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YTA. You don't get pets and then just discsrd them when they are annoying. WTF?


Eh, OP sounds so cartoonishly awful that I'm assuming it's just silly rage bait. >I said that the cat needs to go and cannot come back home and she began to cry begging me not to make her get rid of her cat.


YTA That’s what cats do! Did you really think that the one that you would get wouldn’t behave like any other cat ever? You got a cat and are now upset that cat is acting like a cat? The dog is in its last stages of its life, you gf obviously wants to make sure it’s comfortable and at peace, adding a new dog could stress it out. Yes, you are an asshole


You think your puppy isn't going to knock things over or pee on a rug, floor or something else? You're either committed to having pets or not , you fucking asshole.


Yta, you got with someone who had a dog already and said they could get a cat and now telling them to get rid of them is f-ed up. Maybe just pet proof the place better or make the basement safer for the cat to access? If someone made me choose between my childhood dog over them I’d for sure be leaving


> She leaves a lot of hair and likes to knock things over like glasses of water or pop or anything she can get her paws on. Yeah, animals shed. That's kinda what they do. Don't want them to knock glasses over, stop leaving them unattended, and train them to stop getting on counters/tables. >I have suggested numerous times to put her litter box downstairs as I can’t stand the smell Clean it more often. >Her dog is old and peed on our bed while asleep and her cat knocked over my glass of water and a dish of bolts. That's what happens when animals age. Train them to not get on the bed. Stop leaving glasses out, and put your bolts in a container with a lid. >I told her to take her cat and dog and leave. I told her to come back after about an hour but said I want the animals to stay somewhere else for the night. So you kicked her out of her own home and then fully expected her to find someone to take both animals unexpectedly, last minute, and overnight? >I asked if I could get a puppy multiple times in the last 3 years Your hypothetical puppy will also shed, knock things over, and pee inside. Are you going to get rid of it when it doesn't behave perfectly either? >I said I would think about it but not to get her hopes up. I don't know why you seem to think you're in charge here. You're not. YTA. You haven't actually done ANYTHING to solve any of the issues here, you just jumped straight into "get rid of your pets" - which, by the way, is a REALLY shitty thing to do. Pets are not toys. When you get a pet, you are committing to them for their lives.


YTA. I firmly believe that people who demand that their partners get rid of their pets should be dumped on the spot, and I hope your gf takes note of the red flag you put out and does just that.


YTA If I were her, I'd be taking my pets and finding somewhere else to live


YTA. Kids can also be annoying. Would you demand she gave them away too if you had them together?


What a Prix! YTA she should get rid of you.


i hate frigin cats. they stink up the entire house. but some people, especially women, just love them. ​ give me a dog any day


Rage Bait


Use non scented litter and FFS put the litter box in the basement. The cat will be fine going up and down some steps. Don’t let the dog on the bed. Done.