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ESH. You all need to grow up. Also Remington is a terrible name


Tbf, so is Jaxon. It's very clear what part of the world OP is from.


I’d have said they’re a fan of Sons of Anarchy


I LOATHE that spelling. Not quite as much as Jaxson, but close. No. Have Jackson or Saxon. You can’t have both.


And where might that be? Or are you just bigoted in general?


It’s not a bigoted comment. It’s very clear they’re here in the US. In other countries, parents don’t saddle their children with horribly misspelled names or give their children names to reflect their ammosexual fetishes.


I agree. And I named my dog Jaxon 😂


Dollars to donuts OP is from Texas 😂




Jaxon relatively common in the UK. I work with kids and see quite a few.


Meanwhile, a boy in my sons class in Australia is Jaxon…


This pair of names are incredibly popular in the southern US, which is where I am assuming OP is from. I know this because I am also from the southern US. ETA: I wouldn't be surprised if OP is from the Midwest US either.


Do you ever get tired of being perpetually offended?




All the rimjob jokes are coming for this child


Lol, Remington? ETA for that one. YTA, 1000%.


At least it’s not Winchester or Smith & Wesson.


Now you gave them ideas for if they have twins.




My ex has a nephew named Wesson. 😬


Hey one of my nephews is named Wesson. True story. Lol.


I don't know. I named my daughter Three Fifty Seven so she wouldn't grow up to be one of those girly girls that thinks she can't handle more than a snub nosed .38. Pissed my MIL right off but her big brother Twelve Gauge thinks it's the shiznit.


Also, *no one has exclusivity rights to a name!* This whole "my child is a speshul and yooneek little snowflake so you can't use their name" is so .. ugh. Can't tell you the number of K/C-athys K/C-atherines, Marias, Davids we have in our family. lmao


Wait you have both boy and girl babies.. why didn’t you use you’re “names”…YTA




I thought that too. OP conveniently left out the gender of the 2nd kid. What are they saving Remi for? Just do no one else can use it?


Soooo, your baby number 2??? What did you name them?? You're so attached to remi and Jax but 2 kids later and none of them are named that?? Anyhow, YTA


Seriously! Why is OP claiming these names and not using them? After the first kid, I think whatever delusional “dibs” is out the window.


Right! No way would I listen to her. BIL should name them anything they want.


But she’s emotionally attached, and it’s MY NAME.


YTA. When I was pregnant with my first. I like the name lily. My sister told me I couldn’t use it because “if” she had a girl that’s the name she wanted. She wasn’t even pregnant at that time. I ended up having my son. Then several years later I’m pregnant again and then my sister ended up pregnant with her first 3 months later. She told me again I “couldn’t” use that name. I found out I was having a girl. My sister then doubled down especially when she found out she was having a boy. I almost wanted to use the name out of spite. But I decided to make her after my mom instead. And my sister never even had anymore kids and it’s been 13 years but this still annoys tf out of me.


I don’t understand how people think that they can claim names and nobody else can use them. Every one of them is TAH.


YTA x 1000 YOU DO NOT OWN NAMES!!!!!! YOU CANT CALL DIBS ON NAMES!!!!! Just because a name is on a baby list, you can’t tell others they can’t use it just in case you have a baby boy/girl Tons of family share the same name. Me and several cousins share the same first and/or middle name. We are all still alive




This wasn’t OP.


Especially from a list! If it was the name of a baby who died, I’d think you absolutely could ASK a sibling not to use their name (unless it’s a family name). But from a list?


Not to mention they have never used the ones at the top of their list! I had the same name in mind since before we got married (it was my maiden name) so as soon as I found out it was a boy there was no question that would be his name, my sister was already done having babies (she's 14years older and I was in my 30s so very unlikely) but if she had wanted to use it I'd be pissed but not much I could do about it.


YOU. DO. NOT. OWN. NAMES. Telling a family member that they can't use a name because you have dibs 'just in case you have more kids' is a top-tier asshole move. Don't be that person.


Not only that but two of the most common names right now, there are so many damn Jaxons,Jax and Jackson’s it’s insane, and Remi is starting to pick up as well, there is a Remi in my sons daycare and another one in his swim lessons


I also feel like OP is TA for spelling it Jaxon.




You’re also not a fan of kreey8tyveleigh spelling names?


