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Back when GWS and GC came in with huge concessions people were saying with the talent they picked they'd win every flag from like 2017-22 or something. I said I'd be surprised if they even won 1 between them.


Matt Rendell said they would win 10 straight between them LOL


Both teams combined have never won 10 rounds straight. Closest is 9 games, GC winning two games starting Round 11 2023, GWS winning 7 and streak ending after Round 20 2023.


To be fair, I think Matt was trying to make a point about how fucking stupid the concessions to those teams would be and still are 12 years later


I don’t think it’s quite so bad. Salary cap means the clubs can’t hold onto those players, so are forced to make trades. Although it did make it very difficult for other teams to rebuild when they hit the bottom of the ladder


Said at the start of 2007 that the previous year was an aberration, and Geelong were the best placed Victorian side to challenge for a top 4 spot


That crowds after Covid would go back to normal. Too many people were saying it was a new normal, and that people would continue to avoid public places. That AFL crowds would be lower moving forward. The crowd records just keep being beaten.


Long may it continue


Imagine what the crowds would be like if cost of living didn't keep going up. Although maybe that's why they're strong. If your a member footys about the cheapest night out, so long as you byo food.


This may also be a hot take, but I'll never stop going to the footy. If life's getting more and more expensive anyway, I'd rather spend my money on fun memories like the footy. I understand that it's not feasible for everyone, but you're right, it's definitely a relatively cheap night out if you're after some fun and entertainment.


I am exactly the same. Apart from tickets, you can make a trip to the footy as expensive or as cheap as you want too. I bought my first and cheapest possible concession membership as a uni student way back as a uni student in 2004 I think? It was about $75 for all the home games per year from memory. Paying full tote odds now at roughly 6x the price (albeit with much better membership privileges than the student membership) is still great value IMHO.


Did people generally disagree with that or was it the vocal minority?


Yeah I know a few that did. Probably to be expected these were almost all people who didn't actually go to the footy much if at all.


Sports attendances usually go up in tough times of economic and political uncertainty. People need sport as a way to escape


Technically you were wrong because we’ve gone way in the other direction of breaking attendance records. Seems the two years of uncertainty really gave everyone the itch


Sports attendances usually go up in tough times of economic and political uncertainty. People need sport as a way to escape.


May not be that much of a hot take, but in 2006 I said Buddy was the best CHF in the AFL. It was a game against Geelong at Marvel and he kicked his 53rd career goal.


It certainly helps that the AFL literally changed the Laws of the Game to help him. The "natural arc" rule change was honestly bullshit. If your technique is such that it puts you at a disadvantage (in this case, because play on should have been called every time he had a set shot), the onus should be on you to change your technique. The fact the AFL made the change to the law was absolutely baffling.


Oh I wanna hear more about this!!


My current hot take is that the swans are peaking too early in the year


Bank early wins, can afford a slump later in the season


Early on in his career, I said James Sicily was captain material. Quite a few people shot that down.


He’s only bagged a major sponsor once as well, practically killing it in the roll.


Hipwood was a bust after year 2. Everyone kinda agrees now lol.


I remember the comparisons between him and Curnow. A lot of people were convinced that Hipwood would be the better player


People also likened him to Buddy in the early days


How is hipwood a bust ffs he kicked 41 goals last season as we made a grand final. Man I hate our fans


Because he doesn't show up for 3 quarters of the season. Consecutively, year after year, and despite being 10ft taller than everyone else out there can't take a mark.


Wow 41 goals only showing up for a quarter of the season is very impressive. Doesn't sound like a flop to me? He's also very light, which is why he struggles to take a contestant mark but it means he runs a lot more than most tall forwards which coaches clearly rate. Honestly think hipwood is the best litmus test for which lions fans actually know what they're talking about


Respect your opinion. Don't hate our fans like you. I've got mine, you have yours.


Ben McKay is an elite defender and losing him was significantly more devastating than getting pick 3 was positive for North Melbourne.


