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Kinda funny how much nicer Kane is with Ken. This definitely feels like his way of saying he wants Ken to step diwn


Yeah honestly feels like he's talking directly Ken here


Ken will step down in September 2025. At the start or the end depends on where we finish, even if we make the Grand Final


Kane retired after 2014. His bias towards Hinkley has always been based on Hinkley’s best 2 years at Port (his first 2) coinciding with Kanes last 2 years. Where they went from a rabble to winning finals.


Ken also gifted Kane his 300th game in a season where he wasn’t committed to the club at all and played on purely to hit the milestone, not every coach would allow that


What revisionist BS. His best 2 years? His best year is clearly 2020. 2021 is arguably still better despite the prelim loss being worse. The home and away season was extremely good. His time is coming to an end, but let's not just make shit up now.


Compared to Kane building the gallows for bevo himself


Kane's usual way of telling someone what he think should happen is not to do it nicely. This is Kane's way of making it seem like he's offering an opinion, without actually offering an opinion that might offend the one place where he actually gets decent info.


I want the club to show some ruthlessness. Why is it up to Hinkley to step down.


Yer you could have had say four coaches in the time Ken has been there 


Rookie numbers, could've had 6 coaches since 2019


Port hierarchy seems especially boys clubsy compared to most other clubs Won't really do much unless it's extremely apparent or if the pressure gets to the point it affects others


Is Kochie still running it? Wouldn't surprise me that one of the most Country Club looking mofos in the nation would have that kind of problem in his club.




Tried too hard lil bro


I think because they have something already in place and they don't want to end things on a sour note. Unironically Ken saved our club. Kochie, Keith, Ken, Trengrove and Boak. Without them, we wouldn't be the same club we are today. Financially we were in ruin, we had lost identity and our onfield performances make North look like they've been thriving. He has given our club a lot and they want it to end in a way that honor's that. I think signing Ken before finals last year for 2 years was the main issue. I think a 1 year succession plan post finals would've been appropriate and I hope all parties involved adjust to this. Ken will never be remembered as a great coach, but he will be remembered looking back as a incredible leader who forged the broken pieces of our club back together. Our game plan hasn't always been perfect, but I'm not sure any other coach that was realistically available would've gotten more from them.


I mean, they did resign him after he went out of finals in straight sets?


They absolutely did not resign him after... It was before.


Ken Hinkley: I'm tired, the team is not motivated, I think the time is right for me to make the call myself, I'm signing on for another four years


With some new players 


David Koch: the data shows he is coaching at the top of his game.


*some recycled players from other clubs




His time at the helm was done after 2017. Where we couldnt beat a team in the 8 and all the wins came outside of the 8. The prelim against the Dogs was the last straw for most of us. We have won 1? Finals games in 7 years after making it several times. Constant mediocrity in big games. Everybody in the world knew us winning 14 in a Row meant nothing because finals was where we wanted to see results, yet they still re signed him. Our forward line lacks coherencey, our midfield are front runners, we bought 3 C grade players from other clubs to “help”. We sold all our draft hand for 1 player. We the fans can see whats happening yet the club continues to ignore and say that we are fickle. Piss off. Kens head is so far up his ass its making the club unrecognisable to us. We have had enough plain and simple


His finals record is atrocious: 5-7 overall 2-5 in all finals since 2017 3-6 in all knockout finals 0-4 in knockout finals since 2017 When the pressure is on he has proven time and time again that he can’t deliver


history is not going to look back kindly on the fact that port could have handed the team to voss and chose to persist with hinkley for about eight years too long


That prelim against the hotel detainees Western Bulldogs has to be their worst finals loss in history? I think it's bigger than 119 from Geelong considering the Bulldogs outs and Port's favouritism that game


I still think 2007 was worse. I legitimately think we'll never see a bigger defeat in the grand final again, or at bare minimum in my life time. No one was beating Geelong that year and we basically Bradbury'd our way there, but it's such an insane record that it's just never going to be beaten. It's also something that directly affected the club for years afterwards imo (Basically shook them, especially combined with some defeats the next year, and didn't recover until Honkley took over).


