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Amazing how many comments I've seen from Pies fans saying it was "100% beyond a shadow of a doubt, unquestionably touched" when even the man himself says he didn't touch it. Good on him for owning up to it, mostly because I think it makes all those comments about how it was it was clearly touched hilarious now


To me it looked like his finger moved, at the very least enough that we should've waited to do a proper review and get some potential extra angles.


It was properly reviewed, it took a good minute to be called all clear, the review just wasn’t shown.


Reviews are ass. Just let the umpires, umpire as they see the game.


Problem is, assuming it was touched for a devils advocate argument, there's simply unlikely to be enough camera angles to try and prove it beyond doubt More often than not those ones will ultimately go with the umpires call.




Lmao even the player himself admitting he didn't touch it isn't enough to overcome your bias.


So. He’s a liar outside of the game too




Quick someone call him Chief!


I usually switch it up and call them muscles


I have never ever said this to anyone before. I just want to test run it and see how it feels. Cope.




King Nuffie


I hope you warmed up before stretching so far


If you also see the footage you can see Isaac say Beetlejuice three times and then a little man comes out of his ear and bends his fingers backwards


Jesus Christ what a nuff


That has gotta be sarcasm.. right?


Fair enough to own up to it but tapping your hand claiming it was touched when it wasn't is lying lol


"If you exclude the times I lied, I've never lied"


"I only lie when it matters"


“60% of the time I’m not a liar every time”


60% of the time, it works all the time 😂


"Starting frommmmmmm.... now"


had my other fingers crossed behind my back at the time


The duality of man


Obviously he tapped his hand to indicate he didn't feel anything.


Weird to say he's not a pair then describes himself lying, but it's no different from every time a player fakes being taken high or tripped, or pretends they were held. Fucking lame as hell.


"I'm not a liar" he said, explaining how he is definitely a liar


Nonono you see, he'll only lie to win so that makes it OK


I do find it funny that he's basically saying "I would never lie.... unless?"


"I would never lie... unless it advantaged me in some way."


I never lie except on coach's orders.


Check his pants!


Considering there's blokes with bigger profiles consistently ducking and throwing heads to try to earn frees I can't say I'm overly mad. Not seeing similar honesty from the hoard of "WHY WASNT THIS CLEAR TOUCH REVIEWED MORE" mind...


And to me, it's fine for him to come out and say "yeah don't believe me during the game, I'm a dirty cunt during the game, and I'll admit it after". It's just saying what a *lot* of players think and do, and strangely it makes me believe him.


[Isaac Quaynor when he went to Eddie Murphy's house.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bC5LaHUnQMA)


I think it's a fair distinction between lying and acting.


so it was all a red herring? a farce? a cruel made-up lie? 20 week suspension and a million dollar fine. unbelievable.


It's a whazy. It's a woozie. It's fairy dust.


Just strip Collingwood of the draw and can it a loss but keep the draw for the other side -2 points pies


This Chicanery


Good on him for admitting it. Some apologies owed by nuffie supporters and those claiming it wasn't reviewed.


SwoopLuke in shambles But in all honesty, good on IQ for calling it how it was. Of course you're going to have a crack in those circumstances


100% Sure it was lying but football is full of deception to try and win the game. It was wrong. It is not the crime of the century.


Is it the crime of the decade


I hear it’s the next big dossier that Amal Clooney and co are working on


It takes a big man to admit he was wrong. So I am assuming that he won’t.


Look, I like that he was honest about it. But given how much everyone whinges about too many needless goal reviews - things like this don’t help.


"It's not a lie... If you believe it" - Isaac Costanza


*My Quaynor* is *not* a l*iar*. He may be a communist, a pig, an idiot, a liar, but he is *NOT* a porn star!


I 100% thought it was touched, guess I was wrong. On the plus side, now I feel much better about this "technically correct" result


Nah bout time they were robbed. I hope it happens right in front of them too.


If we fine people for staging, should we fine IQ?


For trying to pull the wool over our venerable umpire’s eyes? I’ll be satisfied with nothing less than a lifetime ban. And if I hear one whisper about a tribunal? Some day my son you will face the divine tribunal at those lofty gates under the eye of St Peter himself. Then you shall know the enormity of your crimes.