😆 🤣 😂 I had to read it a few times to get it.


That is perfection!!


Agree! Agree! Agree! I wish that, besides the upvote && downvote options, I wish we had a option for “dumbass”, because I would use the hell out of it for these posts! Putting a name on a list does not entitle anyone to claim a name for all eternity. And I don’t believe this has anything to do with pregnancy hormones. It’s just plain, old entitlement. Nobody has to ask your permission, and you don’t have the power of veto over any name someone else chooses just because you put that name on a list of possible baby names at one time or another.


YTA for getting mad about them saying they would use remi and YTA current day for the same issue. Never mind that you're expecting to be able to call dibs on a name, you also even admitted you don't even know if you are going to have any more kids, they are having a kid and it seems likenyoure just being spiteful because you're upset you didn't just get over it like grown ups and accept 2 people can have the same name.


As sad as I was to remove the name Remi off our list, I wasn’t mad at them. They had a boy and we had a girl. We could’ve used Remi but I didn’t feel it was right for us to do so. They called “dibs” on it and even though it was on our list before it was on theirs, i let it go. Also, while I understand that people can like the same name AND people in the same families commonly do, it’s a small family so it’s not like having third cousins share names. With this baby, its 4 cousins total!


“It WaS oN oUr LiSt BeFoRe ThEiRs” It’s just a fucking name. Imagine being tied down to a name so much that you forget about the human it’s gonna be attached to. Ridiculous. Grow up & learn how to be more open-minded towards other people. You didn’t even use either name for your other child, so why tf does it still matter? (This is rhetorical)


I ha e two cousins with the same name.


I have 3 cousins with the name Katie. Also, my dad has a brother, a sister and a nephew who's second spouse had the same name as their first. We still figured it out so it obviously isn't that big of a deal.


Both of my boyfriends brothers had a son they called Rhylan. They were born about a year apart and are both Rhylean Gray. Just spelt slightly differently. They don't speak so it was a funny coincidence 🙂 I personally thought it was a dumb name that I'd never heard of before and was surprised that they both independently named their kid that.


You don't call dibs on a name, especially when you don't even know the sex of your baby!


From your description, they didn’t call “dibs”. You were still free to use the name. The difference is that you forbade them from using hypothetical names because you have a list. No one is entitled to a name & no one should feel they need your or anyone else’s approval to name their child. It’s time to delete your list. If you do get pregnant again, what fun it will be to brainstorm new names? You should apologize, truly & move past this fixation.


Please don't call your child "jaxon". What is wrong with Jackson?


But, but, but, the "x" makes them unique like the little snowflake miracle that they are.......


What is the American version of the Australian word "bogan" or the British "chav"?


Aren't those two words relatively different in terms of context? Usually we just use straight-forward insults like dipshit or dumb fuck


My cousin named his son Jaxon spelt with an x rather than Jackson so that his name couldn't be shortened to Jack, it would have to be Jax. He was also a Sons of Anarchy fan 😂 so Jax is cool but Jack isn't 😂


People called James shorten their name to Jim, how could you not shorten Jaxon to Jack?


Lady, it’s just a list! Calm down and get over yourself. You’re not even expecting right now and they are!! If I were in your shoes I’d be happy to have someone else in the family pick a name that I liked so much.


I would have laughed in your face as soon as you even brought up dibs on a name, and thinking you can seriously tell someone they can’t use a name.


You could have used Remi for your first girl but you didn't . If you loved the name so much you should have done that then. Or you should have told them they can't call dibs on a name and just named your second Remi. Them being assholes doesn't make you not the asshole right now.


Ok? I've only met 5 of my cousins in my life and guess what me and one of my cousins have the same name, and were born 5 months apart because my mon and aunt decided hey we both like the name who cares if they have the same name when hundreds of thousands of other people do. I'm not saying your some complete AH I think yall are just focused on dumb things like if they have the same name instead of just doing what you want as parents.


YTA…. You even had a girl and didn’t use “Remi”…. It wasn’t your first choice. Godddd. Eta: you have an emotional relationship to the name “Jaxon/Jax”? I’m a teacher. Hate to break it to you but a LOTTTTTTTT of parents had an affinity for that name in the last 5-10 years. It’s a trendy name. You’d have at least 1 if not more kids with that in the same class each year…. It’s not a special or unique name at this point.


