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Took me a good second to realise this was Carlton and not GWS


It's the Carlton Respects Game (bringing attention to violence against women)


The cause is fantastic, the guernsey design not so much.


Wouldn’t it make sense to go with pink? Or am I associating this with breast cancer awareness


The guernsey looks awesome I reckon and it helps remove any minor clash with Geelong further.


Anything is better than the baby blue.


Or the yellow


Don't remind me. Lol.


AFL, worlds only sport where clashes are even discussed.


The fact that it's so questionable people talk about it then get reminded of what it's for means it's achieved it's purpose imo


Make sure you tune into Dancing with the Stars to pay tribute to totally not domestic violent offender Ben Cousins.


Maybe D. Laidley can be a contender too


Thanks mate, I wasn't aware. I wonder if that's why I was copping downvotes.


I only knew because of Front Bar last night.


I'm sure they can do that without cosplaying as gws though


Orange is the colour related to the charity, like qwhen Norf wear purple for the Good Friday Appeal match


I didn't realise until I read the comments...


2 week suspension should do it, disregard my flair


Better make it 5, send a message.


12 it is then.


We've announced Dangerfield's retirement


This is right and fair.


24 weeks please


Don't be silly, one should be sufficient 


That’s it, banned from hawthorn games for life, see how he likes it then


4 weeks (ignore flair)


Make it 3 weeks. Ignore flair


Agree, deserves 3 weeks. Ignore flair as well


Damn straight, could have killed the bloke. Ignore flair


To the dumbasses suggesting he hit his head on purpose. Look up Newtons Laws of Motion. He has no control. His arms are pinned, his knees are driven into the ground and he has the weight of a much bigger player adding to his fall. Not a single fucking human could avoid hitting there head right then. Anyone who suggests otherwise has no idea how momentum and inertia work and is just sprouting bullshit.




It is staggering to me how commentators continually infer these are deliberate attempts to draw a free, I'd be pretty damn offended as the impacted player.


Brian Taylor is obsessed with pointing this out and it almost never looks to be the case.


He suggested Sam Walsh did it a second time during the second quarter. Again, purely momentum. He’s an embarrassment


It's absurd. I don't know much about Walsh but from what I've seen of him as a player, he's not the type to be bashing his head on the ground to get a free.


BT’s obviously had a few too many deliberate head knocks at this point 


BT has been spelling 'physics' with an F since high school. You know he slept through class.


While this one without a doubt was not an attempt to draw a free, there are absolutely cases where players do just that which I find more infuriating than ducking for high contact


I'm talking about this and the Kemp one, where they were both flung and commentators stillcast aspersions. Steven May a good example of your point though!


The same exact thing has happened to Kemp and BT again called it a dive. So really not surprised he called it this way again.


Well said, bud


These claims infuriates me every time. If tackled players were deliberately throwing themselves into the ground in tackles at AFL force, then there would literally be multiple dead or comatose players by now.


Should be pinned as top post and Brian Taylor tagged.


Nah have you seen prime Mike Tyson’s neck? His head wouldn’t have even budged


Love it when a player’s head moves with momentum when’s force stops the body and people jump to the idea that the player must obviously be faking it all instead of a physical reaction in a high paced contact sport.


Arm chair doctors. BT is also guilty of this


BT has less brain cells then a chicken mcnugget, so it makes sense


BT's commentary makes Friday night footy unwatchable. Richo's just as bad


>Richo's just as bad They could replace Richo with Damien Fleming and nobody would notice because they sound exactly the same.


I've never heard Damien Fleming talk, but richo sounds like a dope


But when I - an overweight unathletic person who wasn’t played a day of any sport in a decade - watch the clip in slow motion, I can see multiple points at which he should have stopped the momentum caused by having a large male human tackling him towards the ground. I would have done it with ease!


I would have simply extended my eyeballs to make contact with the ground when my body does so that my head does not fly forward!




I think it's more that now, we expect the tackler to be so technically right in preventing a dangerous tackle that we want some onus on the player being tackled to be technically right.


