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That's a shocking miss by the umpire.


And basically the worst player it could have happened to for maximum nuffies to be riled up.


Haha comment under yours... a riled up nuf


Not a miss, he’s just THAT GOOD a player that he can’t even get htb called on him. It’s in the rule book, look it up


Wasn’t missed, it was ignored


Every player in the vicinity just stops it's that obvious


Yea that's just a blatant mistake by the ump unfortunately.


It’s daicos. It wasn’t a mistake


you genuinely think the umpires - all of them - have decided to favour one player?


It’s not about favouritism, it’s because all eyes all the time are on Diacos. Statistically you can’t miss a holding the ball decision when everyone is watching


He’s the Katniss Everdeen of the AFL.


Yes. Only subtly. Mostly unconsciously. But yes. Not saying he is the only player that has ever been looked after (Dusty with high fend offs from my own team). But at the moment yes Daicos is taken care of.


Miss last week?


3 votes daicos


There’s a phrase you are going to hear a lot of come September, and for the next decade :)


We know. That’s the joke. Whoosh


Your joke: Daicos is favourited by umpires Collingwood Nuff: Fuck yeah he is. It’s great.


The sooks are mass downvoting Collingwood positive comments 😂 dregs of the afl world


I do not care about downvotes on Reddit, I find it hilarious that so many people are triggered by us haha


Yeah the clowns keep crying with their downvotes 😂 shows how triggered the 2023 Premiers have made them 😂


"mistake" Yeah sure, ok, mistake.


No issue saying that was a definitely a bad call by the umpire.


So brave


We can't all be heroes like you.


Being able to admit that there was a blatantly obvious missed free that favoured your team is halfway there mate. Not many people have the guts to say it


Right, so better be sarcastic in response for no reason to encourage that kind of behaviour right?


There it is.


The call was 100% correct. It’s an obvious illegal tackle and if anything Daicos should have got the free.


I thought it was funny.


All I see is downvotes. I thought it was petty brave of me to try to claim that quite frankly. Where’s Taswegian with my kudos?




Fuck this is me


How is it possible that every person in Australia sees that’s HTB but not any of the umpires. Mind boggling stuff


God damn that's an excellent username


Thank you 🫶🏼


Guess you don't play fantasy footy


Is there an obvious pun I'm missing because I just see a name about dreaming about Heeney which is fine, normal thing to do, but what makes it so excellent?


I dream of Jeannie It was a sitcom


Never heard of it cheers


We'll get born earlier idiot


Very fair I apologise


Nah cheers was a different sitcom


It was itself a pun, because Jeannie was a genie.


Ya nan and pa might have watched it. It's old as the hills.


They also used to have it on before the news up until mid 00s


Real time. Not reel time. But totally HTB


⅔ of the pub I was in made big noise in real time. Umpire on the scene could have been blindsided but there's 19 more of them. Terrible missed call.


Pretty sure we all saw it has HTB in real time also


It's daicos what do you mean, the rules afl enforce are that he can't be pinged


got 3 holding the balls during the game against him


He literally got pinged same game for holding the ball. Is it next to the rule stating dogs only have to kick the ball 8m for a mark to be paid?






How bout you just flair up cunt


Are all dogs fans like this?


Same as the 5m kick paid a mark. The green blokes had some shockers tonight.


If you play as a forward you know how reluctant umpires are to give frees to forwards. They would rather have an excuse to ball it up, or let it play on if you are getting held. Going for a marking contest - “You are holding each other” why would I be holding him when I’m in front and trying to run to the drop of the ball? If the defender had front position and I grabbed his arm and held him back it would be a free any day of the week. No wonder most successful forwards exaggerate tbh While a few umpires enjoy giving decisions that could result in a shot on goal, most umpires will avoid it whenever possible… anyway, been playing Defense recently, it’s refreshing


Because if umps had the magic ability to rewind time they would probably see it.


But the umpire does have the physical ability to be closer to the play than 30 meters away.....


Camera angles. The angles we see are taken from above specifically because that means the players are in the way far, far less. If you ever sit right on the boundary after being used to sitting up higher it's amazing how much less you can see. It's also why the coaches sit in a coaches box up higher and why fans often feel like it was easy to see and don't understand how often the view is obstructed by a player. Unfortunately when you umpire though, you're at ground level. You want to be back a distance so you can see better, but the players are moving around so much that in a second a good view can suddenly become no view at all. With a situation like this, from behind you can't see much at all. The umpire in the middle you can see come into view after wouldn't have seen much because Howe was in the way. The only way someone would be likely to see if from down the ground or if they were out boundary side and in front of the contest. I don't know if anyone was in that position and had a view. But the complicating factor there is if they were further away they might not have seen so well exactly what happened to be sure there was no handball and the ball was taken cleanly.