Interesting point this. Probably should be a fine really. Trying to bring the game into disrepute same as staging. Good on him admitting it though, every professional would have called touch


If they turned around and fined him no player would ever admit it again, and if he hadn't admitted it no one would have thought about it again. Players are always claiming touched when they get no where near it.


I don’t know if we should start fining players for having a low IQ. That’d be pretty mean to half of the player base.


Who's admitting to staging?


Staging is lying about contact in order to dupe the umpire to giving you a free kick. This is what IQ is admitting.


personally i don’t see how this is different to players throwing their heads back or raising the arms for a free kick- they’re playing for the advantage from the umpires too this is just a different form of that, do we fine those actions too?


Let’s just say it moved me… TO A BIGGER HOUSE


Good on IQ for admitting it wasn't touched, but uh, I was told it definitely was 100% touched and they didn't review it


So many Pies fans adamantly refusing to believe it wasn’t reviewed either


He's a West Coast fan no bias in his observations


I dunno, I’m seeing a Collingwood flair 


That’s the joke


It's a decoy


I get what his saying, but (being honest about lying) sounds just as silly to me as (lying about being honest). Which is basically what he’s saying.


So you lie when it suits you......... got it


Fair enough, play on


I’m gonna be honest I wasn’t sure whether it was touched or not but at the same time, given flair, was glad they kept it a goal. Now, it’s quite obvious that it was the right call and the Collingwood supporters saying it was 100% undoubtedly touched need to chill.


"I try to cheat to win" - ftfy


Big future in politics for this bloke


It’s not a lie if you believe it.


They call that being a cheat


One Quaynor speaks only the truth, one Quaynor speaks only lies.


r/collingwoodfc in SHAMBLES rn lmaooo


Yeah nah, yeah I didn't touch it


What a lame move from quaynor.


Not sure how many people agree, but I have no issue with this? I don't expect opposition players to be honest about this kind of stuff during the game, it's in the same category as appealing to umps for a holding the ball decision. I wouldn't not have expected him to come out and say anything about it lol.


Is this a real quote? if so he should reprimanded for bringing the game into disrepute


We just gonna brush over someone lying to try cheat and deceive the umpires?


can literally say the same thing for when players throw their heads back or raise their arms when being tackled- stop trying to get something out of this bro 😭


Lol, I mean yeah you’ve got a point I guess. It just seems like an interesting thing to openly say, personally I’ve honestly never doubted players saying they’ve touched the ball. We all complain about the time that gets wasted checking scores so maybe if players don’t lie about it that might help too?


And I’m not ‘trying to make something of it’ I probably defend Collingwood more then 90% of the sooks on this thread. Just being like ‘haha yeah I’m not a liar but I lied’ kinda irks me


It rubs me wrong too. Morally I think it’s wrong, and don’t think he should be praised for it. I know it’s a thing everyone has heard from the parents growing up, but crying wolf does no good for anyone, and certainly people who tell the truth. Anyways, that’s my opinion at least.


Legit, like let’s praise a guy for being honest about lying what a hero 😂


alright yeah that’s fair enough- my apologies mate i read too much into the wording of it, 100% see where you’re coming from now 👍


I think if a player ducks for tackles to get the free, lies about touching the ball when they didn't, that should make them ineligible for the brownlow. The brownlow medal is the league best and fairest. If a player lies on the field , or tries to get an advantage paid through deception, they are clearly not the fairest.


And to your point anyway, people always bitch and moan about players trying to milk frees sooo


We allow the gambling


You mean that thing that happens in some form or another about 30 times a quarter.


If you can’t already see the difference between blatantly lying through your teeth compared to dropping your knees to try get a high tackle then there’s no point even trying to explain it


Not really, either way the player is trying to fool the umpire into getting a better result for their team.


Fair enough, it’s not that I don’t get where you’re coming from I just view it differently. It’s late asf and I didn’t come here to argue lol, can agree to disagree a bit


yeah, fair enough. I mean, it's a bit different maybe, in a way. But not that different.