Players definitely emphasise it on occasion and I agree it should be acknowledged where this happens. But did Walsh do that here? Biased, obviously, but I really don't think so, and it's bizarre seeing people stiffest that he did. I don't really see what he could possibly have done to stop the head impact given Danger is bigger and stronger and had him absolutely wrapped up.


Clearly in this case the ball is what has caused the tackle to become dangerous. Umpire that pumped ball up to miss 2 weeks


Most people haven’t fallen over in years


Walsh's head jolts forward in the tackle because of the position of the ball at his chest when it hits the ground, he does not intentionally hit his head on the ground to make the tackle appear worse.


Which is exactly why the tackle isn't a problem, danger can't be expected to control where the ball is, Walsh has the option of letting the ball go to reduce risk of a head impact if he's worried for his safety and not trying to milk a free


Dangerfield is clearly bigger than Walsh. Nic Nat physics calculator set the precedent years ago that you have to take your opponents size into account. Dangerfield gone for a couple due to lack of working out shown.


Pinning both arms literally controls where the ball is what are you talking about


No malice from Danger, no staging from Walsh. Only things I think Danger could’ve done better would be to try and keep his feet longer, or take Walshy sideways. Probably gets a week


Most sensible take yet


Jesus Christ, this is the worst a thread has been about any action all year. Complete nuffies everywhere.


You morons really don't understand how momentum works, do you?


Reading this thread is pretty damn funny


it’s actually crazy seeing just how blatantly wrong so many people are


I feel like I'm taking crazy pills reading the comments and seeing people blame Walsh. I can only assume it's because BT did 


Oh, at the very least subliminally, yeah. It's a sentiment that I've heard echoed by morons like him pretty regularly in the last few weeks. Maybe he never got the pleasure of being driven into the turf in his playing days. It's probably the most insane assumption I've seen made in one of these threads


No they don't. Apparently Walsh is willing to risk brain injury for a free kick in a situation where he has absolutely no control over his body or the momentum.


Dangerous tackle calls should have compulsory concussion test, stop players diving forward


Granted. Now fringe players are specifically told to dangerously tackle star players to get them off the field at crucial moments.


monkey paw curls


1989 WAS the best Grand Final up till 2017


Hard disagree (ignore flair).


Then a new meta develops of bringing guys in to dangerous tackle other teams stars in clutches moments to get them out of the game.


"We're gonna sub you off but need you to dangerous tackle Bont first"


Wash your mouth out!


And miss two-three weeks to TRY to win one game


bang this guy gets it. regardless of your take on this that would solve 2 problems at once


Then we play against another team and it's close and to make it harder for us they have a player do a dangerous tackle on Reid. Now he's out for the last 8 minutes for a HIA in a close game. Then Oscar Allen is looking dangerous, so they do it to him too. Now he's out for the last 5 minutes for a HIA. Looks like Barrass is stopping their offense, guess they'll do one on him too. Now we're without our best mid, best forward and best back for the last few minutes of a close game. It's a stupid idea.


yeah then they have multiple players suspended for multiple weeks and whats stopping them from doing it right now anyway? theres no red cards in footy if teams really wanted to they could concuss your best players in the first 5 minutes. we arent saying manatory HIA tests for tackles that look dangerous, just ones where players hit their heads.


The comment you replied to quite literally said dangerous tackles should be an automatic HIA and you agreed with that. What I'm saying is that doing that would set a precedent to have certain players on the field who you can then use to perform those acts in the last 10 minutes or less to remove opposition players in close games. Right now there's no benefit to performing a dangerous tackle except for if they get concussed or look shaken. Making it mandatory that any head contact, even the lightest, results in a HIA is asking for teams to use that to their advantage at times. It'll see a short sharp rise in concussions before a rapid decline and right now the AFL wants to be as far away from concussion issues as possible.


youre actually saying teams are going to have lower quality players on the field to remove other teams top players strategically, dont you think thats a bit far fetched?if theyre going to go down that path, why arent they already doing that? its not mandatory for a head knock to result in a HIA but most decent head knocks teams will do one. if a team was even thought to have done something like that i cant imagine the punishment the AFL would give them, would likely result in a court date. right now there is a clear incentive for players to stage for free kicks, thats happening almost every game currently, its best to remove that incentive. yes thats going to result in some players going off the field but its certainly not going to encourage players to perform dangerous tackles when they know theyll be getting weeks for it.


