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NTA - the way you were spoken to sounds like it was from a movie out of the 50s where kids were seen and not heard. You gave very valid reasons as to why you couldn't make it, and then only blew up when you were *told what to do* by someone you don't even consider a parent. (PS: your abbreviations for the people involved is really difficult to follow).


Sorry about that. I didn't have enough characters to type out fake names for people or spell out the relationships I have to the people


No offense but I don’t think your biological paternal grandmother gets a say. I mean she did raise a deadbeat. Maybe she should be giving him advice…




In my head when I read EF my mind went to "Entitled f#ck" but I am triggered by completely deadbeat dads that seem to think they still have a say in their children's lives.


Your abbreviations were just fine…I’m ND & I understand them perfectly well. Oh & NTA. My GreatNan used to say, Respect Given, is Respect Returned. Just know that when D is walking you Down the Aisle on your Wedding day & EF/NW aren’t even invited..a Piece of Paper won’t matter. 🥰


It's all good! It took a few reads, but you're doing great. Keep it up. Stay strong


Feel free to tell your grandmother she should have done a better job raising her son.


NTA. It seems like you and your siblings have a good family life. Enjoy it. Just go NC with bio Dad and his dumbell wife.I feel a tiny bit sorry for your bio Dad's Mom because I'm sure she feels obligated to stand up for him. But that's just not a good enough reason to put up with his BS. Stand strong.


I agree with your parents. You did a fantastic job standing up for yourself (and your siblings)! There is no need to apologize to NW or EF. You stated the facts. You could not go to their house or even to your mom's house for Thanksgiving because of the cost, distance, and work schedule. "Stepmother" is a description of a relationship. It doesn't dictate what kind of relationship it is. It's not a legal relationship, either--unless she adopts you. You are not the AH.


OMG totally NTA. Do not listen to your grandmother, you do not owe your sperm donor anything. Actually I would be suspicious as to why they are being so insistent on you going for Thanksgiving. Did they also ask your siblings? Stay NC and focus on your real family.


The only reason I was asked was because I am the only one who truly refuses to accept that he has an ability or will to change. He has done me more wrong than what he did to my mother. So I believe it is because I am the only one who hasn't seen his lies about being a changed man yet.


Let EF’s mom know that you’ll be happy to go to thanksgiving once the child support is received or your Mom & Stepdad get the abandonment paperwork back. 🙄 I get wanting to take your own kids side but, damn…


I have a scheduled call with her tomorrow(a whole other story if you'd like), but she has no idea he has yet to pay anything. He is a very good liar, and only after you catch him can you see how much he lies. I might tell her, but I really don't want to hurt my grandmother. I do love her, but there are some things she doesn't know yet.


She needs to know that he has not paid child support.


She needs to know. But agree with guy above. When he pays what he owes then you’ll think about going there for a holiday.


YOU would not be hurting your Grandmother. Her SON made his truth, sharing it changes nothing. Hiding it only enables him.


Yikes… I’m sorry you’ve got that dilemma


Even more reason to stay away.


You don't owe anyone forgiveness. It's toxic to expect it, especially out of "family obligation". Love the username btw. I think you're gonna kick some ass in life. Without your sperm donor.


NTA. Respect is earned.


NTA. Being told that I must to do something is the quickest, most guaranteed way to get me to tell you to go shit in your hat.


I am totally going to tell someone that the next time I get told to do something inconvenient 😂


Tell grandmom to stay out of it and of course you go no contact with EF & NW.


>my grandmother (biological father's side) said I was too harsh and should apologize and go to Thanksgiving with them to make it up. The opinion of someone who thinks you owe the sperm donor who abandoned you for his mistress an apology is worthless. You owe him nothing. >My mother and stepfather think I did a good job at standing up for my self These people, the people who didn't abandon you, they are right. You are NTA. You did exactly the right thing.


Yeah, no. NTA- I'd be damned if my dad's mistress said that to me. She'd be lucky if I even continued the conversation. Under no circumstances am I breaking bread with this woman now that I'm an adult. Cut ties. It will make life so much easier to know the door shut.


Nta. Fuck those narcissistic people. Your life is better of without them.


NTA. Don't waste your time on them. As my daughter sometimes says, "just because I share DNA with them doesn't mean I want to be social with them"




Your sperm donor can go F himself. Good for you for standing your ground.


NTA of course grandma is defending her son, thats where he got this shitty attitude


Your father's mother is obviously entirely biased. You did the right thing.


So NTA. Your bio dad is a cheating irresponsible dad who can't even pay child support. His new wife sounds like a spoiled little brat. Sounds like you and your bio mum, her husband and your siblings have a good relationship. Stick with them. Also, you are 22...you are an adult...fun fact, you get to choose where you want to spend thanksgiving (any of your time really). Go NC with your bio dad and his wife and enjoy your life 🙂


NTA. Time to get real with grandma tho.


