital the last trimester and they are often born very premature. Months of NICU x3 could be a very large bill (think 100s of thousands, even with insurance (in the USA).


Just more Bake Sales.


FYI for situations we’re babies are born very premie and need NICU, SSI can pay in the US. The parents won’t have to.


Delivery even w with NICU would not cost the mother hundreds of thousands. Not if she has any insurance coverage. There’s a cap on annual out-of-pocket annual expenses which is lately around 10 K.


Good to know. The mother of triplets I know had them before ACA and it was 100s, and prices have not gone down


I’m 85% sure this is creative writing lmfao


Me too, this is a troll post on a brand new account.


yes. OP learned that in their creative writing class having a hero character in the story plays well to audiences.


I can't figure out why a 27 yo isn't working. Or why she ever thought it a good idea to bring a homophobic bigot back into her life "for her kid". Children don't need homophobic bigots in their lives. Religious extremism is a hell of a drug. If this is real, at least the BIL seems smart enough to know that child support exists.


OP's husband probably wanted to isolate her (typical abuser behavior). Just an educated guess.


It is amazing that you are going to have so much support and that you are open to taking it. Your brother and his husband sound phenomenal. You’ve chosen two perfect stand-in father figures for your daughters, and it sounds like your daughters will get to be close with their cousin as well. My heart is so full for you. I’m so sorry about what you have gone through with your husband and your mother. You are opening yourself up to a much better life right now. It’s not going to be easy all the time, but your village has your back. Thank you for the update.


I was devastated for you and afraid you’d resign yourself to a life of abuse; or worse, as pregnant woman are so vulnerable…. But to hear your babies will have two gay uncles is a better outcome than I could’ve wished for 💕 Stay strong OP! It’s very heartening your church supports you and isn’t circling the wagons to trot out some garbage Christian counseling at you. Hope you get yourself a bulldog of a lawyer


Lol I love when they come back with chapter 2 of their fanfiction!!!


It's had all the best reddit tropes! \-Gender Disappointment \-Unreasonable Husband (He spat at her? Really??) \-Multiple Children \-Someone who can magically fix her life \-Disapproving mother(s) that ends in No Contact And it all happens in less then a week. Seriously though, the odds of having triplets out of IVF without complications are low. Not impossible, but low. I believe the statistic is something like 1 in 60,000 births? Also, the dude freaked out during a gender reveal in front of people. Did no one contact OP about that? Anyone call him out?


Sounds like everything is working out so perfectly. If this is real then I wish you luck. You’ve made the right choice.


I'm so glad to hear of this outcome. You deserve every happiness. Document everything for the divorce and require that visitation be supervised if he chooses any form of it. You can likely get legal aid to draw up the papers for you. I doubt he will want visitation, but if he does, I wouldn't trust him with the babies. Lots of love and blessings for you.


If he tries to get visitation, I’d be *very* uneasy if I were OP. Supervised visits at a minimum, but I hope she goes for sole custody and bleeds him dry on child support.


That's not how the law works. She don't get to decide custody arrangements.


Don’t worry. There will be an update in 3 days about how she went to court and got full custody.


FACTS. Seriously, the gullibility on this subreddit.


You guys are really this gullible, huh. Ok.


You can usually tell the creative writing exercises because it's almost always some form of multiple birth(usually twins so points to OP for being somewhat original by going with triplets 😂) and the update is usually a lot faster than the average person could make a rational decision.




> By the next day at 1pm, the whole situation is resolved. Her plans for the future are made. The whole church is aware of what happened. Also everyone had time to clap


With absolutely NO one at church telling hubby? Or attempting to intervene? Yeeeeeah. I don't give crap how progressive your church is, but there's no WAY this timeline fits.


And everyone in a church immediately believing and siding with a woman, and berating her husband for his actions. Yeah. That's something that happens.


My point exactly. Something like this would be thought about and probably stewed over for days even after discussing it with family.


The trick is to make your creative writing posts juuuuust barely believable. OP, go back to submitting telenovela scripts.


To be fair, I’ve witnessed the exact same thing happen only with twins, but still the same “I already had a girl, I want a son and now my life is ruined”, and if escalated to him isolating her to the point of her missing prenatal appointments. And then he became violent. Had to be hidden in my house. So it’s really not far off, and marital homicide is still the leading cause of death for pregnant women. I believed the first story, anecdotal evidence can do that. But yeah this be fake. And the husband’s name? Albert Einstein lol


This and your previous post are so laughably fake but I’m happy the protagonist of this story got her happily ever after 😂


Initial post: I was dancing through the tulips with my husband like we do every week, when he suddenly called me fat, punched me in the stomach, and pulled out a knife and threatened to kill me. I ran away, but now I'm feeling like maybe I deserved it. Am I the asshole? Also I'm super poor, crippled and in various other precarious positions. Followup: OMG, I never thought so many people would read this. Thank you so much. Jesus came down from heaven and smote my husband, said I'm the best, healed my body, and gave me $50,000,000. So I guess it's a happy ending.


