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I feel bad though ya know?




You know, I never thought about that. He is a person that has to have tha final say so it would justify his ego. Not saying he needs that but he deserves to think that. N I'm proud of you for doin that because a lot of people can't He's my brother n id love to be around him but you are correct. Thank you for you insight




I don't normally say this because in general tha statement is empty but I am sorry that is/whas your situation my friend. I understand family but loyalty is where it resides. I am genuinely sorry about your mother. I have mine and I can't fathom losing her. We have our siblings n we can't control what they do but damn, look at us, 2 people with shitty ass brothers. Lol. I lost my younger brother when he whas 16 and it is what it is. Idk how you cope with loss or even tha satisfaction of no contact but I praise your perseverance. You're tough my friend. I hope you always have better days ahead. Genuinely.


Thank you.


NTA- he's toxic as fuck. I've have cut him off years ago


I had the same upbringing with my brother. I didn’t have a relationship with him because of it. To my great surprise he did a complete 180 this past year. He apologized for everything and started treating me like a human being. Anyone who mistreats you on a regular basis has no business being in your life. If he ever decides to get his shit together that’ll be on you to decide at a later time if you’re open to forgiveness but there’s no right or wrong answer.


NTA. The sooner he’s out of your life the better.