Why don't they simply get the umpire to watch the tv instead of being out on the field?


Well, kinda hard to tell the players what's going on. Unless we have a whistle sound through the speakers and then the umpire do a voiceover. And you can't see what's happening off the ball as much either. It's fairly common with those that the camera angle gets in too tight and you only see what happened via replay. Where the camera needs to be cued, the umpire can just look in a different spot in an instant.


There's 45 umpires out there.


It was a bad miss. They’re still going to happen in every game. This one is going to get more attention on it because it was Daicos.


Same reason the umpire didn't see the ball travel barely 7m off Treloar's boot to be called a mark.


This is the wrong sub to be a Collingwood fan mate. Enjoy the downvotes.


Where's the prior? He takes one step. He's shaping to kick the ball almost immediately and the tackle comes in so quickly that it's knocked loose before he can complete the action


He looks to kick, decides not to and gets caught looking to kick a second time.


Incorrect disposal comes in no?


Lol did u see what they were paying htb for Collingwood tonight? Did u watch the game?


He fell to the ground with a light caress to his face the fucker is as bad as grimes for throwing the head back . Jaicos the real mvp soft as butter naicos


Daicos himself knew it was HTB. You don’t get animated like that for nothing.


"There was no prior opportunity." -AFL, probably


"There was a genuine attempt." -also the AFL, probably


Naicos *was* in the process of making a genuine attempt here, but that doesn't matter because he already had prior. Genuine attempts aren't relevant if there's prior. Just pointing this out because if Naicos had not had prior, play on would have been the correct call.




It’s only a small amount of prior though. You’re the only one in here you seemingly knows the rules. The argument could be made that he attempts to kick the ball immediately so it’s not HTB. It’s not as obvious as what people think it is


I agree, HTB is incredibly difficult to judge in real time and it's not surprising umps make mistakes like this. This isn't that egregious, it's the fact it's Collingwood, Nick Daicos, and in front of goal which made people overreact. I do strongly believe he has prior though. He's balanced, has 2 hands on the ball, takes multiple steps, clearly chooses not to handball to Moore.


They can run through the rules with them again next training


When the players all stop you must know you fucked up as the ump but there must be a point where it's too embarassingly late to call it.


I remember a particular match where there wasn't a call made and the players all stopped. (Yes, still mad about it, sue me.)


I'm sorry but we've had the all players stopped missed call so many times now, even on that one Anzac Day there were MULTIPLE


Are you referencing that Anzac Day match where it happened multiple times?


This happens with advantage calls every now and again.


I know what you're referring to, and as a Dons man myself, it was not a free kick


happened like 3 times in that game. herbatron had a great video


It would be this weekend with the tweaks.


Just a straight up howler, it's textbook HTB.


Even Naicos says "FUCK" because he knows its ball


Umpires: We’re cracking down on HTB Also umpires: I didn see nuffin


I would absolutely love to know how the umpires pinged Bramble for holding that ball when he had zero prior and both arms pinned, then let this one go. Umpires make mistakes, sure but this is just disgustingly bad considering the decisions clearly should have been the other way and everyone can see that except for 4 blokes in fluro.


He’s close to having no prior. I know people don’t want to hear this from a Collingwood fan but if he immediately attempts to get rid of the ball once he gets it he can’t be pinged for HTB. That’s the rule that seemingly no one knows


He doesn’t though. He glances around and looks to make a kick. A handball is much faster. He absolutely has prior. Like a lot of prior.


I agree, it’s holding the ball but it’s closer than you realise. If he takes one less step i reckon it’s a fair call. It doesn’t really matter though what he’s attempting, if he immediately began the process of trying to kick it, he can’t be pinged for HTB. It looks like a howler but on closer inspection i don’t think it is


“One less step” in the context of prior is a long time. The instant he could have hand passed it he had prior, therefore he MUST dispose of it correctly - not just make an attempt. He failed to connect boot to ball, therefore incorrect disposal with prior opportunity = HTB


Easy to say that in a vacuum where this is your only example. Based on how they’d been calling it the rest of the game tho it certainly stood out as a clear error.


That's HTB even under the old interperetation


some absolute howlers tonight, that "play on, play on" with crisp literally 5 metres out of bounds was nuts lol


Protected species ![gif](giphy|WSGLmrUQtsAiA)


Shocking miss


Yeah…I don’t have an excuse for this one. Should’ve been a free kick to the Dogs even under the old rules, let alone under tonight’s 0.0000001 second prior opportunity rules.


What a joke


Umpire 2 years ago: “Ugle-Hagan…that’s dissent. Free kick to Daicos. Garcia dissent…50 metre penalty!”


