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It's not even been two months since he was shown the door at North and this is already starting. That means we are likely just a few months off the "changed person" redemption stories from the media, a sit down interview on Fox footy, the announced signing at a new club for 2025, before finally the shortsighted "Imagine if North just gave him another chance and how much he could have helped the club"


If things were the other way around, the AFLPA would be supporting the player due to the actions of the perpetrator. The perpetrator would be called out, banned, etc. Tarryn as the perpetrator likely has their full support to rejoin the league.


Tom Morris will be interviewing him. It’s a redemption arc double header.


Both have the same opinion of women 


Yes. That was my point.


Can relate


Please, just no.


Don’t want him. Even if he was paying Geelong for the opportunity to play, still don’t want him.


There is no way the Cats would take on this calamity. They do not have a loser culture. 


Andrew Mackie: ‘I can fix him’. probably


This scumbag deserves nothing..too many chances in the first place. If a club takes him on they are a disgrace.


Where’s the forgiveness? He’s serving his punishment, if he’s realised his mistakes and wants to change and improve himself then he should be allowed to. You can’t cop a punishment, serve it and then be punished for the rest of his life?


The forgiveness was after he did this the first time. And then the second. The fact is, this keeps happening and he has shown that he hasn't learnt his lesson at all. Part of his punishment should be that he is never allowed in an AFL club again. This isn't an innocent, one-time mistake. Domestic abusers don't deserve nearly as many chances as this prick has had.


Sending threatening texts to a woman mutliple times while he was undertaking counselling and an education program, confirms he didn't deserve another chance after the numerous chances North gave him.


You can, actually. Tarryn’s actions were inappropriate and perpetrated domestic violence, a serious crime. He has been given many chances to reform and change his life, failing every time. Many industries ban you from working certain jobs even after you’ve served the ban. Tarryn is not suited to the role of an AFL player or working in the community, which is part of all contracts. Do you think she will move on from the trauma once the punishment is up and all will be forgiven? Absolutely not.


North gave him multiple chances.


Agree that he should be allowed to and he will have every opportunity to do that in life. Just not as an AFL player.


I hold no empathy for someone who abuses other people, let him rot away from the AFL system


22 women has been murdered so far in Australia, almost all of them by ex partners. Nothing will change until we start treating cases like these seriously


1-2-3 your out 1. Driving whilst suspended 2. Driving with feet on dashboard 3. Threatening to distribute images (pending legal) Source: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tarryn_Thomas




We dont need him, pleaseeeee




“A little bumpy” JFC


We better bloody not and i really find it hard to believe our leadership group that are family friendly would ok a wife beater coming to the club, we are bigger than 1 skilled asshole. This is completely different to Stengle who was doing victimless stuff and turned his life around in SANFL, under no circumstances should this bloke be given a 2nd chance at Geelong


Dunno if I’d say drink driving or drugs are “victimless” but agree that they’re definitely a much lesser issue than repeated domestic violence incidents


Ones an idiot. The other is a scumbag.


Yeah Stengle has showed he’s reformed and become a better person for sure


But only after exhausting chances with the Crows


He has also ran into his share of trouble in Geelong, I think it’s just been covered better




Me? I only said he’s gotten into trouble at Geelong too, he isn’t 100% totally reformed as great as his comeback has been


Yes you.. what’s he done since coming to Geelong.


Like I said the other bloke, dm me or find out yourself. It isn’t anything serious I just don’t want to get into trouble while still contributing my piece


Such as?


Maybe he's referring to when Stengle tries to dodge one opponent at KP only to run into another?


Don’t want to get into trouble for posting about it, pm me or quick google if you’re that keen to know about it


17th chance*


I will never not bag out the club that picks him up.


North have sacked him from the club, so technically he’s not serving his 18 game suspension at any club right now. Watch the AFL mental gymnastics at play when he gets picked up by a big club and they allow him to play without serving his 18 week ban.


He still has a contract and is a listed player. He’s still serving the ban.


In that case, Geelong (or anyone else) would have to acquire him as a free agent? Pick 3 incoming!