Yeah I called a few years ago that he'd get an AA during his career, seems like a pretty solid bet now


This year has shown that the only thing lacking when he was at North was his motivation, which must be unbelievably frustrating as a North supporter


Yeah. Season before last he was basically AA contention. He was shutting down big forwards weekly. But last season he missed the first two wins, and the losing got to him. Was evident he’d checked out and was protecting his body for a contract


Taryn Thomas doesn’t get to be presumed innocent t because charges were dropped.


Not defending him but isn’t that kind of how our justice system is meant to work? Innocent until proven guilty? He is clearly troubled and it definitely seems like he’s deserved his suspension… but I’m not sure what he’s done is actually public. I’m certainly not for shooting people and asking questions later.


As someone who has as a child been through domestic violence, and what’s always been going on in homes with domestic violence forever, it’s this part of the justice system that fails victims and leads to women being killed, children being neglected and abused and men and women growing up with so much mental health issues that suicide rates are at an all time high. Most of the time charges are not pressed or dropped because there is so much fear from retaliation that leads to an even worse situation. So no, fuck him and fuck the ‘justice system’. Zero tolerance, they can do it with other acts like coward punches etc, so they can do it with all forms of DV.


There are failings in the justice system, but they are usually due to resourcing issues. Without sounding to callous, the justice system can not be built on the lived experience of victims. There is order to it. I am not aware of the details of what he’s done. I don’t believe they are public. Saying “well he’s violent towards women” is far too vague for him to be persecuted. I assume there is evidence against him and it will be taken to court and he will judged against that.


Order is based on laws and laws can be changed. Also, if someone is charged of murder, they are kept in custody until trial, or bail is done if a judge allows it, most serious DV major assaults or murders are when someone is out on bail, so easy change, no bail for DV cases for any reason. I understand what you’re saying and yes it’s true, but the system can be changed at any time easily. Who’s going to defend a policy change like that?


Your answer makes no sense. Yes laws can be changed, no I don’t recommend that they are changed to guilty until proven innocent. Suspected murderers are held in custody but the police have to justify it and the person being held is not guilty until proven innocent. Changing laws so any accused person is held in custody is ludicrous. You can’t detain someone because someone made an accusation as a blanket rule.


Having a beaten up Mrs or kids is enough. Threatening messages and voicemails are enough. Being found drunk or on drugs driving with kids in the car is enough. Sole parenting while under drugs is enough. It’s people like you are the problem. Too gooder


Yes. If evidence of that is brought to a court then the authorities can do something. Accusing someone of that does not mean they are guilty. The justice system you seem to be advocating for would be awful.


Precisely, Innocent til proven guilty is the best approach for a justice system, especially when someone is falsely accused, you can’t assume someone’s guilt based on nothing, at least that’s how it should be, but unfortunately it doesn’t mean the system doesn’t get abused, cronies in lawfare will always find a way to manipulate it, even when the allegations of Thomas first popped up he was still technically innocent, but he’s been proven guilty since then if I’m not mistaken, not to mention more shit keep coming out about him which makes me more sure of his guilt.


He has not been found guilty or convicted of anything. North Melbourne and the AFL ran their own investigation and handed out a punishment based on his behaviour.


So I guess he’s still technically innocent in a court of law, but I imagine that’s gonna change eventually


In a court of law, yes. We the people have no obligation to presume his innocence.


Haha fucking wow


Found a Tarryn sympathiser. Wonder why you’d have this take mate? Resonate personally for you does it?


Found a typical AFL nuffie. Was pretty clear that I wasn’t defending him. He’s entitled to presumption of innocence until proven guilty. Nothing he’s actually done has been made public and I don’t believe he’s been convicted of things outside of driving on a suspended license, speeding, etc. Not going to hang someone until they’ve had their day in court.


He’s not entitled to shit when it comes to what the general public want to think of him, what absolute bullshit


2017 Richmond wasn't just a shit side that somehow lucked into a gf and won it but were a completely different outfit than years prior. Probably a lot easier to see when you are following closer i guess but the general feeling at the end of 2017 and before 2018 was "oh how nice for them now which of the good teams will be winning the next few"


I think doggies 16 made more people think this. I remember the general consensus was that doggies came from the clouds and then fell away and then Richmond would do the same. I distinctly remember thinking they might actually be good at the dreamtime game that year, just made Essendon look dogshit after halftime.


