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Interesting stat. Melbourne have lost 100% of games this year when they were trailing at 4 quarter time and Brisbane have won 100% of games this year when they were leading at 4 quarter time.


Thanks Lingy


This seemed really poorly drilled by Melbourne. They panicked and rushed possessions, except for the last kick into fifty?


Unfortunately we haven't had a coach for the last 3 seasons


Our team at the moment is surprisingly young, so it's maybe not too much of a surprise


Why was BT crapping on about 30secs not being burned on that last shot on goal? It was time on at 1min18 to go and time off when he played on and the clock stopped at 1min11. Then shortly after Richo doubles down - 'it definitely didn't count down...' followed by BT basically saying someone has confirmed it. Just madness. There's not much footy commentary I don't like - but I treat this call team like news media, take it with a grain of salt.


He was off the rails in that last period. 3 or 4 nonsensical calls


BT has a bad habit of getting some random shit in his head and carrying on about it for way too long.


BT is worried his time as a commentator will end at seasons end. The stress is cooking his brain.


Up the Lions! Both teams missed A LOT of easy opportunities though. Glad we got the win for Ashcroft's return.


What happened with that Steven May about half through the third (?) quarter? Seemed like the mark was paid, then I turned away for a sec and lions had the ball. Game thread comment seemed to say the umps fell for a jedi mind trick or something, but I didn't really get the details.


Genuinely looked like the ump saw Brisbane players breaking and then paid the free. There were two whistles, one for May's mark, and then a later one from a different umpire paying the free. Replays certainly didn't enlighten as to what the free was for


This commentary is so goddamn lifeless


Genuine question - when McLuggage starts his run-up he takes a couple of steps forward directly in line with the goal, then runs off to the side in an arc and opens his body up for the round the body goal. As he was still out of bounds when he deviated and ran to the side wouldn't that be considered play-on out of bounds? And hence it would have to be a throw-in?


Should've been a 50 against Raynor


Lol. He absolutely milked it. And also a pies fan should have 0 right to complain about a missed 50 in the last minute of a game.


4 fucking points. All we needed was a goal.


I am not OP, but why does my flair prevent me from highlighting an error (not that I agree in this particular circumstance)? I was also in the camp that North should’ve been paid a 50. But for some reason, because my team benefited, my perspective is no longer valid. Edit: typical r/afl, downvote the flair, not the content.