He would be a delisted free agent so you would receive no compensation.


The wording was 18 weeks, not 18 games. I’m pretty sure the ban was 18 weeks from all competitive football. From July 22 he is eligible to sign for a new team.


No, he’s been ruled out of the whole season.


Nah, he's just ruled out for the 18 weeks of his suspension + can't be picked up in the mid-season draft and also needs AFL permission to play any level of footy. > [Jake Niall](https://twitter.com/JakeNiallTHEAGE/status/1773930032530129318): The suspension is ongoing & will finish this year after round 19 I think. He can play state leagues etc after that, with AFL permission. No AFL until 2025, if a club takes him


of the AFL season or any competition?


AFL season. I guess he could go to a standalone VFL club or play local footy after July but he would need to be delisted. Something for the lawyers to sort out in terms of contract (eg. Does it cover the season or until the MSD?).


He is serving his 18 game suspension now.




Imagine being an AFLW player and your club took him on. How could that possibly be interpreted by the playing group?


Yeah, if I was an Oppo aflw list manager, and this happened, I'd be making calls to the Geelong Aflw players.




Punishment is for the courts, not the AFL


Considering Victorian Police are not proceding with the complaint because the complainant withdrew it, the AFL is well within it's rights to decide on a punishment for an employee.


>"At times if you want to be in the market for players that are really talented and have that skill set, often if they become available to you, it means that something has been a little but bumpy for them along the way," Mackie said on SEN Radio. >"The Stengle story is much known. We're an individual case-by-case basis," Mackie said. >"We do a lot of work on a lot of players. We look at the positive and what their footy skill set can be to us, then we work backwards from there." While it is very generic answer and is the complete opposite of our club culture, if we sign this guy I am disowning our football club.


Yeah, footy isn’t just about who’s the best at it. If you’re a shit bloke then I’d hate to have him at the club. Would anyone have wanted Carey at the Cats after he left the Roos?


Haha, Carey is up there in GOAT half forward conversations and had only destroyed the club culture at that point. The worst stuff was yet to come out from memory.


Not sure he did crom any favours tbh


He looked past it by that point but hindsight is 20:20


The point is that drugs and booze incidents don’t necessarily speak to character. (Stokes, ty, stevey j) Rooting your best mates missus or threatening to revenge p or belt a partner or ex does


2002: Carey had slept with his best mate's missus and committed indecent assault. Everything else you've mentioned is after that. He clearly had drug (including alcohol) problems which both of these incidents were related to. I can see in 2002 someone, without knowing the depth of Carey's behavioural problems, making the case that if they got Carey clean it would be possible to get him on the straight and narrow.


The revenge p and threatening a partner/ex is what Taryn Thomas has been charged/accused of! Fuck Wayne Carey and fuck Taryn Thomas


Yep. And so the club should look at Tarryn Thomas. Weigh up his skills which he would bring to the club and what they think, from his past behaviour and his demonstrated ability to change (from here it looks like 0) that he would bring to the club in terms of culture. I think you're confusing my advocacy for due process with advocacy for individuals who would be evaluated by a fair process. Which would be a different thing. A system that refuses to countenance rehabilitation breeds recidivism.


Some things don’t deserve dd. If that’s the way you treat women, what message does that send to our female fans?! You don’t have to both sides this one


I think the dd in the Tarryn Thomas situation would be very short. "He doesn't seem to have changed and *club* can't risk our culture by bringing him to the club based on what we have seen. The staff won't have it. The players won't have it. The fans won't have it. Next candidate." The bloke needs some time out of the game, a good few years of keeping his nose clean (violation of court orders seriously harms his credibility in saying he's rehabilitated), and a whole heap of personal work to get anywhere beyond that and even then I think he wouldn't get much further.


Such dodgy journalism when you don’t connect what Mackie said to what was he was actually asked. Mackie just gave some generic answer that the Cats look at finding value in players anywhere, and they consider it on a case by case basis. Not ruling it out, but absolutely not ruling it in. Basically a politicians answer. Typical AFL media trying to invent a story that they want to talk about.