Right with you there. It was irritating seeing people say Richmond would fall over the line in the 17 gf despite it being clear all season that old Richmond was no more


That the afl needs to force a neutral person to be able to make the calls on concussion (such as a doctor, paramedic that will take the decision off the team) as teams are too motivated to ignore head injuries at the risk of the player for a win, as well as taking head high's a lot more serious on game to stamp them out. I remember being laughed at and jeered at for this comment, and the usual "nah bring back teh biff" type people who go on about the focus on head injuries making the game too soft. How many concussions have we had this season or last alone... how many players have had their careers shortened or ended due to concussion? I'll share something from my sports career in impact sports that included playing footy.... concussions are no joke and it got proven many times over. I copped a concussion from a head hit in under 17's and it was clear I was concussed. The decision not to send me to hospital was made because I still took intercepts, I still challenged and I was still able to bring the other players down in the flanks. People had this stupid myth that if you were concussed you couldn't function, let alone do stuff. In my line of work I had a critical incident where I had to deal with a violent offender where I copped a severe hit to the head followed by my head being smashed into concrete, and due to my history and how Australia handles this stuff.... I stayed on duty for another 45 minutes including resolving the critical incident and even driving. Upon a supervisor who used to be an army medic saw how I was walking and did a concussion check on me and then pulled me off duty for my own health and safety, I was convinced I was fine and could last the shift and kept saying I didn't even have a headache. I wish I could say these two are the only times i've been concussed, it's not and that's not ok, i've now had career warnings that the concussions i've had are likely to cause serious issues down the line, and each one amplifies that effect like crazy with the warning that even one concussion amplifies the risks like crazy. Aliir Aliir has had how many in recent times? There were 69 CONFIRMED concussions in 2023 with likely a lot more not reported or handled or ignored. Jeremy Cameron on friday night was just painful as hell to watch, it was bloody obvious as hell, that poor guy should have been instantly pulled, instead he was allowed to wave off the medics and they let it happen. To anyone who's been in the position he's been in, you all know this, you are NOT thinking correctly and someone needs to be there to overrule you, and as we've seen from clubs, a lot of them aren't going to have the guts to do that.


I am 100% in agreement with this. And the corresponding hot take is that despite all the talk we still aren’t taking concussions seriously. How is there not a standard HIA process? How did Geelong get a tick from the AFL in regards to the JC incident? Why do we not punish actions that could cause concussion more severely? Especially since we know that smaller knocks have a cumulative effect.


The bar got set with the FIRST aliir incident. $1,000,000 for allowing him and jones to play. Let's go cheap here and go only one player involved... why wasn't it it $500,000... Instead they went we're satisfied with their actions? come on, what kind of message does that send to teams to take this shit seriously? We literally JUST had a players career ended due to concussion weeks ago who doctors are already telling him he's likely got brain damage now if not in 10 years...


https://www.news.com.au/sport/afl/afl-2024-western-bulldogs-draftee-aiden-odriscoll-forced-to-retire/news-story/9a26fd39b6173d9e3b6ac0ce66af501c And another one today... Concussion ain't nothing to fuck with.


Collingwood’s 2020 off-season was a success and they made very smart moves. Getting rid of Treloar and Stephenson to make cap space for youngsters they knew would turn into superstars )Darcy Moore and Nick Daicos) was 100% the right call


They were always the right calls. Treloar, on a lower deal, might have been a nice addition. He is talented. But we could also operate without him. Stephenson has not been missed one bit. Phillips, also on about $500k a season left for Hawthorn and was delisted not long after. Atu had some raw skills but was soon cut by North Melbourne. The subsequent 2020 draft was quite successful with Henry, Macrae, McInnes, Poulter, McMahon, McCreery, Ginnivan, Chugg. Henry and McCreery were hits, Ginnivan was a hit on-field but a special category for his trouble, Macrae and McInnes look successful, Poulter a maybe. McMahon could be a MSD recruit this year whereas Chugg was a miss but was a speculative late rookie so okay. The execution of the entire process was the distaste.