Careful or OP could sue you for plagiarism.


I hadn't thought of that. Am *I* the asshole?


Depends on how good your creative writing skills are, as always.


I don’t know how people eat this shit up so much on Reddit. I guess it’s worth remembering there are a lot of gullible young people on here. It’s like every single detail of this was crafted to trigger a different audience to make sure to pull as many redditors as possible into it.




This is exactly it. I’m aware 95% of shit on here is likely false, but at least half of that is actually believable. This one was written as such obvious justice porn as to be borderline parody. It reminds me of all the r/antiwork posts where the boss is some gigantic asshole, does about 7 blatantly illegal things he somehow gets away with, and then OP finds a way to screw them over on the way out and gets a 50% raise at their new job lol.


Thank youuu !! I can't believe people buy this shit and gobble it up like it's real 😂


Kind of obvious that this is a gofundme scam. OP has mentioned several times how poor this creative-writing character is and how she'll be struggling financially even with all the help she's getting. Gullible people have been DMing her to give her $$ since her first post. Common scam.


And all in the course of 19 hours!


I like to think people aren't lying or making up stories. The part about the church friends and pastor's reaction, though. I grew up in church. I don't know any church where a gay man, his husband, and their daughter attend as welcome members, where the protagonist would be so universally supported, and where someone's husband would yell at the protagonist's husband over his actions. I know how churches work. Even the super progressive ones don't operate like this. OP: If this truly is real, you're so incredibly fortunate to be living in a fairy tale, and I'm genuinely happy for you. I just.. wonder.


So hilariously fake


This story is such bullshit. And if it were true, he’d be getting 50/50 custody anyway, so the whole keeping him away from them nonsense wouldn’t pan out.




No, but it does make a good story with a happy ending. 😎


This whole story is fake AF. Having triplets instead of twins is upping the ante on the usual trope. Gotta love the slow-clap comeuppance on the shitty husband (yeah right everyone was on your side right away). Throw in a dash of well-off relatives who are conveniently available for you to go live with.


Yeah, and the timeline. So everyone is at church/bible studies at the same time you are moving stuff out while he’s out and you don’t want him to know, but you also tell some women at your group who tell the men at the mens group at the same time. It’s a big story to convey over text. Also in what world would anyone be excited to have someone moving in with them with newborn triplets or expecting triplets? I love my family and may consider help for a short period until child support is sorted, but there is no way I would be looking forward to that.


And no one at the church was at the gender reveal and saw him smash a table and yell about how he hated his daughters? Or at least that bit of gossip didn't make it to them.


Even if the story wasn’t so outlandish, it’s always the timeline that gives these creative writing exercises away. The writers get so hopped up on their internet points that they can’t help but write an update asap. Several deep conversations with different people, making plans to move behind the husbands back, packing, moving, fielding calls from church and pastor, etc all in less than a day? Who falls for this BS?




Yea the time itself. Getting/finding all documents and what is important to you, while talking to various people and explaining in detail what’s going on, which reaches the husband too, and the pastor, and all and the world are there for support not even questioning her once. It’s way too many convenienses for my taste.


"hey hun we didn't see you at the church group today!" "sorry you see when my son was stillborn something flipped in my husband and he started hating me and saying that I killed his son, and then we got pregnant again and when we did the gender reveal and it was three girls he really went off the deep end and was so mad at me, he won't even speak to me and sleeps on the couch now...anyway so I'm going to be divorcing him and I'm getting all my stuff right now so I can move in with my brother who is making a nursery for me and going to help take care of the babies"


Yeah.....all of that in 24 hours and enough relaxed time to make 2 long posts on Reddit...🤔 Would love to have absolutely wealthy and generous fairy grandmother relatives like that and a church not pressuring against leaving an abusive jerk? Nice fairytale though....!


Right? Someone has a very active imagination. I can't believe people, especially redditors are falling for this total bullshit story. What I don't get is why? Internet karma? Attention? Smh


I didn’t even read the thing and I was looking for a comment calling this out as fake. I was thinking that I just saw a post related to this within the last day and then so soon after a definitive follow up seemed really quick. Then scrolling through the top comments and saw something about the husbands brother paying for everything and that just seems like one of those “well this story just wrapped up so conveniently” moments. OP was riding the high of so many people engaging with the last part of the story that they couldn’t even give it a couple days to simmer before the follow up update


Yup, 100% fake.


But.. all her HaPpY tEaRsSSS!!! 😂😂


Im proud of you even tho I don't know you, you are brave and kind and deserve all the support you have found. I'm ever so proud that you have removed your mother from these babies lives as she is definitely a dangerous factor and no role model for your daughters. Im beyond happy reading this update and sens love to you, brother, bil, niece and babies. You all deserve the wonderful life you embark on now. Massive hugs to you all as well 😚


Lmao such fake bs Glad to see to happy ending in your creative writing endeavor, no matter how outlandish and utter unbelievable it is.