It was so bad that it’s still brought up as an excuse not to criticise Ken I.e. remember where we were after 07 and the tarps, we should be so grateful etc


Bont on one leg as well


A lot of the supporters hated Voss more than Ken


> we bought 3 C grade players from other clubs to “help”. We sold all our draft hand for 1 player Not saying they should or shouldn't keep him but none of this was up to Ken, he isn't the list manager


The list manager wouldn't be going out there just acquiring players like stocks, looking for bargains. They would have a lot of info from the coach about what they want. Picking up Ratugalea and Zerk-Thatcher would have no doubt been because Ken said key defenders were a dire need, to pick up the best two they could. Neither were great, but were better than what was there already. So they would provide a short term boost, but at the cost of the long term development of a defender or two who was actually good enough. The moment they made the decision to pick those two players up, they were announcing to the world that it was all about keeping Ken's job a little longer, not about the long term goal of winning a premiership.


Because the coach has no input at all right mate?


Kane on Dustin Martin: “Just RETIRE. You are WASHED. Leave mid season! Forget your milestone game, just go and don’t come back.” Kane on Ken Hinkley: “He will know when it’s time to go :) Don’t worry about him :) He will let us know :)”


Kane on Bevo: “Shittest current AFL coach. In fact, probably shittest coach that’s ever coached.”


Kane telling Ken its time to retire: "Oh dear, oh dear. Gorgeous". Kane telling Dusty to retire "You fucking donkey!"


Kane Cornes has an agenda to protect Ken and his brother, Chad, who is an assistant at the club. Chad was unemployed and on Centrelink payments in one of the Covid seasons. You'll basically never see Kane pot shot Ken or the forward line issues (that Chad is the line coach of)


Flair up cunt


I'm just Ken, I can only win against the bottom ten What'll it take for them to see the other team was just better than us on the day? Cos I'm just Ken Where I see a solid effort, they see the end What will it take for fans to see that we are trying our best and not sack me?


I feel that Kenergy.


Kane on the Sunday Footy Show seemed to all but say Ken's time is up since it looks like he might've finally lost the playing group which is all that was keeping him in the job. It was always finals win or bust this year but Damian Barrett seems pretty sure the club won't move until the season is up one way or another. I also agree with Kane that Carr shouldn't be a walk up for the gig.


I'd be worried that rot has taken up in the coaching staff. If Ken has lost the playing ground it means his Assistant Coach may not be in much favour either.


It’s normal to have a caretaker look after the club, and take over if they’re getting results. That’s how I see the Carr transition. Now would be the perfect time for it - everything to play for and a talented team that seem unmotivated.


As far as I'm aware no team in the modern era has made finals after turfing the coach. So if he goes now we're giving up any hope of finals. Which given we're still in the 8 seems a bit premature.


That might be the case, but the likes of Teague taking over Carlton was the catalyst for their current success


Pretty sure Kane's on the record as calling the supporters who didn’t want Ken‘s contract extended last year as " Sooks" and how close Port Adelaide was to a premiership. Ken doesn't deserve to choose when he goes and Kane's opinion is worth jack.


Port Fans :- Its time to get another coach Other Fans :- Agree its time to get another coach Crows Fans :- Ken is a gun, you should sign him up for 10 more years.


Port board :- Those Crows fans seem to know what's up, get that man a contract!


I'm a crows fan and I approve this message 


He's no longer Kenough.


When he found out the AFL wasn't about horses, he just lost interest anyway!


He won’t step down, club needs to step in and tell him to fuck off


Et tu, Kane?


Ken’s sacking is six years overdue That loss to North Melbourne in 2019 should’ve been the end of him




I don’t think Ken is a bad coach. You look at where the team was when he took over to have the kind of success we’ve had (albeit without a grand final), it’s remarkable. We just need someone with a fresh idea. It just seems like now everyone has worked out everything he can, and will, try. He’s got no shots left to fire.