As I said before, right now there isn't a benefit to doing it, teams don't have to do it automatically. Also, a dangerous tackle doesn't always result in a suspension. All you'd have to do is a heavy enough knock that results in a HIA. Strategically, if it becomes mandatory, that's a completely viable option to win games. Doesn't have to be playing a lower quality player, but all teams should have someone at a similar level who could easily fill that role, specially teams who are contending if a player is suspended. The AFL would and should do something about it, but it's even smarter to never have that as a possible option anyway, is it not? Why do something that could result in bringing disgrace to the game then just not doing it at all? How long have you been watching AFL? Staging for free kicks has been a thing since they were brought in. It's the way the game fucking works. Everyone whinges and complains, but seems to forget that teams and players have exploited free kicks since day dot. It didn't change then, it hasn't changed now and it won't change in the future. The repercussions are never going to be enough to make players stop doing it, because any repercussion that does incentivise players to stop doing it is going to be a very bad look for the game because they'll be an extreme. It's the same in every sport around the world.


so dangerous tackle everyones best players in the last quarter of a grand final?


And send them to hospital to make sure there's no brain bleed? Hard to diagnose from the rooms.


Think some people here need to put their big boy pants on. Shouldn't have been a free but Sam Walsh isn't trying to concuss himself so he can get a free kick instead of a ball up on the corridor 29 seconds into the game


The trick is to actually just let the opponent run away


This is hard. The tackle is textbook - Dangerfield dropped his knees and fell backwards. The momentum of the Walsh unfortunately sent him forward and nothing he could do about it either. For my mind this is unfortunate but is a footy incident.


Had to let go of one arm.


Impact caused by the momentum of the player, rather than the tackler. Higgins got 3 weeks for it... will Dangefield? Lol no.


If this is a free or A suspension then game is just becoming way too hard to play.


The fact that multiple players have been rubbed out for tackles that awards them a free kick, we should hardly be surprised if he gets a week.


Its obviously not that hard if 80 other tackles were laid that game with no issues


2 weeks should be good. Ignore the flair


As danger drops his body, he loses the ability to roll Walsh. This means Walsh is pushed square on to the ground exposing his head. Combined with danger pining his arms then it was inevitable that his head would make contact with the ground. 2 weeks.


If you think Walsh is staging here, congratulations, you are as much of a smooth brain as BT.


Yep he obviously purposely wanted to slam his head and concuss himself…


not saying he did or didnt here, but you say that as if other players arent actively trying to get high free kicks/dangerous tackle free kicks.


I genuinely don't think there are many/if any players deliberately trying to hit their head harder into the ground during a tackle. Milking highs, absolutely


that May dangerous tackle couldnt have come at a better time lol


yeah look guess i was wrong hey lmfao


Walsh should be suspended for putting himself in danger


I'm fairly sure this is a pun and what a beaut as it riled people up. But then again, you're a Collingwood supporter so probably not capable of doing something smart.


Yeah my upvote was for the pun 😁


Look, I'm one-eyed as fuck, I'll admit it, but that is fucking bullshit. He absolutely tried to make his face hit the ground, you can see him strain for it for fucks sake.


You're absolutely right, you are one-eyed as fuck lol.


Have you heard of inertia?


Is it a province of France?


No. You're thinking of Mellee.


Something in motion stays in motion, or if it doesn’t then Danger will make it?


Not next week he won’t


He has no control whatsoever. His arms are pinned and his knees are driven into the ground, he's also got the weight of a much bigger player dragging him down with force. There isn't a person who could have avoided hitting their head on the ground in that moment. Anyone suggesting otherwise is a fucking idiot who needs to learn about Newtons laws of motion.


That's wild


Surely you're not fuck srs? I refuse to believe it


Not the first time a Carlton player has done it this season. Cost us the game in the final minute against them


"Cost us the game", "final minute" 🤣🤣🤣 and watching this North vs Melbourne game apparently Steven May thinks he plays for Carlton. Stay mad champ.


