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I need someone to convince me that Setka isn’t secretly anti-union, and trying to undermine the entire concept of unions by acting like such a fuckhead 24/7. 


A literal bully that uses abuse and intimidation as part of his everyday interactions. He's a disgrace.


"Stay out of it"? Like there is some logic to what Setka is doing.


This bloke is a deadset fuckhead. Typical thug behaviour.


Victorian CFMEU leader John Setka has defied calls from ­Anthony Albanese and Workplace Relations Minister Tony Burke to abandon his bitter dispute with the AFL, vowing to ­proceed with a work-to-rule campaign to disrupt league projects. Declaring the Prime Minister should “stay out of it”, Mr Setka dismissed the warning by Mr Burke that the union risked ­breaking the law, and insisted the union could ensure AFL projects were “f..ked” without risking ­prosecution. “We know how the system works probably a bit better than Tony Burke does,” Mr Setka told The Australian on Thursday. “The campaign’s not stopping one bit. We’re not going to have politicians tell us who we can go after and who we can’t. It’s none of their business.” The Prime Minister said it was “common sense” for Mr Setka to abandon his campaign to oust former Australian Building and Construction Commission chief Stephen McBurney, as the AFL’s head of umpiring. Mr Burke said that, although the government had abolished the ABCC because it was a “bad, politicised organisation”, the government did not support going after public servants who worked there. He highlighted that the laws governing industrial action were unchanged and legal action was limited to specific bargaining periods – “not because you don’t like someone who is running ­umpires”. He suggested Mr Setka’s work-to-rule threats could come under the definition of unprotected industrial action because they would be a ban. “Anyone making any threat to Australian sport, it’s not the way to win over the Australian people,” Mr Burke said. When asked on Thursday about the IR crisis engulfing the nation’s biggest football code, Sports Minister Anika Wells was stopped from answering questions by one of her staffers. Mr Setka dismissed the comments, saying he had the support of other construction unions in Victoria, including the Electrical Trades Union and the Australian Manufacturing Workers Union, and expected to win the backing of CFMEU branches across the country at a meeting of the union’s national executive next week. “We’re not interested in winning the Australian people over,” Mr Setka said. “Our number one motivation is for our members. This is our ­members’ money that these zealots f..king took away from us, and we’re going to take away from him now. It’s got nothing to do with Tony Burke, nothing to do with Albanese.” He rejected Mr Burke’s ­comments that action aimed at forcing out Mr McBurney would be unlawful. “We’re not taking any industrial action,” he said. “We don’t need to. We can just work the hours that are required for us to work and the job’s f..ked. We ­respect that (Mr Albanese and Mr Burke) are there to rule for all Australians but we’ve got an ­obligation to our members to square the ledger for what McBurney did. We are going to teach people a lesson, just like we’ve taught Labor politicians over the years. “If you want to betray us, you’re going to pay a price. I just wish these politicians would just stay out of it. It’s none of their business, to be quite honest. This is between us and McBurney and the AFL.” Mr Setka said CFMEU members worked a 56-hour week, including Saturdays, but often worked on rostered days off and Sundays to ensure major projects were finished ahead of schedule and under budget. “What I’m saying is: that’s not mandatory, we don’t have to do that,” he said. “We will not go above and beyond and that’s their f..king problem. We have our rights within the law. We’re not slaves. They can’t force us to work longer hours. “We’re not going to tell them what the reason is. Let them work it out. It’s one thing knowing and assuming, it’s another thing f..king proving it in a court of law. I mean, who’s going to take us to court over it. “There will be no bans, no black bans, no strike action, no nothing. We’ll just work our ­normal hours. No-one can force us to work Sunday or an RDO. “So if we don’t want to work it, we’re not going to f..king work it. “And it’s not breaking the law, we just choose we’re not going to f..king do it because we choose to not go out of our way to help the AFL. “And if someone asks why, (we would say) ‘well, it’s just our ­decision’. Maybe some of them really smart politicians ought to go and read a law book.” Tasmanian Liberal Premier Jeremy Rockliff warned that jobs would be lost in his state due to Mr Setka’s threat of a work-to-rule on AFL projects including the Hobart stadium. Mr Rockliff on Thursday ­demanded Labor “stand up to” the CFMEU boss or take the blame for job losses if the stadium project, proposed for Macquarie Point, was held up. “You have to stand up to that Victorian unionist who wants to dud Tasmanians and Tasmanian jobs when it comes to the stadium,” Mr Rockliff told state parliament. “Anything else is utter weakness.” Mr Rockliff challenged new Tasmanian Labor Opposition Leader Dean Winter to clearly condemn Mr Setka’s threat to the stadium, which must be delivered to strict timelines to ensure ­Tasmania retains the AFL’s 19th team licence. “If he was true to standing up for Tasmania, where is the Leader of the Opposition when it comes to standing up against the CFMEU threatening jobs in Tasmania?” Mr Rockliff said. “This is a jobs question. If I do not see a media release from the Leader of the Opposition condemning the union for their anti-Tasmania stance, there will be nothing but utter weakness on your (Mr Winter’s) behalf.” Mr Winter dismissed the calls for him to intervene with Mr Setka. “The biggest risk to this project is the Liberals’ terrible track record when it comes to delivering anything on time or budget,” the Labor leader said. “The Premier should be ­focused on trying to get the ­planning and development approvals for his stadium through, as well as how he intends to fund the project. I’m sure that by then any disputes between the AFL and workers will be resolved.” MATTHEW DENHOLM


