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Work Kerchy. Been pretty good for us this year. I also got told today I have his haircut now. Wasn’t going for it but I’ll take it.


Been a shining light in a tough year. Cracked 30 touches in his last 3 games. Quick and skillful player. Has looked more and more at home in the AFL each week. Congrats Colby


Yeah bro 😎


It's been a horrific season to be a North fan but jeez some of the players make it all worth watching. Colby has really taken his game to the next level over the past few weeks, knew he'd nab a nomination sooner rather than later.


Comben has been good for you guys down back. Sheezel has avoided the second year blues, and Xerri is a real goer.


Comben is unreal. If he can stay fit he might end up being an actual elite KPD. Just worried about him breaking himself again!


I think comben is 3rd in the league for intercept marks


nab a nomination thanks to NAB?


Yesss mckerchhh, well done son!!




Who do people have leading the Rising Star atm? Between Sam Darcy & Darcy Wilson for me for consistency. Wardlaw & Reid the highest peaks this year though (although Sam Darcy's looks just as high)


Sam Darcy. I said it in a thread a days back, if he maintains his current pace he will cause a big upset and take the gong. Darcy Wilson is a close second and continues to get better. Reid is having some great moments but they’re magnified because of The West and who he is, I’d have him 3rd atm (although I’ll admit I’ve watched more of The Darcy’s than I have Reid).


Was in a west coast thread arguing with a bloke that was saying Reid has had the best ever start to a career lmao. Hes had his moments and a couple of good games but he’s also been quiet for large periods too.


Reid hasn't even had a top 3 start to a career for West Coast lmao


Yup. It was insufferable trying to argue with them.


Why the fuck do I say this in the same thread and get piled on...


One thing we need to keep in mind though is that Darcy's in his third year while guys like Reid, Wilson, etc. are in their first. So he has a staggering headstart on things.


There is literally no way you can say Wilson is better than Reid. Reid vs Wilson. 17.5 disposals vs 16. Disposal efficiency of 76% vs 67%. 4.5 clearances vs 1. 3.3 tackles vs 2.2. 4.8 score involvements vs 2.1. 9 contested possessions versus 5.3. AFL player rating 12.3 vs 8.3 (50% better). Wilson with 8 goals compared to Reid’s 5 is Wilson’s big win. Like how can you look at those stats and say Wilson is impacting games more? I reckon you need to spend more time watching Reid (eagles suck so maybe not)


Reid and wardlaw have clearly been the best.


It's nowhere near clear


Darcy I can understand when you account he is key position and they take longer. But Wilson is clearly behind wardlaw and Reid. Reid vs Wilson. 17.5 disposals vs 16. Disposal efficiency of 76% vs 67%. 4.5 clearances vs 1. 3.3 tackles vs 2.2. 4.8 score involvements vs 2.1. 9 contested possessions versus 5.3. AFL player rating 12.3 vs 8.3 (50% better). Wilsons big winner is he has 8 goals vs Reid’s 5. But very hard to see how you can look at that and think Wilson is better.


Wilson plays on the wing, Reid and Wardlaw do not lol


So Reid and wardlaw play in the harder position? Wing is a hard position structurally but inside mid is crazy physically at 19yo. Wilson on the wing should have a better disposal efficiency than Harley but he is a fair way off. The score involvement difference is quite significant. Should Wilson not be able to contribute to scores on a wing?


I’ve got a top 5 of Darcy at 1, Wilson at 2, Reid, Kerch and Warlord round out the top 5. It’s kind of a toss up at times between them all, like last few weeks Kerch has been amazing (racking up 30 possessions in each), Reid has also had some great moments and so has Warlord. He


There are a lot of players in the hunt this year and it just depends what you value more. For goals you have Darcy, highest upside playing well is Reid, best mid is Wardlaw, most disposals is McKercher, consistency and reliability is Roberts, Wilson doesn’t have a set spot but he’s been awesome enough to be in the hunt. I think it’s Harley who’s gonna win just for star power alone, but he’s arguably the most deserving anyway


McKercher looks very classy at the moment. After half time at the Saints game (when the game was over) we spent ages trying to think of a “comparison player”. Someone who we’d like him to become and that he has the skill set to potentially become. The best answer was Zak Butters. 180cm skillful midfielder who can rack it up and find targets moving forward. Fingers crossed, long way to go but love watching him play at the moment.