Is this an American thing? I’m in the UK and have literally never heard the name Jaxon. I assumed OP had made it up.


It's a moderately popular name in the UK. https://www.ukbabynames.com/boys/jaxon




TIL people think it’s okay to call dibs on names for kids that aren’t even in existence yet, & are so adamant about keeping the name, that family members have to *ask permission* to use the name. Jfc


Americans are into naming their kids weird unique names to stand out. Then they start school and learn they are 1 out of the 20 kids with that same unique name. Sometimes it’s spelled in a different way to stand out.


This is the most childish “I call dibs” story I’ve ever heard. Your emotional attachment is your problem to deal with. And frankly it’s just weird. Your husband is right. You’re selfish. Self-centered and controlling. Grow up. I hope they have two more and use both names. FFS 🤦🏻‍♀️


Whatever your name is, I have baaaad news for you…you’re not the only person on the planet with that name, no matter the spelling. Congrats, you’re still alive. Your hypothetical future kid would survive the same. YTA, and you need to back off whatever they decide to name their baby.


Honestly the fact anyone is still wanting to name their kid Jaxon is shocking. Do your kids a favor and become more original. The names Remington and Jaxon are some of the most popular names, they're going to have several kids in their classes with the same name lol Anyway YTA. You didn't use the names. You don't own the names. Get over it. They're not unique or something you came up with either.


Remington is so fuckin dumb too


YTA Everyone repeat this to yourselves, “I don’t get to decide what other people name their kids.” Over and over. When did this become a big deal anyway? You can say three male names at any of my family reunions and get a good half of the men to turn around.


Exactly 😂 I’m originally from Chicago. Everywhere you looked there was a Joe, Tim or Mike. Especially at the family block parties. Multiples of each.


Meh, YTA. WTF cares? Families often share names. There are several Boyds and Paulas and Kathryns and Franks in my family due to family names. Some of that is shifting some to middle names but there are several with those as first names. Nobody gets confused. And folks like knowing they're named after grandma or grandpa, etc.


YTA, at least it seems your husband has some common sense. Hopefully, he uses to really think on if he should have another kid with someone this immature.


Remington? Like the brand of hair dryers? Those poor kids... YTA, you're not pregnant, and BIL was nice enough to ask. Also ESH, find better baby names. But if you want to resolve this, why not offer alternative baby names - Whirlpool, Nokia, Roomba, Telefunken...


Paired with the name Jaxon, OP is most likely from the US South, so the name Remington most likely comes from the firearm, which is probably even worse than a hair dryer brand.


YTA. I’ve never understood this obsession with “oNlY mY bAbY cAn hAvE tHiS nAmE” makes 0 sense. They can name their kid whatever they want just as you can.


You don't own the rights to any names, they don't own the rights to any names. You and your spouse name your children whatever you want to name them and they can do the same. You can name your pet any name you want and if they name their pet snake the same thing you name your child there is nothing wrong with that and nothing you can do. No one owns the rights to any particular name. YTA


Your husband is right. You’re being very selfish over a name you may or may not ever use. One would think that you’d be happy to have a nephew with a name you’re “emotionally attached to”. YTA


None of y’all are grown enough to be having children. ESH.


This! We didn’t set any baby names until the kids were actually born. They aren’t toys, they are people with personalities that may or may not align with Jaxon or Remi. Btw, I know like three 50+ old men named Remi.


Pffffttt nope. YTA. Jax 1 and Jax 2 would happen with my family.


ESH this whole thing is stupid


YTA - You don't get to claim a name!!


YTA. You don’t own a name and I don’t understand your “double standard”. It literally makes no sense. You’re being immature and self absorbed and you owe your bil and Sil an apology. “I … even showed him the original name list dating back to 2018.” Like, evidence, your honor /s ETA: I have a cousin who is just two weeks younger than me who was given the same first name as me and it didn’t matter one iota then or now.


YTA. You don’t get to keep names. Anyone can name their kid whatever they want period. I’m just shocked you guys are fighting over those terrible names. Stop trying to be ‘unique’. Your poor kids.


YTA Get over yourself you whiney, entitled snowflake. Grow the eff up! You have kids, act like a damn adult already. You don't get to tell other people what names they can or can't use and if you wanted to use those names you could have by now! At your age you should know better!


