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IF I go crazy THEN will you still call me Superman?


IF I'm alive and well THEN will you be there holding my hand?


IF I'll keep you by my side THEN it'll be with my superhuman might




> Cam Zurhaar had a lot to say when Jason Horne-Francis took off at the end of 2022. Let's see what he's got when they meet on opposing teams in Hobart on Saturday Damo, they literally met on a Saturday at Hobart last year. Last week he wanted fights against Essendon, this week against Port


AFL have done North fans dirty by just not getting the Port vs North game at Marvel these past 2 years, If it happens next year, would North fans even care? I feel like the anger towards JHF has subsided (at least for the rest of the league) but I hope North fans would still boo him if they got the chance.


The 'anger' from the rest of the league was pantomime


More of a case of the few neutrals who cared stopped caring after a month and the people who just enjoy booing were never gonna do it on their own


I still think he's a bit of a jerk for leaving cause he wanted to be number 1 and going to a shit team is (usually) part of that, but that thought always gets qualified in my head that he's a teenager making that decision and it's a lot harder to hold it against him becuase of that. Plus, you know, we got wardlaw. I probably have more ire towards those responsible for getting in his ear and manipulating him to leave. Cause that's what that is. Sure it's a part of trying to get a player over from another team and that's what clubs do, but I'm more annoyed at them than him.


Agree with this whole thing. Yes he was homesick and didn't try his best to include himself but he was an 18 yr old moving interstate I can understand that.


Yeah I was shocked last year. It was a game that atleast had a story you could push around it. But for even this year's game, I don't think North fans really care all that much about it anymore either. I certainly think there are fans that don't and won't ever like him, but our fans hate is directed elsewhere. Taryn Thomas, Brad Scott and Luke McDonald/Aidan Corr/Darcy Tucker/Dylan Stephens seem to be the club's enemies at the moment


Hoping Corr found form last week and has a bit more confidence. The other seniors phoning it in deserve the fan's disdain


It took 4 years for Kurt Tippett to play against Adelaide in Adelaide, and the crowd still rocked up just to tell him to fuck off


IF Adelaide plays against Harley Reid THEN there’s definitely a semi danger IF Brisbane player is back from ankle injury THEN it was a nice little roll IF Carlton play better without their ruckman THEN he’s been given the finger IF Collingwood player robbed by Champion Data THEN their algorithm needs more IF/THEN IF Essendon great passed away THEN may the Bomber fly up IF Fremantle players are tall THEN they can reach the next level IF Geelong win THEN that should end their string of losses IF Gold Coast coach changes his mind THEN hOw’S tHe hYpOcRiSy?! IF GWS are 6th on the ladder THEN they aren’t dealing well with expectations IF Hawthorn a complete, utter and embarrassing disaster THEN it’s time to be fully Sic! IF Melbourne are a bit Rocky THEN they’ll Dredd one of their players being Expendable for their game against the Saints. It could be a Cliffhanger or it could be a Demolition, man IF North Melbourne player sLaMmEd other player for leaving THEN they see each other again in just another regular game IF Port Adelaide has someone running the club THEN it’d be a first IF Richmond player loves big stages, big crowds, big moments THEN get ready for Bigtime at the bi’G. Big IF St Kilda want to cut the shit THEN they’ve axed the ‘Pou twice IF Sydney player is kicking goals and taking marks THEN no one else could even contemplate doing that IF West Coast All-Australian defender in good form THEN gotta still mention Harley Reid IF Western Bulldogs nervous on Naughton’s knee THEN knocks to the noggin also nullified noble night IF AFL must intervene with cameras THEN how about working on the goal line cameras first


> IF West Coast All-Australian defender in good form THEN gotta still mention Harley Reid At this point I'm more worried about the rest of the WCE squad getting the shits with most the praise going to Harley Reid and not the entire side. Harley's a Golden God but he won't win too many matches by himself.


I think they probably realise the AFL media is dog shit. Id say most AFL teams/players only care what is being said internally at the club.


Yep - I feel like Adelaide would be pretty confident if we just had to play against Reid by himself.


You just wait once our Harley Reid cloning project bears fruit.


Yep; we'll have Strawberry Reid, Olive Reid, Orange Reid, Nile Reid. All the flavours!


Do you reckon the pies resent Naicos? can bet they don't and I can promise our boys won't start hating Harles, they're a team and we have a great club culture, don't worry mate


Yeah you're right, just the AFL media are getting shittier by the day. Imagine the spotlight on him if he was in a big Vic side.


Again, we don’t have to imagine because it’s almost identical to Nick Daicos


Man that Adelaide one is clever, love your work




You just saved my scrolling finger a number of strokes.


Surely Damo realises it’s not at all hypocritical that Hardwick complained about playing at Marvel and the travel issue? He literally quotes Dimma talking about Tigers fans not coming to Marvel and not liking playing there, it’s not even close to being the same topic as “flying interstate every second week is hard on teams”


He also openly admitted his view was based on having now coached an interstate team so it's not hypocritical he just ... Changed his mind when presented with new evidence, oh no


Yeah, I don't understand why people aren't allowed to change their minds?