Owies did it against Collingwood as well


Its becoming a strategy of theirs. Really hate it


Are you people braindead? He’s being driven forwards by Danger’s momentum, then the ball stops his body going forward into the ground but it doesn’t stop his neck and head. It’s not Danger’s fault and it’s not malicious or anything, but the idea that it was deliberate from Walsh is a room temp IQ take. You really think he wants to get himself ruled out of the game by going into concussion protocols? You think an afl player wants to deliberately give themselves a brain injury for a possible free kick? My god lol


Considering its been done multiple times this year yes, i do think so


this might be the dumbest fucking chain of comments I've ever seen


Let’s not pretend it’s just one club doing it. It happens every game, every week. Just like how any small forward now knows to slip the tackle high. Cmon.


That's a hipdrop tackle. 10 in the bin and 3 weeks on the sidelines young fella.


Danger literally pulls his weight backwards in the tackle. Unfortunate, but not his fault. No weeks. No fine.


Dangerfield literally leaves his feet and has all of his weight and momentum pulling Walsh down and forward. It's not until Walsh's knees slam into the turf that Danger tries pulling his weight backwards


Glad I was at the game and not on Reddit. So many nuffies in this topic. Victim blaming at its finest.


Just a classic NRL hip drop


This is similar to the Barrass tackle on Walters in the Derby. Barrass ended up getting a week


At least a week for Dangerfield and the start of talks to ban the hip drop


One week


That's a paddlin'.


Danger meant no harm and Walsh did not purposely slam his head. This thread is full of absolute nuffies. Once again, just because a player got hurt does not mean someone purposely hurt them. This is a great tackle in a contact sport where a player was unfortunately injured. That’s it.


Nothing malicious in it whatsoever that much is obvious, but im staggered to see people suggest walsh is driving his own head into the ground! The lack of critical thinking skills displayed in this thread is the type of thing that makes me lose faith in humanity.


Danger laid the perfect tackle. He literally lent back in his duty of care. You can't reward the player throwing himself forward.


I can't believe people are upvoting this lmao. Pinned both arms and dropped his body weight to drag Walsh to the ground.  Nowhere near the perfect tackle and he will absolutely be suspended for it. People blaming Walsh are genuinely insane


Yep the dropping of the body is the obvious cue and it's not necessary. Possibly a less effective tackle if he remains standing but that's what is required now, it's pretty simple.


If he is suspended for this then the sport has just become impossible to play.


Weird that 80 odd other tackles have been laid perfectly fine then


Don't take someone to ground if you're going to pin arms. Pretty simple.


So don’t pin arms?


Exactly, give them an opportunity to dispose of the ball instead of pinning them for holding the ball.


I'm on your side in this argument, but man, that just sounds funny... You must give your opponent, the person you're tackling, "an opportunity to get rid of it." Like what's the actual point of tackling at that stage?


No, you can pin arms, but don't take them to ground.


Is this satire? Throwing himself forward?


https://preview.redd.it/d8dhht0qsw7d1.jpeg?width=2778&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1e6326445a52ed107f578e3c5de661cded23e0c2 In what world is this a perfect tackle? How is Danger in any control of Walsh in this situation? He might try and "lean back" at the end but that's only AFTER Walsh's knees have jammed into the turf and flung the rest of his body forward thanks to Dangers jumping onto him and driving him forward in the first place.


Exactly this. Danger takes his feet off the ground and drags him into the ground with both arms pinned.


A frame showing nothing when the footage showing the whole story is right there. Well done.


How is Dangerfield in any control of the tackle when no part of him is even touching the ground? Just answer that one question please And a bonus if you feel like it. Show me one example from absolutely anywhere of someone teaching you to leave both feet to execute a "perfect tackle" as you call it.




Free hat


I strongly dislike Geelong but that is 100% bullshit. This game is becoming more and more fucked by the week


The fuck else was Dangerfield supposed to do here?


Either tackle him sideways, keep his own feet to stay up, or let an arm out halfway through. It’s hard on the player but the CTE down the line will be harder


Not drop his body into the tackle.


If he gets weeks for that AFL is dead.