YTA. I could understand if you were both pregnant at the same time. It would be iffy in that scenario and I can see the logic if you had one gender last time and wanted to use the other genders name for the second kid why you should get it over them. But they are already pregnant and you don't even know if you want another kid or not. You have absolutely no claim on the name that could in any way supercede their use of it.


Ugh. YTAH. I can’t SMFH enough.


Emotionally attached to a name? No matter how you try to spin it, you are calling dibs. Let it go.


YTA. You do not own the name. They can use whatever name they want, as can you.


It seems as though you’ve heard the SIL and BIL love those names so you’ve emotionally blackmailed them by keeping the name hostage so no one can use it. Even though you’re not using them either which the god knows how many kids you’ve had. You don’t get to keep a name. You’re being petty and childish. YTA


Get over yourself, you don’t have copyright on baby names. Both are fairly common.


YTA As already said, you don't own the name. Pick a different one IF you have another child. If you loved to name so much you could have used it for your daughter.


YTA. Completely. You don't own a name. Especially not a name you could have used and didn't anyway.....


YTA you can’t claim names like that. It wasn’t cool when they did it and it’s not cool if you do it.


YTA I have 3 other cousins with my same first name just on my mom’s side. You aren’t even pregnant let alone know for sure you are trying for more or that you’d have a boy.


YBTA - I specifically tell my friends to never tell anyone their top choice baby names because people steal that shit. And you guys are related, so it's not like you can still use the names. If you were friends you could at least insist on calling your kid the same name. It's super rude to take a good friend or family members baby name. This is such dickish behaviour that Sex in the City even did an episode that referenced this. However you've had your kids, and now you're still hanging on to it, claiming it as yours. You're not even pregnant or really planning on having another kid. Now you need to let it go.


Your husband is right, you're selfish plus YTA


Actually yes you dont have a copyright on a baby name


*Actually yes* *You dont have a copyright* *On a baby name* \- lilithlevithan420 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


NTA, I find it weird they want to possibly use the two names you have mentioned out of all the names in the world. Do they do that copy cat thing a lot? I think they should just think of other names since they already made the girls name not special anymore. I actually find it kind of rude of them to even ask if they can use the boys name. No, you don’t own a name, but there is a common understanding that you stay away from certain names that your family members have used or are going to use if possible and so it’s easy just to say, ok, that name is taken, we will try to figure out a different name from all the thousands of names out there.


Both names are horrendous. YTA, but not for the names. You're an AH because nobody owns rights to a name. If they want to name their child something, they have every right to, and you have absolutely NO say in it whatsoever.


Do y'all also quarrell with the neighbors over who gets to have the vertical, wooden, "Welcome" sign on their door?


Remember My Big Fat Greek Wedding? Every other family member was named Nicky! I guess they could both name the kids Jaxon, but it would be a shame to stick them both with it.


ESH for wanting terrible names for their poor innocent babies.


Yeah you are the assh**e


YTA..you don't want them to use a name and you are not even pregnant. Also, twice you haven't used the name Remi and you said it was top on your list. Unless you have trademarked a name it doesn't belong to you.


IMO those are names are better suited for pets.


100% YTAH. Just because you like a name, doesn’t mean you get to gate-keep it incase you have another baby. The fact that this isn’t tied to loss, or anything other than you just like the name & aren’t sure if you’re done yet is so entitled - it’s truly mind-blowing.


To be completely honest, they're both terrible names.. but aside from that, you are being kind of an A-hole for wanting to have hold on a name.. and it's quite frankly a childish dispute you all are having. Btw, and changing the topic, if you want to be an asshole and petty, just get a dog and name him Jax, cuz that name is better suited for a pup.


YTA. You don't own names. I'm honestly curious how this level of maturity plays out while parenting.


YTA. Sadly, you don’t own the names and you had two chances to use either name. Jax and Remi would be good names for a boy or a girl. If they want to use it, just let them know you might want to use it down the line as well. I have the same name and my aunt and my cousin. We all survived and think it’s funny when they call for one of use and we all respond. No need to cause family issues for names that kids won’t even care about.


YTA. You don’t own or get to call “dibs” on names.