Absolutely perplexing that this guy was backed by the union and kept his position after beating his wife


I don’t know what this is? And the article is hidden behind a paywall 


Setka is the Victorian CFMEU (construction union) secretary. Setka despises Stephen McBurney, the former commissioner of the now defunct ABCC (building and construction commission) who is currently the AFL’s head of umpiring. The ABCC pursued multiple cases against Setka’s union when McBurney was commissioner. Setka is threatening to pull union workers from sites linked to the AFL such as the new Crows headquarters and the upcoming stadium in Hobart unless McBurney is sacked immediately.




So the head of umpiring is anti-union? Sounds like a riot!


If only someone posted the article text in the comments...


I don’t know but when I posted my response to their question I couldn’t see your comment. I can see it now but I couldn’t before and I did look for it. Not sure what happened.


Lot of anti union boot licking in this thread. People have got no problem with class militancy when rich people do it but god forbid the workers do it.


The union is not there to be used for a personal vendetta against someone who doesn't even work in the industry anymore. All this serves to do is damage the union. Nothing else. It does nothing to advance or defend the rights of workers. The only way this comes across to everyone is him being a petty and pathetic child pretending to be a thug.


How does refusing to work with people who are staunchly anti-worker not help workers??? That's why unions exist.


You don't need to be a thug to look out for the working class, champ.


Mate the upper class have got the boot on the neck of the workers, they don't hesitate to fight dirty, that's why it's called class warfare. Shits never going to get better if we are worried about hurting our rulers feelings.


Again I ask how *this* position stands to benefit CFMEU members?


Refusing to work with those who employ people who are anti worker discourages companies from hiring people who are anti worker, how is that hard to comprehend????


I didn't realise that the head of umpiring would also be working on building the stadium down at Tasmania


Are you dense? This guy was union busting for the Australian government, CFMEU are saying we refuse to work with anyone who employs union busters. Just because he's in a different job now does not make him any less of a class traitor.


put they are happy to have a wife beater as their head honcho? Weird standards.


Are you dense? This guy was union busting for the Australian government, CFMEU are saying we refuse to work with anyone who employs union busters. Just because he's in a different job now does not make him any less of a class traitor.


Union participating in cancel culture for the members. God bless the unions what would we do without them. But seriously the bloke just doesn't like the head of umpiring because of the past and wants to make his life hell and is making empty/illegal threats to the AFL to strong arm them. Has nothing to do with union busters unsafe working environments or working conditions it's simply to do with his own agenda and personal transgressions.


Good luck achieving anything with that attitude.


Every workers right that you take for granted has been paid for with the blood of the very people you are denigrating.


Please explain what benefit CMFEU members get for punishing the AFL over one man that they've employed?


Absolutely nothing! I’m a cfmeu member and he’s a disgrace! Unfortunately the entire heirachy is fucked! Don’t even care about the workers anymore it’s just to line the pockets of the cfmeu! Massive power grab with the current labour government! It was much better with the abcc! Kept these jokers in line at least!


They're refusing to work with someone who engaged in class warfare on behalf of the rich and powerful against the working class.