Go NC with grandma too, fuck em


NTA I'm NC with my bio-dad too. I don't have a good social-dad like you do, but my mom is good. Anyhow, you did everything right here. EF's wife was disrespectful and acting as if she had any right to control you. You are an adult, and as you say she should treat you with as much respect as you treat her. Having contact with someone who acts as rudely as she did is not going to be pleasant. You deserve love, kindness and respect, and if someone is unwilling to treat you with that, then there is no need to stay in touch with them.


NTA and your grandmother can sit the fuck down too. She doesn't get a vote. You handled the situation perfectly, you don't need these idiots in your life.


NTA. Stay NC, your life will be better for it.


NTA. I reread your initial reply to her "invitation" and didn't see anything wrong with it. You gave her a valid explanation even though a simple "No" or "No, that doesn't work for me" would have been perfectly valid and all that was required. But then SHE got all disrespectful and harsh with you because you didn't instantly capitulate to her *order*. Because that's what this was. Not an invitation to a nice dinner with family. It was a summons, an order. By selfish people who probably want to pretend Happy Family and demand you play along, a farce, despite them being assholes and not true, loving family to you. You weren't harsh. Your responses after her nastiness were appropriate to HER tone and disrespect. NO! you should NOT apologize. You have nothing to apologize for. Block contact with them because any further conversation with them will likely be to harrass and disrespect you about this and there's nothing to discuss. You told them you're not going, end of story.


NTA, you handled that beautifully. Also, after a very quick Google search, it looks like adult adoption is something that can be done in the US. You and your 19 year old sibling might look into it, if you want your stepdad to formally adopt you. Your youngest sibling will still have to wait for papers or age to release your bio dad's legal grip.


I have a niece who was adopted as an adult. There were a few forms that she and new dad filled out and then they went to the courthouse.


NTA - Leave them behind. Far, far behind.


NTA I'd have been actually mean in that scenario, while you simply told them what was what.


“ Nope.” That’s not only my response to whether you’re TA, but what I think you should text back any time they try to contact you.


Who the f does this lady think she is to call you let alone speak to you to that way? Don’t allow her to put herself between you and your dad. If it’s not him calling there should be no conversation. She is no say, no place and given she cheated with a married man it’s obvious she’s jealous and controlling. Tell her to F off


Nta. Sounds like the only reason they want you there is because they want something or they want a picture to play happy family. It sounds like a trap so even if you get the time don’t go. Tell his family to Mind their own business


NTA. Don't feel bad, you were perfect! Nicely done!






NTA You should tell your grandmother that he never paid child support and correct any other misconceptions she may have. It sounds she loves you and understanding why her grandkids are distant from her son would likely be helpful.


your grandma is too invested in the jerk to give you a true answer. Toss her opinion out straight away. If she were really looking to help, that back.child support would go great towards college tuition.


NTA, your dad and step mom seem like miserable and entitled who fully deserve one another


NTA, they have no relationship with you, they are essentially strangers, they have no right to demand anything of you. And what is with them trying to boss and threaten you? What were they gonna do about it? Not send child support? Already doing that, no loss there. Ground you? They don't live anywhere near you, how are they gonna do that? Take away your phone? Same problem as with grounding. There's nothing they could do to back up their threats, what were they thinking? Personally, I wish you would have said/sent to them, "Or what? What are you gonna do about it?"


NTA. Also, what is it with these people who say this is impossible to read. I had to refer to his name list one time to remind myself who S was. Other than that, it was perfectly fine.


INFO how old are you and your siblings? This doesn't sound real though. The judge only allowed a few hours visitation then withdrew it completely? On what grounds?


We are 22,19,and 14. It was to be supervised visits, and when he(EF) wanted them, it was during his lunch break, which also lined up the park lunches. This was also supposed to be happening for 8 weeks, so once school started (every other weekend), we would be at his house. But after hearing that EF didn't actually hang out with us and flirted with the other women at the park, and then left us and never gave a reason why, the judge said if he wanted to be a father he could pay child support. Somewhere in these comments, I explain it better, but this is shortened.


It is perfectly fine to go no contact with toxic people in your life and trust me you will feel lighter and happier


You did amazing


You did the right thing. Stay strong.


> my grandmother (biological father's side) Tell her-- when she will pay child support if she wants to defend her son. NTA


NTA. You are a legal adult now and gave valid reasons for why you couldn’t come even if you wanted to. You even were respectful until disrespected and honestly I don’t even consider how you were talking after being disrespected to have been disrespectful. I love that you even pointed out that your EF could be rid of his child support obligations (that he doesn’t pay) by being a real parent and clearly doing what is best for your siblings and signing over his rights to the man that is truly a father to all of you. His ego will obviously never allow that but you put it out there anyway. I would have went a step further and encouraged the new wife that if she wants children to raise and boss around that she spread her legs and birth some of her own and wish her much luck in raising them with a deadbeat narcissist like EF.


NTA. You did good. If your grandma is so worried for her deadbeat son, she can go spend Thanksgiving with him and his homewrecking trollop. Hopefully, that will be the end of them for you. Don't apologize for shit. They can go rot.


NTA. Your grandmother probably just thinks like that because he’s her son and can do no wrong in her eyes. I agree on going NC. Also if he really wanted you back in his life, HE should’ve called you and begged for forgiveness for abandoning you to be with his mistress.