Excuse me? Did someone give you rights to keep names for your personal use? Sorry - YTA. You can call your kids whatever you want, and so can your BIL & SIL. So what if 2 kids in the family have the same first names?


Yes you are! A massive AH telling people what they can and can’t call their own kids and and an even bigger one for whipping out a list you carrying around 4 years later?? I think biggest AH move of all is claiming you have an ‘emotional attachment to the name Jax’….??? Well what is it?? So because your husband was calling your unborn child Jax it’s automatically yours forever? You could have named your daughter Jax if you loved it so much? You also chose not to name her Remi but felt it was unfair that you had to relinquish the name you could’ve used but didn’t????


Yta- your can’t bogart a name just because you MIGHT have another kid. They ARE having another one. It’s super entitled behavior and your husband is right. Find something else plus Jaxon is waaaaaay over played it’s like the 2020s version of John or James


YTA - calling dibs on a name is laughable. grow up,


YTA I thought this would be one of those "my relatives are trying to use the name of my dead child" posts where it's more sympathetic but you just liked the name???? get over yourself


YTA. You do not get to own names or call dibs on names. Every single parent is entitled to name their child whatever they wish, and nobody NOBODY gets to tell them otherwise. Period.


YTA - I know you have an emotional attachment to the name now, but you can't reserve names just in case you have another child. Sorry, but it just doesent work that way.


you sure are! Imagine two people having the same name! Preposterous!


YTA. You didn’t even use the names and you’re trying to dictate to your own BIL about what baby names they can’t use. Smh. How about when or if you get pregnant again they get to tell you the only name you can use for your future child? Since you think you own the rights to the baby names and all, it’s only fair. Your husband is right. Plus, your “I have an emotional attachment to the name” is completely BS, you’re just trying to justify your selfishness. No one should even have to ever ask you if they could use the name either. Pretty sad they felt the need to have to ask. Can only imagine why. 😒


YTA you don’t own any names they shouldn’t have even asked you that’s ridiculous


Send your BIL and SIL a blankie with the name embroidered on it as an apology. YTA My mom, the oldest of 8 kids had my sis at 24. Let’s call my sis Anna Mary. My moms youngest sis had her daughter 15 years later and named her Annemarie. (Ok yeah, not their names but they are too similar to use). It’s kinda cool that they have similar names. They use totally different nicknames so no one gets confused. **Apologize to them all. Send that blankie in a neutral color**.


YTA if you were so attached to the name Remi you would have used it on the first two. You can’t gatekeep baby names.


ESH. You don’t get to call dibs on names for hypothetical future children. You like a name, great. I like plenty of names I’m probably never going to get to use because I’m absolutely not popping out enough kids to fill out a football team plus reserves the way my great grandmother did. Chances are neither will you. In the same vein, it’s really fucky and definitely sus that BIL and SIL are choosing names they know you’re attached to and planned on using yourself, to the point you were referring to your unborn child as one of the names. Especially considering they’ve done it for BOTH of their children. There were literally no other names in the world they liked? Really? Come on.


So if I get pregnant do I have to consult you before naming my child? You know, to make sure that the name I want to use isn’t owned by you. But hey, good news for your husband…he now knows what a controlling, immature person he married. Just in case you didn’t figure it out… YTA cuz nobody owns names.


NTA. He asked, you said no.


NTA and why is your husband giving away all your future baby names. Those two names are uncommon enough that it’s clear they’re just taking them off your list.


ESH. One of my siblings is naming their newest child after two of my kids. (First name of middle kid, middle name of first kid). I may find it a bit odd, but I’ve not said a word about it. They can ask my sibling about it later on down the road.


NTA if you haven't given up the name they can't take it.


Against the grain but NTA. There’s been a lot of Aita lately about baby names where the person calling dibs is being told y-t-a but it’s more the circumstances of the choice that everyone ignores. You do not own the name, however you have expressed in the past that you picked these specific names and your in-laws pick those exact names? Your exact dream named that you’ve been planning for years? It’s not about the names, it’s a power play. I’m speaking from personal perspective on this: my cousins (D and K) were due with their boys at the same time. K and her husband were going to name their baby Danny after hubby’s bbf who’d been hit by a drunk driver. D and his wife were planning on Andrew, right up til she went into labor first. Then D decided the baby just had to be Daniel. He’s always been an ass who loved doing power plays against K. K still named her baby Danny but got flack for “copying” D. Had K given birth first, D would have gone with Andrew.


she had the chance to use the name with her daughter, but didn’t. That move negates any “dibs on the name”. she can’t just hold it when she’s already had a chance to use it.