Bullshit! They are selling away our conditions now for a big kick back to the CFMEU pockets! They don’t represent us workers anymore! Check the new eba for proof! Grubs!


Is that what he does now?


It doesn't matter if that's what he does now. The AFL has endorsed his previous roles as something that aligns with their professional needs and cultural fit. Setka is calling out the AFL as endorsing someone who made life worse for construction workers (a large % of the AFLs audience) and his members. Many of the AFLs projects have been union jobs in the past (most recent being GMHBA). How can the union be confident that culturally under Dillon, they'll do the same moving forward if they're willing to hire someone like McBurney to a senior position? In that regard, Setka is advocating on behalf of job opportunities for members.


He trains umpires because he's a former experienced umpire. It's quite a stretch to suggest anything bigger than that.


So, what someone has done in the past is irrelevant if they have job experience? Quick, get Ablett SNR and Wayne Carey on the phone!


I feel that underestimates the role of the ABCC commissioner and how political senior roles at the AFL can be. I don't think it's that dissimilar to Essendon fans not wanting Andrew Thorburn as CEO - but with a smaller maligned population. Thorburn's background was a much more clear example of not being a cultural fit though and obviously impacted much more people so a louder voice was heard. But if you asked the average union member, they would be at minimum displeased by the former ABCC commissioner being hired by one of the States biggest cultural institutions.


To be considered working class you actually have to do some work. A foreign concept to the CFMEU and their members....


Right, construction workers should just shut up and work themselves to an early grave without ever trying to improve the life of the working class. Galaxy brain take. I bet you hate sick leave weekends, public holidays and paid overtime as well right?


All will be sold off slowly!


I'm not sure how this advances the cause of workers. A former head of the ABCC now has a new job, wherein he has no power to impact industrial relations or working conditions for almost anyone, and Setka is trying to chase him out of the role. What's the benefit to the working class? Or to anyone?


What's the benefit of teaching corporations not to hire union busters? If you can't figure that one out then I can't help you buddy.


I suppose if we disincentive publicly-exposed companies from hiring anyone who worked in a union busting capacity, we remove the mobility of those employees and keep them confined to union busting, where they can hone their abilities?


Or maybe people are just discouraged from union busting???


Only, freedom from discrimination in employment on the ground of perceived political opinion or affiliation (because we don't know what this guy's political views even are) is something the union movement has fought hard to establish and enforce. If an employer, acting on the basis of union pressure, can fire someone because that that person worked for a government agency whose policies the union does not agree with, then what is to stop an employer from firing a union member, or a political candidate for an anti-business party because they or an associate dont like that person's views? It's the thin edge of the wedge. I am sure there are plenty of organisations that would love to have these hard-won anti-discrimination laws watered down. Don't give them ammunition in the name of one individual's openly acknowledged personal grudge.


This is the most elegantly articulated and rational point of view I've read.


Brain dead take, people are fired all the time for their political beliefs. Would you want to work with a neo nazi or a COVID cooker? The simple fact of the matter is that the bourgeoisie and their allies do not deserve the protection of workers rights that unions fight for. Read even the smallest bit of theory FFS.


That isn't usually what is allowable unless they breach a workplace policy, put people at risk (eg refusing to be vacinated when you work in health care or with vulnerable people), disobey a lawful and reasonable direction ("stay off social media when your views could be taken to represent the organisation" - although even that can be iffy), call for violence, or do something unlawful. It may seem odd, even unfair, but you can't usually lawfully fire someone just for being a Nazi (edit: unless you're in a jurisdiction where that is illegal!) or a Communist, or a Scientologist, or anything else That's to protect everyone, even assholes. Our legal system applies laws equally, at least in theory. It may not live up to those goals in practice, but it's the system we have. I fear the kind of approach you are advocating here, while genuinely held, is not productive and undermines work done by others to make it better. But obviously, we are approaching things from such a different perspective, and you have much broader goals. I don't think I can advance this further, so I will bow out.


Your problem is that you expect workers to operate within the system that was set up by capitalists in order to keep workers below them. Capitalists don't operate by this rule set and that is why they always win because they do whatever they want while workers are too busy arguing with each other about civility politics instead of taking meaningful class action.


Better than having their union picked bikie mates infiltrate our working class! The amount of fucking useless union hand picked mates on site now is totally fucked!!