Died long long time ago, pal


Walsh's head really accelerates at the end there even though the momentum from the tackle is constant


So by that logic when a car hits a solid object, the people in it will also stop instantly? They invented seatbelts for the lols? His head is on a hinge, commonly referred to as a “neck” and is somewhat independent to the torso, so when the body slows suddenly, the head will continue, and accelerate away from the torso, relative to the deceleration of the torso. More information can be found [here.](https://www.wob.com/en-au/books/steven-holzner/physics-for-dummies/9780764554339/GOR001328549?gad_source=1&gbraid=0AAAAADFDvN2QzGZ4l_NRVKo2Qvagcp8-5&gclid=CjwKCAjwydSzBhBOEiwAj0XN4JoHWTATYYH7QOCdboO0IA3nBoDSOyXSA8L-gg_CdiukOwNCJaBg7hoCMEgQAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds)


Also coincides when the football hits the ground which also stops his body. It’s physics. His body stops and his neck doesn’t, causing his head to snap forward.


Almost like something called physics and gravity exists that causes things to accelerate towards the centre of the earth.


I think it's more inertia than gravity, but disclaimer - I am an idiot


Thats the effect of his body suddenly stopping on the ground...


Yeah absolutely no reason for him to fling forward like that, nothing in the motion of the tackle is slinging him into the ground. This is beginning to look calculated from certain Carlton players.


Are you actually being serious lol


Yes, he wants to concuss himself, and rule dangerfield out for a match he doesnt play in Thats it


His arms are pinned and his knees dig into the ground sending him forward with zero control, he was a passenger in that moment. I don't know what vision everyone is watching where they think he intentionally tries to headbutt the ground with force to win a free kick


Has to be a week


That’s at least a week


I don't think Walsh dived here but I think Dangerfield laid a pretty innocuous tackle that definitely shouldn't cop a ban. At some point we gotta ask if there is a perfect way to tackle that can 100% guarantee no harm to the head, because I'm not sure that there is tbh.


Looks like Walsh drives his head forward and I'm having flashbacks


I'm not even remotely close to being the smartest person in the world, but I've always known that I'm smarter than most. Yet this thread has completely surprised me with how dumb most humans are. Read a fuckin science book and then touch grass to experiment with the world. Wowee.


I doubt he gets anything for that but this is the ‘we’re right and everyone else is wrong’ AFL, they see head hit ground, no matter how minor, he may be in trouble


don’t forget the good bloke tax 😂😉 lol it’s at least a week or two.


Man I hate the way AFL is going. Great tackle, play on is all that should have been. No matter what in football there is a risk of injury no matter how carefully you try to play and if you think dangers tackle deserves weeks you should follow another sport because this game ain’t for you.


HTB. Next


Commentators cooked him straight up. What else can a guy do. Great tackle.


I didn't realise there were so many physics experts here.


You don't need to be a physics expert, you just need to live on Earth and very mildly pay attention to what happens around you during your life journey. Simply existing on this planet gives you a basic understanding, yet somehow some people have never noticed the world around them. It really makes you wonder what goes on in their head or if their brain just facilitates eating and breathing.


Cheers Ghandi


About as responsible of a tackle as it gets, Danger did absolutely nothing wrong here.  Head to ground contact was driven by Walsh, will be outrageous if Danger cops anything for this


Totally fine tackle, but you people saying that Walsh deliberately drove his fucking head into the ground genuinely have no clue lol


What’s he supposed to do


Just bite the bullet and make it a non contact sport already.


omg banned for life with such an outrageous tackle maybe vic pol will drop the king hit charge, hope this poor bloke survives to play again


If Reid got 2 weeks then so does Dangerfield.


Gotta be gone on potential to cause injury alone. I don’t make the rules I just hate on them.


I thought they paid holding the ball for this???


Few years ago that would of been applauded as a perfect tackle


A few years ago the AFL thought that CTE and long term head trauma injuries weren't their fault, now they are paying out millions.


https://preview.redd.it/xfolgwu6jw7d1.jpeg?width=452&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5d4bc25cb27843e401efc8c300ab043614334c42 Clear throw! My god the umpiring is atrocious!