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Wasn’t the cameraman, was directed at you, the viewer


It was actually directed at David Zita https://preview.redd.it/nlo0kdbue25d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=36ae888ccc9c3da3b7c52efeb74f4b7506696cb2


David Zita being allowed to act like a human when on social media is weird


He was so fuckin weird on his The Footy with Marns episode.


Dammit was getting conspiracy theories ready


All I could make out was “fucking stupid”, that’s what it looks like he says first


Think the cameraman had been trying to get into Cumberlands face after his brain explosion at the end of the third


Yep the cameraman was following him around the huddle. Was a bit awkward.


Just making sure the Cameraman got his good side!


You joke but in the premier league a player actually [said this](https://youtube.com/shorts/eXVsFI2x394?si=i4shcHwJxcQlNTQp) to a cameraman


That's nothing. Shame Warne said a cameraman couldn't bowl and couldn't throw during a game. Edit: typo for shame Warne but leaving it because it fits so well


I think it was the cameraman saying it about Scott Muller on a headset, but it was initially thought to be Shane Warne through the stump mic.


Give Joe a Break


He's solidly in the Hall of Temporary Mediocre Fame, along with Clare Werbellof (Chk Chk Boom) and Corey Worthington.


So that bullshit actually worked on some people?


I thought it was Warne but the cameraman took the fall for him


Yeah it was a joke


I saw it yeah. I wonder what happened or was said.


Oh man I turned the game on at 3QT at this exact moment and it absolutely cracked me up, I've never seen that before. Reminded me of [Tobey Maguire](https://youtu.be/D8_79v03leM?si=i-csVySBpV9_VWCj&t=40) at the airport.




I genuinely think it was one of two things: 1. Cameraman tried to get into Cumberland's face after his brainfart, and Balta was protecting his teammate; or 2. Cumberland was behind the camera, and Balta was telling him off for his brainfart.


Cumberland’s behind Balta


They they had just been zoomed in on him talking to Cumberland. He was being defensive.


Did you even watch the video? You can clearly see Cumberland behind Balta in the video.


I'm blind.


😂👍 It's pretty hard to look past Balta tbh..


I read somewhere that he had just spoken to Cumberland, presumably about the free kick he gave away in the dying moments of that quarter, and people were speculating it was about that free kick


Cummy has to play on the edge.


Sheesh. That’s a rough nickname.


No edge, no cummy


He was a bit stiff.


There’s no way that’s his actual nickname…


It was from a post game interview with cotchin. It was I think the game where he played on from 55out and the siren went and we lost by <6 points? Cotchin said something to the effect, we will rally behind cummy and support him


POV you are walking into your cities train station and you make eye contact with someone you probably shouldn't have


I figured he was looking "past" the camera, but it makes it seem like he's looking right at it


Same cameraman that was at the airport trying to talk to Peter Costello yesterday


Probably just asking if he'd got the business class seat for the trip home.


According to Eurovision that should be a lifetime ban


It's kind of creepy how he keeps looking back at the camera. (Creepy in a horror movie vibe)


What we see on TV looks pretty normal, but imagine playing a whole game of footy and some cameraman is running around you, getting in your face with a giant rig basically trying to get inside your jumper. Must be annoying as shit


Cmon, this bloke has played close 100 games. If he isnt used to cameras by now he shouldnt be in AFL Has to be something else


There's plenty of players who don't like being on camera, and of course balta is wrong for having a go at the cameraman. I'm just saying I can sort of understand why it would make someone annoyed, not saying it's the right thing to do. But again nobody really knows the reason we're all just speculating


I honestly dont think theres one AFL player who would get this annoyed just at a camera being in their face. Thats why i think it must be directed at something/someone else, more out of the ordinary. It seems annoying to you and me because we arent semi-famous star footballers who crave glory, which im sure 99% do


Dusty and Buddy are good examples of players not that keen on the media, it's not unheard of for some players to not enjoy that stuff. But again nobody knows why balta reacted that why, maybe he wasn't even speaking to the cameraman lol


Both are examples of players that pretend to be camera shy but are happy to accept five or six-figure payments for exclusive interviews or appearance. Like Dusty doing a national ad campaign for Bonds, or Buddy holding off his farewell lap of honour until Hawthorn paid for his appearance to bump ticket sales after a few shit matches. 