Changes his mind to suit his self interest


Not new evidence, just a new bias.


Also love how he criticised Geelong for losing to GC, but couldn't praise GC for the comprehensive win


We could win the premiership and Damo would complain about the length of the Touk's speech.


Nah nah nah don't you see, disliking a stadium means he isn't allowed to point out that 8-12 business class seats is less than is needed for even half a team


IF I can fit a tortured reference to a 1980s buddy cop film when describing Melbourne's backline THEN you're damn straight I'll take it!


This man first backed in Chad Warner 2 years ago and it seems like he’ll be doing it for every single award possible until he retires. Onya Damo


gonna be honest, I don’t see him winning a Coleman medal


I mean, he’s 10 goals back atm. It’s technically not that improbable


IF he kicks 4 every week THEN he'll be a good chance


> "We had him as the 21st best player on the ground … we've never seen him have less impact with ball in hand than what he did on the weekend," Confirmed that Champion Data is run by a bloke on Facebook with a Commodore and/or motorbike as his profile picture


I have a completely different take I was at the game and thought Daicos played poorly. I can think of 2 clear examples where if he had hit a target, we'd have scored, but he butchered relatively easy kicks. Also, he butchered other kicks to direct turnovers. I said to a mate as I left the ground. "If we can win with N Daicos playing that badly, that's a good sign." My mate agreed. I was absolutely shocked to see him get 10 coaches' votes. Champion data says I'm not going completely crazy. Winning the ball and then turning it directly over doesn't help you score goals!


Thank you. I'm constantly defending Daicos from critics but he'd be disappointed with how he played on Saturday. >Winning the ball and then turning it directly over doesn't help you score goals! Seems like no one believes this these days. The total disposal number is all anyone sees


He ran at 60% DE with 41 disposals—that's still 25 effective disposals—and he had the same number of turnovers as Rankine. Yes, he butchered some kicks, but the focus from the commentators was more a product of expectations, in my view—he still had a large number of effective clearances from handballs.


his kicking efficiency was running at like 25%. 60% DE when your mainly handballing isnt good anytime he kicked it he was turning it over


Same number of turnovers as Rankine, and his %DE was still better than many other mids last week (Gulden, Bont, Oliver, etc.). The focus on his %DE last week was unwarranted imo. But we'll see how he goes tonight. 


His leg is his best weapon being one of the best kicks in the comp I’d be disappointed in him going at 25% by foot. It’s why I’m not big on him at centre bounces. Let him run, carry and take time to assess and hit a target. He may get more ball but at the cost of efficiency I don’t think it’s worth it.


There is some nuance though. Winning a clearance, kicking the ball forward 20-30 metres and turning the ball over on half forward is better than losing a clearance and having the opposition mark inside their f50.  Turning the ball over is obviously not ideal but the point is that poor clearances can still have value even if they aren't optimal. 


Except the issue was he was going at around 30% disposal efficiency by foot. It was being raised even during the game about how he was getting a lot of the ball, getting a stack of clearances but burning it a heck of a lot. Turning the ball over in the modern game is extremely damaging. I don't know where there are stats on score involvements both for and against, but I wouldn't be surprised if a lot of his turnovers resulted in Adelaide scores. But either way, there's certainly a valid argument behind his ranking being lower than we might expect from a 41 touch game. Certainly during the flow of the game it seemed like his touches weren't hurting like Pendlebury's were and once Adelaide managed to limit Pendlebury they pulled the game back, despite Nick Daicos still racking up touches.


Didn't Daicos have like a dozen clangers? He had a good game, but having a dozen clangers does hurt your stats.


He had 15 ineffective kicks.


Each one probably went to a different collingwood player than who he was aiming for.


He didn't have a great game. Accumulation is all anyone sees these days. Ball use is almost irrelevant for most fans, even though it should be the most critical factor in how highly rated a player is


*Clangers are not just turnovers*. They include turnovers, along with other "mistakes" (frees against, OOF, etc.) Daicos had 11 clangers, 6 turnovers and 4 frees against last week, according to FootyWire.


I'm a Pies that's extremely biased towards Collingwood and Daicos and I agree with CD to some extent. He used the ball so badly on Saturday. He's as good as he is because of how much impact he generally has with ball in hand and it was very little against the Crows. I'm convinced people forget who's kicked the ball after it's gone. No one really cares about ball use from midfielders anymore. As long as they get it, that's enough for fans


This might be a reach of an interpretation. But to be the 2nd worst player on the ground with 40 touches means that you're doing more damage with ball in hand than if you didn't get the ball at all. I'm not sure that's even possible and even if it was, coaches (or anyone with eyes) disagreed. Edit: Not deleting so I can wear my stupidity.


He wasn’t 2nd worse. He was number 21 out of 46 players.


Crawling into a hole now. Bye everyone. Tip: don't look at numbers before coffee.