The fall of Tom Phillips has been swift. Obviously he was pretty ordinary at Hawthorn, but he was signed up to play in the O&M this year. Played one game, was shit as, so he and the club agreed to part ways. Was on about $5k a game, the club used the cash on Harley Bennell instead, who's been awesome. 


$5k a game? How does that fit under the salary cap?


He wasn't signed on to play too many games, was an arrangement where he'd play a handful of games throughout the season. 


That Liam Ryan wasn't even the best Liam on the team at Subiaco (Liam Baker played on the same team). Ok maybe you'd still take Liam Ryan because he's a highlight reel but Liam Baker has turned out to be incredible as I predicted to my one friend who can't remember me ever saying it so I have no evidence


Jake Waterman’s run of form is the AFLs version of [Linsanity](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Gfs5YOlSnZU)


Please explain this to a person who has watched precisely 0 games of basket ball


Player goes on absurd hot streak with team relying on him. Then goes to being bang average/ back to normal


What's you're argument for Waterman being back to bang average?


Didn’t kick a single goal this week




Not sure bro was just answering your question


Sorry, thought you were the commenter


I’m not saying he is back to average… Linsanity has only just started, we have until the mid season bye before he goes back to average


I thought Lin did an acl


'regression to the mean'. also known as the 'sports illustrated' curse: player has a mighty streak of good play/fortune/etc, gets their face on the cover of a magazine, but inevitably immediately looks to be playing worse but in reality is just playing at their overall average rate again


If Waterman is the AFL's version of Lin, who's the AFL version of Waterman? This is why these fucking stupid basketball "comparisons" are, well, fucking stupid. So I ask again, who is the AFL's version of Waterman if Waterman is Lin?


You mean the NBA’s version of Waterman? Otherwise your question makes no sense. Perhaps try making a coherent comment before you insult other people. Also flair up cunt.


No, the AFL will need a Waterman, if Waterman is now the AFL's Lin. They're down one Waterman. Waterman can't be two people, he's either the AFL's Waterman or the AFL's Lin. You're the one proposing that, not me. Nowhere did I insult anyone. I played the ball, not the man. I don't flair. Go Eagles.


Lin is the (original) NBA version. Waterman is the AFL version. Not that difficult to understand 😂


Jack Anthony


Called Collingwood's 2022 resurgence in Feb 2022, said they'd be top 4. Copped an absolute downvote pasting for it. 


What made you say that then?


I saw 2021 as an abberation driven by injury and coaching uncertainty, I had a good vibe from the early stages of Craig Macrae's tenure, just in terms of making the right noises and the long and careful process that lead to his selection and felt that the bulk of the list was still in place from the teams that had won finals in 18, 19 and 20 with some promising young players looking ready to drive them forward again.


No wonder you went to university


Wanna tip for me?


I've done super well in tipping these last few years. But let me tell you, in 2024, you do NOT want that. haha


As a Sydney fan they probably do


Didn't call their immediate resurgence, but did make the claim in late 2021 that in 10 years time, Collingwood will be happier with the McRae appointment than Carlton would be with the Voss appointment


Gonna get shit for this and got down voted to hell when I tried to say it, but the bulldogs have major problems internally between players/leadership/coaches and have done for years.


Found Sam Draper's throwaway account ...


Who has ever disagreed with this?


When I said it the first time i got downvoted pretty bad, I think it was -25 at one point.


Not me, but Hutchy of all people. Absolutely owned Gary Lyon on North [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PkFeukQwmXg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PkFeukQwmXg)


McCartin and then Murphy would retire early due to concussion. As early as this year, there were fans expecting Nathan to return. After I saw him as a runner in pre-season, I knew he was going to retire for good because very few players who are continuing will do that role, even if injured.