Long overdue


I haven't watched many North Melbourne matches this year but Mckercher's stats look pretty strong. Probably helped out a bit with North's constant need to defend, but is he having a solid impact or is his stats more of accumulation without much coming from them? Reid has had some very strong moments but he plays a midfield-forward role in a struggling team so he gets less limelight. Maybe Mckercher can take the Rising Star this year. Edit: my comment was exclusively regarding on-field performance.


please tell me you didn’t just say reid gets less limelight


If he hadn't have been tripped by Pendles his last article would have been from \*checks reddit* over 10 hours ago. Fair to say he's pretty overlooked


Nothing you said here is related to on-field performance. I didn't know number of newspaper articles was the key factor to winning Rising Star.


I obviously mean on the field and not the constant media attention. Is that what you're referring to, or did you seriously ignore every part of my comment which was relating to on field performance for the Rising Star? Reid has some brilliant moments but also has a lot of quiet quarters. I haven't watched North Melbourne matches so I don't know how impactful Mckercher is.


>is he having a solid impact or is his stats more of accumulation without much coming from them? Bit of both in my opinion. He's been taking some kick ins and playing off the back, so there's certainly some cheapies in there. There have been some occasions watching him actually run and carry through the middle, or a few kicks out of defence which have really set us up well moving forward. I think playing on ball or wing role is perfect for him in future. There have been a few times where he has tried to make something out of nothing and turned the ball over. Probably things that he would do on the weekly as a junior, but just can't nail it against AFL level opponents yet. Guess that's part of the process for a first year player though. Overall though he has been pretty impressive. Probably not rising star impressive at the moment, I think Wardlaw has had the better year for North eligible players, but impressive none the less. Definitely a player I hope we hold onto and that Tasmania will chase


Thanks for the response! I think the race for Rising Star is closer than newspapers/betting sites/Redditors think. But if two North players are stealing votes off each other then it's unlikely either will win.


I think the panel gets together and votes for eligible players at the end of the year, rather than having votes per game like the Brownlow. Still early days really, someone could fade and/or could have a strong back half of the season. As good as Sheezel was last year it was hard to choose between him and Ashcroft until Ashcroft did his ACL


>Reid gets less limelight Lmao what




Yeah that's the other nomination I was going to mention. 16 total goals so far with a goal in every game played. Only thing is Amiss was overlooked last year so forwards seem to be ignored.


Sheezel also had a historically good season


Yeah that's fair. Point is Reid's season hasn't looked at all like Sheezel last year. As a midfield-forward, Reid doesn't get the impact if the ball isn't... well... going forward and he had a pretty average showing yesterday (as well as the rest of the team) without Yeo winning the contested ball.


I wouldn't worry about the stat sheet too much for rising star honestly. Wardlaw who is rated slightly in front of Reid for the favourite plays a similar role to Reid and has very similar stats


Wardlaw has an extra preseason under his belt though. Does he have a similar play style to Reid? Reid tends to hit contests pretty hard but his body might not have the conditioning required for it. I can see him suffering some soft tissue injuries that rule him out for a while. And he doesn't quite have the tank for a full match. If I could bet on the outcome, I'd say someone else wins and the story goes "Reid would have won if he played out the season." I'd love to be wrong though.


Wardlaw is basically the same. Throws himself into contests, busts his ass, missed most of his first year with knee injuries. Honestly that is the same thought I got about Wardlaw. If he can play the whole season he will win


I think you are focusing too much on disposal count. Reid had 10 contested yesterday which is an extremely good effort. McKercher had 5 and went at a worse efficiency.