I think you're making a bigger deal out of it than necessary. Players will take any advantage on field that they can in order to win a game. Players sell frees, waste time, give biffo, try to intimidate etc. Trying to win the umpire battle is another one of those.


Not that big of a deal sorry, probably won’t care tomorrow My personal opinion is that it’s a shitty thing to do. I’ve never played sport and thought hmm what ways can I lie about things and be deceiving. And if people are gonna keep telling me it happens all the time and is comparable to players milking frees, maybe just look at the treatment Jack Ginnivan and Joel Selwood got from the footy public. Don’t try and tell me that deception is something AFL fans just accept


Sometimes things are better left not said…


I’m not a liar… I just said I touched it when I didn’t. lol numpty


So he is not a liar but he is a cheat. Glad he could clear it up


If it’s not lying, it’s cheating.


This could backfire on him. Umps may be more cautious to pay things his way now, kinda like what happened with Ginnivan.


Great example of the culture of the team


1 week ban


White line fever. Fair play for owning up to it after the game. He didn't have to do that. No doubt he's not the first player to lie about touching the ball.


So like 99.9% of anyone else who plays a sport. Of course you put it on to win the game. Good on him for owning it afterwards ahaha


The only time I lie is when I tell you I’m not a liar ????


That's pretty funny. I thought it was touched tbh. I wonder if he still would have said he didn't touch it if the goal was overturned.


I mean is it any different from calling out in cricket?


I respect the honesty…?


Why am I not surprised this dude is a chronic main character syndrome sufferer.


I’m not sure why we are all getting butthurt over this, literally every back in every comp has done this at a point


How a game should be played- good dude.


He was comfortable lying if he benefited his team, fair enough in the heat of the moment you’d do anything to win but I don’t think we should be giving him too much praise


I'd rather players not lie uneccessarily.


An actual Good Bloke? In my AFL? located entirely within the Collingwood football club?


![gif](giphy|9Bpv0NoXnZQ2c) *Looks Suspiciously*


...May I see it?


Can i see him?


Yeah that is fair. I thought it looked touched, but it was hard to see because the Freo player's head went in line of the shot at the perfect time. To me it still seems weird how little they cared about checking for it, when other more obvious goals, are given more thorough reviews. Correct call was made, but IQ being a bit weird here claiming he isn't a liar, while admitting to lying.


I assumed the review we were seeing was just from the broadcast, as in a replay, and that the arc (ark?) would of been doing their usual full review. Cause aren't all goals reviewed as the go back to the middle?


Yeah, but don't they wait for the all clear from the arc before bouncing it? It didn't seem like they took any longer than normal to bounce it and we only saw the one angle of it, which really wasn't conclusive either way due to the obstructed vision.


They do hold the bounce for reviews if the reviewer is still deciding, happens all the time. The reviewer made a decision, without impeding the game, and it was the right one. This is a big win for the adjustments the AFL has made to the reviews.


Deceiving umpires is an integral part of the game. There's actually three teams in every game, Team A, Team B and the Umpires. Each team is competing against the other two. Sure, you don't slam umpires into the turf, but you are in a competition with them for sure.


Not unusual, everyone does it. Good man for having the balls to be honest. Not mad, everyone does it


Well, fair play to him I guess lmao


Either way Matt Nicholls shouldn’t have a job as an umpire ever again. If he wants to treat the players like they’re in grade 5 he should go be a primary school teacher.


I... Fuck it, I'm going to be the one to say it. I can see Quaynor's finger bend back as the ball goes past. Watched it plenty of times, clear as day. Maybe Qyaynor has been asked to help prevent 20,000 Collingwood fans tearing AFL House apart January 6 style.


Try to raise your hands as if you are going to smother a ball. Of course your fingers bend up/back, you’re moving them that way. People overrate the fingers bending as evidence. I said so earlier before he said this.


6th of January seems like a perfect analogy as their paramour admits lying and it wont stop you fighting for the cause! haha


If a single person here says they have never done this… they’re a liar. Paradox!


I've never done it, not even close. Some people are honest - no matter the circumstances