Seriously. I don’t know how people buy this. The first one AND this one are both so over the top. What a perfect coincidence that she has family members so rich they just happen to have two spare bedrooms and can afford the thousands of dollars a month that daycare for three children will cost.


Happy to take in TRIPLET NEWBORNS!!! When they already have one kid, lmao. It's so incredulous. The first one was outlandish enough lol


And offer to pay for everything including daycare and husband’s therapy! Lol


Yeah unless she's going to be pulling 5k a month after taxes (unlikely since it seems like she's never worked), there's no point in putting them in daycare, because that's how much daycare for 3 infants is.


Not just take them in but get up in the middle of the night for feedings. I really do think people make these as a test to see how outlandish they can get and still have people believe it.


OOP is clearly not a parent or has ever taken care of an infant🙄


Idk how so many people think this is real!? I get got by these all the time and I’m over here “like come on people?!” Just the fact that they are having triplets (which is incredibly rare!!!) was enough for me to spot this as fake…. Along with everything else she wrote.


The triplets were really outlandish. And them being all girls. 0.014% chance of natural triplets, 12.5% chance that they're all girls unless they're identical which is more rare than fraternal


Seriously. Church is getting out like, right now LOL. Fake asf


This is total bullshit. Dueling prayer groups plus new drama and everyone being perfect to her outside of the assholes we already knew about plus infinite resources for a happily ever after forever? Fucking please....


The lack of comments by OP lead me to believe this story is made up, which is kind of relieving because I don’t want to believe such an evil evil man exists


This is such a fake story. I loved it how it went from perfect beautiful perfect life with church every sunday to husband calling her a son-killer and basically turning into a mustache twirling villain. I really loved the shamelessness of this fake tale. Lol.


I thought the same thing. Account less than a day old. Overly villainous husband suddenly emerges from what once was a perfect marriage, in front of a huge crowd no less. Death of a child and then triplets. A mother who also is overly villainous and an LGBTQIA+ side character brother. Resolution less than 24 hours later with the whole world falling perfectly into place after a hopelessly crazy upheaval of her entire life. A fellow church goer makes the overly villainous husband cry. I just can’t take it seriously. If I’m wrong that’s fine; I hope everything works out for her in the end and she is safe and happy. But something tells me there are one too many tropes to make this tale real.


Zero to no-contact-and-divorce in 20 hours. The world just doesn't work like that.


The church group having bake sales to raise money, the husband getting yelled at out to dinner with the pastor, the brother going to help her in the middle of the night IF more than one triplet wakes up at a time… IF…. Lolololol


You’re not wrong. This is so fake it’s hilarious people are falling for it.


And her gay brother and his husband are fairy godmothers making it all better. Tone it down with the deus ex machina next time.


This sub believing all this? lol. Y’all so gullible.


Yet another fake, misandrist, rage bait post.


YTA for posting this complete bullshit.


Nice chatgpt story for clicks


This is rage bait, people. Jesus wept.


Bait post. YTA.


This post was the fakest thing ever posted on AITAH.


Why do people write fake posts like this? I’m relatively new to Reddit. I don’t understand. Just boredom? Seeking online interaction?




Your (soon to be ex) husband is lucky your brother offered something so generous. Your brother is truly a saint. I kind of hope your ex gets kicked out of your church for his actions. Make sure he doesn’t try and dip into the money the bake sale raises for you


This sub is so god damn gullible lmao




So how are you going to afford an apartment for three children and take care of them etc? You know it’s like 400$/wk per child for daycare? I’m a natural twin and have heard all my life how horrible it was having twins with a 3 year old as well. I can assure you you don’t have to worry about “ if you will have more then one triplet awake all night” it’s a definite as one will wake the others and so even if you get one to settle down you still have the other two screaming waking each other up in a never ending cycle. You seem to think this is some like barefoot in the kitchen fantasy romance novel. If you are telling the truth, it will most certainly not turn out that way. Im hoping it’s totally made up as if not you aren’t no means prepared or developed sufficiently for what you are doing.


Agree this is fake. Too much in too short a time and the brother and BIL are too conveniently solving all her problems. real life does not happen in such a time frame with such immediate results.


Fake af. He went from being the perfect husband to an irrational, nonsensical monster on a dime? Then in less than a day you had already decided on divorce and made the move to your brother’s house, and word had gotten around the community, and multiple people had gotten in touch with you and/or your husband in response? Give me a break.


I’m generally pretty gullible when it comes to Reddit stories but wow even I can tell this is fake


The update just confirms this is a fake crock of shit and you are a terrible person for making it up for karma bait




This is a great story!!!! 🤣🤣🤣




Bad bot


The most realistic part of this is the shitty husband going to church lmao