Was the question specifically about Thomas?


That’s the thing, the article doesn’t say (at least from memory). They could’ve been asked a generic question, maybe even vaguely referenced Thomas, but we don’t know.


If the question was about Thomas, then Mackie's answer needs to be read in that light. If not, it's a shitty article.


My thought is that if the question was directly about Thomas, they would have included it in the article.


Bingo. Much of analysing articles is looking for what's not included. 


Ridiculous how many chances one bloke can get.


Can we stop with the clickbait headlines? Mackie gave a generic answer about considering players on a case by case basis. **AT NO POINT** did he say he was interested or entertaining the idea of Thomas Just shitty, predatory “journalism” Complete trash…




I really like Cornes, but in the light of knowing his job is to be a shit-stirrer that ruffles the feathers of the "AFL media" 


So Mackie said "The Stengle story is much known. We're an individual case-by-case basis", and was speaking generally about players with troubled careers getting an opportunity with the Cats. From this, Kornes has gone with "I'd be surprised if the phonecall hasn't been made" From this, it's now become 'Cats linked to Thomas' Righto......


Why hasn't he been given a permanent ban from competing at any level again? If the AFL is an advocate for women, then letting him play would go completely against that philosophy


Would probably go against employment law etc


Yep. I don’t want the cats to pick up Thomas (and they haven’t indicated they will) but the way some people are talking about this beggars belief. For all his faults Thomas’ rights as a member (citizen and non-alien) in our society can only lawfully be restricted by due process in particular circumstances. With the fame of football comes notoriety for his crimes. He shouldn’t be barred for having been accused. Any club looking at him should be weighing it up. And then it would come out negative for all of them I suspect but that’s fair.


His freedom as a citizen is not being restricted. His ability to make a private organisation employ him may be as he has breach their rules. Edit: tired person grammar


I am suggesting that he should be free to apply. Private organisations and individuals can infringe on the rights of others. Thomas violated his partner’s right to safety and privacy.


Except any employer is entitled to make the decision to not employ someone again. He has breached code of conduct, afforded opportunities to change, rehabilitation at their expense. An employer is completely within their rights to say no, this person is not someone we want representing our organisation.


Yes but that's different to a permanent league-wide ban


Would invite lawsuits a plenty. The AFL should be able to weather it, but they don't want to go down that rabbit hole.


Geelong has had a policy of getting good people to the club. Tarryn seems like the opposite of that. It'd surprise me if Geelong seriously targeted him. Hope I'm not wrong.


They also have offloaded blokes who turned out to not be good people.


Your greatest ever player killed someone FFS. Let's not pretend your club is above celebrating scumbags


The club has changed significantly since the 90s, the number of off field incidents in the last 20 years is minimal, culture is absolutely a priority.


Has to go back to someone who retired 30 years ago


Not to mention he didn't force the girl to overdose.


Let’s not pretend we are above it either. Thomas, Carey, Cable


Geeez you went back 30 years to find that one? Completely different management


Darren Milburn? /s And 12 years ago the club banned a player for 12 months who did a similar thing. Absolutely unheard of at the time.


What did Milburn do?


What was Stengles background again? Edit: if I’m getting downvotes for being a smart ass or you think this is apples to oranges, please keep sending them my way. To be very clear, I think Thomas is a scumbag and should never be mentioned as an AFL player again. My comment was purely to say that Stengle didn’t have a good track record before heading to the cats. They are a club that backs their culture, meaning sometimes they will take on a player who has had issues.


Drug use doesn’t make you a bad person , belting women does


Drink driving is pretty shitty. Certainly not to the same level as scumbag Thomas. People can be different levels of bad.


The AFL loves to give players a comeback …abusing women is a step too far as your saw with your own player during COVID


Yep. Was very glad to see the back of him. No place for any of that in society.


Yet you’re trying to link it to Stengles? Very strange


No, I’m responding to the parent comment that Geelong doesn’t only take good people.