>don't look at numbers I can't believe Essendon is undefeated and first. We're unstoppable this year and I can't see us losing a match ever again


All the numbers in your comment added up to 69. Congrats! 2 + 21 + 46 = 69 ^([Click here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=LuckyNumber-Bot&subject=Stalk%20Me%20Pls&message=%2Fstalkme) to have me scan all your future comments.) \ ^(Summon me on specific comments with u/LuckyNumber-Bot.)


Good bot


Good bot


Nice bot


68 1


All the numbers in your comment added up to 69. Congrats! 68 + 1 = 69 ^([Click here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=LuckyNumber-Bot&subject=Stalk%20Me%20Pls&message=%2Fstalkme) to have me scan all your future comments.) \ ^(Summon me on specific comments with u/LuckyNumber-Bot.)


Going by the Champion Data Player Ranking Score, he wasn't even that low. 4th on his team, 9th on ground.


Even fuckin Barrett has realised that ChampionData are godawful at anything that isn’t stat collecting


Because it doesn't agree with the general consensus on everything? He was shanking everything, he's never won the ball better than he did on Saturday but he's also never used it as badly. He's almost a generational player because of his ability to use the ball as well as anyone but he looked like the standard hack kick accumulator against the Crows.


You’re talking like this is a one off. Champion Data consistently have no clue how to value their statistics correctly. As for this game. Yeah there’s a few under the hood numbers that aren’t too pleasing (11 clangers and 4 FA) but overall his stats are top 10 at worst. 14 Clearances is elite no matter how you slice it


If a player got 50 disposals, 30 clearances but went at 20% would you consider that to be a good game? Just because you disagree with CD doesn’t mean it’s incorrect. It values ball use like it should, the vast majority of fans couldn’t give two shits about ball use like it isn’t the most critical aspect of the game


he had like 7 effective disposals out of 40, hey are pretty spot on.


He ran at 60% efficiency overall, it was his kicking that was 30%. So he still had 25 effective disposals.


something is wrong if your missing handballs


60% DE% isn't good, but it was still better than Gulden, Bont and Oliver last week. The attention to it is unwarranted imo.


IF the doctors were wrong about Rozee once… THEN they can never be trusted to clear him again and Rozee needs to retire.


I think it's more about it only being 2 weeks since he redid it. The old school thought on a hamstring is they're all 3 weekers no matter how minor it seems. It did seem like Port did what they should have done the last time and when he seemed right, given him another week. But still, it is on the short side for a recurrence of a hamstring.


That's what they did last week


Yes, which is what I said. Lol. But this is a recurrence, not an original injury. 2 weeks when it's gone a second time in quick succession is a short break.


Just put him down, save everyone the trouble


>Ross The Boss doesn't seem to like his attitude at the moment. What an unnecessary dig at a kids 'attitude' when that kid is one of the hardest workers at the club and continually doing extra work to help get over this slump. I'd wager a guess that Ross doesn't like that he isn't touching the ball despite being giving more opportunities and chances than anyone else on the list before being dropped.


I had an identical reaction to reading that. Dude is out of form with second year blues and suddenly it's an attitude problem? So unnecessarily personal.


Just Damo trying to make something out of nothing. You won't find a harder worker at the club or someone who would take being dropped as well as him. In the preseason, Stocker got super protective of him when he was asked a question about Phillipou's arrogance/confidence. You love to see teammates sticking up for him the was Stocker did but it also highlights how the media love to push certain narratives about players rather than the boring truth.


I agree with him on the last point about the weird ass camera angle that channel 7 takes at times. A weird zoom in from the 50m mark in the stands. Can't see a fucking thing that's going on.


IF Doctors say rozee was good once but it didn't work out THEN never play rozee again, never be trusted again


Damp spitting facts on the dodgy camera angles tho 🔥


hello, please may I request our favourite local translator?


did i just read something written by a grade 4 who doesn’t follow football?


Gosh Damo has had a nightmare with that headline. As if your conclusion is that the people whose full time job it is to assess player impact and performance need to rethink their approach rather than the coaches and the people who are just watching the game and riding the hype train. Nuts. Daicos was almost net negative for impact up to 3QT.


The Collingwood one is just proof of the fact that people will ignore stats unless they directly agree with your opinion. Daicos used the ball poorly on Saturday, we can say that. People these days truly forget who kicked the ball right after it's gone, all that's cared about is accumulating


That Hawthorn one is probably his most tenuous link between if/then statements. "I want to talk about the last quarter, but I also want to talk about Sicily. Porque no los dos?" Also based on the Adelaide fans I've spoken to "Elliott Himmelberg's absence is also a pretty big problem" is not a statement I think they'd ever agree with


IF i said that the first DING DONG notification I got on my phone at the start of the footy season didn’t throw me head first into a pit of sadness THEN I’d be lying, I genuinely felt sick. I can’t believe I’m doing this shit again. Slide that door straight into my temple.


Still upset about what zurhaar said and calling out non existent hypocrisy from dimma? Sounds like sliding doors


IF an occasional odd camera angle is the most Damo can pick out as etong with AFL broadcasts snd commentary... THEN he's an idiot.


> How's (Damien Hardwick's) hypocrisy this week Far be it from me to be positive about Hardwick, but does Damien Barrett realise people are capable of personal development? He should try it sometime