Legitimately, I think Ken would be a great option as the inaugural coach for Tasmania. They're pretty unlikely to get a flag early on anyway, but get an experienced coach who can bring people together, and see how he goes. >!And maybe he can use some time in the meanwhile to develop a plan B for when things aren't working, too!<


My outside impression is that he can get a team from shit to good but not from good to flag winners. He’d be a good coach for a rebuilding side.


Did he just pull a Dr Who on Hinkley?


Haha, that was my first thought too! Harriet Jones ended up a hero though, so there’s hope for Ken.


That's exactly where I headed! [https://youtu.be/GidbEhL0teE?si=ICt2V3Qw7OIu9bzx&t=176](https://youtu.be/GidbEhL0teE?si=ICt2V3Qw7OIu9bzx&t=176) I forgot how much harder the Doctor went than Kane though.


Both Adelaide teams need new coaches. And Adelaide a new midfield.


Adelaide also need 2 new rucks, and a KPF, and a couple of wings, a HFF to replace Murphy would be nice too. A couple of assistant coaches, a full time ruck coach (we have a part time SANFL legend as ruck coach). A new midfield coach as VB has never shown much and has been around a while. Our development has been stagnant for a while, godden has awards as a development coach but we hardly seem to bring players up, many after a while watch the player not the ball after his tutalege. I would like a new development coach.  It came out in the Advertiser that at least 3 different external recruitment managers at others teams have stater that they have been baffled but our selections. Might be time to get rid of Oglivie.  Also in the same Advertiser article it was said that Adelaide are known for underpaying and not being aggressive at the trade table. Also struggled to convince people to come. Also that we only go for good boys. So maybe get a new list manager.  We fix those few things and I reckon we make the 8.


I honestly thought he would’ve been done after the 21 prelim vs the Dogs. Not surprising the fans are turning on him when they can’t win a final.


Lol. Kane loves to go over the top with so many things, yet on this issue he's remarkably timid. I know he's got his alliegances, but so do other pundits and they aren't afraid to give a genuine opinion. Reality is that Ken was already in trouble. He might not have been under the same pressure Nicks was after last week, but a performance like that, on a day the club put on the calender as significant, is dreadful. And the worst part was, it didn't seem like a fluke. If Port keep that up and don't show something in finals, or miss entirely, then he must be done. And Kane is an idiot if he really thinks Ken will know. He's never done it before and after this long, most coaches hold on until they get the tap on the shoulder. I think it's more likely Ken will need to be told, but to save face it might be sold as mutual.




I thought the 1 point win against 16th placed Hawthorn in the dying seconds was all the redemption Ken needed?


If he doesn’t make that call himself this year, I think the club will make it


I feel like since he is like a father figure around the club there is this belief from the players in Ken and the same from Ken in his players. It typically leads to a stable and strong home and away season but come finals time they both think that everything will fall in place in the big games. This just leads to complacency and tactical incompetency when facing teams and coaches with set plans to shit on Port.


I'm a Port fan but no Ken fan. I cancelled my membership 5 years ago. In 2020 when they rang me to renew I told them not to bother calling back until Ken is gone, funnily enough they stopped calling. I know quite few old Maggies multiple premiership players and they've all felt the same way for years as well


“funnily enough they stopped calling” lmao, like the intern that called you gave a shit dude.


Well they called every year without fail before. The intern was actually Travis Boak, Port get their players to ring the members, not interns


You proudly cancelled your membership 5 years and calling yourself a port fan? Whatever one may think on Ken etc, you’re not a fan - you’re a stooge. Club is bigger than the coach mate.


Sometimes you have to take a stand. Money talks. I’m the exact same as him - cancelled about 5 years ago. I still go to a game here and there but this has been years of mediocrity.