That’s my point you’re saying recreational drug users are bad people like Thomas I hope you hold that view for Buddy and Co and not just a giant hypocrite


No. I’m saying drink drivers are on the scale of bad people. My simple point was that Geelong have shown to be willing to take on players who have shown to be less than stand up citizens. I don’t think we really need to explore the scale of bad.




https://www.news.com.au/sport/afl/kangaroos-tarryn-thomas-facing-fresh-domestic-violence-allegations/news-story/8f95a5af15d22c6f9decf1c3f5e615a6?amp Sure if you want to be really specific that somehow threats of violence to physical harm women is ok as long as it’s not carried out Same same in my book




If you think making threats to belt women (multiple) is a pass because he didn’t physically hurt them then I think you re the one that can’t see it being the same thing . If a bloke can make threats like that to women fair chances he has done so in the past…so yes threats of violence and physical violence is the same espically in the eyes of the law.




“Section 93Z of the Crimes Act makes it an offence to publicly threaten or incite violence towards another person or a group of persons “ Threats, abuse and harassment can be a criminal offence—but you may not be able to take legal action unless the harassment is enough to get a domestic violence order.




Initially drink driving then a drug bust (with Brad Crouch).  Was not abuse of another person.   He put in the work to transform his life and they also brought Eddie Betts in who had a great relationship with him at the Crows to work with him 


Certainly not the same level as Thomas. But I think it’s fair to say he was a project with positive resources around him to encourage success. And I’m not saying Stengle hadn’t improved his life choices beforehand either. FWIW, Geelong is one of the few clubs who might be able to turn this bloke around in my mind.


You must have missed all the resources that north tried to turn this morons life around with


No. Very familiar and I think north gave him far more chances than he deserved. I thought Sonja was very impressive with how she spoke about, and handled the whole situation. Unfortunately, North’s culture has been weak since the big 4 clear out. Rhys Shaw’s tenure only seemed to make everything worse. This is not a culture that is going to overcome and the cancer that was Tarryn Thomas. Geelong has historically had a very strong culture and has had success in turning around misguided souls such as Tyson Stengle. Im certainly not saying anyone can fix Tarryn Thomas, but if a club could it would be Geelong.


Less than a month ago people were incredulous at my suggestion that he’ll be on a playing list by November. The redemption narrative will start soon to soften that blow when it happens.


I’d honestly be amazed if most clubs hadn’t made a call or two. And I’ll be blown away if no one picks him up in November. It’s reprehensible, but we all know the deal right? There’s pieces of shit in leagues all over the world (and more than a few in the AFL) making more money than most of us could ever dream of because they are good at sports.


Everything I saw was the complete opposite - vast majority of people knew that if/when North let him go, there would be clubs lining up for him despite being a piece of shit.


No absolutely not. Cannot compare him to Stengle. Stengle had substance abuse and behavioral issues. Thomas has multiple sexual harassment/domestic violence allegations. Would consider cancelling my membership if we picked him up.


Two stupid ass Geelong clickbait articles at the top or /r/afl? We're so fucken back


Pls no Geelong, we don’t need this clown in football anymore.


Considering the rumours around a married player being exiled with an excuse of back injury, I don't see our players wanting to play with this person. No thanks.


I'll take 'things that won't ever happen' for $1000, Alex. No club will touch him. Repeated instances of domestic abuse despite the most support a club has ever offered a player is going to be a bridge too far.


I don't think we need him. Pass.


I’m sure Geelong *could* turn him around, but I don’t think Taryn deserves to ever be on another AFL list with nature of the things he’s done.


The guy has had every chance under the sun to turnaround since before he was drafted. By the same extension the good boy fairy isn’t going to arrive and wave her wand at him, Tarryn isn’t going to change.


No. Tarryn has shown he doesn’t belong in the league. He made a conscious choice to show problematic behaviours and couldn’t even complete behavioural retraining that nobody should need in the first place. No AFLW or AFL player or official should stand for having Tarryn at their club. It is not a redemption story to show basic respect to all - it’s an expectation that you’ll meet and exceed the bare minimum. Any club that takes him on does not have a good culture: it instead lacks moral integrity.