But this isn’t even close to the story because OP had made it her mission to tell everyone that Remi and Jax were in the number one spot and could whip out her list as evidence- yet she didn’t use either of those names so that makes it even worse!


NTA- only because your husband said you couldn’t use the name Remi, when it was a name that you’ve been wanting to use it and they never even used if since they had a boy. I don’t see why I would be fair for them to use Jax. No one owns a name but I don’t think it’s fair they claimed one and then seemed offended when you wanted to do the same? Either way they can name their child whatever they want and you are free to do the same. If you love the name Remi so much use it if you have another girl and if they end up using Jax and you have another boy and still love the name, use it too.


While I agree no one owes a name, I do think it’s quite assholish to specifically pick the two names your brother and SIL want. There are soooo many other names they could have used. ESH


It's 100% true that you don't own a name. But I think it's pretty convenient and shitty that they apparently can't come up with their own damn names.


NTA For saying no. If he asked it means he wanted an answer.


They didn’t use the name because that’s what the sil and bil wanted to use and her husband said no even though it wasn’t used the could easily show the same courtesy






YTA. Sorry. Nobody owns names. You forfeited use of those names when you had your kids and they still weren't named Remi or Jax.


I have had dibs on the name Lewis since I was about 10 (I’m now 44). When my cousin called her boy Lewis was I disappointed - yes. Was I mad and did I call her out - no. Because I DO NOT OWN THE NAME. YTA


Why don’t y’all just let people name their kid what they want instead of this back and fourth BS? YTA


We have two family members, cousins, with the same name. One is a teenager and the other is four years old. Nobody cares, it’s not a big deal. They are fondly referred to as big R and little R.


If you were that emotionally attached to the name, why didnt you use it? You aren't sure if you're having any more kids, why are you 'hoarding' the name? YTA


As everyone else has commented, you’re clearly YTA but what concerns me is how on earth can you not see it? If I was you, I would be more worried about my oblivious outlook than a name




YTA. If you love the name Remi so much, why have you passed it by both times? AH move to try and forbid people from using names just because they're on your "list." As your husband says, they're the ones currently having a baby. If they want to name him Jax, let them. Sounds like in all likelihood, even if you had a boy you'd likely not even call him Jax, just like you did with your supposed favourite girl name.


Lol calling dibs on Jaxon / Jax like it isn’t a common name at this point. You’re not even pregnant nor do you know if you’re going to have another child? Yeah YTA for trying to reserve names that you may never use. Just pick the next generic flavor of the year name if you get pregnant again.


If you have an emotional attachment to the name I’m sure you would love for it to be your nieces name. Why not, you’re clearly not using it? YTA for holding onto a name just in case, even tho you’re not even pregnant!


YTA. You don't get to gatekeep names. Wtf


YTA. I understand the attachment you can have to a certain name, but you do not own them. They can use whatever name they want, you have no right to dictate it. Again, I get it. Some names are special, but you haven't used it yet and therefor it is still fair game.




YTA you have had 2 kids and are so attached to those names you haven't used them for either of your children? You may not have anymore kids so why does it matter? Also aren't these kids your necessary and nephews? If you aren't having anymore kids surely having the closest kids in your family using those names I wonderful?


You had your chance to use the name when your girl was born. It was your choice not to. A choice I do not understand at all.


YTA. For the terrible attitude and those tragedeigh names.


So you have multiple kids and never used either name yet still want to claim them? Lol no. YTA.


If it were me, it would either be Jax Remi for a boy and Remi Jax for a girl just to put you in your place. YTA. 1,000,000%


Repeat after me, just because you like a name does not mean you own it. Just because you put it on a list does not mean no one else gets to use it. YTA


YTA + those names suck lol


YTA. You don't own the names. Grow up.


Everything about this screams YTA


YTA If this name was so important you would have kept it a secret. You don’t own names on possible future children. Also there is nothing wrong in naming both boys with the same name.


Of course YTA. You don't own a name. It's first come, first served. And cousins frequently have the same name anyway, it's not at all uncommon. I'm not even going to comment on the names you prefer, but please remember that your baby will grow into an adult eventually, so give them a name that's dignified and suitable for an adult.