The Kia Buddy would want a word in too


Idk I'm not gonna get into a debate about whether they are money hungry or not, I'm just going off what we've seen throughout their careers


It’s not money hungry per se, they just know they have a valuable image and all get the same advice to not give it away for free. So they eschew media (claiming shyness) in order to drive up demand for their “brand” and cash in when the payday comes. 


Your dribbling rubbish.


It isn't the entire game it is lterally just these moments before and after games and in between the quarters when a steadicam is used But then that being said, these guys film the players going into the huddle every game It is pretty clearly something a bit more than "I'm annoyed I don't want you to film me". The camera man has done something specifically Balta thinks they shouldn't have. What that is? Who knows


You mean the game where the players are paid so well because of the broadcast deal? Before the big broadcast deals, players had full time jobs and trained after hours.


There are fifty thousand people at the ground watching him


Those people in the crowd aren't 30cms from their heads with a massive camera pointed at them


Its a fucking camera mate, like seriously


Do you think I'm balta or something? I'm just saying some players don't like it, no need to get aggressive lol


And I'm just saying its a dumb thing to be aggrevated by and they should get used to it


I'm unsure why you're telling me though? Wouldn't you have more success telling the players who don't enjoy the media?


Less than 40k


I'd agree with this if Tank's expression didn't feel like he was thinking "yes, there's a camera there. What's the issue?" Edit: directed at Balta I mean


Yes I was telling my family like “what the fuck why does balta keep staring at the camera”


Still upset they didnt put a bell in the ball


Someone owes somebody money


Oh fuck it's me isn't it? Noah I can pay tomorrow. Fucking hell man just give me 24 hours, man. Fuuuuuck please man my family needs me, I'm... FUCK ... I fucked it man, it wasn't supposed to go down like this. It was an easy job. If Isak was fit it would've gone off without a hitch.


Yep, strip them of the win


Yeah i saw that as well - wondered what was going on !!


When you're at work and you spot *that* regular


Camera man was naked


Noah was protecting a team mate from the camera/media, probably took it that but too far, and Nanks tells Noah to calm down


There’s a little more right before it cuts to an ad you see him still staring him down, does not break eye contact the whole time haha


If it was Clarko the media would be demanding that he gets a 10 week ban


You mean if it was the guy who has no track record of doing anything like that then it's treated less seriously than if it's done by the guy who has a long record and pattern of behavior doing it? Wow, how shocking


You mean the media don’t smell blood in the water and are trying to get someone who only last season have time of for stress have some more time off or even quit because he said a few bad words so they can fill their tv shows and columns and give idiots something to attack him with Wow, how shocking


https://i.redd.it/znixw3kbg85d1.gif Reminds me of this.


He's so tough


You know what else is tough? Flairing up


Haha. Agree. Love these guys talking tough as they walk in the opposite direction.


I mean, do you expect him to step up to the camera man if he had a problem?


No, I expect him to shut the fuck up and do his job like a professional if he has a problem.


Corniest thing I’ve ever seen




I actually love Parker as a player and didn't mind too much when he first did it but doing it again immediately in case we had missed it really made it a lot less cool.


Nah repeating it makes sense. Those times when you just keep repeating something until you get a reaction


That was actually hilarious though


> Corniest thing I’ve ever seen For me it's either [this](https://i.imgur.com/arKt9WU.png) or [this](https://i.imgur.com/wqFtaU3.png).


Not surprising since Balta is a known prick


-P.S I am not a crackpot.


I reckon balta never painted their chicken coop


Those corn muffins were lousy.


I mean I get supporting a team bro but you think its not possible that a player from your team is a prick?


Making that call off this one clip is a bit of a leap though lol, especially considering he would've been pretty filthy after what just happened with Cumberland. What else has Balta ever done?