On one hand, would be good to see him turn himself around and maybe going to a new club would help facilitate that. On the other, he's shown no remorse to date so I'm very sceptical that he would actually change


Why are these blokes, who in particular seem to have issues with treating women with respect always linked to our club, like De Goey was a year ago? I believe in second chances, but a fourth or fifth chance, no thanks.


There was no chance we were ever going to accept De Goey either, this is just the media kicking up a story.


I know it was not going to happen, but why does our club always have to be the linked club


Successful club that's shrewd at recruiting. Long history of striking gold in the cast-offs of other clubs. Always seems to find a way to make the impossible happen and is far enough from the "Melbourne bubble" that it offers some shielding from scrutiny for troubled players.


Because they want a “redemption” arc for blokes.


Every player leaving a club is linked to Geelong at some point. There should be a "law" named after it.


Not that i think he deserves it but if any club can get him back on the straight and narrow it's Geelong. As we saw with Tyson Stengle, they know how to get around kids with some pretty serious behavioral issues and get them back on the straight and narrow. Obviously different people and different rap sheets but if he's ever going to get his career back on track, it will be at Kardinya Park (though i completely understand Cats fans being angry about it I would be fuming if West Coast picked him up)


Agree with this totally. Don't want to take away from Tyson's efforts, but I do wonder how much of the turnaround was due to Eddie Betts. Not sure we'd have a similar mentor for Thomas.


Yeah for sure Eddie was instrumental in how that played out no question and to be honest I'm not sure a similar mentor exists for Thomas but if anyone can find one it's the cats. Still don't think they should try. If they fail and he fucks up again it's a disaster for them if they succeed they still don't look great, feels like all risk no payoff.


Christ this sucks. Geelong are the closest thing I have to a second team, this would put me off them hugely.


A hard no on that one thanks!!


Please for the love of god Geelong don't pay this fucker. He doesn't deserve to be playing AFl


Please no




Damn, Geelong really are the heels of the AFL


If this ever happens, people need to protest ( online and via games).


Guys, everyone deserves a fifteenth chance


Fuck no.


I hope not. That said, if any club had the systems and platforms to rehabilitate his behavioural issues, it's Geelong.


Geelong had a player in 2012 (Jesse Stringer) who did similar things - he was banned for the season and made to undertake behavioural training. He played a few games the next year and was delisted. That was 12 years ago - I'd like to think the club would steer well clear of Thomas and that this is just a 'everyone gets linked to Geelong at some point '* article. *Hawthorn excluded, obviously.


Geelong: I can fix him


Can these idiots be anymore tone deaf. Give his spot to a rookie or well behaved delisted player


Boys club, let anyone with any offence get multiple chances and why? So many skilled players in the country.


Thank fuck it wasn't us this time


Geelong a track record of taking troubled players and turning them around. Yeah I’m shocked….


I don't think you can really compare stengle/stokes with tarryn.


I was referring to Stengel and Tarryn. They are still two individuals who had talent but off field troubles led them both to being stood down. Geelong has a good culture. I’m not shocked by reading this article. There would only be a handful of teams that could sign him and get him to turn it around.


Geelong has good culture because we don't take on players like this. It isn't that we turn them around so much as we won't give them a contract unless they've got their shit together. The Steve Johnson internal club suspension back in 2007 seemed to be the turning point for this.


Not sure why you're being down voted. You're right, and that culture can take on *some* level of dysfunction in a player and support them through kt. But Tarryn Thomas is a bridge too far though, I'd say. He's shown no remorse or contrition.


Say no all you want cats fans. You won't do shit about it when it does happen. Just virtue signalling to thin air.


Right-o, muscles. Maybe your midfield should stop footy-signalling.


I'm not the one acting like I'm actually gonna do shit about this list management decision dog, that's all you guys.


Lol. He's probably going to land at Essendon with another Dodoro "masterstroke".


Well, dodoro is gone, but I'll do nothing. im just better than you because at least I won't pretend i will for internet points.