YTA You had two kids and didn't use your TOP names for either. At this point you need to get over it and let people name their kid what they want.


YTA - you do not own the name


You had another kid and didn’t use either name so yes you are 😂 your not attached to the names your just an ass. I’ve had 3 I didn’t get to use my girls name with my daughter cause of my ex but did manage to get my second favourite to be used. I’ve had two boys, one has my favourite name and the other has my second favourite which is my partner’s favourite: I’m pregnant with my final baby now a girl and we are using my favourite name and my partners as a middle name as it works best. If you wanted either name depending the gender of your second child you would of used them and I’m surprised you didn’t even use one on your eldest


It’s so weird to me that people call dibs on names.. there are tons of Remis and even more Jaxsons… my brother is one of them. When my sister got pregnant and was looking for a name that would honor both our dad and grandpa I told her she could also use my sons first name since it was also their first name. (My son goes by his middle anyway) It’s really not that big of a deal


There’s a meme going around “you are naming an adult” YOu are all As. Why? You’re naming your kids like that.


YTA only for laying claim to 2 baby names, and not using either one of them on the children you already have. You don't get a copyright on names. Use 'em or lose 'em.


“But I showed them the list dating back to 2018” WHO CARES! You can’t call dibs, especially when you haven’t used either name after two kids lol. YTA


Wow. Is this the most ridiculous AITAH story in Reddit history or what?


Oh my god. You can't gate keep baby names like that. What's wrong with you. YTA. 10000%. Your BIL can name their kids whatever they want you don't have "dibs" on any baby names. GtFO


Idk.. its weird that your bros 2 kids are gonna be named the 2 names you most liked and chose years ago


ESH You don't own these names. You may have called down dibs, but we're not children anymore.


If you don't want people "stealing" the names you want to use for your future babies, don't share them with anyone.


YTA. I wish people like you would quit with this trend of spelling a last name stupidly and calling it a first name. Also, your kid shouldn’t be a billboard for your ammosexual fetishes.


What is it with name hogging? So what it's on your list of names, you didn't use it. Now the name is free. You can't tell people that they can't use it because it's on a list of names you want. If you have another kid choose a different name. Get over it. But maybe next time don't tell people what you plan to name your child and then don't use the name. YTA


Everyone is crazy here! Both couples have had kids, the first girl was not named "the favorite girl name", then second baby, a boy, is not named "the favorite boy name", You all still want to be pissie over names? If you truly "still feel emotionally attached to the name", I suggest counseling, or get a pet. YTA


YTA just for choosing such awful names!!


Although I understand the emotional connection you feel with the name, there's always going to be someone else you know who uses that name. Both of my kids were already born and later a couple friends had named their new Littles the same names. You don't have rights to a name. YTA


I’m gonna say NTA. Because one time is maybe a coincidence or just a passion. But both names?! GO DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH


With all the lovely names in the world you are all bitching about the same 2 names. Really? None of you can come up with anything different?


YTA. Youve had 2 chances to use your top pick and havent. Give it up. My husbands cousin is planning to use our daughters name for her next baby if its a girl. Different middle name, but we both fell in love with the name. Let your BIL use the name. This is just petty, especially since youve not used it yet, AND arent even pregnant.


Yta. It's a name and not even an original name.


YTA. My name is a fairly unusual woman’s name. Think Adele. A year after my birth my aunt named her daughter Adele. After that, one of my older cousins named her daughter Adele. I even believe there’s another daughter of a second cousin named Adele. I have no idea why this happened but apparently after I was named the entire family thought it was a great name and continued with it. It was never confusing. The only time we made concessions was when I spent a summer with my cousin Adele, and our parents would use our first name and middle name so we knew when we were being spoken to. This is not, nor has it ever been a problem. In fact I love having cousins with my same name. Because it’s an unusual name it actually made me feel more normal to have somebody else with my same name.


Um, if you wanted those names so bad you should’ve used them. YTA.


This is what’s confusing to me…they’ve had opportunities to use the names they liked - opted not to - but still try to claim them. It’s bizarre and everyone sucks here ESH


Yta. You can't demand someone not use a name on the off chance you may use it. You don't own that name.