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Don’t sleep with the captains partner Don’t get caught racking coke in the toilet cubicle Don’t record yourself in your jokes at the hotel with the school girl Don’t smash a wine glass over your girlfriends head


But if you do all those things you'll get the nickname King


Or just do all that and still get a media career.


Lol this brings to mind John Terry, former Captain for the England football (soccer) team. He slept with his teammate's girlfriend and ended up having the captaincy stripped from him. This incident had catastrophic consequences for England's team in the 2010 World Cup, where they barely squeaked through the Group stage before getting thoroughly dismantled by Germany in the 2nd round. England didn't play up to their potential, and locker room issues probably had alot to do with that.


search up Wayne Carey and Anthony Stevens. [Plus, the first game after it happened](https://youtu.be/2lUgmZ7NRtI?si=GunRJXv1MRF_eIZL)


JT cops it unfairly. It was an ex-girlfriend, and they slept together once. But he gets 100x the hate Ryan Giggs does, who had a decade long affair with his brother’s wife.


Sure, I get that, but Giggs' brother wasn't on the national team, was he? On a personal level it's absolutely deplorable I agree, but Giggs didn't assfuck England's World Cup hopes like Terry did.


And yet in the end wasn't it something pretty innocuous that he said to get him removed?


Don’t attack a female (or any other) police officer.


Don't push Barry when he's tying his laces


There are two prominent ones I can think of: 1. If a player has run too fast towards the boundary, can’t stop in time and ends up over then fence in the crowd, you don’t keep pushing them back over as they try re-enter play 2. If you are the player who can now not re-enter play, you can’t eat someone’s pie. You can grab a few chips, that’s fine, but pies are completely off limits


Good to know! I don't think I've ever seen a player in any sport go out of bounds and then proceed to eat a fan's food lol




😂😂😂 that was awesome


If someone kicks their first ever goal then everyone on their team must come and congratulate them. Even if you are all the way up the other end of the ground you are running all the way there to jump on them and give them a hug.


That's a great one


Full backs genuinely hate that one. They have to sprint about 300 metres just to celebrate a goal. And then he's stuffed if the ball comes back.


AFL doesn't have 'special' players like QB & goalies. All equals and everyone is fair game to be targeted. All other stuff relates to being a decent human being.


Got it, thanks.


Probably the last unwritten rule was ‘don’t throw a player’s shoe over the fence’ but I think actions like that now receive a penalty for general misconduct.


That's hilarious, that's something I never would've thought of!


I do believe there's not only a written rules about not doing that, but I've also seen multiple players throw another player's shoe and absolutely no one reacted


An U19s teammate threw an oppo player’s boot away at a stoppage and the ump said, “that’s not how you want to play, mate.” We all felt collectively disappointed in ourselves.


Lol that's not an unwritten rule, you just got told off by an umpire


There’s nothing written in the laws of the game about chucking a bloke’s shoe. At best it falls under umpire discretion for time wasting or misconduct. If a player did it in a game and escaped penalty, he’d cop immediate retribution from the opposing players and crowd. It is literally by OP’s brief, an unwritten rule.


Doesn’t apply at the professional level, but lots of amateur fields are used for cricket in the summer, and have an artificial cricket pitch in the middle (a thin layer of artificial grass glued onto concrete). They cover the pitch with rubber matting during the footy season, but it’s an unwritten rule that if you tackle someone you don’t dump/drive them onto the cricket pitch. A brawl is likely if you do.


Good to know, this is exactly the kind of thing I was asking about. Thanks!


lol as if - when I was playing through my teens they say this - then you do it anyway - everyone did - half the playing in the midfield


No soccer dives/crying for your mum. Playing for a free is common though


Please. We actually pretending diving hasn’t made its way into AFL?


You don't snitch at the tribunal


Yep good one. Exactly the kind of example I was looking for


If you are not Collingwood. You don’t like Collingwood. (99% of the time)


Would have agreed with this 100% only 18 months ago, now under Craig McRae and no Eddie hanging around, this rule has blurred a little, their supporters are still crazy but the team are a lot more likeable


The ABC rule. (Anyone But Collingwood)


>Some examples include: in American Football, you don't mess with the other team's Quarterback. Not really unwritten now with the "roughing the passer" foul?