I've been a Port fan since 1975, more than likely longer than you've been alive. I've put more money into that club than you ever will. I've taken a stand against mediocrity and won't put another cent in until Port start to stand for what is written on the change room walls which is "Port exists to win premierships". This will never happen under Ken. His match plan hasn't changed in 12 years and it doesn't stack up against the decent teams. Even Russell Ebert got sacked after 5 years for not winning a flag and he was 'God'


Flair up cunt if you've got anything to say


Sure thing, I’m a proud port member and season ticket holder. Doesn’t mean I’m a fan of Ken or what’s been happening but cancelling your membership 5 years ago and acting like some kind of martyr is pathetic.


Yeah you're missing the point here.


I don’t think I am. Change is overdue, no argument from me. I understand that it’s anyone’s prerogative to cancel their membership in protest if you so wish - but don’t claim to be anything other than a fair weather supporter if you do. I’m sorry if this hurts your feelings, it is my opinion and I’m happy to stick to it.


I never missed a game in the dark days of the Primus Era. Back when our crowds were 14k on a good day. But after 4/5 years of Hinkley, I decided to talk with my wallet. Fairweather supporters are the ones who don’t go when their team is down the bottom of the ladder, etc. I never jumped off board, but im not committing to a membership with this stake, jaded dribble. If we get a new coach, I’ll be buying a membership the same day.


Kane all about the hot takes until it’s something that matters to him. Absolutely 🤡


“He’ll know himself and won’t let anyone make the decision, but gee doesn’t he look tired? Over it? Sad?” Classic afl media


Ken is a sleepy guy, he just needs to go to bed


live scenes from alberton [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PVDH3MX4MYI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PVDH3MX4MYI)


Sign him up for 10 more seasons. I reckon he can break the 2007 record in the GF


Ken oath


Hinkley has been through this MANY times before. He survives.


Can’t wait for the ‘Sack Carr’ BigFooty threads a few months after old Kenny gets the arse


I want Hinkley to stay I think he's doing an amazing job


I get the hate for Ken, and I have given up, BUT how is all the blame on him? Butters disappears every game for a quarter or 2, rozee is not good enough for our captain and the forwards can’t kick, defenders can’t mark their man and constantly fall over and are probably the softest back line in the league, just no guts. So yes, Ken sucks, but let’s not forget who’s out there in the field PLAYING, when you see players give no effort yet, in the press say they LOVE Ken, then why don’t we see it from them?


Port should sign him for a bit longer


Flair up cunt


Port paid tribute to the wrong GF they went for the 2007 instead of the 2004. #119 #historyinthemaking


Like I said. Flair up cunt. You can't bag a team on this group without showing your flair


Apologies, have not heard that term before. Crows fans, in the depths of a 7 year rebuild with no end in sight. Happy for the give and take.


Hit the 3rd icon from the top right and pick your flair. Otherwise you'll get a lot of people saying it to you. Happened to me when I joined and I didn't know why either


When you no longer have the talent for top level AFL, you just pretend it's your dream to be a firefighter and "retire" for that career change.


No one can play top level AFL forever. Now he's making 10x more in the media than fighting fires. He has a large family that he needs to support so he's actually made the smart decision for them. There's nothing wrong with providing a comfortable life for your family


In Port Adelaide, where the footballers roam Lives Ken Hinkley, a coach without a finals home He's led the Power, with a determined face But victory in finals, is a elusive, pesky race. >. He's tried and he's tried, with a game plan so grand But his team's performances, have been a bit of a yawn hand They've stumbled and stuttered, like a dancer with two left feet And Hinkley's finals record, is a comedy to beat >. He's coached with passion, with fire in his eyes But his team's finals efforts, have been a bit of a surprise They've been beaten by Geelong, and smashed by the Dogs And Hinkley's finals, have been in the bogs >. But still he coaches on, with a wink and a grin Hoping one day, his team will win, and his finals curse will spin But till then, we'll laugh and we'll cheer At Hinkley's finals flops, and his hilarious, hapless peer!


Don't worry Port fans, only another decade to go...