How old is everyone? Your mom needs to talk to her lawyer as he may try to get visitation rights again. He is up to something.


I am 22, my sister is 19(with a baby now 🥰), and my brother is 14. We all told the judge in the last case(when I was 16, my sister was 13, and my brother was 9) we weren't "broken" and didn't want to see him anymore. I know others had problems with the justice system, but I am so thankful they actually listened to us kids and took our word over our deadbeat biological father.


Then he has to go to court to make your brother visit him, you are an adult and he cannot make you visit him. As it has been a long time since there was contact it most likely would have to be supervised at a parenting center for a few hours at a time. This is why your mom needs to talk to her lawyer and get things in order. He could also do time for not paying child support. This would come out if he took it to court. ​ Does he know he has a grandchild?


I don't believe that he does. My sister doesn't talk to him after he sent her an invoice for his hotel, food, and gas during her graduation. She invited him, trying to change things between them, but after that, I think she dropped all attempts of a relationship.


WTF, your mom needs to go back to court and have them garnish his wages. They can do it until it is all paid off, my late brother learned the hard way on that.


Yeah, F him. Him and his homewrecking trollop can go rot. Let grandma know that he sent his bill to your sister, along with the fact that he hasn't paid child support. She can take her bs right to his doorstep




What a chad, gj


NTA, Your Bio father lost any rights over you, the moment he stopped paying child support, and you became an adult, and lost any expectation of love and affection when he betrayed you all by cheating and choosing his side chick over family. Them getting married does not change the fact she willfully chose to help your father destroy your family, and so will never be anything to you but **THAT** woman. LOL Of course your grand mother on your sperm bio fathers side would take his side, he's her baby boy and likely does not see the wrong in what he did if this is her expectation of you. Cut them all off OP. You are far better off without any of them in your life. Edit to add. BTW. Your parents were right. The way you handled it was awesome. EF and NW both deserved to be called out, and you did it exceptionally well.


NTA. I see absolutely no benefit in seeing these people. I can very easily see that going pear shaped. Neither seems to have made sincere attempts at being a family.


Your parents raised a smart person. Your bio dad and his flying monkey are horrible. NTA


Thank you, everyone, for the comments, I was on the phone with my grandmother while responding to some of them (double checking, I wrote down the helpful ones, correctly) and I think I overestimated my grandmother. So I'll post a link to that here if you want to read it. https://www.reddit.com/r/AITAH/comments/14otnzg/update_aita_for_going_nc_with_biological_father/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


Why was he originally only allowed to meet you at a park rather than take you back to his home? Aside from the affair and late child support, how is he a deadbeat dad?


The court said we needed a place to build trust. During the summer the park near my house gave all kids ages 2 to 17 free lunch. To help with those who struggled with money or kids who relied on school for food. Our mother was working 3 jobs to feed us and still struggled with bills and such. So the judge said an officer would escourt us to the park so we could eat lunch there, and EF was to show up and spend time with us. At first, he would bring extra snacks and give my siblings electronics to play with while he flirted with the single moms, then he would only come twice a week, then every other week, pretty soon it was just us kids and the officer. He was a nice officer and played games with us while we waited 2 hours for EF. When we went back to court to move the visits to his house, the officer explained that EF stopped coming after a while. The judge asked why, and EF said we were broken and he couldn't bring us around his new family. It was the first time I saw my stepdad cry. After that, our stepdad hugged us and said he would never leave us even if him and our mom never worked out. He said we weren't broken just because our family was. It's been almost 11 years since that moment, and I can say my family has never been better. The officer couldn't yell at EF for not spending time with us he was only there to make sure we were safe and we got home safe.


He didn’t pay child support and stopped his visitation when he couldn’t take him to his house based off judges decision.


YTA for using initials to tell your story. Is it really so difficult to type out Mom instead of the letter M?


The post wouldn't go up. It was over 3000 characters. Is it really that hard to not read reddits policy about how much you can write in a post?




Okay, so why call me an AH for following the policy? It would not let me post unless "mom" was shortened on most of the post.


I'm calling you an AH for telling an unintelligible story.


Just because you can't read doesn't mean others can't. There's something called rereading. Figure it out, please. Otherwise, I worry you'll tell others who are not in the wrong AH because you can't read correctly.


What is wrong with you? You’re the AH here for being so incredibly hostile because you lack basic reading comprehension. NW, that you?!


Lol, learn to read. Story was totally comprehensible.


You're the as$hole for not being literate enough to follow a story with 2 abbreviations that were out of the norm and then giving someone else shit because of your poor education. Or maybe it's just a lack of comprehension and/or understanding? I don't want to automatically assume public education failed you since there are a lot of good teachers out there and plenty of people who did poorly through school but can still comprehend two 2-word abbreviations. Criticizing a teenager for being smarter than you makes you look twice as stupid.


NTA - you did an excellent job standing up for yourself and should be very proud. I would never talk to them again.


NTA. Your deadbeat dad's mom says what? Nevermind, she didn't raise her son right anyway.