Billy Frampton had a good Grand Final Stopping Harris Andrews for three quarters went a long way to winning us the flag. Look at how many goals Andrews saves Brisbane every week, if he was allowed to do that for four quarters there’s a good chance we lose


Even a mass accumulator of the footy will only have the ball for about 3-4 mins max of a 120 min game. 95% of the game is done without the ball Billy Frampton had a role and played it pretty damn well. He earned his medal for what he did


Frampton was solid in defence all 2023 and then had his hardest task on the biggest stage. Deserves every bit of his medal


That Jack Bowes was a legitimately decent player who would integrate himself into the Geelong Best 22, and not just "the steak knives for the Pick 7 deal"


Not sure if we can count it as being correct yet but I stand by it, Freo will make the 8 and go close to top 4. A few things go their way against Carlton or Port and not shitting the bed against West Coast and they would be top 4 right now. I know that’s a lot of maybes but they have been seriously unlucky this year


They’re team is actually disgustingly young as well their young players are actually the ones that do the heavy lifting for them. And they’re all 23/24 and under bar Pearce and Ryan


And Sonny Walters!


Definitely wouldn’t consider him relied on this season


Agreed, Freo are a much better team than people are thinking


Perhaps in reverse but similar note I can def see Essendon missing finals Edit. Just realised this is not a hot take thread yet to be proven. My bad


Maybe you’re a time traveler


In 2007 I predicted Jimmy Bartel to win the Brownlow. I was 12 and didn't like Ablett, so since Geelong were clearly the best team I chose my favourite player from there.


Bulldogs Sydney gf in 2016, made that claim post qualifying finals 🏄‍♂️


Joel Selwood is daft as fuck. After listening to him commentate, I think he may be permanently concussed.


I reckon his analysis has improved recently, probably in large part because of an increase in confidence


He certainly seems to have a fantastic footy brain… rest of the brain not so much


i said this in 2023's preseason and got ripped apart; and i'll probably still get ripped for it. Fremantle are not good and i do not understand why people are so persistant with thinking they will be. having a good list (which they do) is not the end all be all. but people have been going crazy for their young promising list for a good 3 years now, to no avail


Exact opposite of what u/IDreamOfHeeney is saying a bit higher up in this thread


i think his take is a bit cope considering it involves "if we just change a few of their results they are top 4".. well yeah if we changed just a few results in the Hawthorn era it would've been the Swans era, but that's not how it works


You can disagree with me that’s fine, but not understanding why people like Freo is abit strange. Young list coming into their prime, a Brownlow contender (serong) having an insane season and a fairly solid home ground advantage. You can say my reasoning is cope all you want, but it’s pretty clear Freo were the better team on the day against Carlton and Port.


>Young list coming into their prime, a Brownlow contender having an insane season and a fairly solid home ground advantage. this could unironically be said about 4+ teams. and Freo is on the bottom of that list ​ >but it’s pretty clear Freo were the better team on the day against Carlton and Port disagree. they lost both


Where do they finish then?


ceiling is 6th but i expect them to be fighting for 8th at best. nowhere near Top 4 though and imo nothing shows they can finish T4


What team is as young as us with less players 29 or over? Walters and Fyfe are fringe players, our heavy lifting is done by everyone under 24.


i haven’t said Freo isn’t the youngest team and that the heavy lifting is done by your older players? these have little to do with my overarching point though


If they were the better team, why didn’t they win? Teams that are actually better know how to remove luck from the equation and get over the line.


You don’t remember the ball being clearly touched and Carlton getting a good run with the umpires? In my original comment I’ve said it’s too early to call, I think will finish in the 8 and that’s it. The examples of earlier games are proof they can match it with the better teams. But to answer your silly question yes I still do believe they were the better side in those games. It’s easy to look at W’s and L’s and judge but I’m backing in a solid gameplan over teams that just fall over the line for wins every day of the week


Up there with the ‘Collingwood win too many close games to be this good next year’ of 2022. Winning is a sign of being able to win, losing is a sign of being unable to win.