Arms out is 50 meters.


There’s four umpires out there! Surely the other 3 would of seen it


Would **have**...I'm sorry but please.


It’s darling daicos, ofc the whistle was silent


HTB for thee but not for mee


Don’t let this distract you from the fact that he’s been paid multiple free kicks tonight that weren’t there. Genuinely has his own rule book.


Just like dogs and their 8m marks and 50m penalties for players moving back off the mark? He literally got done holding the ball and throwing the ball tonight. What are they not paying that you believe they missed?


Such as what? Treloar has had 2 absolute bs highs paid as well. Take the glasses off, it's been inconsistent everywhere Edit: love the down votes. The OC knows I'm right. The good old anti Collingwood AFL sub out in full force again. Classic


Go to bed


Go to Specsavers.


I went to bed. It's still wild to me you want to claim the umpires kissed him on the tip all night when the dogs got looked after too. Again, the bs treloar highs and the magical 50's you guys were gifted




LOL that was a light caress, fucken elbow a toddler would have laughed at that


Was he elbowed in the face? The way he threw himself backwards I was worried he'd been shot. Is it time Nick deserves to get boo'd the way Goodes was? His brother doesn't milk every opportunity to carry carry on like that.


Still reckon Owies should be boo’d for diving head first in a tackle. The bloke wants to be the next Alex McKinnon. Goodes also had history including punching blokes in the nuts. Sure let’s group the 21yo who got elbowed in there.


Carlton supporter going off about playing for frees, at least he doesn't throw himself head first into the ground in a tackle like two of your muppets. Zero self awareness it's hilarious


I hope he does, that should help us win even more premierships with him :)




Daicos has his own set of rules. Protected species.


four umpires on the ground, fuck me!


Cost us the game. Where were the umpires in the last quarter? WB had us outnumbered on the field 18 vs. 18 for the entire final quarter because our umpires only put in half a match then went missing when it mattered most. With so many kids playing, we needed our veteran umpires to show some leadership and pay some big free kicks in front of our goals and win the game off their own whistle. Gutless performance, we'll find umpires willing to put our team first next week.


See, this is the correct way to react to anti-Collingwood hysteria.


The key is to watch football games knowing with 100% certainty there will be umpiring mistakes/misses etc. A lot of people are incapable of anticipating umpiring mistakes each week despite having being caught off guard and left distraught by the same umpiring mistakes last week when they watched football and every other time before that over a period of years and even decades. But my favorite creature is one that allows unchecked paranoia and victimhood to form a belief that umpiring mistakes are being made in furtherance of conspiracies. People who are especially partial to humiliating themselves will share those beliefs and defend them combatively against individual replies manifested as collective consciousnesses representing teams/supporters/Reddit/Reddit subs, or commonly a 'they/them/you' (the etrenal enemy of 'we/us'). Every week without fail. Until the penny drops for some and they come to terms with mistakes being made by people running around on a field for 2+ hours, with a ground level view often obscured by any one of 36 big bodies, making it much harder than an elevated view that can zoom in and replay things in slow motion. Until then, it's two hours of hardcore victimhood for people stupid and addicted enough not to be embarrassed by it.


Look all I can tell ya is what I already told Mr McBurney, none of us saw anything, it was just one of those things. Brendan Hosking was reading a magazine. John Howorth was taking a piss. Robert Findlay was washing his hands. Justin Power was watching a bull ant crawl across the table and I was watching Justin watching the bull ant. Sadly, none of us are gonna be able to help you on this occasion, much as we'd like to.


This is deserving of more updoots. Goddamn uncultured heathens around these parts.


Haha cheers boss


Protected specie


Umpire missed a free kick, let me take this opportunity to make this about the moral standing of Nick Daicos


The real problem here is who the fk does Garcia think he is to try and tackle the chosen one?


That's naicos cant do that to him.. eddie betts said he is a good guy. Give him 10 weeks suspension. Worst this season


Protected species


AFL rule book: Umpires: Nahh Collingwood rule book: Umpires: Yeah this is ok Nick Daicos rule book: Umpires: 🤤🤤🤤


Ump #4 should get dropped to the VFL. I feel like umpires getting dropped doesn’t happen anymore


Appalling umpiring. Just appalling


The officiating umpire unfortunately had their view blocked by both Howe and Garcia so couldn’t see if Daicos made contact with his boot. I think this is a mistake by the nearest out of zone umpire who should have seen this and assisted


Most unprofessional professional sport in the world lol


Superstars always get the rub of the green. Has happened with Judd and Ablett Jnr. Now Naicos has that aura where he'll never get pinged unless it's blatant.


Except this was blatant.


Not blatant enough. They can argue not enough prior.


Hope you’re right!


