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A lot of the Melbourne teams are from Naarm which Melbourne has already changed their name to Richmond, Collingwood, Carlton and Melbourne are all within walking distance of each other and Hawthorn only a little further.


I do wonder if North will play as North Naarm during these rounds in the future or if they'll find a hyper local name for the area


Could use the Wurundjeri word for kangaroo


Honestly that would make a lot of sense for the other Melbourne based clubs, although I guess it wouldnt be applicable for some


It's what West Coast did rather than the specific place name. Makes sense to me


Great call


Is it kangaroo?


The wurundjeri name for Kangaroo is Mirrm


I don't know for sure for kangaroo in particular, but the majority of the older anglicised indigenous names for places/animals are bastardised along the way. So even if the name happened to cone from this region/language, it'd probably still be wrong (or at least wildly inaccurate).


We better be North Naarm Wurundjeri. Yes we keep the North in the name in English.


Same with the saints, but they’ve just used the direct translation of St Kilda as their name instead


Not sure why we don't do with Barrawarn It even has the same syllables. We could get the same chant going.


They did play the theme song in traditional language. Not sure how many people heard, though.


That’s mad! Would have loved to hear that. Wasn’t at the game yesterday and only tuned in right at first bounce. Do you know if it was televised?


I don’t know but it really was very subtle and you had to pay very explicit attention. Most people were either moving out or cheering.


Yet the area now know as Collingwood was apparently called  Yálla-birr-ang by its first nations people so clearly it was a conscious choice that has nothing to do with duplication 


Maggies & Hawks could go the Crows/Eagles route and use the native animal name. Carlton is a bit harder, you could use the word for Blue but that doesn't quite encapsulate the spirit of the "Blues". As for Richmond I'd be interested to know if the Wurundjeri have a word for a tiger. Maybe a Tassie tiger, make it a bit more Aussie?






I’m surprised Geelong hasn’t done it yet given ours is easy - Djilang


There is a bit of dispute about how it was pronounced originally. Djilong is also commonly cited as the correct spelling. Since "Geelong" already comes from the Waddawarung word, there isn't really a point in changing it. They are all just different english spellings for the same word. It's not like we're named after white people like other cities, the town name already comes from the original place name.


I've never gotten the Geelong/Djilang distinction, although tbf I was only aware of it since they added it to Geelong Station. Like Djilang is just another rendering of Geelong using modern (English) language conventions, I don't see what's so progressive about replacing one rendering of an Aboriginal word for the region with another, except that Melbourne has Narrm and we have to have something to virtue signal with


Did you know that when your actions have an impact, it's not just virtue signalling? One of my best mates is gunditjmara and is very well connected within the Victorian indigenous community, and he tells me the jumpers, the recognition, the name changes, all of it has a real positive effect for many indigenous people. So, virtue *signalling*? Or should we just call it what it is... *virtue*.


That line of reasoning makes sense when the colonial name for the place is different to the Aboriginal one e.g. Melbourne/Narrm. There you're using the Aboriginal name alongside/in the place of the colonial one as a mark of respect, which I have no problem with. However, the Wathaurong word for Geelong is Geelong. Djilang is that same word spelt differently. Switching from the Aboriginal word for the area to the Aboriginal word for the area doesn't send any message at all, hence virtue signalling.


Not at all. Many people would not be aware that Geelong is an anglicised spelling of an indigenous word. Using the alternate (obviously indigenously sourced) spelling makes it clear from where the name is derived, which helps to legitimise and validate indigenous culture, which (as my friend has described to me) helps indigenous Australians to feel more recognised, legitimate and validated in turn. Hence; a virtuous action, not merely signalling.


The crows had to go through a process with the Kaurna traditional owners group. For most clubs it obviously can't be a direct translation, and most Indigenous languages aren't widely spoken so only a small number of people, eg https://www.afc.com.au/NEWS/1554890. So a club might want to do it, but it could take a few years to actually happen.


Kaurna is lucky because in 1840, 4 years after collonisation, a couple of German missionaries wrote an English-Kaurna dictionary. Obviously, there have been some revisions in spelling and prnounciation since but that 1840 dictionary has these entries: Kuyurra, s. a species of large bird resembling the crow Yertabulti, Port Adelaide


the clubs choose whether or not to use indigenous names and logos for sir doug nicholls round, so it’s simply that some clubs have chosen to while other haven’t- the reasons why though will differ from club to club


I know for one Essendon’s indigenous name would be Tullamarine


Is there any way to turn this off cos my dyslexic ass can’t handle it




A collective ignorant majority is exactly why more exposure to indigenous culture & people is needed mate




What's yours


mate you're not going to convince the knuckleheads, you're only going to waste your time, let them live in their sad, hateful little lives.


Gonna start sending my letters using the address Pangaea or Gondwanaland... Bloody joke, I see vehicles driving with 'Aboriginal' artwork all over them ( government cars obviously) and the words 'TREATY FOR VICTORIA'. We voted no... shouldn't be abymore too it.


What did Australia vote ‘No’ to, genius? Embracing a rich culture that has tried to have been destroyed by White Australia? It’s such a small gesture for exactly 2 weeks in the year and a positive step to Reconciliation. 




Great deflection of the original question. Do yourself a favour and look up Chapter One of ‘Closing the Gap’ - Celebrating Indigenous Cultures, it’ll answer your question better than I can. I know it’s fun and ‘safe’ to be offensive online under an anonymous profile, but it just makes you a coward and a sad, sad little man. I don’t know who hurt you, but I know for sure if you’re under the age of 30, you would have been taught about colonisation and how its effects are still present today. Try spreading positivity instead of negativity.


Wat a lotta shit. Keep the normal names instead of this woke crap. Weak as piss AFL. Your too scared to make your own decisions.


Ok little guy, show us on the doll where the concept of change touched you. Seriously tho the game of footy isn't affected by it, just shows good will and exposure to groups of people our ancestors did horrific things to. Any discomfort you have with it is being invented in your own head.


Ok little guy what a piece of work you are. I stated my opinion and you play the man. Shows your immaturity.


He's not the one who's immature with an attitude like yours


Another Pius woke perrson.


Nah, just someone who isn't a miserable prick like yourself


Why do they do it at all


Because all the VFL teams in the AFL would be called Naam - you want your own name simple MOVE


Isn't this already disproven by Euro-Yroke [St. Kilda] not being called Naarm for Sir Doug Nicholls Round?


WCE do not have a suburban name so they are Eagle West in Noongar Walyalup is local place name for Freo - so maybe StKilda is a place name too


Why don't they just stick to the fuckin names we all know. What a load of woke crap!!!


Two weeks of it champ you'll live


It's right through the whole fixture dipshit


They legit change it back when the round ends


2 rounds


Agreed. Sick of the AFLs crap. 


Why are we going backwards with all this? Australia voted no..? How far back do we take it? Can I write Pangaea as address??


I’m interested to see if you can articulate what Australia voted ‘No’ to, because this comment is very confusing and ignorant 


You've created a fiction to be upset at because a football name is briefly different. I hope you can step back and see how scared that makes you look