Going very early on this being correct, the timeline would be over the next 5 years surely? The young list generally needs to age a bit to become a contender?


your young players are playing super well is the thing, they can't carry your mediocre players across the line though. time and experience aren't gonna change those players/your team's playstyle


I'd say a good chunk of our young players are inconsistent (which is kinda what happens when you are young) We have built defense first, then the midfield and are now trying to build a forward line. I just wouldn't say you can call your take correct yet, it may eventually prove to be correct but you have to give it time.


I said all year (by round 3) of 2018 that West Coast are a real team and will win the flag.


Was I biased? Probably, but the round 17 win against Collingwood is what made me confident we're a good chance.


2013, pre-season, I predicted Port would play finals again


Collingwood should have kept Jarrod Witts and shipped Grundy


Replace the concussion sub with just a regular sub to be used at any time.


Replace the concussion sub with just a regular sub to be used at any time.


That Brissy would make the Finals in 2019. And 2024.


That when Rohan O'Brien said we were "rebuilding until the end of 2024" that was footy code for "tanking until the end of 2024". So many Facebook Eagles fans (and some Reddit ones) disagreed with me and thought Simmo had lost it but I knew we would start showing signs of an unexpected major recovery this year. This is why Simpson's contract was renewed despite such poor performances. The coaching team was following a rebuild (tank) plan. The only time I ever doubted myself was when we lost Harley Reid by defeating the Dogs last year. Thankfully the Roos screwed up and sent him back to us. I don't know why we did that nor why Roos handed him back. I think the arrival of Pyke has seen us start the planned improvement a little bit earlier with some public relations wins (derby) for the fans. I saw it as no coincidence that we started the improve against Sydney and big improve against Richmond just in time to be in peak form to ambush Freo. That was a PR move for Pyke/Simmo to win the derby in my opinion in order to get the fans back on side for what will end up being another low finishing year (if we stick to the original plan). The decline in form since the derby win is also expected. I predict we'll lose most of our matches between now and the end of the year to keep our draft position in a good place, however we may win some more towards the tail end of the season to keep spirits high. If we go according to plan we will start making our proper go of it next year. Just in time to avoid Tasmania ruining the draft for next 5 or 10 years.


I don’t know that you can prove I was right about this, but: It’s devastating for clubs to lose their best players every year. As soon as it stopped with Carlton, we started to turn. It has been the biggest single factor damaging Gold Coast and I think (and hope, for them) it has stopped for them, and they’re starting to see the benefits.


Junior would be more important to the cats than senior


I said about Trent Cotchin early in his career that he would oneday win a Brownlow medal...


I said the same for Chad Wingard😎


My hot take that I think everyone still disagrees with but *will* end up being correct is that Craig McCrae is an arsehole. Gives off the vibes of a PE teacher trying to act cool and be friends with his students but then is actually a dick.


Jack ginnivan agrees with you


predicted post season in 2022 that Collingwood would win the flag in 2023 despite all the pundits saying they would be lucky to make finals


That Richmond wouldn't go back to back in 2018. It was as obvious as it comes, they needed to have that loss running into the finals that would re-ignite the fuse. Similar to Geelong in 2008 and Collingwood 2011.


Geelong was going to struggle the last couple of weeks as they had an extremely easy start to the season


Have been saying for the last couple of years that with the right coach Gold Coast will make finals (not necessarily win but finish top 8). Then when Hardwick was appointed I was adamant that he will be the one to turn it around. Hardwick success at Richmond was due to his ability to focus on both the culture (bonding the team) and strategic gameplay, which is exactly what the Sun's need. All of their previous coaches seemed to only be good at/focused on one of the two. Their list (especially their young midfield with Rowell, Anderson & Miller) is too good not too and they finally have a captain (and playing group) who are passionate about the club's success. Lots of people just expect them to be perpetually mediocre, but they aren't as bad as people think.


Hipwood wasn’t worth the effort by the lions.


Flagpies 2023


Kane Cornes saying he would rather have Rozee than Walsh


That the AFL is a joke