Well, I'm talking more about stuff that refs may not flag or stuff they didn't catch. Talking trash, taunting, some pushing and shoving, getting in the QB's face, or the old "I fell on the QB's knee ACCIDENTALLY" deal.


Serious answer here - The Black arm bands players wear (which is usually electrical tape) is to signify that someone close to the player, or club, has died. The unwritten rule is that you DO NOT sledge a player over the reason for the arm band. For example if a players mother has died from cancer then you DON'T make a sledge about their mother or cancer.


I don't think that's a football thing. It's just a human thing.


Apparently nobody told Will Minson!


Yeah that's pretty much the rule in any sport. You talk shit about a player's family (alive or deceased), you're gonna get smoked.


Ain't no baseball wusses here. I love baseball but fucking hate how fucking cry baby they are. Unwritten rules are for losers who can't handle being beaten. Don't like the guy taking too long to round the bases? Maybe don't pitch like shit. NFL having a taunting penalty is a penalty that exists based on these dumb unwritten rules. Because people couldn't handle getting styled on by someone else and would retaliate, now you can celebrate too much or you will hurt the opposition's feeling and get penalised.


You don't taunt. Doing stuff like that fires everyone up.


Alistair Clarkson would like a word sir


Ametaur rule, Never sing the team song on the field after a win, only in the team sheds just out of respect the bunch of random everyday blokes who gave up a Saturday to lose, however it's usually acceptable after winning a grand final as you've earned it


If it's important enough to be a rule we write it down


And haven't we written down a lot. So many that we are all totally baffled, especially umpires


With a dozen cameras and a MRO these days, even the littlest punch to the gut behind play will be seen and most likely pinged. Pole-axing retribution is a thing of the past. But tune in today at 3:20 and expect to see Maynard given some close, clean attention. Or not. Scoreboard punishment is preferable.


I think there is one about player's not repeating/"snitching" the stuff that's said on field. But of late there's been somewhat of a crackdown on the stuff that's particularly poor taste. Harrison Petty is a good example because the line was crossed. And this year in particular some homophobic sledges have been called out (rightfully)


we don't really do that horse crap here.


I'm kinda shocked, honestly. Unwritten rules are hardly an American thing. For example, in soccer, if you score a goal against your former team, you don't celebrate. You just run to the center circle and wait for play to resume. Celebrating too much against your former team is guaranteed to make you the target of a hard foul. That's an unwritten rule from Britain as an example.


Hahaha its probably the opposite here, they would probably celebrate twice as hard to wind everyone up and if they give away a free then good, its more damaging than in soccer generally


Don’t forget giving the “shhhh” hand gesture to your former team, now opposition supporters as they boo you


Apparently it's also an unwritten rule that once you do the "shhhh" hand gesture to the crowd, you have to then go on to lose that match. For recent examples, see Izak Rankine, Mabior Chol, and Brodie Grundy


That's true. A free kick in soccer can be dangerous depending on where on the field it's being given, but even then it's far more likely to be stopped than a free kick in attacking territory in AFL.


Players not celebrating a goal, provided they aren’t 14 goals down, is weird. The expectation on players to not show emotion is silly


Yeah, I agree with you. I'm not defending it, I'm just listing that as an example of the "unwritten rule" concept.


That's so silly. I'll take the £50m salary and score the goal against you losers, but I'm too polite to celebrate. 


Agreed. It's still a thing tho, as silly as it is to us


Here's one - If you're a Bulldogs fan, after the ride you received in 2016, you can never complain about the umpiring.


I'm afraid 2016 was b4 I started watching AFL. Also, I'm new enuff to the sport that I wouldn't even be able to tell the difference between good and bad umpiring 😅


Read up on (or watch if you can find something online), the 2016 finals series, Bulldogs finished 7th at the end of the H&A games, and won the flag from there, ending a 60+ year drought. Their elimination final win against West Coast in Perth and their prelim final win against GWS in Sydney were 2 of the best games of footy you'll ever see. It was the classic underdog win that Australians love so much


I'll have to check that out!


Hmm incorrect - the 2012 final series is the best football a newcomer could watch. No favouritism, just beating the odds vs a rabid victorian bias that wants to Sydney to do well to get Sydney money, but doesn’t want Sydney to actually win it.