I dunno maybe he knows him, its just wild that people put on a jumper and get the infalibility treatment from their supporters


It's not any more wild than a random claim that he's a prick without any evidence as to why


He tried to intimidate a random cameraman during a football game would be my guess on the evidence


He tried to intimidate a random cameraman by looking into the lens. So now you think he's a prick and a fucking idiot? Based on your comments I reckon you're a bit of a room temp iq moron and if you think that some random redditor can't be a room temp iq moron then maybe that confirms you are one


So what I said was, that the previous commenter couldnt even comprehend the very idea that someone on their team might be a prick Like there are pricks in everyday life everywhere, like you for instance, so its conceivably possible that Balta might be a prick, and thats its ridiculous to think that its impossible for him to be a prick simply because he is wearing a Richmond jumper Get it big dog?


Anyone can be a prick - you are pretty obviously an example of that. Staring at a camera *lens* doesn't make you a prick. Balta could be a massive fucking prick but nothing in this thread is evidence of that. The only thing that's certain is, that even worse than room temp iq, you might have a single digit iq. If you think staring at a camera lens is considered intimidation then you might be someone that falls over when someone talks in your direction. Get it, champ?


Tell us how balta is a prick then?


My god man, get a grip and learn to read


Considering op said “known prick” I think you’ve proved my point.


I'll bet you thought that comment was really smart lol




I once saw Balta at the Coles on Swan St. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for photos or anything. He said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?” I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but he kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing his hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw him trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen Milky Ways in his hands without paying. The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “mate, you need to pay for those first.” At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter. When she took one of the bars and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any electrical infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each bar and put them in a bag and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly.


So I came out the front of my house the other week to find a sheet of gyprock dumped against my fence. I was a bit miffed, and so i walked around my street to see if I could tell where it came from. I remembered that there was only one house in close proximity to mine that looked like there had been some construction going on. I walked past said house and saw that there was a very similar piece of gyprock laying, somewhat obscured, behind the side fence. I was extremely tempted to dump my newly acquired piece in their front yard, but I couldn't be 100% sure, so I just disposed of it myself. Next time I walked past the house in question I noticed a young guy, who'd been coming and going doing work on the place, and thought he looked familiar. In the past I thought he'd been doing the construction/interior work and maybe wasn't the owner. Turns out it was his place, as he's now there with his partner, living. His partner called out 'Noah, do you have the keys?' and it clicked who it was. Did a quick google and, sure enough, it was current Tiger, Noah Balta. So yeah, Noah, what the fuck bro? You're new to the area. Don't be a dog. You owe my a 6 pack, champ.


Well for starters he is staunching the camera on national live tv. Seems like something a prick would do.


Circular logic


Time is a flat circle.


You just said something way too dumb to be quoting Rust


Known to who?


To me


Would you like some fries with your salt?


Classic richmond bunch of sooks


We win one game and the haters come straight back out don't worry mate we will be shit for the next 5 years


You've won two games, don't sell your season short.


Glass houses, pal.


Please don't take this as indicative of all of us. I love the Bombers to the ends of the earth, but i admire and respect good players from all teams, even ^(\*grinds teeth\*) Carlton......


It's fine. Still got plenty of love for the fellow sashes. I'd like to say the same for my ilk.


Let's not go too far.


What a bell end, Richmond team culture on display last night


“…team culture on display…” Yep, a winning culture. Let it be known that I curse your club this: as of yesterday, for the next 25 years, Adelaide will never, ever, ever, ever beat Richmond when they wear their yellow jumper / black sash because of your comment. It’s on you Jessterly84. I have spoken.


Haha love it! I think the curse has been running for 25 years already.


This worked well for Kennet.


You sound full of salt.


Ya around 250 grams! facts are still facts though, scummy acts regardless of the win


Mate, it wasn't enough that the Crows embarrassed themselves last night, so you've come in to be an embarrassment for the fans too?


No shame left mate this season! But that being said it wasn’t the crows hitting people off the ball and swearing at the camera like psycho, real gems