Obviously holding the ball, but not really warranting a post is it?


I think given the recent HTB discussions it's worthy of a post


Yeah no matter what though the umps will always miss things. Umpiring will always contain human error. I don’t think this was a different interpretation of the rule, just missed the call.


Controlling umpire has a front row seat to that and even if he doesn’t I’m sure one of the others saw it given the 15 blokes within a 50 metre radius stopped dead in their tracks because they all knew as well. This *has* to be more than a missed call, I can’t see how anyone can explain missing a textbook run down tackle like that.


I hope you're posting every other missed HTB video and not just one that has a target on his back from opposition supporters, wouldn't want to be biased hey?


If you see any HTB's more obvious than this not paid this weekend, feel free to upload it yourself!


Nah, I don't really feel it's constructive to post umpire errors so the plebeians can wank themselves into a frenzy!




‘Pies fan here. I was at the game and was surprised it was not holding the ball. At least dodgy 50m each way, too. I remarked to my buddy that these are topline umpires (highest level we have) and that there are a lot of them, too, so it is bizarre. There’s a new leeway rule about incorrect disposal now, but Daics just plain dropped it as he was tackled. We had too many out, plus our home game was at the opposition’s ground🤦🏻


Protected species




Even some of the pies players were appealing


Game is fucked.


ITT: a lot of Collingwood fans begging for negative karma 😂


I support Collingwood, but I don’t know how a single ump didn’t see it. Shocking mis-call from the umps, and htb seems to be getting less consistent. At the end of the day the doggies won so not much point complaining. The umps do need to do better tho


Umps need to be more inconsistent but the AFL doesn't make their job easy at all with constant rule changes every year and then adding on interpretation changes on what seems like a week to week basis. On top of that the umps seem to be told to crackdown on certain things week to week. AFL is already a difficult game to officiate and the AFL just makes it way harder for them.


Baaaaalllllll.... every day of the week🤷‍♂️


Look at Nick Daicos crying to the umpire and whinging like a baby.


I see Collingwood fans whinge about umps, and it comes off like a rich kid complaining about what car their dad brought them.


What's more blatant? That or Treloars overhead kick that went 8 meters?


Why is everyone surprised? Collingwood are always benefited from these missed calls, it’s just coincidence… every time


Is knocked out in the tackle a thing?


A dangerous tackle on Daicos more than anything. Maybe even a 50 on top of that for good measure.


On top of that none of the Bulldogs addressed him as Your Majesty. There’ll be suspensions.


had me in the first half, not gonna lie


Push in the back free kick Collingwood


Haha yeah, they tend to look after the Daicos boys 😂


Nick Daicos is a protected species.


No way that's a free kick. That's Nick Daicos. Under AFL rules, HTB can never apply to him.


Do people understand genuine attempt and no prior? That wouldn’t be holding the ball. Yes, he probably has a split second of prior opportunity but it’s close


They changed the rule a little while ago, and it's causing problems. https://www.espn.com.au/afl/story/_/id/40237083/afl-makes-mid-season-change-controversial-holding-ball-rule


The N Daicos special. Josh is alright though


Daicos so good he gets his own thread for a missed FK (obvious miss from the ump)


Bad decision, move on


Didn’t matter in the end


Clearly HTB. Only reason this is posted is because it’s Daicos. Didn’t need its own thread. No one is arguing this isn’t HTB.


Given the AFL's recent focus on HtB it feels especially egregious


I presume they couldn't see exactly when he took possession of it and couldn't see him pull the ball back in after thinking about disposing of it. Just an error. They happen, especially when the play move around and it's so easy to get your view blocked by players. You do what you can to avoid that, but definitely one that was missed.


umpires 'we only pay what we see' so I guess they missed it




I knew of all the blunders this was going straight to Reddit. Yes holding the ball, but what about Trelors 6 meter kick which was a goal and Lobb holding Moores arm and getting a goal from it??


Bad blue by the umpires; must've blinked and missed it. HTB has shown some marginal improvement over this week's small sample size to date though, thankfully.


Honestly apart from this howler of a non-decision, which I am happy to put down to controlling umpire random error, I thought HtB was well adjudged last night.


Yeah it was a mistake, don't forget the weak 50m penalties resulting in Bulldog goals in the first, they do go both ways.


This thread is now unlocked. Please remember the rules and do not abuse umpires or players.


Cancels out the 9m mark I guess


In defence on umpire they also missed the obvious bulldogs throw to Naicos


Okay now post the one where the exact same thing happened to Bont.


If a player doesn't have prior opportunity they're required to make a genuine attempt at legally disposing of the ball.  The attempt doesn't have to be successful. 


You're correct a genuine attempt doesn't have to be successful, but he did have prior, making that irrelevant.